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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Humza's fingerprints are all over this, he started the ball rolling and made an appeal for support to maintain/increase momentum. Here is a fact. If you are a Nationalist in Scotland and an election is a matter of several weeks ahead, there is no better look than being seen to actively sink the boot into Rangers and Rangers supporters. Further, it has removed the Sturgeon/Salmond spat from the front pages. I note a prospective candidate for the SNP in East Lothian, Paul McLennan(a Hibby) has accused Rangers(the club) of having, "blood on it's hands).. McLennan has over egged a rancid pudding, gone too far. We know this because he has deleted the Tweet. Maybe someone at SNP HQ chided Paul because of his choice of words? It could be pointed out the Scottish Government allowed the Edinburgh based Nike Conference to go ahead, allowing the initial spread, it could be pointed out the Scottish Government emptied Hospital wards of bed blockers, put them all into Care Homes, taking the virus with them, it could be pointed out ............ etc. Reference Humza, remember the official inquiry into the loss of all evidence against nine members of the Green Brigade, charged with hanging two effigies from the north stand at Celtic Park? They all appeared at court, all pled not guilty, all required to return some two months later. In that several week period the PF Office lost ALL EVIDENCE against nine folks. Two years and no report. Come on Humza, what will occur first, your inquiry will be published or Derek MacKay will stop taking a wage from Holyrood?
  2. Society is the beneficiary. That particular piece of glass is the window into the soul of darkness.
  3. Tommy and I? Yesterday, I watched ra Sellik huff and puff around Tannadice. The newly appointed interim manager, John Kennedy looked quietly terrified as he walked along the track at half time. Like me, I suspect he had seen enough. The wife announced her intent to create a seafood pasta, linguini vongole. I decided to head out for an appetite improving perambulation. We all have individual and collective memories of the Journey, on the cusp of securing the title, I decided to take the car to the West End Park. After the Empire Exhibition of 1901, the West End Park was renamed, 'Kelvingrove Park'. Whatever the name, it's where our club was founded. Those teenagers from Clyder, Roseneath, and Garelochead had moved to Gibson Street by their mid-teens, apprenticeships and study were the means. They trained on the slopes of the park, running from the river up towards Park Circus. Such was their enthusiasm, they trained six days and nights a week and became known as, 'The Moonlighters'. The final whistle blew in Dundee as I alighted from the car in Park Quad. I follow followed in the footsteps of Moses et al, as I headed down Hill Sixty towards the Highland Light Infantry Memorial. I passed fellow bears, holding mobiles aloft to film detonating fireworks. There was a Police presence, pairs were approaching folks and inquiring of reasoning for being in the park in groupings? I turned right and walked along the river towards the Gibson Street bridge. I remembered Glebe Park, traveling to the Ramsdens Cup tie, not knowing if the SFA had granted the club the necessary license. Brechin topiary gave way to hospitality at Peterhead. Four of us journeyed to the Blue Toon and sat in front of half-a-dozen dandies, who kept up a steady stream of vile abuse. Receiving no reaction, they quickly resorted to Disaster ditties. We maintained discipline, even as Kevin Kyle equalised in injury time, we applauded politely. I had concluded polite applause was so yesterday when I exited from under the bridge, into the Kelvinbridge Subway car park. There was more of a crowd milling, apparently the Subway had been suspended? Two Coppers approached and asked my intent? As the pyro' increased, I assured them I was not intent on using the Underground. The older Copper asked if I was celebrating? I told him I was, "very much so". He smiled, his partner scowled; so I elaborated, "it's Brother Tommy's fifty-fifth birthday today". The chorus was, "WHIT"? I informed them of Tommy Sheridan and departed with, "up the Workers"! As I headed back to the car and my Sunday repast, I wondered why Brother Tommy had not regaled his 55th with a celebratory video?
  4. Today. BBC Scotland has constructed a raft of cross political opinion. Gary Robertson led the narrative, John Swinney(SNP), Alison Johnstone(Greens), Wullie Rennie(LibDems), Douglas Ross(Conservative) and Anas Sarwar(Labour) were all asked a first question to condemn both club and support. Moral leverage reference funerals, visitation rules, NHS workers, ......... etc was liberally exploited. Gary Robertson comes from Elgin, I do not know his footballing allegiance? Sandra White MSP(SNP) and Ross Greer(Greens) demanded more from Police Scotland. They do not specify how much more, but I suspect baton charges and water cannon would suffice? Calum Steele(Police Federation and Sellik supporter) has recovered from his post Scottish Cup final(2016) comments ie Rangers supporters were throwing their children under police vehicles to stop them responding; to mitigate for the Polis. you see, BBC Scotland can play objectivity when it suits them. Inviting Frankie, and I know of two others who have been invited to appear(like Frankie, both have refused), just means they are still trying to appear objective. We are several weeks out from a Holyrood election, kicking Rangers and Rangers supporters, even better being seen to kick Rangers and Rangers supporters is a good political look in Scotland. As always, BBC Scotland are just as anxious to be seen to facilitate the kicking.
  5. BBC Scotland have split the frequencies today. Rob McLean and Pat Bonner have been relegated to the medium wave(810) providing live commentary. I think this is the first time this season that the football has been consigned to the lesser listened to frequency? Strange, given PQ CSC's strap line is, "all the action, from the first whistle to the last". It appears it's low key at Pacific Quay. Where's Chris?
  6. Ever worked with the RAF? We must be thankful, we relied on the recipients of the Brylcreem Bounce to take us to our work. They all posses an Azure Blue Card, if the sky does not match, they don't fly. Crab Air are well named. Now, at this point, an honourable exception is made for the RAF Regiment. The Rockapes are the RAF infantry, in the way Bootnecks are to the Royal Navy. The collective noun used for all of these chaps, is a homage to their collective strong suit, 'the falling plates'.
  7. Wullie Miller was born and bred in Bridgeton. Those that schooled with him agree, he was a Rangers supporter. In saying that, he has utilised the platform provided by BBC Scotland on several occasions to give thanks for his perception of good fortune. He was signed by Aberdeen on an S Form and resided in Aberdeen from the age of 15 years. His continual conditioning is such, he happily tells of being removed from the pressures of sectarianism. Reference Roy Greenslade and the Guardian's apology to Mairia Cahill, there is a grouping of arch feminists who would normally be storming the barricades over such treatment handed out to sister, quite rightly so. However, the likes of Lesley Riddoch, Anna Smith, Jeanette Findlay, Angela Haggerty, ...... etc have said? You will find the answer at the centre of a dougnut. Actually, you'll find the majority of those gals have homes/holiday homes in the same coastal Donegal village as Roy.
  8. Sky Sports have just shown a clip of Ian Maxwell saying, "the SFA will be taking no action on Celtic's trip to Dubai". I am concerned about the SFA's Mrs Mopps, how can they vacuum the carpets when they are so bumpy?
  9. These last 20 years, Welsh has moved around his homes in Dublin, Chicago, and New York. The last dozen years has seen him increasingly rely on Script Writing.
  10. In a week where Rangers might win their first Championship in a decade, who is the Big Cheese talking to on his Podcast? The purveyor of Comedic Exaggeration, utiliser of the 'Sticky Bun' for fun, and desperately wants to see a machete chop up Alfredo Morelos. It's Irvine Welsh. Come on Graham, how long do we have to wait for Roy Greenslade, Phil McFournames, and Matt McGlone?
  11. Continuity? If you look through these pages, you'll read examples of a lack of continuity at BBC Scotland. Let's take a game at Pittodrie on a Wednesday evening nearly three years past. Aberdeen were awarded a penalty after a Morelos challenge/clearance. On BBC Radio Scotland's Sportsound, the Host, Richard Gordon, the Commentator, Liam McLeod, and the added colour, Wullie Miller; all in no doubt, a clear penalty. Sky TV showing the game live were also in no doubt, never a penalty. Just before Midnight, Sportscene aired and the panel including James McFadden agreed with Sky. Embarrassment all round and a lack of continuity. I remember Big Dick and Liam McLeod being at pains to provide the mitigation of detachment, hosting and commentating from the broadcast platform above their fellow Dandies in the South Stand. You can imagine the conflict of coordination meetings, accusations of one grouping feeling they had been held out to dry by colleagues in another means? At the beginning of last season, the new Producer of Sportscene, Eamonn Donohoe hit upon the new continuity, the same analyst would appear on both Sportsound and Sportscene, step forward Michael Stewart. Of course, as Rangers supporters, we knew Mikey would use Sportscene as a pulpit. he would utilise the Edited screen to reinforce his radio comments. I think the tipping point arrived when Mikey took a dozen week sojourn to ra Sellik TV. Mikey is renaissance man, he can do it all. Constantly calling on the Compliance Officer to take action against Alfredo Morelos and Rangers("I don't like the way Rangers do things as a club") does not look objective whilst being remunerated by Sellik TV. I am sue Eamonn pointed this out? Certainly, Cosgrove was exasperated by Mikey's closer ties with green'n'grey vision, too obvious. Last night, Liam McLeod was commentating and Michael and Shelley Kerr provided colour on BBC Scotland's Sportsound. When Alfie hit the plastic after being brought down in the box, both Liam and Michael congratulated the Referee, John Beaton. No penalty and a yellow card flashed at Morelos for simulation. Shelley was not so sure. Sky TV disagreed, Walker called the penalty and reprimanded Beaton for issuing the caution. In fact, Andy Walker offered Alfie's lack of complaint as a sign of growing maturity. Remember last week, the entire Belgian media eulogised Morelos for his sportsmanship, being through on goal but kicking the ball out of play because the Antwerp defender had pulled a hamstring. This week, a specific part of the Scottish media(the national broadcaster) remained in their comfort zone, Alfie is a cheat. At half time, BBC were hearing of Sky's comments. Liam told of Stewart attempting to view a video of the Morelos-penalty incident on his mobile phone. It remained unclear. Gerrard had been red carded over an exchanged of views with Beaton as the teams left the field at the break. The state of betwix and between continued at full time. Michael had invented a period of several seconds where the Ref' looked to his Linesman for guidance, before issuing the card. Liam McLeod agreed with Mikey as Shelley Kerr began to disagree. Sportscene aired at 23.30hrs, three and a half hours after the completion of play in Livingston. How did the continuity play out? Liam had bugged out, Jane Lewis Hosted. Shelley Kerr remained constant to her radio views. Michael shifted from foot to foot and concluded, "Noting the positioning of the Officials, it was the wrong decision on Morelos. It probably was a penalty, but not one you can castigate the officials for". Michael did not advise on an appeal for an incorrectly administered caution. Eamonn will have to work harder on continuity. The maintenance of continuous action and self-consistent detail in a broadcast does not work when Michael Stewart watches Rangers.
  12. I think the most poignant place for a socially distanced celebration is the large space in front of BBC Scotland's HQ at PQ. Balloons, party hats, streamers, fireworks, candy floss, Hot Digity Dogs, a burning at the stake, Viking Funerals on the river, ................................ etc. The best thing, we are all in situ' for the Chris McLaughlin conducted VoxPop.
  13. David Martindale has began his BBC Radio Scotland full time interview with Jane Lewis saying, "A sore one to take, but we got lucky in the first half. I've seen the incident back and it was a penalty". Both Liam McLeod and Michael Stewart should listen.
  14. Gerrard is complaining to Beaton for blowing up for half time, after Aribo had been chopped on the edge of the box. I suspect the incorrect decision to caution Morelos for simulation and not award a penalty has increased the Gaffer's ire, but the initial anger has come from the half time blow.
  15. Preston and Privilege. Better late than never. Saturday's Off the Ball had Allan Preston as the guest. He played for St Johnstone and Coached Livi', thus given the next da's League Cup final, appropriate. The most interesting thing about Allan is his nickname, 'Biscuits'. After he revealed his support was for the Perthshire Saints, Cosgrove began to butter the Preston biscuit. His resolve stiffened, Allan erupted with, "if Saints win the cup tomorrow, then they are Scotland's second most successful club in the last decade". Cosgrove was the recipient of further reward when Allan questioned, "what have the rest of Scottish football been doing"?I thought Stuart would have answered, 'Rangers have been standing on the sidelines, raging and beeling'. However, Allan was too quick, "Gerrard has only won one trophy in seven". I would have thought the figure would be one in eight, but probably, I know as much as Players' Agent, Allan Preston has signed on at Ibrox? This was the full triple oven baked Biscotti, "Neil Lennon is a legend, as a player and a manager". Again, I thought Cosgrove will put him right on the well documented claims of misogynistic bullying against Lennon, this is new, modern Scotland? Allan changed (hard)tack, Livingston's manager David Martindale was worthy of Manager of the Year. Rehabilitation was thick in the broadcast air, on the understanding Cosgrove will not be extending it to Nathan Patterson("a H-u-n and typical orange wanker"). Biscuits line about Saints success in the last decade was such a good line that Chris McLaughlin used it on four separate broadcast occasions. Once each live on radio and TV on Sunday at the conclusion of the final, and again once each on the same means on Monday lunchtime bulletins. Allan provided a comfort blanket for the entire PQ Gang Hut. Rangers supporters will have to rely on Gerrard's European success these last three years, to keep us warm? Today's Daily Record carries a front page of the Governor of Glenochil Prison, Forbes McKillop and line Manager at Cornton Vale, Brian Wallace photographed in a three household gathering to watch their beloved St Johnstone win the League Cup. Serious stuff, no social distancing, no masks, and no decorum. There will be consequences because as the Record put it, "this is a classic case of somebody preaching one set of rules to people and living by another". It screams PRIVILEGE! Talking of privilege, down PQ way there exists a Broadcaster who has already boasted this season, "I have not missed a second of St Johnstone playing live this season, mainly at the behest of BBC Scotland engineers". Cosgrove did not miss a second of Sunday's League Cup final either, mainly at the behest of BBC Scotland's Director, Steve Carson. This wasn't the Gang Hut sneaking Stuart and Tam into Fir Park for the Off the Ball Derby earlier in the season, no this was the result of a rescheduling of the running order. Sunday's Off the Ball was curtailed to a one hour show, ending at 2 O'Clock. This allowed Cosgrove to get over to Hampden to co-commentate for saints TV. All other PQ staff should demand similar privilege. We can ponder as to why Cosgrove is so special? It could be those lunches with SPFL Chair, Neil Doncaster at Gamba, it could be those hours as Sarah Leyden on the Rangers Tax Case Blog, or because he is such a big Toady. I hope those rumours of Steve Carson and family utilising a BIG Hoose for rent in Sri Lanka are not true? The best bit is Cosgrove in Monday's Dundee Courier lionising Saints victory as a triumph for every Schemie(Stuart was raised in Letham, Perth). I bet both Forbes McKillop and Brian Wallace know more about Schemies than Cosgrove. What Scheme is Stuart's BIG Hoose in amid Sri Lanka's beautiful scenery? We will end with a nice piece of symmetry. Remember Preston's plea for Martindale to be Manager of the Year? By Monday evening, he had changed tune. Callum Davidson winning a trophy in his first season is now, more worthy of consideration. even Gerrard couldn't do it.
  16. Roy Greenslade deserves his own thread, it should run and run. As JohnMc has alluded, Greenslade intervened when Jum Spence and his wife, out for an evening stroll, had a Rangers supporter shout abuse at them from across the road. Jum was traumatised, and reported the incident to the Police. Several years later, we can only assume inquiries are continuing? Greenslade empathising with Jum and complaining bitterly about consequences faced because of outspoken support for perceived unpopular causes is an outrage. Born and bred in Dagenham with no connection to Ireland, he was a member of the CPGB as a teenager. Now, when the split occurred between the Official IRA(the stickies) and the Provisional IRA(the Provos), the CPGB sided with the Stickies, peaceful resolution through the ballot box. Roy supported the Provos because he liked his hole. Roy's relationship and subsequent marriage to Irish Journo, Noreen Taylor explains a lot. Roy enjoyed the rewards of a base instinct, his constant, casual dismissal of others' rewards of an even baser instinct, ie life because they disagreed with his mates, is how he should be remembered. Roy had a column in the Provos newspaper, An Phoblacht(under the nomme de guerre George King) for decades. He targeted, taunted, and teased the civil authorities. Roy is a Hector. Dr Joe Hendron SDLP MP for Belfast West called out Gerry Adams et al, "a sectarian and fascist organisation". Such free speech was too free for Roy, Hendron was targeted as a working GP. This is a Rangers supporters forum, why is Greenslade worthy of scrutiny? When you hear Cosgrove make repeated statements such as, "ah don't get it, Rangers supporters are on the sidelines, raging and beeling" - that is a direct attempt to remove our voice. We have nothing worthy to say and Cosgrove utilises this to ridicule and target PQ colleagues who continue to support Rangers. Remember, Cosgrove has three former Rangers supporting mates who stopped their support because Rangers are no longer the same club. He is telling us the road to take, just like we should forget the Rangers Tax Case Blog. Roy came to hate through expediency and it has provided him with a very good standard of life. The relatives of his victims can mourn opportunities lost, Roy will find warmth in his property portfolio.
  17. Cosy Corner. Tonight's Sportsound on BBC Radio Scotland is the very epitome of what we(Rangers supporters) have come to expect. Craig Levein, Jock Brown, Darryl Broadfoot, and John Collins joined the Host for a discussion on ra Sellik's future direction. This was the entire shooting match, new Manager, Director of Football, new Chief Executive, new players, ........ etc. The past was discussed too, well as far back as, "Fergus". Obviously, with both Collins and Brown on the show, thirty years of ra Sellik is up for discussion. The whole cast talked of Fergus, Wim, Ronnie, Peter, Dermot, Neil, Brendan, and Dominic. Seriously, not one mention of a surname. It was cosy corner, all glowing and warm. When they mentioned Manchester City's Football Partnership Manager, "Fergal"; I had to Google him to find out he has a surname, Harkin. Anyways, the fantasy levels were being truly tested, the National Coach's at both Belgium and Scotland were joined by the manager of Salzburg and Eddie Howe. Interestingly, they all had surnames; well, until the point one of them is appointed. I felt Jock Brown's advice about hiring Private Detectives to suss out any signing was sailing close to the wind, but then revealed he instigated the practise at the Chamber of Secrets when he was Director of Football. Best of all, was John Collins contribution to the duties of such a Director. He reminded the listenership he was, "Ronnie's Assistant" and in querying if a Director of Football's remit should include the Club Youth Academy, he said, "Celtic's Academy is the Ajax of Scotland". I didn't know Ajax had furloughed their Academy for eight months too?
  18. Good point. Just after lunchtime today(Friday) and BBC Scotland football has already relegated last night's match report to 8th story. Second story is the Europa Cup last 16 draw, we are informed Slavis Prague await. Further, they defeated Brendan's Leicester and have a stand in their ground named after a former turn of the last century Sellik player. Interestingly, Auntie Beeb(Scotland) have calculated income generated from Europe this season. Apparently, the £8 million or so is much welcomed because Rangers need in excess of £22 million by the end of next season? The national BBC carried coverage and video action of last night's match(I suspect that would be the Stevie G effect), PQ only carried the result. When is a Scottish sporting good news story not a story? Of course, anytime Rangers are involved.
  19. I watched last night's second half between Brendan's Leicester City and Slavia Prague. It finished 0-0 in the Czech Republic and that scoreline was unchanged last evening at half time. Leicester were without the creativity of Maddison and created little. Slavia came across as a team more comfortable with the counter attack. they scored two good goals and were quite comfortable at the end. I have been in Prague with Rangers on three occasions, I don't think I saw us notch a goal?
  20. Quarter-finals here we come. BBC Scotland will be sending their Sports Correspondent over to Prague?
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