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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Racist Encounters in Scottish Football(Part 1). I cannot imagine my upbringing in deepest, darkest Lanarkshire in the 60s and early 70s differed much from anyone else in Scotland in those times. We are all products of our conditioning. I attended a village primary school, and only three of the school roll did not share the pigmentation of my skin. A pair of Hindu twins, who also attended Cubs with me, were present for a couple of years before being whisked off to private school. The third lad was a couple of years below, he was of African origin and adopted by white parents through the auspices of the church. Mostly, we called him "Davy". I have recounted my Amateur footballing experiences back in the day, and Davy's participation was a law of diminishing returns. He was a more than decent footballer but every time he stepped on to the pitch, the racism was overwhelming. At Fir Park Boys' Club, a Coach inquired, "where's Davy"? A couple of hands were raised, the Coach looked and said, "naw, Davy the Darkie"! I became aware that unmeant casual racism was just as hurtful. Davy was a big Rangers supporter and a regular attendee at Ibrox with both his old man and our grouping. Davy loved Dave Smith Celtic had an effective winger at the time, Paul Wilson a player of mixed parentage. I don't want to stray into Meghan Markle territory, but Wilson had a sallow complexion We Rangers fans sung a song of homage, "I'd rather be a Darkie than a Tim". It was a cause of great hilarity on the terrace steps, when our grouping, including Davy belted out the ditty. Davy sang it liked he meant it; there must have been comfort in the acceptance. Black players of the time, were Pele and Eusabio. Nearer home, the only black guy regular turning out was West Ham's Clyde Best. Davy received the comparisons, but he had a good line, "I prefer George". I am not excusing the racism existing at that time, I am recounting the times. Education is the thing, tertiary education focused my mind. The music I adored was Southern Soul, my heroes were Otis Redding, Al Green, Ann Peebles, .... etc. Davy's fave rave was the Average White Band and we attended a few of the Mighty Whities gigs together. The last time I socialised with Davy was at Ibrox for the final of the Tennent Caledonian Cup against West Bromwich Albion. It concluded with a deserving 0-2 for the Baggies and the majority of the 65,000 crowd applauded them from the pitch. Ron Atkinson had assemble a hell of a team, Batson, Cunningham, and, Regis were the epitome of speed and balance. Throw in Robson, Wullie Johnston and, Ally Robertson and you had Britain's first genuine multi-racial talented team. At that time, our preferred place at Ibrox was the far end of the West Enclosure. It was a tad higher and provided a most decent view down the ground. A dozen of us, late teens to early twenties were in early and had a great view of dozens of our fellow Bears racially abusing West Brom's black players. It was all verbal, but appalling. I would like to say we confronted some of those screaming abuse, but we didn't. A few of us apologised to Davy, he shrugged his shoulders and offered, "average white guy behaviour". I felt small and decided to be a better man. Early in my Army career, I received a letter from my Mother, it was a few weeks in arriving as I was attending the Army Jungle School in Borneo. It told of Davy's suicide. Initially, my concern was my own discomfort. A few months later, I was participating for several weeks in one of those huge mobilisation exercises in West Germany. Those exercises ran on their own timings, usually a couple of hours ahead of local time, called, 'Zulu Time'. I was asked the time by a black Sergeant and I replied, "Zulu time"? I spent a few minutes profusely apologising and explained about Davy. He laughed and told me to calm down and explained the phonetic alphabet. I returned home on leave and met Davy's old man walking the family dog. There were tears and I was told the member of the family/community that missed Davy most, was the family dog because she could not see colour. Part 2 will begin on another period of leave, New Years 1988 and Rangers announced the signing from Aston Villa of Mark Walters.
  2. Tonight's Sportsound was no surprise. Hosted by David Currie, the guests were Thistle's Richard Foster, Livi Skipper, Marvin Bartley and, Michael Stewart. Michael Stewart called Rangers push for a UEFA investigation into the an alleged racist comment made by Slavia player, Kuedela against Rangers midfielder, Glen Kamara, "unfortunate because there is no evidence, it's like the complaint made against Michael Gardyne earlier in the season, again without any evidence". Marvin Bartley and Richard Foster disagreed with Stewart. Both mentioned Kamara as a most laid back type of guy, and neither had seen such a reaction from him as last night's. What was not discussed was Slavia player claims of Rangers supporters swarming Ibrox, many making it inside the Stadium. Even better, Slavia's claim of Kuedela being ambushed and punched and kicked to the ground in the Tunnel. Now, there is no evidence for this claim, as Rangers had deliberately turned off the CCTV. Slavia claim it was thus, "premeditated". I saw footage of Kuedela walking along Edmiston Drive and getting on the team bus post match, no apparent injuries. .............................., etc.
  3. Patterson looks to have picked up a knock, must be doubtful for Sunday?
  4. Arfield looks well off it. We have no penetration on the right flank. Kent began well; however, four cynical fouls be four separate players has put his gas on a peep. I would go with Hagi for Arfield at half time. After 15-20 minutes, no change to our benefit in the scoreline, I suspect it will be Itten and Wright?
  5. As it stands, Slavia have to score to progress. As it stands, it's nil-nil after full time, we progress. Will it stand? I suspect the first goal might be everything?
  6. I thought he was more a roll and butter(Kerrygold) man?
  7. It was similar yesterday on Twitter. First up is the Justice Secretary, Humza Yousaf, he Tweets :"Happy St Patricks Day to our Celtic cousins in Ireland". He repeats the message in Gaelic with accompanying Saltire and Tricolour. Obviously, some of the Irish in Northern Ireland are not Celtic cousins. Unlike George Square, Humza has nothing to say about events in Kelvingrove Park, no letter with a Senior Police Officer's signature and no demands for Police Scotland to issue fixed penalties. George Galloway gets involved, he Tweets : "Humza is responsible for the Hate Crime act, the most pernicious piece of legislation ever in Scotland, he is not even a Celt, not even working class". Gorgeous George is not giving Humza the respect due a Hutchie Grammar School boy, and he accuses Galloway of racism. I don't think Humza has read George's claims of his grandparents arriving at the quayside in Glasgow, hungry and in bare feet? Ah mean, Humza lost his school dinner money one day. Step forward another Dundonian, in fact a fellow born'n'bred chap from Lochee. The current Rectum of Dundee Uni' has been Tweeting all day about St Patrick and what it means to him. he remembers his denominational primary school and singing, 'Hail Glorious St Patrick' and then adds this Tweet :It must be a generational or catholic school thing, but I still couldn't tell you when St Andrews Day is? St Patricks Day is burned into my mind". Again, as usual I must remind all Gersnetters, Jum is Rectum for all Dundee Uni' undergraduates and post graduates. He is a born'n'bred Scot, raised the breadth of the Tay from St Andrews, and a former Altar Boy who doesn't know the day his country celebrates it's Saint. No shouting at Jum! BBC Scotland should provide live coverage on both radio and TV of the Humza - Galloway boxing match at Sellik Park. Jum Spence to Referee on who is the most Sellik minded and who omits most working class credentials. Winner take it all.
  8. Today's BBC Scotland CeeFax pages carry the following report of yesterday's St Patrick Day's gathering in Kelvingrove Park : Large crowd gathers in park despite Covid rules. A large crowd which gathered in Glasgow's Kelvingrove Park has been dispersed by the police. Officers from Police Scotland were called to the park in the city's west end at about 16.30hrs where people were urged to head home. Current Covid restrictions mean only four adults from two separate households are allowed to meet up outdoors. No arrests were made and no fines issued to those who gathered. So, four sentences that do NOT mention St Paddy's Day, do not mention green'n'grey/Irish republican tops, do not mention litter, do not mention .......... etc. I suspect Gery Braiden wrote the piece and PQ are happy to publish? The above is a continuation of last summers Green Brigade involvement in the BLM protests in Glasgow. Groupings walked around Glasgow in the early hours after dawn, with ladders and properly manufactured replacement street signage. Over a period of five hours, they filmed themselves in the city centre replacing road/street names and posted the footage. The usual suspects hail hailed their fellow Sellik supporters 'doing the right thing'. Police Scotland took no action and BBC Scotland did not specifically report it. Thus, if PQ cannot be accurate, how can they be objective?
  9. ........... but, but, but ........ Big Shane Duffy is most deserving of the recognition?
  10. PQ CSC are appalled at the scenes in Kelvingrove Park, demanding a contrition of a three match ban for Morelos.
  11. JohnMc, My purpose is to stimulate/provoke debate. I feel debate makes us, the grouping of Rangers supporters stronger and it is nothing to be wary/afraid of. I agree, the then Labour Party dominated Glasgow District Council and had no hesitation in marginalising and demonising Rangers and Rangers supporters. Currently, GCC's Convenor Susan Aitken has a personal PRO, former Herald Journo, Gerry Braiden is over eager to portray Rangers supporters as plague carriers and liars. I have always voted Liberal, but I am persuaded by the tactical voting sites for the next elections. Today, there has been a gathering of over a thousand folks in Kelvingrove Park celebrating St Patricks Day. I love the Police quote, "understandably, many people are in the park enjoying the sunshine". I wonder if Falls Road born and bred Gerry will adhere to his conditioning and agree with the Police, or will he advise against non socially distanced, maskless youngsters spreading the plague? I fear a convenient Residents Group might be found to support his decision?
  12. The reams of newsprint sacrificed in debating whether to, or whether not do comprise a Guard of Honour, is the equivalent of the Kibble Palace rainforest. Radio waves are breaking the ionosphere with the loaded query. We know when the boot was on the other foot a couple of seasons ago, the likes of Stuart Cosgrove were broadcasting we should not escape our deserved humiliation; and Early Day Motions were laid to be signed. I Officered a Guard of Honour for Her Maj' and the then Italian President. Replete in No2 Dress Ceremonial for two hours in 80 degrees of heat, my sword tip sinking into the red tar of Pall Mall; I felt the perspiration and solemnity of the occasion. As the carriage passed, I felt honoured to complete the sharp, jerky choreographed movements required, and get off down the pub in the finest traditions of the Parachute Regiment. Thus, I say to Rangers, particularly our players. Go ahead, form the Guard of Honour prior to Kick off, Big Shane Duffy is most deserving.
  13. Murder Polis! "Murder Polis" was a scream often heard on Music Hall stages. A character, usually the principle character shouted, "Murder polis" as an ironic comment on happenings. It was an exaggeration of mundane events, skewering those intent upon making a mountain out of a molehill. In west, central Scotland, a minor altercation such as a 'stairheid rammy'(dispute between tenement neighbours) was often encapsulated as, "it wiz Murder Polis". As Stuart Cosgrove lectures Rangers Supporters, Murder Polis is an example of comedic exaggeration. If we take our minds back five years past, the Scottish Cup final had a most exciting conclusion. An injury time corner awarded to Hibs saw the Edinburgh side's Skipper, David Gray header the game's winner. Mayhem ensued, we were informed several thousand Hibees invaded the pitch in a state of exuberance; we were also told by our own club, that the majority of the Gers players on the pitch, were assaulted. A dozen players' statements claiming being punched, kicked, and spat upon, did not wash. No Hibs supporter was convicted of assaulting a Rangers player. A lot of Bears exiting Hampden that day saw the Police sitting inside their vehicles, walking down Battlefield Road, I counted eight Police transits full of Officers flicking through their mobiles. Where were the Police whilst battles were erupting on the playing surface of the national stadium? Such wondering thoughts reached a crescendo later that night, as we realised the gravity of the match aftermath? The Sunday Mail provided an answer on it's front and several inner pages the next day. Journalist and Sellik season ticket holder, Jane Hamilton utilised a fellow season ticket holder, Calum Steele to tell the readership exactly where the Polis where? Calum Steele was also the General Secretary of the Scottish Police Federation. Calum had political ambitions, he was a cheerleader for the Nicola Sturgeon led Scottish Government. Calum thought Police Scotland was a good idea and supported Police Scotland's attempt to take over the British Transport Police officers based in Scotland. Calum told Jane of his members' experiences at the final whistle. Apparently, Rangers supporters aped the actions of Northern Ireland Loyalists, we threw our children directly in front of speeding Police vehicles urgently responding to events inside Hampden. Calum was in no doubt, this was a deliberate action to negate Police action. Now, Rangers supporters made a complaint to IPSO(Independent Police Standards organisation) and it was upheld. the Committee found the nespaper had taken insufficient steps to take care over the accuracy of the article. ie the Journo, Jane Hamilton had only quoted one identified source(Calum Steele) who was not present at Hampden, and quoted several unidentified sources(all police officers) who were present but only wanted to address general concerns reference Police actions. The conclusion was most damning, "the claims within the article had been published in such a way that they gave the significantly misleading impression that they had been corroborated by multiple independent witnesses". Eight days after Rangers secured the Premiership title, BBC Radio Scotland's Sportsound invited the current Heid Bummer of the Scottish Police Federation, David Hamilton to appear on the show. You see Calum Steele is now the President of EuroCOP, representing the interests of nearly 250,000 EU Officers. Calum recommended David Hamilton to succeed him in Scotland. We know Police Scotland is a politicised force and we know Nicola is only advised by folks who proffer advice she wants, needs to hear. Anyways, David Hamilton did not equivocate, Rangers and Rangers supporters are to blame. Again, we are a few weeks from a Holyrood election and a real political need existed to remove the Sturgeon/Salmond spat from the front pages. Sincerely, I wish those long term posters on this forum who support Nationalism, would return and debate why being seen to sink the boot into Rangers and Rangers supporters is a recurring theme to the Scottish Government? It has become a habit, even today the FM was speculating on Rangers supporters spreading Covid? David Hamilton is another Nationalist using his Designation to stick it on Bears. PQ are happy to oblige. David Hamilton is the brother of Duncan Hamilton, Alex Salmond's Solicitor. Duncan Hamilton is a former SNP MSP. David Hamilton's best mate is Angus Robertson, former leader of the SNP grouping at Westminster. David Hamilton constantly abuses his Twitter account with overtly political statements. David Hamilton's personal ambition is to be a SNP Parliamentarian. I could go on. Suffice to say, David Hamilton has worked out the path of least resistance in climbing the Scottish greasy pole to success. Both David Hamilton and Calum Steele are Murder Polis, and their comedic exaggeration is no laughing matter in new, modern Scotland.
  14. That was the week that was. I am just old enough to remember BBC broadcasting, 'that was the week that was'. It was mid-sixties grainy black and white TV. Ned Sherrin created it, David Frost hosted, and an army of household names wrote the satire. John Cleese, Peter Cook, Dennis Potter, Roald Dahl, Bill Oddie, Erik Sykes, Denis Norden, Frank Muir, ......... etc. Even as a Primary schoolboy, I got the ridicule reserved for Apartheid, the class system, the racism of the American deep south, and all involved in domestic politics. The only part of the show that irked arrived at the conclusion, Millicent Martin sand a topical song in a cool jazz style. The show was the pre-cursor for the next quarter of a century of TV/Radio satirical shows. The Frost Report to Spitting Image and everything in between, owe their existence to 'that was the week that was'. Peter Cook launched the satirical magazine, 'Private Eye' on the back of the show, a case of mutual support. Further, Cook also had a nightclub , 'the Establishment' for several years, predicated on the growing sense of ridiculous. Everyday phrases such as, "tired and emotional" and "Ugandan affairs" emanate from the show. Our attention was drawn to MPs' expenses scandals, conflicts of interest, and their abilities to evade the revolving door. In new, modern Scotland we have no satire. Most Journos and commentators are cheerleaders for the current Scottish Government. Principles mean nothing to professional politicians, no one resigns because their considerable lifestyles won't allow it. As for comedians, Janey Godley is the epitome, does regular voiceovers of the First Minister's speeches and Angela Haggerty's one year old son, Francis; and is duly rewarded with a weekly column in the Herald. No doubt, her daughter, the privately educated Ashley Storrie will be a nepotistic beneficiary? This is the new, modern Scotland of entitlement, privilege, and woke sensitivities. This time last week, the newspaper front pages and broadcast current affairs shows were still being dominated by the fall out from Salmond's trial on sexual misconduct. Another two SNP MPs were subject to further charges of sexual misconduct, Chief Whip Patrick Grady and one other, as yet unnamed. The Holyrood Inquiry into Salmond had just been stymied by the First Minister's 8 hours of, "I don't know", "I can't recall and, "I would have to check my Diary". Nicola's husband and SNP Chief Executive these last 20 years, Peter Murrell was desperately seeking a case of, 'Events dear boy, events'? It arrived, courtesy of ra Sellik's inability to notch a goal at Tannadice. Rangers had won their first Premiership title in a decade. Rockets flew, fireworks exploded, and joy took to the square. Such detonation lit the fuse for the pile on. BBC Scotland deployed Sports Correspondent, Chris McLaughlin. He worked the leverage of UEFA. Creepy's brother told of watching eyes and the very real threat(in his fevered thought) of cancelation of Hampden's involvement in the upcoming Euros. Gary Robertson led the current affairs onslaught, every politician was asked, "have Rangers done enough"? Glasgow was under siege, Rangers supporters had prevented Nurses getting home after their shifts, Rangers supporters had prevented the homeless accessing the soup kitchen, and Rangers supporters had vandalised memorial benches in George Square. In three days, from Monday to Wednesday, BBC Scotland dedicated comment and phone-ins entirely to Rangers supporters' excess. Momentum was needed, feed the fire and the FM stepped forward, expressing her anger and anguish. John Swinney pointed the finger, Rangers were to blame. Humza Yousaf agreed with the Dear Leader, Rangers were found wanting and he Hectored a senior Polis Officer into adding his signature to a condemnatory letter. Despite video evidence twice showing other channel commentators in Edmiston Drive being drowned out by a bellowing Ibrox PA asking supporters to return home, Rangers did nothing. More momentum needed. SNP controlled Glasgow City Council utilised their PRO, Gerry Braiden's contacts at his old blatt, and Catriona Stewart et al delivered a seven page expose on events. Sellik could not see green cheese, they screamed, 'we're half of nothing' and warned next Sunday's old firm game could be called off by the authorities. Stuart Cosgrove and Professor Eamonn O'Neill hosted their Podcast with Angela Haggerty as guest. The conclusion, Rangers supporters behave the way they do, because of entitlement. Oh, and a wee bit of satire, they liked Police Scotland's statement, "we are the people"? A whole week and Salmond's name has disappeared. Derek MacKay MSP must be wondering why the "h-u-ns and typical orange wankers" did not ride to his rescue? Anyways, Rangers must wise up, when an election is pending we cannot present ourselves as targets. There is a truth, the Nats like nothing better than being seen to be sinking the boot into Rangers and Rangers supporters. It's their preferred good look. It's a lesson we must learn, the football is a tactic and the football does not matter. The trumping strategy is condemnation of a majority of Bears celebrating with Union Flags. Oh, the hatred? The national broadcaster is determined that Rangers will never be portrayed as bringing anything good to Scottish life. We do not carry the standard, we do not improve the coefficient and the nation cannot be beneficiaries of any Rangers effort. Rangers securing the title has been the unifying force for the Scottish Government, BBC Scotland, Glasgow City Council and ra Sellik. Yesterday, Cosgrove summed it up, "If I complain about the actions of Rangers supporters in George Square knowing fellow Saints fans gathered at McDairmid to celebrate the League Cup win, then it's whataboutery. They don't get it, people with no interest in football see what happened in George Square, it's a disgrace". That was the week that was sans satire. It is fitting Cosgrove has the last words. He puts out considerable effort in self portrayal, a loner liking nothing better than sitting down to read. In his occasional garrulous moments he betrays daily relations with Angela Haggerty, Kevin McKenna, Gerry Braiden, Eamonn O'Neill, .... etc. This week and incidents like the IRA murder of fellow Journo, Lyra McKee highlights his absolute adherence to separate development. Stuart speaks with all the confidence of a supporter of Scotland's second most successful team in the last decade and he knows BBC Scotland will never tire of relating that fact. PS. A couple of bon mots from last week. Firstly, it's Friday evening and Michael Stewart is in the Sportsound studio with Ricky Foster. The Host offers his weekly man of the week nomination. Three names : 1. Steven Gerrard winning the title and favourite to lead Rangers into the Europa Cup last eight. Undefeated in both tournaments so far. 2. Alan McGregor only conceding nine goals in 32 league games and that save against Slavia. 3. Derek McInnes for enduring 8 seasons at Pittodrie and winning a League Cup. Ricky Foster cannot decide between Gerrard and McGregor but settles on Greegs. Michael chooses McInnes, no doubt because of biomechanics? Secondly, Friday night and it's The View from the Terrace. Now, five regulars appear on this hour long TV show. Craig Telfer(Stenhousemuir) hosts, three others, Craig Fowler(Hearts), Joel Sked(Hearts) and, Shaughan McGuigan(Raith Rovers) discuss and Robert Borthwick(Hearts) handles the social media content. I enjoy the show, they don't miss us when deserved, but happily they stick it on ra Sellik just as often. Generally, they know football, particularly lower Division stuff. Anyways, they are praising Rangers Culture's social media work last week, listing all the detractors one by one this last decade and ripping them eg Spiers and the "quietly terrified" quip. Shaughan McGuigan offers, "Ah love it, they've nailed every Celtic supporter from Rod Stewart to Jim Spence"(Jum's Tweet : "Celtic signing Shane Duffy has secured ten-in-a-row"). Satire Shaughan, satire. That was the week that was.
  15. Frank was also the Linesman at Livi', who had the best view of Morelos being downed by the Livi' Keeper. As Michael Stewart told us on BBC Radio Scotland, "the Referee checked with his Assistant before issuing the yellow caed for simulation". Frank has a five year history of 'honest mistakes', he has officiated at 21 Sellik games and 19 Rangers games in that time period. Ra Sellik have an 81% win ratio in those games, whereas Rangers slump to 47%. Of course, I should have mentioned other appointments : BBC Sportscene Referee : Michael Stewart Referee Supervisor : Angela Haggerty. All information is courtesy of Phil McFournames, who had two sources of information/contacts inside PQ when the decisions were made.
  16. Argh, apologies Ian. Double thread alert, I posted on just seeing the announcement. Perhaps, you can combine?
  17. Pistol Pete Picks. There exists a tradition in Scottish football, a match official on the cusp of retiring gets to pick his/her last game. Often, it's utilised by our wonderfully objective media to say, "we told you so". A Referee choosing Ibrox as a last match after twenty-odd years service is particularly ridiculed. Many a Referee has quietly officiated at Pittodrie, Tynecastle, Easter Road, ....... and even Sellik Park on their final game, and enjoyed home club hospitality, and so they should. I am wondering if this tradition has been extended by the SFA/SPFL to club officials, specifically retiring Chief Executive Officers? A week on Sunday, Rangers travel across the city to the Chamber of Secrets. It will be Peter Lawwell's final old firm match at the auld sod. Peter will want to assure his last bitter confrontation is not a continuation of humiliation. Ian Maxwell and Murdoch MacLennan will share Peter's fears. Thus, as hip young gunslinger, Pistol Pete takes his comfy green leather seat at high Noon next Sunday, the choice of Match Officials will be a calming balm. It's the Diversity that hits you : Referee : Wullie Collum. Assistant Referees : Sean Carr and Frank Connor. Fourth Official : Kevin Clancy. Such a brazen selection merits a slap up nosh with lashings of ginger beer at the Brazen Head public house, as a reward for the Famous Five(Peter and the four officials).
  18. Dino Zoff was 42 when he retired from playing, McGregor could match that achievement.
  19. I stated at half time on this thread, Slavia's fitness was as high as I have seen. Certainly, their first half efforts were Fartlek standard. They come out the traps quickly and keep it going for as long as they can, I felt they dipped a fair bit on the hour mark? At Ibrox in a week's time, I am sure we will be more aware. The other thing was both getting on the ball and retaining the ball. Slavia have a physicality, upper body strength is clearly something they continually work on. We need to match up in the second match of the tie.
  20. Greeg's save was on the same level as Gordon Banks clawing Pele's header off the line during the 1970 World Cup. The ball is behind Greegs and he holds on to it. Reflexes, strength of wrist, strength of shoulder, ............. etc
  21. Slavia are the fittest side I have seen in many a year, up there with Juve' back in the CL days.
  22. BBC License Fee paying Rangers supporters have a contract with the BBC. We pay for a service. BBC Scotland deliberately chooses NOT to provide that service. They continue to take our monies and BBC Scotland thumbs a collective nose. They parrot, "we want to hear from Rangers supporters" without any intention to listen. Occasional broadcasting of interviews conducted by BBC nations and regions only allows them to continue to taunt us with an expression of keenness to find a suitable resolution. Rangers supporters understand the problem, BBC Scotland hates us and our club. The quicker PQ accepts the ongoing relationship is based on their hatred, then the quicker we will find the resolution.
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