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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. BBC Scotland news just reporting David Turnbull is free to play against Rangers at Ibrox next week. He will not be cited. Apparently, kicking Dylan McGeoch after the ball has gone, is legitimate? I cannot help but think if the PQ CSC had put a bit more effort into highlighting the offence ............... Anyways, talking of PQ; Michael Stewart was outraged at Turnbull's actions and is demanding Alfredo Morelos is the recipient of a six match ban. Talking of Michael, he has not been doing much talking on BBC Scotland recently. Rangers supporters complained about his lack of support for Kamara's claims of racism emanating from Slavia Prague player, Kudela. Michael preferred to utilise Rangers complaint reference Gardyne of Ross County, we should not complain, players might have misheard, "just like the alleged homophobic comment made by Michael Gardyne". Michael Stewart has been deliberately kept away from matters Rangers on both TV and Radio. It's similar to last years rant from the former Manchester United star, Michael stuck it on James Traynor knowing he would have no comeback. Michael was ignored by PQ for several weeks, it allowed Michael to settle in at his new gig, Celtic TV. BBC Scotland has announced that there will be no disciplinary action taken against Michael this time, because those 1,000 Rangers supporters complaining had done so, "in a targeted manner". There you have it, Rangers supporters are sinister and David Turnbull kicked out at nobody.
  2. The match in Perth has finished ten minutes, a penalty awarded by the Referee in the 4th minute of injury time has secured the Saints a 1-1 draw. On BBC Scotland's football webpage, Jamie Lyall has a typical report, "the result leaves Rangers unable to amass 100 points". So, Rangers are on 93 points with three left to play; obviously PQ arithmetic differs from normal numeracy? Three wins achieves nine points and that added to 93 would leave 102. I note Jamie has changed it, "Rangers remain on track to amass 100 for the first time". Poor Jamie, having to work Chris McLaughlin's Suvul Calculator.
  3. St Johnstone are continually turning us. We are unable to establish any kind of worthwhile platform in the midfield. All be it, our Keeper is dealing with catches, the odd punch and numerous kicks up field; certainly had more work than his Saints equivalent. If we can hold a platform for ten-fifteen minutes, created a few opportunities, we can still win it. Allow Saints more time to keep putting balls in behind, then the law of averages will favour the Perth men.
  4. Always thought Scott Brown was BIG on Crosby, Stills and, Nash/ Appears to have that look of having just experienced the rose in the fisted glove.
  5. ........... but, but, but ........ In the immediate wake of Suvul'03, the Gazillion attending Yahoos all returned and condemned Jose's winning Porto, "divers, cheats, play actors, con men, ........ etc". Sellik is a noble, principled club, they would NEVER employ a manager prepared to send out his team to cheat. I thought Deco took the absolute pysh.
  6. To overcome this morning's dehydration and pounding sore napper, I decided to peruse the social media feeds of some of our club's worse detractors this last decade. The usual suspects, you know the ones who have pounded Rangers and Rangers supporters on an industrial scale? Well, they are all, without exception, remarkably well disciplined. Literally, no mention of the game. Some claim they watched cartoons with the children, some claim to have been seduced by the improving weather, got out and did improving activities. One claimed she made cock-a-leekie soup for the first time. This is Sinn Fein levels of discipline, only financial guru(chancer), David Low has withdrawn and locked his account. The very few making any comment are on the fringes of Bampottery, Sellik Quick News inviting consideration of ra Bhoys deliberately throwing the game? The Cleansing factor is something very real for our separated brethren, the failing diseased entity must be burned clean before active support can be considered for the rising phoenix. Congratulations to ra Herald's Aidan Smith, Mourinho receives the tin-tac and creatively Gerrard is favourite to replace. Banish the scourge that has emerged from the state of being, "quietly terrified". Listening to John Kennedy, Sellik's defeat was because of a lack of confidence, belief and, intensity. Easily sorted, send Broony down the local Co-op for a quarter pound of each. I hope Scott remembers to use his Divvy number, or Peter will have him in for interview without chair? Gordon Strachan's ranting ramble was more a crie de couer for his two sons currently working at the Chamber of Secrets. PQ told Tom English he was het and his piece is relatively fair in documenting the turnaround in both clubs' fortunes. Even the Daily Record appears to accept the good ship, 'Sellik Warchest' has sunk. We are left with anecdotal tales of TVs being thrown through windows and closure of the Erskine Bridge. In that vein, I note the Scottish Rugby Union has advertised for a new Chief Executive Officer this morning. I am reliably informed the first application received by recorded delivery pre-noon, was from Dominic McKay? Sellik's trophy cabinet is cleaned out and the baw's burst. I will have to be content with the sound of deflation.
  7. The SFA, the SPFL and, Peter Lawwell have moved on, all are intent on putting the final touches to ra Sellik's annual post season tour of Japan.
  8. I 'm guttered. Was round the mates to watvh the game, battered themn. We defeated the best team in the league and they missed the panilty they never get awarded. Still, it gets garder; we face the second most successful club in the last decade in the next round. Keep up your fluids level RSC.
  9. Equivalence? I have not been in Northern Ireland in nearly thirty years. The dozen years before, I was a regular visitor to the Province. All six stays were professional, assisting the civil authority. We called the visitations, 'Tours' and they lasted between three and six months. I began in Londonderry in Spring'79 and finished in west Belfast, Autumn'92. The civil authority in most cases was the Police, but could easily be the District Nurse, Midwife, Postie, the Gas Board, ........ etc. My final tour included commanding the protection of Dr Joe Hendron. The Falls Road GP had committed the crime of defeating Gerry Adams in the '92 General Election for the West Belfast seat. The SDLP man was dedicated, insisted on continuing to do the occasional shift at the practice. Home visits, particularly those in the early hours were problematic. Gerry made Joe and us pay a heavy price. The approach to every patient's house had to be cleared before medical care was administered. The brave bhoys always knew when Joe was on shift and the calls increased knowing Hendron would always attend. An OAP requiring pain relief was a pawn to King Gerry's hurt pride. You got around the Provence, and the majority of my sympathy was always for the young folks on both side of the divide. Their social lives were rarely expansive. Republicans in Turf Lodge were the same as Unionists in the Waterside, the social horizon did not extend beyond a dozen streets. Of course, those streets were controlled. Think about it, access to amenities such as a Library, a swimming pool, a public park, ...... etc? Being denied amenities was a legitimate complaint, denying the other side access was equally important. It was a false equivalence. Rioting was a gift, controlling forces allowed and encouraged it when an attention shift was necessary. Those participating looked forward to the action enormously. Lobbing bricks, petrol bombs and, coffee jar explosives was fun, fun, fun. It took your mind off depravation and relieved the boredom. On the receiving end, we prayed for two things, something good on the telly and torrential rain. Rationalising the trigger mechanisms was a waste of time, why are we enduring a third night of unrest in Fermanagh, when it began with a cancelled parade in Antrim? I rediscovered some of those feelings of being nonplussed a week to a fortnight past. Unionist youths were rioting in Belfast for a week. Largely ignored in the rest of the UK but being reported quite prominently in Scotland, particularly by BBC Scotland. We are in a run up to the Holyrood elections and political capital can be made from teenagers waving Union flags and aiming fireworks at Police officers. The usual suspects appeared on PQ's various current affairs outlets and call-in shows to parrot, "see, it's like a few weeks ago when Rangers won the league, it's a disgrace". Why were we the equivalence? A lot of the contributors are known to be sympathetic to the Scots Nationalist aspiration. Further, they ignored the legitimate causes of depravation, poverty, boredom, ..... etc. The rioters were similar to celebrating Rangers supporters, both enjoyed ENTITLEMENT. The death of the Duke of Edinburgh has intervened, it has stopped this false equivalence. I suspect temporarily? The only entitlement bestowed upon Rangers supporters from PQ is to marginalise and demonise us at every turn. Occasionally, they have taken opportunity to dehumanise us too. The Club and support no longer engage with BBC Scotland but I think we might have to find a way stymie such unfettered equivalence. I understand the trigger mechanism for the riots was the PSNI 's decision NOT to take action over events surrounding the funeral of IRA Volunteer, Bobby Storey. Three thousand people lined the streets to pay respect, there was no social distancing and no face masks. The Sinn Fein leadership followed behind the coffin to church, attended Milltown Cemetery and, the crematorium. Prince Philip's funeral is taking place today with 30 mourners, all socially distanced and face masks are being worn. I hope PQ can do the equivalence of entitlement but I am sure they will simply ignore. Last Saturday, the minutes silence at Celtic Park lasted eleven seconds before the first firework exploded. The organisation often lionised by PQ employees, the Green Brigade could not share the respect being awarded by their club, as the pyrotechnics continued the Ref' cut the silence short, it lasted twenty seconds. BBC Scotland's Liam McLeod was doing commentary on the Celtic - Livingston game and he made no comment. Richard Gordon cut in and the line to Celtic Park was temporarily cut as he explained frequency changes. There was a return for live coverage from the kick-off. Still, there has been no mention of this deliberate interruption on BBC Scotland. The Green Brigade can rely on such entitlement, absolutely.
  10. Charlie George, there's a blast from the past. A truly gifted player, scored a wonderful goal in the '71 FA Cup final against Liverpool. An England international, I think he ended his career at Derby County? Radford was a prolific scorer, but I think his natural game was stymied by Bertie Mee? I remember the game quite well, the heat and humidity were stifling. There was an article in the Rangers News whereby the Rangers medical team were expressing alarm at the weight loss of the Rangers players during the game. They claimed Parlane lost a stone(14 pounds) during the 90 minutes.
  11. On 20th August 1973, we played Arsenal in our Centenary celebratory game, 101 years and six months after our founding in the second week of February 1872. It was a ridiculously hot evening and the official attendance was given as 85,000, it was easily touching 100,000. Of course, every true Bear wanted to be at the Centenary match, but Rangers decided to revert to 19th Century prices and the price of entry mirrored the first charges of entry to Burnbank, one Shilling. Since Decimalisation had just occurred, the cost of going through the turnstile was 5 new pence(5p). The game was more than decent, we were winning 1-0 from a fine Derek Parlane first half strike. We held the lead until injury time when we conceded two late goals in ninety seconds. I think Alan Ball scored? Certainly, he played keepie-up in front of the old Derry and antagonised the majority of those in attendance. Alan of the squeaky Jimmy Cltheroe voice was the hate figure of choice for all Scots supporters in those days, and he revelled in it. Maybe this time, the Club will allow fans in at Glasgow Green(Fleshers' Haugh) prices?
  12. Full time in Prague. Slavia 0 Arsenal 4. All four Gunner goals were scored by black players. To any of our Slavia supporting friends looking in, the scorers are listed below : F Guy 18 minutes F Guy 21 and 77 minutes F Guy 24 minutes.
  13. Thirty minutes gone in Prague and Arsenal have scored four goals, only three to count because of VAR. The Racists 0 - The Arsenal 3. An hour to go
  14. While we are on matters discipline. Today, the SFA warned Hibs as to the conduct of future guests on Hibs TV but will face no further punishment. Irvine Welsh suggested Rangers striker, Alfredo Morelos should be macheted into small pieces. Further, these should be distributed around the world to feed seagulls. Interestingly, Irvine referred to Alfredo as, "the sticky bun". Rhyming slang for the sectarian term, 'H-u-n'. The SFA have deliberately ignored the usage of the term, thus do not have to deal with it. The wider Scottish media, both print and broadcast also ignored it, makes it easier for the SFA. I predict Scottish Justice Secretary, Humza Yousaf will ignore it too. Thus, white Scots guy with several homes around the world sectarianly suggests taking a machete to Rangers black player and the SFA say careful now. There is a winner here, Hibs women player, Joelle Murray sat beside Welsh and giggled her way through his comments. She made her debut appearance on BBC Scotland's Sportscene Results show on Saturday teatime.
  15. Kudela has been found guilty and offered a ten match ban by UEFA. Kamara has received a three match ban for administration of the tunnel banjo.
  16. Bookends. The Adjutant drew deeply on his fag, flicked it off and says, "there it is". I replied, "I'd rather not". A smile crept upon the Adj's phizog, "you're a Subbie, he's the Commanding Officer". Above was the end of a conversation in Shrewsbury, forty years ago. A new CO had arrived, looked at the qualifications of his junior Officers to instruct soldiers in Adventure training and, found us wanting. Half-a-dozen were dispatched around the country to gain the necessary certificates in Kayaking, Ridge Walking, Top Knotting, Abseiling and my particular good fortune took me to Rosyth for the month of March to become proficient in Sailing. Early Spring on the Firth of Forth, with nightly refuge in a naval dockyard. Being most windswept and interesting was not enough, I had to room with a Royal Horse Artillery Subbie who approached the course with all the enthusiasm of a new born giraffe. Quite right too, he had the incentive of Cypriot sunshine awaiting at the end of the month. I suspect it made the endless capsize drills more bearable? Eight hours every day allowed us to progress through the various classes of dingy, none awarded any protection from the elements. Still, preferable to an evening of cold fatigue with a Gunner possessing a cassette player and two cassettes. The choice was an uplifting hour of Joy Division or Simon and Garfunkel warbling Bookends. Eventually, I read the sleeve notes on the latter. Apparently, Paul Simon had written the songs on his two year sojourn in England and for his commission to provide accompanying music for the Graduate. Koo-koo-ka-choo Mrs Robinson. Paul sat in Rochdale railway station, ticket for his destination and was dreaming of making out with St Cecelia. A journey ending, another beginning, who knew Paul Simon indulged in ambiguity? Preparing to jibe, jibing now. After months, years of Stuart Cosgrove continually telling us he was a loner, did not interact, preferred to read, .................... etc. This season he has provided a couple of Bookends. During last Summer, with the SPFL's organised vote on declaring both Champions and relegations, he became exceedingly exaggerated that Doncaster, McKenzie and, Maclennan would not deliver their promise to Peter. He ranted, became excited and, spoke of a lunch in Gamba with Neil Doncaster. He opined, "Neil Doncaster should remember what I said to him"? On Sunday last, the guest on Off the Ball is Tony Watt and he tells of his daily twelve minute commute from Mount Vernon to Fir Park. Of course, Stuart has a far more interesting commute. Back in the day when he was a Staff Writer at the NME, his office was in the same building as the Daily Telegraph. This would be 15 years past and the CEO of the Telegraph at the time was Murdoch Maclennan. Regularly over a period of 2-3 years, Shifty McGifty gave the Blessed Stu' a lift home to Sarf London in the his Chauffeur driven car. What a commute, oh the conversations? I guarantee you, the word Rangers was NEVER used. Shifty and Cosgrove in the same car, driven by HATE. Garrulous Stu' was in a state of high excitement on Sunday, he told of Saint's journey from worst team in Scotland, back to the Premiership and wondered why BBC Scotland had not commissioned the Documentary? Stuart, along with big Sellik man, Don Coutts had their own Production Company, 'A Big Star in a Wee Picture'; they produced numerous programmes, 'Halfway to Paradise', 'Possil Girls', 'Talk on the Wild Side', .. etc. Why doesn't Stu' produce the Journey? Oh, that's right, the production company went burst, hope they paid the face painters? Cosgrove ended the show with two predictions, Hibs to win 0-2 and ra Sellik to win the Scottish Cup tie at Ibrox. I think he was trying to cover his tracks after revealing he is BIG pals with the Scottish football Establishment? Seriously, the Club should call out the Bampot. Look around, the leaves are brown and, when Cosgrove's around, it's always a hazy shade of winter for Rangers supporters.
  17. Today, PQ watched the studio TV and commented on incidents. Michael Stewart was watching and smarting from "the organised campaign" by Rangers supporters over expressing his disappointment at Kamara and Rangers accusing Slavia Prague player, Kudela of racism; the last words on today's Ibrox events was left to the underachiever. He stated, "having watched back the Porteous goal, I cannot see any foul, Hibs will feel aggrieved". Sportsound ended. Michael will be on tonight's Sportscene, there will be a retrial where Hibs were denied a deserved win and, an incident will be found/constructed involving Morelos worthy of a retrospective red card. Michael also predicted on Sportsound that ra Sellik will win next weekend's Scottish Cup tie. Fearless Michael continues to stand up to vile Rangers supporters and their organised campaigns. The next two games for Rangers are massive, facing the best footballing side in the country(as stated by Sellik's Big Nose) and the country's second most successful club in the last decade(Cosgrove champions Saints). We will need to be organised?
  18. This game remains in the balance, at times our pace is of the end of season variety. Hibs have played three killer balls through between Helander and Barisic. Why have they had the required time to pick those passes? Get the second and exert full control.
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