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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Let's have a big pyro' party. Congrats.
  2. Never mind the weather, as long as we're together, ........
  3. A BIG well done to Bearger. Thanks to Rosseau for the organisation and constant administration. Having secured fifth, have I qualified for Europe?
  4. Angela Haggerty's Tweet : "I'm getting really annoyed with folk equating yesterday's anti-immigration protest with Rangers fans' right to public celebration. If the protesters had been drunk, smashed up a few benches, let off fireworks, Police Scotland would have thrown them a party. So there's a big difference". If dearest Angela cares to look out her Tollcross window, she will see a large biscuit factory, 'McVities'. It's been there for 120 years, it employs 500 fellow East Enders. Current owners, Pladis announced they will close said factory next year with the resultant loss of jobs and standard of lives. I expect Angela to lead the protest against the closure, Palestinian flag in hand? If several hundred can fill the Pollokshields streets for two men in the gig economy exceeding their visas by in excess of a decade, then Tollcross should have several thousand stopping 500 being made redundant? So far, Angela has Tweeted nothing about McVities, just like her fellow Nationalists, she doesn't do bad news.
  5. Fellow Rangers supporters beware! I know, I know, we are on the cusp of completing a long, weary journey. Placing the next step is most difficult, but we must finish the quest. Today's events in Pollokshields light the way of the path we must travel. A few hundred woke demonstrators have secured the release of two illegal immigrants from a Home Office van. The reasoning is that both are part of the community and despite being in a state contrary to the laws of the country, the First Minister has supported their right to a standard of life in Scotland. Further, Humza Yousaf was fulminating that the Home Office had not responded to his multiple promptings on the matter. There is a lesson there for victims of Sellik Boys Club abuse? Just like Tuesday evening's demonstration in George Square, a few hundred not wearing masks and not social distancing but waving Palestinian flags; neither Glasgow City Council, nor the Scottish Government have condemned this demonstration's threat to family safety and health. The Justice Secretary, Humza Yousaf was thankful because he revealed his Brother-in-Law and nieces and nephews are currently in Gaza under bombardment. Susan Aitken has said nothing because Gerry Braiden hasn't told her to say anything, yet. To defeat transference of Covid and all avoidance of official derisory and derogatory comments from Scottish officialdom, carry a Palestinian flag. If only all those BIG Pharmaceutical companies had known this fact before months were wasted on vaccine research. It makes you proud of Caledonia, carrying a Palestinian flag sees you at forefront of the new enlightenment. Fellow Bears, take my advice; whilst celebrating the 55th, wave the flag and wear a Yasser Arafat badge. Guaranteed to keep you safe from both virus and arrest.
  6. Ambush! This Saturday, the Premiership trophy will be held aloft by James Tavernier, BBC Scotland will NOT attend Ibrox to report on the end of our particular journey. There will be some platitudes offered by the disinterested, there will be the obligatory mention of Steven Gerrard only securing one trophy in nine and, there will be impatient haste to move matters on to the awaiting, primed ambush. Thistle fans celebrated their League 1 title win amid fireworks, Palestinian supporters gathered in George Square on Tuesday evening and, the Yahoo collective gathered for the Broonaldo goodbye. No masks, no social distancing and, no reporting by the national Broadcaster. A successful ambush requires two stop groupings and a killing group. A couple of senior Police Scotland representatives have made pleas and the Justice Secretary, Humza Yousaf has revealed he has endured liaisons with the Club; keeping our families safe is the message. There is no point in paying attention to detail, a freedom of information request by Rangers supporters to reveal the extent of liaison between Club and Police Scotland when we won the league several weeks past, has resulted in 18 pages of A4 being released, 17 fully redacted. Apparently, the First Minister has no recall? The initiation will come from one of the usual suspects, probably Cosgrove; he has already quashed whataboutery, "simply, they are a disgrace". The trigger fingers of the killing group will squeeze until the empty klick, then the reorganisation will involve lots of empathy for Police Scotland, both Calum Steele and David Hamilton have already provided Chris McLaughlin with numerous quotes. From atop the moral high ground the artillery of perceived morality will reign and feelings of superiority will mask ra Sellik's implosion and Scotland's second best team, Aberdeen finishing fourth for the third successive season. A Change of Phase. The most crucial aspect of an ambush is preparation. PQ has been preparing the ground for ..... well forever. Two weekends past, the social media blackout in support of anti-racism was consuming 48 hours. BBC Radio Scotland had a 25 minute discussion on the merits and success of such a protest. Big Dick hosted the contributions and nothing notable was added, then Michael Stewart offered a well rehearsed diatribe. The real problem in Scotland is sectarianism(Mark Walters debut did not happen); however, we must note things have improved in Scotland(Morelos does not exist), "things are improving all the time". A necessary sop to 14 years of Nationalistic governance. The man who lamented Rangers pursuing both Ross County's Gardyne for homophobic comments and Slavia Prague's Kudela for racist utterance declared, "sectarianism is racism". Prepared ground right there, the only organisation I have seen promoting such a phrase, is Angela Haggerty and Jeanette Findlay's, 'Call it Out'. Sectarianism is racism is the change of phase that will see the next stick the boot into the H-u-ns free fun. All other contributors to this discussion, including the Chair, Big Dick let his concluding comments go unchallenged. Manager of the Year? Last weekend had Big Dick Host another round robin discussion on Manager of the Year on BBC Radio Scotland. We had fifteen minutes of the usual suspects chorusing Calum Davidson as the only candidate. Apparently, guiding one's club into two national finals in the same season is a stick on for Manager of the Year. Pity, no one informed the three different Rangers managers securing Trebles in the last forty-odd years, and still NOT securing the award. I agree that Davidson has performed particularly well in his first managerial season, but I will leave it to the national broadcaster's final contributor, Derek Ferguson to make Steven Gerrard's case. In silence, he pointed out Gerrard's European record, as well as remaining undefeated in the league and, being 55 points in front of St Johnstone. Of course, corresponding budgets were mentioned and Ferguson pointed out Saints defeating Kelty Hearts, Peterhead and Brechin City in the League Cup group stages was hardly comparable to Rangers conquering Benfica, Standard Liege and, Poznan. Further, Rangers topped their group and the last three seasons results have ensured Scotland has five places in European competition next season. Oh Derek, having a son playing at Aberdeen will not protect you. You have got in the way of expediency, at PQ interviewing Calum Davidson is a lot easier than talking to Steven Gerrard. Anyways, the disgust is on the rise; Big Dick spent last evening on Open All Mikes expressing his displeasure at Rangers penalty and supporters letting off fireworks at the 55th minute. There was no live commentary on the Champions, it was reserved for the best footballing side against the potential second best Scots club in the last decade, at Sellik Park. It will be the same this coming Saturday, PQ will be at Easter Road. We pay our License Fees, we don not receive the service and, we wonder if an Ambush can be triggered by proxy?
  7. Wander around Leith of a Saturday afternoon and you are confronted with Church Halls, Community Centres and, Public Libraries; all offering Exuberance Classes. I ask you, watching Hibs or having a happy, clappy, mutual masturbating exuberance experience?
  8. I would be interested in the pricing of these games. Rangers sending a team down to Gala would be a decent draw in the Borders. Would Fairydean stay reasonable and charge the same price of entry as the home game before, say against Vale of Leithen? I remember the Reserve League West, kick-off timings varied, venues varied, pricing varied, ....... etc. I note the Lowland League is for one season only and I suspect Club Treasurers will be greedy? Finally, how many of the Lowland clubs play on plastic?
  9. Yesterday, I was viewing the Scottish Cup semi-final between St Johnstone and St Boo. Midway through the second half, I thought the game needed a spark, a mercurial spirit to break the deadlock? Step forward Rangers on loan winger at the Perth Saints, Glenn Middleton. He arrived as a substitute and in five minutes, had swept in a handsome cross for a Kane tap in, and then curved a handsome 25 yard free kick into the roof of the net. Handsome is handsome and even bitter Saintee, Stuart Cosgrove must agree? It is a conundrum. If we go back more than a couple of decades, Rangers faced St Johnstone in the Scottish Cup semi-final at Sellik Park. The Light Blues ran out comfortable winners, four zip and it appeared all too much for the Soulful Saintee. Post match, sitting in Queen Street station with a few mates awaiting the train to Perth, Stuart took to drink. As his mates boarded the choo-choo, Doctor Stuart bellowed, "can you spot a handsome H-u-n"? It's a call and response song, having asked the question, DrStu answered, "No, no, no". Those witnessing such embarrassment saw further disgrace visited upon Dennistoun's working class hero when the British Transport Police intervened and charged him with Breach of the Peace. Of course, these days Humza would insist on Aggravated Breach. Cosgrove appeared on the front page of the News of the World and he took to his own column in the Daily Record to further question, "well, has anyone actually seen a handsome h-u-n"? Amid the sweep of the Dennistoun Drives, Stuart is acknowledged as a glittering young Adonis. It's the terroir of all those terraced private gardens, the cultivated Red-Leb' is seriously strong. It's that, or it's sharing chauffeured cars with Murdoch McLennan and lunching at Gamba with Neil Doncaster that stimulates DrStu's question. Cosgrove has a long term H term habit. He has penned articles describing meeting Rangers supporters in Falkirk railway station as, "h-u-ns and typical orange wankers", habitually introduced a guest, Largs based Janitor, Chris Connor as, "the H-u-n with a heart" on Off the Ball and loved labelling Craig Whyte on the Rangers Tax Case Blog as, "H-u-nbelievable". Even when his mates like Irvine Welsh describe Morelos as, "a sticky bun" live on Hibs TV, Stuart does not Call it Out. It is his preferred prejudice and he sits extremely comfortably with it. We should remember all this because the coming weekend sees Rangers receive the Premiership trophy. Cosgrove will revert to type, clutching his script provided by Glasgow City Council's PRO, Gerry Braiden. He will repeat again, his verdict on celebrating Bears, "simply a disgrace". It's akin to those hoary old Radio One DJs back in the day; Dave Lee Travis and Noel Edmonds arriving breathlessly in front of the mike to tell tales of weekend supermarket openings. Cosgrove will comment on his book sales, flag up his availability for book signings and, stick the boot in the h-u-ns. Glenn Middleton is getting uglier by the minute.
  10. Rangers are a week away from picking up the Premiership trophy. How are BBC Scotland handling this? Nostalgia. BBC Scotland regresses into warmer, happier times. The website is showing highlights of Dundee United defeating Rangers in the 2014 Scottish Cup semi-final at 'neutral' Ibrox. Tomorrow evening, you can view highlights of Hibs Scottish Cup final victory over Rangers in the 2016 final. Sportscene's Producer, Eamonn Donohoe has commissioned half-a-dozen shows of finals with the likes of Cosgrove, Michael Stewart, Janey Godley, James Allen, ........ etc looking on and offering comments. Today, BBC Scotland's Sports News Columnist, Chris McLaughlin reveals an in depth interview with Craig Whyte. Read it if you wish, Craig reveals his time at Rangers, "was a nightmare and remains the biggest regret of my life". Next week, expect Adrian Sprott or the ghost of Sammy Reid to be featuring.
  11. My fear is the last game of the season, Aberdeen at Ibrox. I remember attending the corresponding fixture season 67-68, Davie White's first season. We were undefeated the entire season and lost 2-3 to the Dandies and lost the league. Hopefully, we fcuk them 4-1 too?
  12. It's Monday evening after the old firm victory(4-1) the day before. Sportsound on BBC Radio Scotland are leading with Partick Thistle's League 1 championship win. The Jags manager, former 'Ger, Ian McCall is in the studio. Still raging, legitimately so at their demotion from the Championship on the SPFL's say so(where did that Dundee vote go over that particular weekend), he announces Thistle will NOT welcome any SPFL representatives to their trophy presentation on Tuesday evening. Tom English asks, "you're banning Neil Doncaster"? McCall answers, "Yes, and Murdoch McLennan". McCall goes on a wee rant about the governance of the Scottish game and concludes, "I don't know who Murdoch McLennan is, what does he do"? Tom English answers, "you are asking the wrong guy". Of course, Private Eye has known Murdoch McLennan for many years, his years running the Telegraph titles are summed up by the satirical magazine's preferred name for McLennan, "Shifty McGifty". Even better, why don't PQ go to their in house Murdoch McLennan expert? It's only a fortnight past that Stuart Cosgrove revealed he regularly shared a ride home to sarf London in Shifty's Chauffeur driven car, over a period of three years. Further, Cosgrove is Doncaster's lunch partner at Gamba. 27 years at PQ and a major briefer in Scottish football, and when Cosgrove can provide a real insight, no one deliberately so, wants to talk to him. These days, Cosgrove regularly criticises those using social media to comment on football, he doesn't like folk hiding behind usernames; isn't that so, Sarah Leyden? Even better, why don't Sellik TV get former employee, Michael Stewart to visit Shifty in his comfy heated green leather seat in the North Stand and ask the difficult questions on Scottish football goverance?
  13. Latest reports from Old Trafford suggesting that as soon as the Invasion began, Manchester United's French duo, Paul Pogba and Anthony Martial surrendered unconditionally.
  14. Later in the week, I will do a more substantial post on today's broadcast utterances from PQ. Suffice to say, Liam McLeod commentating from a screen in a PQ office made a complete ham shank of the game. It took him several minutes to realise McGregor had been red carded. He explained that he was NOT in the Stadium and thus could not be responsible for missing the dismissal. His accompanying Posse of fellow Dandies and Yahoos missed it too, because they all had their heads in their hands. Of course, the priority was filling car spaces for the drive to Erskine Bridge, all understandable. Anyways, at half time, we were no longer playing ra Sellik. Liam gave the half time report and score as, "Rangers two, ten man Celtic one". This continued throughout the second half. The empirical evidence suggests Liam is a thirty 'ten man Celtic' a day man. Oh and Liam thought 'ten man Celtic' were deserving of more goals? I wonder if Liam's commentary will survive on to tonight's Sportscene?
  15. For the second game in a row, I want to vote for Defoe. Again, he was faultless.
  16. Well done Rick. Attempting to add a few drops of paint to the wide canvas of sectarianism is brave, the Curators will take note and throw another couple of tins of revisionism upon the minor changes. The Curators framed the canvas some 30-40 years past and have been adding multiple coats of primer ever since. The F term is a case in point, it is sectarian, decreed and no doubts about it. The Curators do not address New York's CSC, 'the Unrepentant F----- Bastards CSC', or former Sellik Chair's statement, "I am a proud F-----" or George Galloway's eulogy to Jimmy Wray MP, "he was a bold F----- man". It's a most particular gallery, you only get to look if you agree to look the right way. An accompanying leaflet explaining the right way is included in the price of entry. I note today Jum Spence has Tweeted an advert for Graham Spiers latest Podcast, it's an hour of conversation between ra Bhoy in Corduroy and Jum. Of course, there's a price of entry to hear Jum's "life at BBC Scotland whilst attracting the Rangers online lynch mob". I assume I was a member of that lynch mob, I questioned Jum's demand for Rangers to be fully prosecuted, whilst being stripped of their proceeds of crime. Jum assured us on national radio, "I know this, I lectured on Law for a decade". My question to the pompous prick was, 'what crime'? BBC Scotland dispensed of Jum's services twice because on matters Rangers, he could NOT be accurate, therefore could NOT be objective. We are still waiting on Jum to tell us the crime committed and by whom? I am sure Jum is watching the process of malicious prosecutions currently going through the Scottish courts. Talking of lynching, how about those nine members of the Green Brigade charged with Breach of the Peace after hanging two effigies from the roof of the North Stand, replete in Rangers tops and orange collarettes? On their second appearance in court, the PF announce ALL evidence had been lost, the trial was discontinued. The Justice Minister announced an official investigation. Three years and we are still waiting for the report. What will occur first, the report will be published or Jum will specify the crime committed by Rangers? Art movements tend to disappear because they evolve into bloated nonsense. Now, both Spiers and Spence are fully qualified Lecturers in Bloated Nonsense.
  17. Every time we play ra Sellik, we field 12 players. Of course, one of our players wears all black. Wullie Collum, Kevin Clancy, Nick Walsh, .......... etc
  18. Switching Tracks. I caught the extra time and penalties of the Killie - St Boo Scottish Cup quarter-final on BBC Scotland's second channel. I feel everything is a lottery on the Rugby Park pitch, but my ghast was truly flabbered when PQ went straight over to the Scottish Cup semi-final draw, live. Hosting the draw was none other than Creepy Connie McLaughlin. You have got to marvel at the continual reciprocal agreement going on between BBC Scotland and ra Sellik. When Lennon's Sellik were turfed out of the Champions League last August in the qualifying rounds, it was decreed the problem lay in the players lacking mental toughness. This was resolved amid considerable publicity, a Consultant was brought in to Lennoxtown to work on both players and coaching staff. The Connie Choo-choo came around the bend, a steaming and a rolling. Connie has her own company, 'Inner Buzz' and she NEVER misses an opportunity to encourage everyone to rawk their inner buzz. Well, how did Connie's efforts do? In August, ra Sellik had all three domestic trophies and the Europa League to navigate. The tracks were laid down and Lennie the Tanked Engine strained for purchase. Two years past, BBC Scotland's second channel was launched in a flurry of publicity, it would provide programmes pertinent to new, modern Scotland. We have had the documentaries on Priest School, the First Communion, ............. etc. Why have we not had the documentary revealing the trials and tribulations of Creepy Connie doing her Casey Jones? I mean everybody loves a train wreck, don't they? Anyways, sustained by brotherly love, Connie emerges from the carnage to present the Scottish Cup draw. It shows as one green'n'grey hooped project hits the buffers, it's easy to change tracks and remain seriously Sellik minded at PQ. Seamless shunting in a yard full of Annie McGuire, Angela Haggerty, Jane Graham, Michael Stewart ... etc, everyone guaranteed a good standard of life. Choo-choo!
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