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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Congrats to Brentford FC. As explained earlier, I have a real soft spot for the Bees. At the tenth play-off attempt, they have defeated Swansea 2-0 today at Wembley. They will play in next season's Premiership, the first time in England's top tier since 1947, seventy-four years. The only sadness is that Griffin Park will not witness the return.
  2. From Pollok to Postecoglou. BBC Radio Scotland have begun with a 45 minute discussion on the merits of Eddie Howe and revealed none of them know anything about Ange Postecoglou. Pollok is so last week, but the narrative remains the same. Big Dick is posted missing, another Dandy, Liam McLeaod seamlessly slips in to Host. The contributors are Tom English, Michael Stewart, Pat Bonner, Leanne Crichton and, Billy Dodds. BBC Scotland's Sports News Correspondent, Chris McLaughlin starts with a Sellik update, "I can confirm Celtic are involved in advance stage talks with Ange Postecoglou reference becoming the next manager of the club". I was disappointed, I wanted to know if his sister, Creepy Connie was continuing to oversee the mental health/strength at Sellik? Her 'Inner Buzz' has worked so well this last season. Anyways, Tom and Michael launched into the demonisation of Eddie Howe. Michael raged, "two Bournemouth coaches have held Celtic to ransom on a maybe" and the former Sellik TV employee finished, "Celtic should have parked Eddie Howe several weeks ago. Celtic are enormous and shouldn't be dependent upon Howe's prevarication". Tom emotes even more, "Howe's late, late decision shows him to be a weak character". I was wondering if anyone else thought Michael and Tom were trying too hard to get comfortable with Yokohama time? Liam finished with a flourish, played Chris Sutton's contribution from last evening's Sportsound, "I am hearing Howe's backroom staff having seen recent events in George Square and the fire at Peter Lawwell's house, they have decided they don't need Glasgow life". Tom reinforces it immediately, "I am hearing what Chris says and it's a good theory". Finding himself on comfortable ground, Tom bangs on about thuggery and anti-Irish racism. Scotland's premier Historian, Tom Devine took to today's Herald to dismiss current anti-Irish racism, but as we know the national broadcaster does not do awkward and inconvenient when dealing with matters Rangers. As for Postecoglou, the paucity of comment equates to Humza's knowledge of Pollok. In mitigation for Eddie, maybe his refusal of ra Sellik job e-mail has been residing in Dundee Chair, John Nelms spam folder for five weeks? Since Dundee have won promotion back to the Premiership, no one has asked if ra Sellik - Dundee fixture is still going ahead in the USA? John was happy being Peter's puppet, he would be even happier if Peter finally organised Sellik's post season tour of Japan. Imagine, how delighted all at PQ would be too? Tom, Pat, Chris, Michael, ................ etc could travel faithfully, pop into Yokohama and find out a smidgen about ....... what's his name, ....... him from Pollok.
  3. Clearly, Eddie Howe is anti-Irish racist. I have reported his actions to Humza.
  4. I thought Kudela was Malky McKay's first signing for Ross County.
  5. It's goodbye to the Theatre of Pies. It's magic you know, football and plastic pitches don't go. Killie 1 Dundee 2(agg' 2-4).
  6. Half time at Rugby Park and Dundee are two-zip to the good. Current agg' with 45 minutes to go, 1-4 to the dark blues.
  7. I believe Lulu opened the first Edmiston House, it would be a nice piece of symmetry to have such a well known Bluenose, open the second Edmiston House. Dennistoun born and bred Lulu belting out the Blue Sea of Ibrox would have Humza Yousaf back on PQ's Sunday Show, demanding her arrest. A little known fact. If you listen to Lulu's recording of the soul classic, 'To Sir with Love' backwards, you can distinctly make out, 'Cardinal O'Brien loves being fisted'. For fux sake, don't let Humza hear, 'Boom, bang a bang'!
  8. The depiction shown is actually a Jackson Pollock abstract splatter painting. If any Gersnetters are thinking, that is the very dab for the lounge wall? I can facilitate at £500 a pop, I also have a spare bridge in Brooklyn for sale.
  9. I was watching yesterday's BBC Scotland's Sunday Show when Humza popped up to give another penny lecture on anti-catholic vitriol and anti-Irish-racism. I was non-plussed at Humza being interviewed in Dundee? He is inside his house with two framed pieces of art over his shoulder. We can see a space with two tacks protruding where another framed piece of art had clearly been removed for the benefit of the webcam. I wonder if it was a representation of Neil, Brendan, Caesar, ......... etc? We should be told. Humza is MSP for Pollok, he lives in Broughty Ferry. I note Pollok's other elected representative, Rhiannon Spear, Chair of Glasgow City Council's Education Committee, lives in leafy Shawlands. What is it about Pollok's elected officials that they don't want to live there? Maybe that's it, Humza has a picture of Pollok on his wall, to remind him. I would hate to think Humza is staring across the silvery Tay estuary, looking for his seat. Does anyone employed at PQ live in Pollok?
  10. Humza Hates H-u-ns. I thought I would wait a week to see the extent of PQ's limit of exploitation? As stated two posts up, there has been a significant change of phase, Michael Stewart defined it, "sectarianism is racism". It's a stick fashioned to beat Rangers supporters. UEFA have already closed an Ibrox stand and PQ is heavy with anticipation. There are no shortage of volunteers wanting to be seen wielding the stick. Hitting H-u-ns fills the usual suspects with a feeling of immense well being and as we have seen on numerous past occasions, a guaranteed good career move. The prepared ground at PQ is very safe H-u-n skelping ground. So safe, both the First Minister and last week's Justice Minister, Humza Yousaf had no hesitation, they stepped on and added a few skelps. Humza revealed BBC Scotland asked him to comment on the doctored video sourced from, 'WullieWanker'. Humza pushed the limit of exploitation right into the Thornton Suite, suggesting Rangers players sang sectarian(racist) add-ons and demanded if the video was proved to be validated, "those players involved should be shown the door". Police Scotland decreed no criminality, Humza is back on the Sunday Show this morning; this time as Health Minister continuing to push sectarianism is racism and last Saturday was all about anti-Irish racism. The National Broadcaster and the Scottish Government have accepted Call it Out's narrative, the leaders of the organisation, Jeanette Findlay and Angela Haggerty are regular contributors to all means hosted by BBC Scotland. The safety of the PQ ground is such that the man who has just spent three years as Justice Minister has NEVER been asked for comment on the list of malicious prosecutions of former Rangers owners currently going through the High Court, likely to cost the public purse in excess of £300 million. Further, he has NEVER been asked as to the progress on an official inquiry initiated by himself, on the disappearance of all evidence against nine fellow Celtic supporters who hanged effigies by the neck, from the North Stand above dozens of 'Kill All H-u-ns' flags. Three years and counting. I welcome the Club's attempts to take Humza to court over comments made, but I fear it could be a difficult and costly way to go. However, several of the Rangers players being accused by Humza courtesy of WullieWanker, are practising RCs. They have sensitivities and the Club as their employer must protect those sensitivities. If we leave it to Call it Out to address the sensitivities of Rangers numerous catholic players, we will waiting longer than a Humza instigated inquiry to reach publication. Discipline? This is a subject I find myself returning to frequently. What is it about individual and collective discipline that an element of our support cannot grasp? Being a Rangers supporter carries responsibilities. Marching from Ibrox to George Square twice in a two months period, initiating tens of thousands of pounds of pyro', banging drums and, chanting love for Rangers can just about be explained away as, "exuberance". There is a well established precedence. Here's the but and it's a big BUT. As soon as you bellow, "fcuk the pope", you are fcuked. Like the vast majority of Rangers supporters, I did not attend and there's no doubt that elements of the 25,000 that did trap, let us all down. If you have an issue with the pope and there's plenty, find a better way to present it. Pope Francis was a parish priest, Monseigneur and, a Canon during the Facist Military Junta that governed Argentina for eight years in the late 70s to mid-80s. Thirty thousand people were disappeared, mostly taken up in choppers and dropped into the Andes. Francis said nothing. Over a thousand children of those disappeared were put up for adoption to approved families, Francis said nothing, ............ etc. I am sure Angela will listen if you call it out? Here's an example of good discipline that will not impress, but should be acknowledged. The Green Brigade have had several opportunities this last fortnight to get active in support of their preferred prejudices, they have deferred, hunkered down knowing any actions would have ran interference upon the constant artillery targeting Rangers and Rangers supporters. Of course, they have been told not to run interference and have adhered. The Club saw the ambush waiting and they liaised with both the Council and Scottish Government to avoid the trap. The Club asked for ten thousand fans to be contained inside Ibrox on each of four days, essentially repetitive trophy presentations. This was akin to two seasons past, the creation of the Fanzone. Then, the SNP led Residents Committee of Cessnock and Ibrox told Rangers they were more interested in the health and well being of children and not interested in booze'n'burgers. Ibrox is the ground of tactical importance and on both occasions, the council and Scottish Government took the decision to deny containment. They wanted the march because they knew considerable political capital could be made. We can all understand the emotions involved. We have been battered from pillar to post during what our enemies refer to as, 'the Banter Years'. There is a decade of frustration to be exercised and numerous targets to be engaged. In the past, I would advocate leadership. Having experienced five years on the RST Board exercising said leadership, I realised there is an element of our support that do not want to be led. In effect, nihilists determined to bellow, 'fcuk the pope'. On Friday night, the young team did something wonderfully creative, an aesthetic unseen before; they lit up both sides of the Clyde with flares, for a distance of a mile. Right in front of PQ too. Less is more, why not leave it at that? Even the Bouncy of the Squinty, a fantastic piece of vibrance, leave it at that? No, we over egged it, marched along the Broomielaw and invested George Square for a second time. Where is the discipline, where is the leadership? Imagine marching your troops into a square where you can be easily contained, cordoned and, controlled. Police Scotland will enjoy shooting fish in that particular barrel for months to come. Five March. Five March is a restaurant on the western side of Charring Cross. It's proprietor, Joanna Nethery was on the Sunday Show last Sunday. Prior to Humza levelling both barrels, the discussion topic was Glasgow remaining in lockdown and how this was effecting the hospitality sector? Joanna was upbeat and articulated a dichotomy on Lockdown extension. The compensation available was inadequate, "it doesn't touch the walls" but the First Minister's leadership throughout the pandemic, "absolutely wonderful, she has led the country faultlessly". Joanna's smile was beatific whilst praising Nicola. I have read and listened to the reactions of numerous Glasgow restauranteurs on extended Lockdown and they are bitterly invective at Nicola's continued draconian stance. There is no empirical evidence linking the virus spread to folks attending prepared restaurants. It would appear Joanna was speaking alone. You make a couple of calls and are rewarded with information. Five March is so named because it commemorates the fifth of March 1770 - the Boston Massacre. The Army fired into a Colonial demonstration, killing seven protesters. This was the catalyst for the American War of Independence. A pretty obscure name for a Glasgow eatery? However, Joanna and partner, Kevin Small believe England treats Scotland as a colony. It's a delicious secret for those in the know. Go back a dozen years, the original PQ Gang Hut was based in the Admiral Bar in Waterloo Street. Down stairs at the Waterloo was where Phil McFournames held his briefings and presentations. The eclectic mix attending shared information and took decisions, it was good to be a man in the know. Now, we know BBC Scotland is biased against independence because there was an impromptu demonstration of four thousand Nationalists carrying laser printed placards of Nick Robinson, who had annoyed Salmond or Sturgeon during the 2014 Referendum. It's heartening to see PQ acknowledging the old management team of the Admiral Bar, Joanna and Kevin whilst advertising the new Gang Hut eatery and turning up the volume on a very specific message. Worshipping at the altar is not enough, you must be seen to be doing so. I was thinking about opening a restaurant celebrating Scotland's colonial past, the Darien Scheme, anyone want to book a table?
  11. I don't remember the Documentary, I do remember the mask and gown mob regularly chanting, "SURGICAL". I thought the 'F' was for fighting; however, the word, 'Treatment' is well sinister. What does Sarf London Treatment entail?
  12. I spent a year as a Staff Officer in '84, based at the Duke of Yorks Barracks, Chelsea. It was the nearest I ever had to a 9 to 5 job in my sixteen years in the Army. Initially, I tried Stamford Bridge, then White Heart Lane and Highbury. I had a go across the river at the Old Den, it was better, nearer the Scots experience. However, I settled most Saturdays/midweeks at Griffin Park. A good going Brentford could attract 12,000 fans. It was perfect for football, a dozen pubs within a five minute walk of your seat/preferred standing position. I would like to see Brentford go up too, they deserve it. Brentford were/are a real community club. Back in the day, I would nip into a pub, the Horseguardsman and regularly meet a multi-generational Brentford supporting family. The old lad had memories going back to the 20s-30s. He related Brentford and Millwall would deliberately target Scots players as the spine of their teams, the character of the clubs was hard and gritty. I attended a Brentford - Millwall fixture, it was different, the Millwall mentalists turned up in green surgical gowns. Seriously, a couple of hundred standing there in masks and gowns? I believe they called themselves, 'F Troop'?
  13. Absolutely. I loved that Eddie Turnbull Hibs side. Back in the early 70s, my game with Fir Park Boys Club would finish after 13.30hrs and if Rangers were away, or I couldn't get a lift to Ibrox; I would look to see if Hibs were playing in the Lanarkshire/Glasgow proximity. I marvelled at the Hibs midfield trio, Stanton, O'Rourke and, Edwards. I think the Scotland world cup squad in West Germany in 1974 had five Hibs players included, all deserved. It was a thing back in the day, 'neutrals' would go to watch teams for the football.
  14. Of course, you are correct. Callum Davidson comes across as one of the good guys and Glen Middleton is doing well with Saints. However, and this has nothing to do with Hibs, I can see no positives to them picking up the cup. Marginally, I hope Hibs win it to ensure misery is visited upon Stuart Cosgrove. He is the epitome of a pompous Rangers hating cnut.
  15. Those disappointed with Polis Alba's decision, please form an orderly queue .... I see Wullie Wanker, Humza Yousaf, Stuart Cosgrove, Jum Spence, Angela Haggerty, ....................
  16. After ninety minutes at a rain sodden Dens Park last evening, it's the Dee that hold a 2-1 advantage. The deciding game of the tie is this Monday coming amid the wilds of Ershur. Memories of the culinary triumph that is 'the Curried Peh' continue to linger, thus I remain optimistic for it to be Dee fantastic on the plastic?
  17. He was demanding a six match ban for Morelos.
  18. Surely, this is a joke? It's similar to an incident that occurred this morning. A chap walked into his GPs this morning, informing the Doctor he was attending his Mother-in-Law's funeral next Thursday and wanted advice on removing the permanent smile from his face. He felt a happy visog was most inappropriate for the occasion. The GP said, "no problem, I can book you in for the necessary minor surgery on Tuesday morning". Then, the GP asked, "just to ascertain the length of anesthesia required, how long have you had this condition"? The Bear answered, "oh eight weeks, since Rangers won the league". The GP solemnly asked, "are you a Rangers supporter"? The Bear beamed, "absolutely". The GP sighed, "since Humza Yousaf in now the Health Secretary, all vile sectarian Rangers supporting scum go immediately to the bottom of the NHS waiting list, see you in two years".
  19. The past participle does exist in Scotland, arrived 13 years past on a three month visa.
  20. Like a searing silver rocket across a crystal blue sky. First, he was our Transport Minister, elevated the designation by driving without insurance. Of course, he blamed his former wife for not renewing his insurance. Secondly, he was promoted to the Justice brief. Elevated the designation by Tweeting a video lifted from TikTok, posted by WullieWanker. Ended his speech by demanding Rangers players, "should be shown the door". Thirdly, he has been promoted again, this time to Health Secretary. Humza has succeeded Fag Ash Lil; my advice, don't get sick. Humza Yousaf is the next First Minister in waiting.
  21. Has your sixteen year old Filipino boyfriend expressed his feelings on your coming Saturday plans?
  22. I have no intention of running to catch a train and have no interest in what the Laird of Claverhouse said to the Lords of Convention. It's not even about one's preferred choice of headdress. The Premiership play-off is between Dundee and Killie, who do you prefer to be included in next season's Division? Dundee's owner, John Nelms is a long term Peter sycophant. When it suits, or rather when it suited Peter, he could be relied upon to misplace an e-mail vote in his spam folder for an entire weekend. In player terms, Charlie Adam is a great passer of a ball, Cummings is an excellent finisher and, Paul McGowan is a three time convicted perpetrator of Police Officer without receiving a custodial sentence. However, Dens Park remains covered in grass. Rugby Park is the only ground of the original fellow Premiership clubs that voted us out a decade past, I have visited since. Once, the Scottish Cup replay in 2016, when Nicky Clark notched a late winner. I attended because the then Killie Chair abstained, much to the chagrin of the majority of Killie supporters. I have not returned and don't think I will do so in the future. The reality is the plastic pitch, it changes football and I believe the Scottish top flight should insist on grass. Thus, reluctantly for me, I hope Dundee win the play-off. The Acas and Killie going down reduces the opportunities for sustaining long term injuries considerably. Perhaps a more appropriate choice would be culinary offerings available. Back in the day, the Partick Loyal RSC would travel to a pub on Clepington Road, Dundee. It would serve ,'a Curried Peh'; truly a culinary triumph. These days, there appears to be no opportunity to purchase the Killie Pie at Rugby Park, a falling out between Butchers/Suppliers and the Killie Board? I remember the Killie Pie as being damn tasty? What's the decision?
  23. Let's go back 14 years, a video appeared of the then Sellik Chair, Brian Quinn accompanied by two Sellik players, John Hartson and Stephen Pearson on the stage of the Clanree Hotel, Donegal. The hostelry was owned by former IRA man(he had taken off his balaclava for the weekend), Hughie McGee. The Clanree Hotel was the venue for the end of season Player of the Year Dinner for the North of Ireland Celtic Supporters Association. The suited and booted attendees sat at their tables and applauded enthusiastically as the former Vice-Chair of the Bank of England, Brian Quinn took the stage. As Hartson and Pearson joined him, the audience stood and began to sing the Fields of Athenry, with add-ons. Microphones in their hands, ra Sellik trio joined in, shouting the IRA add ons with gusto. Cheered to the echo, the Club Chair became animated, turning to and fro, conducting the word perfect choir. Brian, John and, Stephen became video stars and the embarrassment flowed. BBC Scotland did NOT show the video, instead they carried a twenty second interview with Club Chief Executive, Peter Lawwell who pronounced, "it's been produced with thirty pounds of software". The then Justice Secretary did not demand anyone, "be shown the door". BBC Scotland's Chris and Connie McLaughlin provided descant on Peter's sweet melody. Compare and contrast with today's mock-up of mainly RC Rangers players accused of singing anti-catholic lyrics? Where do you acquire such software?
  24. I look forward to Humza calling WullieWanker as his first witness in court. Communication - say what you mean, mean what you say. Humza is the beneficiary of a most expensive private education. Yesterday, he Tweeted about a "Tory", then Tweeted about two Tories, his plural being, "Tory's". Don't ask about the apostrophe?
  25. I noted Humza reinforcing a Police Scotland Tweet on this matter. Clearly, the video has been downloaded and the sound edited. It's what Humza wants to believe, he needs to believe it. Within 15 minutes of Humza's Tweet, lot's of other folks, we will call them the usual suspects are re-Tweeting with added comments. These include James Dornan MSP, Angela Haggerty, Jum Spence, Stan Collymore, ..... etc. The video was uploaded on to TikTok by 'WullieWanker'. I advise the Rangers players involved to Lawyer up and begin civil proceedings.
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