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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. The weasel that spent a dozen years at ra Piggery rejoicing in the nickname, 'Provo' has had a column in the News of the World/Sunday Sun these last fifteen years. Davy Provan remains relevant because he is a regular golfing partner of Dermot Desmond. His Sky gig has seen him consigned to the English Premiership these last several years, Andy Walker took over his Sky Scottish football beat. He says very little on Sky, keeps his informed gossip for his Sunday column. Yesterday, he penned on the SPFL-Rangers dispute over Cinch sponsorship. He is in doubt the war of words is a continuation of last year's SPFL calling the Leagues early and, relegating both Hearts and Thistle. Rangers led the charge then against Doncaster, MacLennan and, McKenzie; claiming they were unfit for purpose. Doncaster's role in particular angered more than just Rangers. The Dundee lost e-mail vote, Doncaster's constant lobbying/bullying Club Chairs and, MacLennan's briefing of the likes of Motherwell's Andrew Wilson to ensure belittling of Rangers claims post vote. Informed Provo is sure Rangers have got their man ie Doncaster over the Cinch deal. The deal will collapse because of Doncaster's cavalier approach and SPFL Chairs will be unforgiving because the expected revenue will not materialise. Of course, if Doncaster is toast, then both MacLennan and McKenzie will be anxiously reassessing their pension plans. For once, I hope Provan's information is spot on?
  2. The United Keeper made one save the entire game. United went ahead in the 65th minute, we had fully thirty minutes to get back into it. A couple of half chances, ball drifting wide or over the bar from crosses. Two games without shooting. We may never know what type of keeper Malmo have, if we don't take a shot. The Manager must find a way of injecting energy into the team.
  3. Where has our tempo gone? I think United have pretty much mirrored Malmo's approach? Lot's of energy, pressing high when they've turned us, over a dozen balls into our box, the raking diagonal mostly finding the forward wide player and, because we are narrow, they make progress in the wide areas. Has the United keeper had a save to make?
  4. It's a little known fact that Lionel Messi has an obsession with deepest, darkness Lanarkshire. He is a huge supporter of the Gow. Never a day goes bye without Lionel indulging his fascination with Lesmahagow. Lionel is determined, his next appearance will not be the Bernabeu, it will be the Bernagow. Messi knows football in it's purest form occurs in Lanarkshire and is excited at the thought of playing out his career in the Buckfast League. You heard it here first.
  5. Are the Club activating season tickets from two season's past? Are new tickets being issued? Quite an Admin' problem at such short notice.
  6. Compare and Contrast? Last night, Liam McLeod watched a monitor inside a Pacific Quay studio and commentated as live from the Premier Sports feed of Malmo - Rangers Champions League qualifier. Richard Gordon sat in an other PQ studio with Richard Foster and commented at half-time and full time. Coverage finished at 20.15hrs, just in excess of two and half hours broadcasting. Tomorrow evening, BBC Scotland's Sportscene will show live ra Sellik's attempt to qualify for the Europa Cup group stages. They are in the Czech Republic facing FK Jablonec. You pay your License Fee, you get full live TV coverage of the club carrying the Scottish standard, sustaining the national coefficient. Next Tuesday, despite being half-a-mile from Ibrox; BBC Scotland will continue to watch monitors inside PQ when Rangers are playing.
  7. The second half restart was calamitous. Sixteen seconds after Malmo kicked off, they had a corner. There are three separate sequences of play before Helander puts the ball out for the set play. We missed the clearances and two opportunities to put the ball out for a throw-in. The opening goal comes from the ensuing continuing crossing from the corner. The second goal is within a minute of the opener. Our Skipper cuts back and plays a reverse cross field ball into the midfield. Malmo are already on the front foot pressing. An interception, two passes and, a concise finish sees us 2-zip down three minutes into the second period. The last twenty minutes, pinning Malmo back and putting the ball into their box; is how we MUST start next Tuesday. In the last round, Helsinki got joy from pressing Malmo high. We must match such application, do not allow Malmo to deploy the long diagonal switch. They know we are narrow and it's a safe out ball. If we keep it high, I don't see any real pace to frighten our defence? I found last evening most frustrating.
  8. I have just completed the arithmetic, the SNP has 109 MPs/MSPs. I reckon if you asked 109 folks employed by ra Sellik who they support? You would find several cheering for the mighty? Such a cleansing by the SNP, Angela Haggerty will be on the cusp of contacting, 'Call It Out'.
  9. Interesting, Murdo Fraser confirms what most of us know. The SNP has no MSP or MP supporting Rangers. That is a hundred folks. Where else in Scottish life can you find zero out of a hundred supporting Rangers?
  10. Tom treads a fine line in objectivity and, regularly falls the wrong side. Last year, DUP MP, Sammy Wilson appeared on Sportsound to explain his reasoning for laying down an Early Day Motion reference Rangers. As Richard Gordon completed the questioning, a pent up Tom demanded, "why is he on the show"? Compare and contrast with Tom's behaviour three years past. His home county, Limerick had made the All Ireland GAA Hurling Finals for the first time in almost half a century. Tom returned home to see his club win. Limerick play in green and white hoops. A breathless Tom appeared live on BBC Radio Scotland lionising his home town heroes, a triumph of the blarney. At the same time, those players were featuring on the front pages of Irish newspapers because they chose to celebrate the trophy by belting out a rendition of 'Sean South of Garryowen'. Sean South was from Garryowen, a district of Limerick. He was a member of an IRA column that crossed the border into Fermanagh on New Year's Day 1957. They attacked a RUC station, opening fire without warning. The column was fought off, two members of the IRA were fatally wounded, including South. The retreat led to a barn where a final shoot-out occurred and, a young RC RUC Constable, John Scalley was killed. The song was penned within a week of the proclaimed patriot's death. It was said the alacrity was necessary because of the failure of the raid and to cover up South's rabid anti-semitic views. We call that seizing the narrative these days. Sean South wrote numerous letters to the Limerick Leader(owned by Tom English's family) expressing his support for Fascism and conservative catholicism. He founded the Limerick branch of, 'Maria Duce'. He was a member of an Realt - Irish speaking chapter of the Legion of Mary and Sinn Fein. Tom totally ignored this awkward and unhelpful situation, although he did say, "I am not aware the GAA has received any complaints".
  11. I remember Frankie had some engagement with Tom during the RST days. I think Tom lived in the Linlithgow area then and, was writing for the Hootsmon. He purported to be a Jambo in those days but those that knew him said it was a necessary beard. Tom English is a Yahoo.
  12. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rosseau for his administration of the competition. As I sit top of the table, I will contact Bearger to receive the trophy he hasn't received either. The competition is over, or is that just another notional thought?
  13. The Full Anguish. It's been a thing these last 30 years, you get down the local Bistro, Brasserie, Cafe, ... salivating at the thought of the full Scottish. South of the border, it becomes the full English and, in the Province it is presented as the Ulster Fry. Pretty much, it's the same thing. A mixture of eggs, bacon, sausage, black pudding, ...... etc; accompanied by buttered bread rolls and strong tea. There are variations and options, mushrooms, tomatoes, baked beans, hash browns, haggis, fruit pudding and, kidneys. I am tolerant of all bar the parboiled white beans. I believe a Gentleman should reserve baked beans for supper, preferably at the Ritz Grill. If we accept a Gentleman does not eat baked beans for breakfast/brunch, I feel it's a short stretch to examine the part played by soda bread in an Ulster Fry. I was Battalion Adjutant some 35 years past and we had just completed one of those monotonous mobilisation exercises, ending up in Fallingbostel for four/five days post exercise reorganisation. Being a Cavalry Depot, the host Regiment was the Inniskillen Dragoon Guards. They made us most welcome, extending an invitation to attend their Mess Sunday brunch for an Ulster Fry. Waiters placed plates, each containing a tower of thick sliced soda bread, an equal sized slice of pigs liver and, topped with two poached eggs. Putting one's knife through the construction ensured yolk and blood flowed, absorbed by the soda bread. An accompanying goblet of chilled sherry was served thankfully, most necessary in pushing 'the Skins' take on their local cuisine, over the thorax. When my opposite number informed me they had slaughtered the pig and as tradition dictates, served the liver to special guests(us), it became a race as to which would burst forth first, my conscience or bile. On Wednesday evening, something was rotten in the state of Denmark. The national broadcaster was bilious, Tom English articulated the bile. Liam McLeod has just finished over two hours of commentary, finally opining, "It's finished three-two on aggregate in favour of the Danes, Celtic supporters are more used to glorious European nights". One Dandy handed back to another Don, Big Dick sighed heavily before allowing Tom to take centre stage in the Gang Hut. He began with a blustered volley, "If Bomber Brown had been placed in charge of Celtic as an undercover agent, he couldn't have made it worse than Celtic have themselves". Clearly, the thought of Rangers had began Tom's unsettled state. Earlier that day, BBC Scotland's website had put up a multi-paragraphed piece by the Limerick lad, stating anything less than a Treble and Champions League group stage football, was a Rangers failure in the coming season. Setting the bar so high that standing on one's tippy toes, stretching to touch with your finger tips, is not good for the abdominal muscles. The cramps must have been severe because Tom announced, "Rangers have two teams, their reserve team could win the league comfortably". Tom owned the pain with, "Rangers are ready for a gunfight, Celtic are armed with a pea-shooter". Tom's bile bubbled for several minutes, realising he had over used Rangers as leverage he became more soothing. He likes Big Ange', he's a straight talker. Celtic played well, "they were the better side in both games". Ange' is not to blame and Dermot must have loomed large because his next statement was, "Desmond is a very successful business man". Obviously perspiring and experiencing light headedness he recovered, "there's lots of money swishing around the club". Seriously, I don't know what's worse, Tom deliberately setting Rangers a high bar or utilising us to increase leverage on his beloved Bhoys? The Bomber Brown reference is particularly strange, maybe his playing for Rangers in an effective Champions League semi-final against Marseille gives Tom further dyspepsia? This time last year Tom wrote, "Celtic are overwhelming favourites to clinch a tenth straight Scottish title at the end of Neil Lennon's long journey. There will be no hiding place for Rangers fans". I suggest Tom leaves off the fried soda bread and baked beans, all those hardened sharp edges and fibrous pulses are hard to handle on the way back up.
  14. Agreed, finally I qualified for Europe and have not even received a ferry ticket to Calais.
  15. Admin', Please move the above post into Ally Dawson's Obituary.
  16. I saw Ally's debut in September'75 against Queens Park in a Glasgow Cup tie. We won three zip in a match that had a quite remarkable own goal by Queens defender, McDonald. He managed to head the ball into his own net from outside the penalty box. I witnessed Ally's final Rangers appearance in May'87, another Glasgow Cup tie. It was the end of the magnificent bastard's first full season, we had won both the League and League Cup. The club had made the Glasgow Cup final and ra Sellik were desperate to take some of the gloss off Souness. The game was held at Sellik Park and Souness promised a young Rangers side, skippered by Ally Dawson. A 25,000 plus crowd attended, Bears outnumbered Yahoos by 1:3. Ra Sellik fielded a strong, almost first team. We held our own and deservedly won 0-1. A nice bit of symmetry occurred, Sellik defender, Baillie scored an own goal. Ally lead the young lads to the cup presentation and lifted the trophy immediately in front of Glasgow FA President, John McGinn. He led the team out on to the pitch for enthusiastic celebrations with the Rangers end. Ally's smile was as broad as every other Rangers supporter that evening in Parkhead.
  17. It's Monday afternoon and quarantining Chris has just done his first report on the Tokyo Olympics. He has revealed that both his Producer and Cameraman are in the same bind. Chris sits at one end of his long narrow room(effectively a Pod), face to camera. We can see a wooden floor, a Futon mattress on the floor and, a large flat screen TV attached to the wall above the Futon. Apparently, the Japanese are being most strict in ensuring those in quarantine, adhere fully to set isolation conditions. Shame, I was hoping Chris and his two BBC Scotland colleagues, would be building a bamboo railway bridge? Further, Chris took to Twitter lamenting the Hotel food for those isolating. It is Bento Box scoff. The Tweet has been removed because so many were deliriously happy at the plight of Chris. Chris on his tod, in his pod and, fingering his Bento Box has brought joy. Bento is Japanese patois for, 'convenience'. I would urge Chris to carry on at his convenience. Further, I would urge the Tokyo authorities to construct a roundabout outside the Stadium; just to allow Chris more comfort in these harrowing times. At the culmination of 14 days quarantine, Chris will only have two days of Olympic action to feast upon. Then, with Japan on the red list, he will have to endure further lonely times on return to Blighty. Still, his sister, creepy Connie will be there for him, keeping him mentally tough. He will need it. I am reliably informed that when the quarantining Pacific Quay Three were informed of the respective Old Firm results at the weekend, they were six-two their stomachs. We should chip in to allow Chris an evening of distraction. I am positive eight hours of Kendo Nagasaki cheek-to-cheek comfort would suffice? It will take his mind off his Bento Box.
  18. Gerry Braiden is Policy Advisor to the SNP group controlling Glasgow City Council. Further, he is PRO to Convenor, Susan Aitken. Take a minute peek at Gerry's Twitter feed and you'll realise Gerry's football obsession. These last few years; from Cessnock Residents Association through George Square, to GCC regulated attendances at Ibrox/Sellik Park, Gerry's fingerprints are all over these decisions. Stuart Cosgrove has been recently proclaiming Gerry as a very good friend of the show on BBC Scotland. If they want to reconnect with the Rangers supporters, Cosgrove should get Gerry on to the show to explain the science behind the figures provided by GCC. Since GCC are also responsible for the Glasgow Underground, Gerry can tell us why it's suspending it's services from 18.00hrs on Sunday evening, just as Rangers are kicking off against Real Madrid?
  19. I believe 'Flag Day' is moved perpetually in Aberdeen?
  20. All Dressed and Ready to Blow. I have just heard BBC Scotland's lunchtime News bulletin. As usual, it ended with a weather update and a Sports Desk. We were told all sporting focus is upon the Olympic Games. Further, BBC Scotland's Sports Correspondence, Chris McLaughlin is in Tokyo, having endured yesterday's 12 hour flight. We would have heard an in depth appreciation of factors facing Team GB in the land of the rising sun; however, Chris has been put into isolation after being in close contact with someone who alighted from the plane with Covid. I note Chris has taken to Twitter to vent frustration at being told to endure 14 days quarantine in his Hotel room. Even more frustration is visited upon the Chair of Pacific Quay CSC, when he was also told the close contact Athlete does NOT have to isolate. We must pray for Chris, left alone to finger his Bento Box. This set of circumstances must stick in his throat. Of course, it's Anxious Ange' that is really suffering frustration. Chris has always been there to provide a calming hand to all his predecessors on the cusp of a hugely important Euro fixture. Brendan, Neil, Martin, Peter, ................. and, Dermot have had the experience of Chris before them, on his knees. Still, those warm memories of full throated consummation will provide much needed comfort to lonely Chris.
  21. Wednesday night's pre-season friendly at Bloomfield Road has been canceled. Blackpool FC have suffered a Covid outbreak in their camp over the weekend. I feel for the 4,500 Rangers supporters that had secured tickets and booked accommodation, but it's the correct decision.
  22. The last time we visited Malmo, we achieved a 1-1 draw with nine men on the pitch. I think Bougherra and Whittaker were red carded? Keep eleven on the pitch, could we go one better?
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