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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Sheriff Kenneth Hogg knows the significance of the statistics. The Rangers Skipper was not assaulted for being at his work during the Scottish Cup final 2016 because, Sheriff Ken did not convict Dale Pryde. Similarly, Sheriff Ken ignored Dale Pryde running the length of the Rangers supporting Disabled Section that same day and further ignored him launching a plastic seat at a wheelchair bound woman. Dale Pryde does not appear on the stats for violence. Similarly, Sheriff Ken does not want Thomas Bole to become part of the sectarianism - racism stats either because, racism and sectarianism just goes one way. Interestingly, we now have a stat whereby a Sheriff has failed to add to stats on three occasions because of his own preferred prejudice.
  2. You must be most careful with Angela Haggerty. Within three months she lost both her Father and the Father of her infant child. As well as such misfortune, Angela is a self confessed self harmer and also obsessed by death metal. I am sure her Cardonald College education and denial of the murder of Lyra McKee is a great comfort to her? Still, there's always Stuart Cosgrove's comforting arm.
  3. Oh, the cleansing will have been on an industrial scale. As of yesterday I note all the usual suspects have disengaged on the matter. Spence, Cosgrove, Spiers, Stewart, Haggerty, ........ etc have all dialed this down from eleven to zero.
  4. It's ironic that this story is predicated upon social media, specifically social media history. Whataboutery throws up lots of anomalies, many are condemned forever more because of stating a view ie Chris Graham -what's happened to him? As the sword of Damocles continues to hover over the guy that held Rangers Directorship for a day, others can progress seamlessly despite numerous vile offerings ie Malky MacKay. Who decides? Who is the Keeper of the Records? Today, former Sellik View Editor, Kevin McKenna enters the fray. A number of Gersnetters will know this stuff, others can enjoy the revelations. All the information is available on social media and it highlights seamless progress. Thirty years past, the Sellik View Editor was invited to attend a German broadcast media sponsored event at the then Glasgow restaurant, 'Vesuvio'. A dozen other football related Editors/Journos were invited too. Kevin arrived in a tired and emotional state and embarrassed himself and his club. He was taped expressing preferred prejudices including the IRA bombing of Enniskillen Remembrance Day was, "a legitimate act of war" and, "Protestant breed like rabbits". Kevin was on the front page of the Sun a couple of days later. He was allowed to resign from his designation and his seamless progress began. Kevin has been Sports Editor at Scotland on Sunday, where he gave Spiers his first national job. Kevin became Deputy Editor at the Herald, brought Spiers to the blat, Kevin was a Columnist at the Observer, Kevin became Assistant Executive Editor at the Daily Mail, ............... today Kevin is a columnist at the National, the Herald and, the Evening Times. I do not know if Kevin reflects on the eleven civilians murdered or the 63 injured on the 8th November'88 or, has given further thought on the copulation of Lagomorpha? These days, Kevin or as Stuart Cosgrove says, "Big Kev" is very much the Patriarch of the Green Brigade mindset. He is Godfather to Angela Haggerty's son, Francis. The Cardonald College educated Journo was Phil McFournames Editor for his tome, 'Downfall' and signed off on Phil's piece de resistance, 'the Incubator'. Phil criticised the New IRA for sending a letter bomb to Glasgow University's Jeanette Findlay two years past, closed down the whole Uni'. Jeanette Findlay founded Call it Out and never fail fails to promote Cairde na h'eirann. Call it Out championed Cannon Tom White and his trials with the Orange Order member who spat on him. Cannon Tom's Presbytery sits right next door to the Squirrel Bar, HQ of the Green Brigade. I could go on. Chain, chain, chain, ship of fools? It's for you to say. All those mentioned above are guaranteed seamless progress. They are the converted and Kevin continues to preach.
  5. The more things change ..... 2008 is 13 years past, but the main characters in this drama hardly change. The Famine Song appeared at the same time as Phil McFournames. He was in the habit of regularly calling BBC Scotland to tell of his explanations of vile, sectarian Rangers supporters to his tearful early teenage daughter. Phil struck a chord with the then BBC Scotland News Editor, Dermot O'Hara. After the aforementioned old firm match, Dermot decided to show a thirty second long shot of the Rangers support singing, with the lyrics of the Famine Song and a bouncing ball at the bottom of the screen. This was broadcast on several news bulletins. Sadly, Dermot has passed. His brother, Brendan has been SNP MP for Argyll these last several years. The O'Hara family were one of the six founding families of ra Sellik in November 1887. The O'Hara brothers held original shares in the original company. When Brendan was elected to Westminster, his social media history was exposed. Lots of 'H' term usage and when challenged he often replied with the refrain from the Sellik song, "we don't care what the animals say". Brendan has never explained who the animals are. Brendan offered a one line apology for his past and that was that.
  6. Anytime Rangers or the Rangers support refer to Mark Sutherland, he should be addressed as, the Careerist Mark Sutherland'. Remind Mark where he decided to advance his career prospects on the backs of the Rangers support. Remind him of his responsibility and the price to be paid for deliberately demonising Rangers supporters before trial by choosing to utilise racism.
  7. Everyone makes decent points concerning this incident. The situation is the Scottish Government, Police Scotland and, a large section of both broadcast and print media are only interested in sectarianism when it appears to be perpetrated by Rangers supporters. There is a video circulating of a seven/eight year old boy, microphone in hand, in a Kilmarnock club; bellowing, "he's a bastard, he's an orange bastard, his name is Jimmy Bell". He is being accompanied by an adult guitarist and the several dozen Sellik strip attired adults all chorus, "we hope he dies, we hope he dies". The trump card of, 'whataboutery' is played and is thus ignored by all. The scene is truly heartbreaking, social services should be involved. I mention the Primary school child because it highlights a gap, no one at the Scottish Parliament will ask the necessary questions. The Club has made a couple of statements and appear to be assuming responsibility for an incident occurring two miles from the Stadium. Again, we must face the reality of the situation; to allow the Club to get on the front foot of the narrative, we must identify the leadership and organisers of this march through the city centre. The Supporters' Liaison must engage and articulate the ongoing damage being done. Concurrently, those supporters charged should not be abandoned. The authenticity of the video must be examined, the supporters charged have not been found guilty and, a defence fund should be organised for ongoing issues. The politicising of Police Scotland must be exposed. Further, the likes of Humza, James Dornan MSP, Angela Haggerty, ...... etc should be reminded that if their team fails to defend a corner, getting after elements of the Rangers support is being done, only to allow them to feel more comfortable with the result. The Club must question why the SNP has 108 MSPs/MPs and not one supports Rangers. This fact is NOT representative of Scottish life. If it is mentioned often enough, then the narrative changes. This week in Scotland, in excess of 40,000 folks have contracted Covid, the Health Minister, Humza Yousaf has broadcast more on Rangers than his direct responsibility. Taking him on and reminding him of his Office will see Nicola remove him from participation. Finally, after the last independence referendum there was a study into the voting intentions of Scottish football clubs supporters. Rangers supporters registered 40% in support of independence, the highest of all clubs. We used to have a number of posters on Gersnet who supported independence but they have largely withdrawn hors de combat. A pity I say. I want to know the mindset and debate only makes all of us stronger. Those of us supporting the continuing homogeneity of the British Isles have lost an insight into why the Nationalists HATE our Club and support.
  8. Humza, what did you say about the Jimmy Bell song video? Remember, he's bastard, an orange bastard, his name is Jimmy Bell and, we hope he dies". If you would care to stop singing and comment, I might take notice of anything else you want to say.
  9. Move to Birkenshaw, there's a BIG water tower. Stand underneath and demand they open the sluice, that should just about do it. We pray for your cleansed recovery.
  10. You are in poor company, Neil Lennon can never differentiate either. Slavia are the racists, Sparta are in waiting.
  11. Can Stevie G not send one of the young lads down the Co-op and get a quarter pun of tempo, a quarter pun of pace and, hauf a pun of gumption? Remember and use the Divi' number.
  12. Typical Tom Anguish. I feel sympathy for those members of the Westwood RSC who were not present on the supporters bus last Sunday. They are being punished for something where they played no part. However, those who did participate deserve all the punishment that came their way. To sing the song with accompanying actions is stupid in these times, to film yourself doing so is seriously stupid and, to post the footage on social media is the equivalent of shooting yourself in both feet, followed by shooting yourself in the head. Beyond stupidity. Joe and Tom amplified the incident by talking about it for a dozen minutes. There's a major piece of whataboutery doing the rounds. It'a clip shot inside a club where an amplified band on stage lead a grouping of Yahoos in the following: "he's a bastard, he's an orange bastard, his name is Jimmy Bell, we hope he dies, we hope he dies". Joe and Tom are more than happy to equate racism with sectarianism within the parameters of the Westwood RSC footage. They ignore the awkward and inconvenient footage of a Rangers employee being abused in the most vile, sectarian terms because it does not progress their preferred prejudice. Further, at the beginning of the Paddy Power sponsored talk show, Joe and Tom are talking GAA sports. Tom is a big Limerick supporter. His home town club celebrate GAA victories by playing, 'Sean South of Garyowen' over the PA. Sean South was a member of the IRA, a Fascist anti-semite and, participated in a cross border raid that saw the deaths of a RUC catholic constable and himself. Tom expects and receives comfort on such matters, as Chief Sports Writer for BBC Scotland; he never reciprocates.
  13. I suspect the lack of pace available for tomorrow evening, is a concern. I don't know what reserve/youth player still at the club(not out on loan) has genuine pace but, I would definitely have him on the bench. If after an hour, the game is 0-0; a pacy youngster would keep them honest. The only Armenian player in the back line with a semblance of pace was the right back. A ball over the top or up the sides could be the deciding factor, if we have the legs.
  14. Further on up the Road. Bobby Bland penned the tune in the mid-fifties, it's been covered by a host of artists since, most notably by old Slow Hand, Eric Clapton. It's a plea for karma to be visited upon a cheating partner, you reap what you sow. Such a cri de coeur is mostly accepted with sympathy because it's a road well traveled. Often the reality is different, the philanderer prospers and it's the hope that becomes a comfort. There is a guaranteed exception, the hope does not kill whilst navigating the road to Suvul. It's yellow bricked leading to sunny uplands, you enter paradise sitting astride a white unicorn. Let me remind you of the excruciating times some 18 years past. The Herald was Edited by Mark Douglas Home, hubby to the west Belfast Colette. His Assistant Editors were Kevin McKenna(former Editor of ra Sellik View) and Joan McAlpine(recently unelected SNP list candidate for Holyrood). The Chief Football Writer was Spiers, the Literary Editorship resided with Hugh MacDonald, the .................etc. The longest journey begins with the smallest step and this lot were in unison, off to see the Wizard. It took this lot five years to take the Herald daily readership from 115,000 plus to barely 60,000. Further on up the road to Suvul. Hugh MacDonald had a weekly column in the Saturday supplement, it was all about Sellik and their quest for the UEFA Cup. Hugh told of mid-60s school days attending St Mungos, gathering in the toilets to sing Irish rebel songs on the afternoons of big Euro' nights at Sellik Park. He utilised the column to damn Nick Hornby's Fever Pitch, claiming it did not match up to 'Not Playing for Celtic' by David Bennie. It was all about ra Sellik, it was contagious, if you were not smitten, you were a bigot. As the sun set, Hugh huddled down with Dorothy Spiers and used the ambient light sparkling from those red heels to pen the epitome of the road to Suvul rant. The quarter-finals were imminent, Hugh penned an open letter to both John McCormick, Controller of BBC Scotland and, Ken McQuarrie, BBC Scotland Head of Programmes. He demanded BBC Scotland, both radio and TV be consumed by ra Sellik. On match days, he wanted breakfast TV coverage of management team and players. Mid morning could show highlights of previous rounds, lunchtime would be for articulating hopes and fears of the support, late afternoon would see/hear the match build up by former players playing pundits. There was a real demand and this should be satisfied screamed Hugh. Amazingly, Ken McQuarrie replied and his letter was published in the blat's correspondence pages. He pointed out the numerous hours of live coverage from the qualifying rounds already awarded to Sellik and, reminded Hugh of the very real demands of reporting other news. Of course, Ken was savaged and the Yahoos expressed surprise, given Ken was Isle of Mull born and bred? To those of us, the majority not confined to this road being traveled, it was just more of the absolute obsession Yahoos had for all things Yahoo. It has taken almost two decades but BBC Scotland has never faltered and of last Saturday, Hugh's dream has been part realised. The Breakfast Football Show was broadcast, live from the much deflated Edinburgh Festival. Two hours of football? Well, it's BBC Scotland thus two hours of matters Sellik ensued. Presented by Creepie Connie McLaughlin(sister of Chris) and Kenny Macintyre(the necessary Token) and, colour provided by Tom Anguish and Kheredine Idessane. The special guest was Neil Lennon, Connie and Tom continually referred to him as, "Lennie". Feeling warm and comfortable, Lennie told of last season's trials. We found out things we did not know, "the two nil loss to Rangers at Celtic Park was because I was forced to field a reserve team". Tom hail hailed such news and felt encouraged to reveal a breaking story, "Rangers have withdrawn their offer of several hundred tickets to the Celtic support, THE CLUB are upset at this development". Of course, Tom fail failed to inform the listenership that THE CLUB would not give Rangers a reciprocal agreement. The most utilised word during the two hours was, "we". These days, Hugh MacDonald has reaped what he sowed. As a Big Sellik man he is guaranteed regular guest spots on BBC Scotland and he is so further on up the road, he is a permanent talking head on PLZ Soccer. A digital channel Sellik obsessed show hosted by Peter(McGuire)Martin, fellow green'n'grey hooped horrors are Alan Rough, Tam McManus, Alison McConnell and, Tam Cowan(another necessary Token). Give it another five years, the road to Suvul will be a ten lane highway. How else can we expect a hundred gazillion Yahoos to reach their destination?
  15. Only after both clubs have allowed their entire squads to wipe their collective arses on the flags. Neil, Rod and, Murdoch can wrap themselves in the banners before deep inhalation. Remind themselves of post copulation with Peter.
  16. SPFL Competence? Today, Partick Thistle received a packaged delivery from the SPFL. Also, Hearts were similar beneficiaries of a SPFL package. Both packages contained League Championship flags, both clubs had won their respective Championship and League One titles. The SPFL Chairman, Neil Doncaster has NOT been invited to either flag day unveiling. The Jambos and the Harry Wraggs think Neil and his fellow vote fixing cabal of MacLennan and McKenzie are incompetent wankers. Obviously, Neil and Co are anxious to flash their incompetence credentials and they sent the maroon and white saltire flag to Maryhill and, the talk of the Toon received a red and yellow St Andrews cross. You couldn't make it up, Neil and Co do, often!
  17. The Shape of Things. Gunslinger has correctly highlighted BBC Scotland's grudging acceptance of Rangers victory last evening. Elevating the grudge is to be expected but, another element was included in the full report, 'the comparative'. Here it is : 10 man Rangers edge out Alashkert. Ten man Rangers avoided a sobering draw at home to Alashkert as Alfredo Morelos' goal kept them on course for the Europa League group stage. The last time the Armenian champions visited Glasgow was in 2018, they were beaten 3-0 by a Celtic side who played 79 minutes with a man short. This time Rangers had John Lundstram sent off just before the break but, Morelos' second goal in European competition this season means they take a narrow advantage to Yerevan. The comparative is in the second line. I wonder why BBC Scotland did not include the comparative when Sellik crashed out of the Champions League qualifiers to Midtylland? They could have mentioned in 2019 that rAngers had defeated the Danes 2-4 away and 3-1 at Ibrox for a 7-3 aggregate victory. Of course they didn't because it's not really relevant. How is something that occurred even further back was deemed appropriate for association with last night's game? It's just Gang Huttery. It was a long evening for the Beeb, full commentary for both the Aberdeen game in Azerbaijan and St Johnstone in Austria. The Dandy Dons Dimension of Big Dick, Wullie Miller and, Liam McLeod told of and blamed the Qarabag pitch for Considine's injury, the conceded goal and, JET's lack of mobility. The Saints were plucky, including the now handsome Glenn Middleton. The only Scottish team to win, Rangers are now ahead of ra Sellik in UEFA rankings, but that was NOT mentioned. PQ's coverage of Rangers at Ibrox last night was being ridiculed on Pie and Bovril, "Richard Gordon and a couple of others watching CeeFax". No live commentary, not even from the studio TV. When Morelos notched, Big Dick announced we had scored by added, "we cannot tell you anything of the build up to the goal or how the ball hit the net". Michael Stewart thought Alfie was offside and deserved a red card.
  18. I was fortunate to witness Gerd Muller play live on several occasions. A truly wonderful player and as Compo says, "a terrific goalscorer". The period from late 60s to early 70s saw Rangers meet Bayern half-a dozen times. The ECWC meetings are well remembered but, my lasting memory was the UEFA Cup first round meeting in September'70. The first leg had finished 1-0 in Munich, Beckenbauer netting midway through the first half. The feeling was revenge for the '67 final defeat was in our grasp. A crowd of 85,000 squeezed into Ibrox on a humid evening as Bayern ran out in their traditional red and white stripes. Feelings grew as Rangers pressed throughout, several chances created, all squandered. Ten minutes remained when a clearance from the Bayern box saw Ronnie McKinnon tussle with Muller. As they reached the eighteen yard D, Ronnie's pace told and he ran across Muller taking the ball. The Swiss Ref' blew up and signalled an indirect free kick for obstruction. Gerd placed the ball on the penalty box line, stepped back and struck a swerving shot. It rounded the wall and found the net via the inside of the post. No problem, an indirect free kick had found the net without being touched? The Ref' awarded the goal. As the controversy raged, Gerd stood with both arms outstretched. Rangers equalised straight from the restart, Colin Stein finding the net. The tie was over, we lost 2-1 on aggregate. Muller left the pitch, both arms outstretched and aloft. Behind him, the Rangers players crowded the Ref' in the centre circle. I witnessed Muller netting twice in two matches for West Germany against Scotland at Hampden. His equaliser in late '73 was special. Again, on the edge of the box he took a pass into feet, dropped a shoulder that saw Jim Holton fall in a heap and, swept the ball into the high far corner of the net. He walked away arms outstretched and aloft. The three best I have seen at Ibrox includes Muller. The other two being Cruyff(Ajax) and Kempes(Valencia).
  19. As painful as Tuesday evening's result was, it is important this diary is updated. Richard Gordon sat in PQ, half a mile from Ibrox with Mark Hateley, Charlie Adam and, Chris Burke for company. No live commentary, just chat. There is no excitement in Rangers being in the Champions League, however temporary that particular existence. If you want joy, tune in this evening when Scotland's important Euro competitors are involved. We all pay the same license fees, we receive differing services.
  20. I believe leaning towards the lavender in Armenia guarantees ten yeas in the salt mine?
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