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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Lowry is a heads up player. I hope the next phase of Rangers is built around him. I hope he starts tomorrow?
  2. Tonight I am betwixt and between. I am enthused by Botanist gin, a slice of lime and, Fever Tree tonic water. Lot's of ice ensures I remain cool throughout. Then, there's Heverlee. Of course, I will start with a chilled Tio Pepe extra fino accompanied by Gordal olives.
  3. Today on Twitter, Gerry has announced his TV viewing intentions for this evening. He is watching Channel Four's Derry Girls because it has a story line involving his preferred Glasgow club. Michael Stewart has NOT tweeted since his apology to Rangers, Rangers supporters and, Jim Traynor. However, this afternoon he references an article on Eintracht Frankfurt and the club President, Peter Fischer. Michael tells us Frankfurt are a club doing it's utmost to deter unsavoury elements from sullying their fanbase. Michael adds, "this is a real good example to others". Now, we should be aware of how posting such stuff on the day of the game can bite you on the bahookie. Numerous overnight reports tell of 200 Eintracht Frankfurt Ultras attacking Rangers supporters drinking in a bar. We are informed balaclava clad Germans threw dozens of flares and bottles. The Police contained the situation and five Ultras were arrested. In Michael's Tweet, he shows a photo of a German Underpass with, 'Eintracht Frankfurt - Forever Devoted' spray painted above a several feet high font lettering, "ULTRAS". We know Michael will urge Peter Fischer to try harder to purge unsavoury elements - it's a good example to others, isn't it?
  4. Clearly, Rob was exceeding the Airline's quota on HATE. Strange because usually Rob has no problems declaring his HATE.
  5. We should be grateful that RAB Cosgrove in his dotage became increasingly garrulous, this time last year he was continually telling us, "Gerry Braiden is a big friend of the show". Remember, both broadcast and print media were battering us again because of the George Square celebrations. There is no doubt in my mind a fair bit of the criticism was justified. Drunken vandalism and an addiction to unfettered pyrotechnics should be highlighted. RAB was garrulous because he wants folks, certain folks to know he is a Man in the Know. He was comfortable congratulating Gerry because he knew Gerry was leading the media by the nose. Highlighting damage to George Square benches, making members of Glasgow City Council Cleansing Department available for silent hours interviews, encouraging politically motivated members of Police Scotland to speak out, wheeling out Susan Aitken in front of both cameras and micrphones and, finally releasing press releases from the First Minister and Health Secretary was Gerry sticking it on the H-u-ns and, RAB always wants to be seen to be part of that action.How is Gerry performing this year? RAB stated on the show, "the behaviour of the Rangers supporters is simply a disgrace". Yesterday, the Sellik support left ra Stade de Gadd and congregated a mile down the road in the Council created Plastic Paddy Theme Park. Trongate was invaded, businesses had to close, the Tron Theatre cancelled a performance and, residents told of the terror of continuous threats and urination. Drunken vandalism occurred at the Listed 1930 Edith Burnet Hughes Mercat Cross building, the doors were kicked in and three-four dozen Bhoys took to it's roof to wave flags and sing sectarian songs. The whole area was closed off by the Police for six hours. So far, six arrests have been made. The photographs of littering are as bad as last year. i have seen video footage of exposure, domestic assault, Yahoo on Yahoo violence, ......... etc. Gerry's Twitter feed has dozens of messages, pictures and, video clips of his favoured team securing the Premiership. Last night, his Twitter feed got slightly camp as he satisfied an obsession with Eurovision Song Contest. A Scottish Nationalist imploring his followers to remember Ireland's Dana winning the competition in 1970? In fact, Gerry's Twitter feed is bereft of Saltires his flag of preference is the Irish Tricolour. I wonder if Gerry will be orchestrating the media this afternoon and urging his Boss, Susan Aitken to bill his fellow Sellik supporters for the damage to the Listed Mercat Cross building? Would he remain a good friend of the show?
  6. I have voted for Adam Devine. I suspect life could get much harder for Adam? He is the grandson of Sydney Devine, country and western chanter from deepest, darkest Lanarkshire.
  7. Lowry's goal is fabulous. He stands up Smith as he drives into the box, uses the defender as cover to stroke the ball with no back lift.
  8. This morning I am reliably informed a fourth question has been sent by letter to Gerry Braiden. A chap who knows his marine engineering, Dan MacPhail kens what should go roon'n'roon as opposed to up'n'doon, is willing to serve as Engineering Officer on the MV Glen Sannox. Dan has asked Gerry if the MV Glen Sannox which was launched over two years past by the First Minister, is available to sail to Algeciras, southern Spain? Dan sees no major problems in the state of the art technology currently aboard the vessel, painted on windows and cardboard funnels are assets in these days of biodiversity. Dan has a few mates, a Deep Water Skipper with decades of experience in Clyde estuary trade, a First Mate named, Dougie and, a melodeon playing Deckie, Sunny Jim. The cargo is a thousand Rangers supporters intent upon attending the Europa League Cup final in Seville. The appeal includes a gesture of goodwill, both the First Minister and Glasgow City Convenor are invited with spouses to sail on the vessel's maiden voyage. Peter Murrell and Gordon Archer are Happy Hibees and most creative. Peter ring fenced £620,000 of raised funds whereas, Gordon utilised technical difficulties to withdraw two six figure sums from a soon to be bankrupt company where he was a Director. These sums could prove crucial in any negotiations with Barbary Pirates. Now, I hear you say there are outfitting problems on the Glen Sannox ie no seating. Dan has asked Gerry if GCC can spare any of the newly provided and paid for benches from George Square? Further, Susan Aitken has been asked for an assurance that she will NOT swim alongside the vessel, as this will be deemed a hazard to navigation. Any Gersnetters wishing to participate in this buckling your swash adventure, Phil McFournames is taking even more names as of Noon tomorrow.
  9. You know four of that list contributed, amplified and, facilitated the fall out from the Football Writers' Dinner. They all took to Twitter to condemn with alacrity. Interesting, within a couple of weeks the reforming resolve does not sustain as far as the Gilmorehill Culinary College. is Professor Raymond Boyle a misogynistic, sexist prig?
  10. Back in the day I was a member of the ABC Minors. I endured numerous episodes of Flash Gordon republic serials, I participated in the intermission talent contests and, threw my fair share of frozen Jubilees(always the bitterest of bitter orange - information for the separated brethren looking in) from the balcony. Further, I voted for the young lad from Larkie that won the talent contest in Hamilton's ABC Cinema circa 1965 because he was a flautist. He played Flight of the Bumblebee but we all knew it was a particularly staunch bumblebee. Combined with my Tufty Club membership; surely there are concessionary rates available?
  11. RAB goes Rabid. In the period this thread has been running, BBC Scotland and their employees have issued close to a dozen apologies to Rangers and Rangers supporters. I suspect they are fed up going cap in hand to the Great Satan, it is not a good look. They have reigned in the worse aspects, not sitting as comfortably with their preferred prejudices these days. Fellow Gersnetters do not fret, given the opportunity PQ will still spit the venom. Rangers achieving a Europa League Cup final has been decreed NOT an opportunity, yet. As stated, RAB Cosgrove's first reaction, actually his first broadcastable reaction to Rangers achievement is to state, "Rangers qualifying for the Europa League Cup final is not good news for Scottish football". Carrying the Scottish standard for four years, singularly raising the coefficient to allow the League Champions, Sellik automatic entry to the Champions League group stages, allowing third placed, Hearts automatic Europa League group stage entry and, ensuring fourth placed, Motherwell have Euro Conference group stage entry; is all trumped by Rangers earning Euro monies that take us further away from all Scottish clubs other than Sellik. Rangers are creating disparity. RAB does not want Rangers to triumph in Seville and, he wraps up this principle of rivalry for presentation but, it's just HATRED. We know this because RAB has a Podcast, 'Talk Media'. There was a period of a decade where PQ allowed RAB and Eamonn O'Neill to appear on John Beattie's lunch time show to spout their take on various media stories and the Scottish take but, over a couple of years past, they discontinued the overbearing Nationalistic propaganda. RAB and Eamonn took it to Podcast and another PQ stalwart, Janice Forsyth Produces it. I urge no Gersnetter pays for this Podcast, we find out quickly enough when RAB sticks it on his fellow wrong type of Scots. Michael Stewart's apology to Jim Traynor, Rangers and, Rangers supporters has hurt RAB. He is smarting and his analysis of the affair castigates BBC Scotland, "There is a degree of sensitivity around Rangers that no other Scottish club enjoys". Apparently the dark shadow of the Masonic hand stretches further, "we've arrived at a moment when large sections of the Scottish media are frightened of them". The architect of this great threat to the fourth estate is David Graham. Now, RAB does not mention him by name, he talks about, "a significant employee with Loyalist credentials". Apparently he has convinced the club, " to ignore the issue of doubt by convincing the club to release another orange strip". RAB's disappointment will be further deepened since Rangers are playing the final in all blue and, not in Seville bitter orange. Let's go back a decade, happier days for RAB. Regularly, he would get all Phil McFournames, you know make stuff up. He told of three Rangers supporting pals who attended all games, they decided to no longer attend because Rangers were not the same club. So much so, they all gave up their season tickets. I do not know of any Rangers supporter aping this behaviour but RAB knows three? When we received our License from the SFA, RAB predicted Rangers would return to the Premiership from League 2 obscurity. We would arrive and regularly play in front of 6,000 to 8,000 supporters at Ibrox because the vast majority of our support being glory hunters would fall away? you can see how Rangers European achievement causes RAB to wrestle with angst. Those days of introducing Rangers supporting guests as, "Chris Connor the H-u-n with a heart" and bellowing inquiries, "can you spot a handsome H-u-n" are gone and RAB in his eighth decade is pining for nostalgia. On the 25th of this month at Glasgow University, RAB has an opportunity to relive the good old days of the Rangers Tax Case Blog. Professor Raymond Boyle Chairs a debate afternoon in the Davidson building between 2pm and 4pm - those participating are Roger Mitchell, RAB Cosgrove, Jim Spence, Kevin McKenna, Graham Spiers, David Low and, Alan Burrows. You have to register if you wish to attend. Further, they are sure there will be some Haters? Looking at that list, how could they possibly squeeze in another Hater? I hope Gio traps accompanied by the Europa League Cup.
  12. I suspect we will have to await the next set of Accounts for the answer? However, I remember the last AGM where it was stated £3 million had been set aside to cover costs. The printed verdict states costs have NOT been awarded, thus no clear guilt either way. I have read our responsibility might have cost us as little as a million pounds? However, the most reliable source on all things financial at Rangers is Phil McFournames alter ego, 'Rugger Chap' - he says our Directors are currently in a frenzy attempting to sell more shares to raise the £20 million owing.
  13. Cue, The re-emergence of the Ibrox Residents Association, the Cessnock Residents Association and, the Kinning Park Residents Association. As soon as the SNP tell those to get involved in the various Residents Associations, we will hear.
  14. She was revived and has been on the road performing a Meatloaf tribute act. Gerry Braiden does the full throated Karla Devito role.
  15. Who is Gerry Braiden? Gerry is Policy Advisor to Glasgow City Council and Convenor, Susan Aitken's PRO. Gerry was a Journalist with the Herald for a dozen years, became their Local Government Correspondent thus seamlessly moved into his Policy Advisor role with the ruling SNP. Gerry's Twitter describes himself as, 'a Belfast Ambassador and Suburban Guerilla'. He could have been more specific, 'West Belfast Ambassador' but all those repeated photos of Gerry Adams, Martin McGuinness and, Danny Morrison let you know anyway. Ah mean Danny Morrison? What a guy, most well known for coining the phrase, "who here in this room disagrees if the IRA take power with a ballot box in one hand and, an Armalite in the other"? Less well known is Play Write Danny's last spell in the jail was for taking a RC Pensioner to a Sinn Fein Office, tying him to a chair and, pistol whipping him. All because he refused to allow a PIRA patrol from using his house as an OP. Now, RAB Cosgrove continually tells us, "Gerry is a good friend of the show". He does appear to have a developed interest in football, his Twitter feed mentions one team a lot, guess which one? Gerry has made no Twitter reference to a Glasgow club reaching the Europa League Cup final. As Policy advisor to Glasgow City Council, surely Gerry has the foresight and penetrative thought to present options to Susan Aitken? Would gerry advise Susan travels to Seville as a representative of the peoples of Glasgow? Would Gerry advise Susan to Host a Civic Reception in the City Chambers in recognition of a Glasgow Club's achievement? Would Gerry advise the First Minister to attend Seville in recognition and support for a Scottish Club? We should be told.
  16. You know, back in the day my Old Dear used to regularly purchase Keiller's Seville Bitter Orange Marmalade(Rough Cut). I would love it, if only for the meltdown that would surely ensue; if Castore issued a strip of the enclosed hue with Keiller's emblazoned across it.
  17. No Rest for the Wicked - Four Games in Ten Days. I loved the band, Free - Paul Rodgers, Simon Kirke, Andy Fraser and, Paul Kossoff rang my bell. The album, Fire and Water was on the turntable daily. They were greater than the sum of their parts and those parts were special. Kossoff's tone, Fraser's bass lines, Kirke's simple metronomic drumming and, all topped with Rodgers giveitsumasoul delivery. By April'72, they had split and I had not seen them live. Rodgers formed a power trio named, 'Peace' and they were providing support for Mott the Hoople at Greens Playhouse. I bought a ticket. It was a busy Saturday; schools football, Broomfield for the Rangers game then, an anxious bus journey to see the support act. Broomfield was an atmospheric ground, a two storey shoebox stand, a terrace called Section B and, Airdrie Sheriff Court appropriately sat adjacent. The Diamonds had a good side, they had reached the final of the Texaco Cup knocking out Ballymena, Manchester City and, Huddersfield Town. Brian Clough's Derby County waited as the final hurdle. An attendance of 12,000 was a real crush. We had defeated Bayern but facing Airdrionians, that was a real fight. Airdrie lined up : McKenzie, Caldwell, Clarke, Menzies, McKinlay, Whiteford, Wilson, Walker, Busby, Jarvie and, Cowan. Rangers ran out - McCloy, Denny, Miller, Conn, Jackson, Smith, Henderson, Penman, Fyfe, D Johnstone and A MacDonald. Obviously, the Diamonds had their minds on their visit to the Baseball ground because the fight and the game was over in under thirty minutes. There was a lot of football in that Rangers side, Andy Penman notched a double on the 16th and 29th minutes. Graham Fyfe got the second goal on the 27th minute. A 0-3 scoreline at both half-time and full time was a welcome surprise. The Mott gig had been cancelled, Ian Hunter had lost his voice, it was rescheduled for Saturday 29th April. Two days later, Hampden and the Hibees awaited. The Scottish Cup semi-final replay did not appear to be an arduous task, we had knocked Hibs out of the National trophy on each of the three previous seasons. However, as stated before Eddie Turnbull's Hibernian was different, a tactical astute team. Fifty-eight thousand trapped under the lights and watched Rangers come out of the tunnel - McCloy, Jardine, Mathieson, Parlane, Jackson, Smith, McLean, D Johnstone, Stein, MacDonald and, Johnston. Hibs - Herriot, Brownlie, Schaedler, Stanton, Black, Blackley, Edwards, Hazel, Gordon, O'Rourke and, Duncan. This was our third game in six days. I stood in the Schoolboy Enclosure and knew when Pat Stanton scored with the aid of a wicked deflection off Bomber Jackson's thigh in the 12th minute, we were not coming back. The men from Leith had an excellent midfield trio, Skipper Stanton was box to box, O'Rourke had an eye for a pass and regularly executed with perfect weight and, Edwards was superb in hitting long diagonals. It was the latter who continually turned us, finding the pacy Duncan. We looked leggy heading off at the end of the first period. Hibs were relentless in the second and received their reward with a headed Hazel goal midway through the half. It finished 0-2 but it could have, probably should have been more? We had no time to lick Scottish Cup wounds, the Pars were visiting Ibrox three nights later, on a Thursday evening. A week before 85,000 squeezed into the Stadium for the ECWC semi-final, Dunfermline were confronted with 5,000. Rangers - McCloy, Jardine, Mathieson, Conn, Jackson, Smith, Henderson, D Johnstone, Stein, Johnston and, A MacDonald. Dunfermline Athletic - Arrol, Callaghan, Lunn, Fraser, McNichol, Leishman, K Thomson, Mitchell, Mackie, Scott and, Gillespie. Interestingly, the Pars Ken Mackie was the subject of a £50,000 bid from Rangers and this was accepted; however, the player decided to remain at East End Park. I was not in attendance, I had to rely upon a mate's younger brother who was an Ibrox Ballboy for a team sheet and a thirty second report of the game. The Fifers opened the scoring on the 9th minute, we equalised and went ahead with a Doddie double on both the 12th and 13th minutes. Thomson drew the Pars level five minutes later then, Sandy Jardine scored an own goal on the stroke of half-time. Colin Stein achieved parity on the hour mark and, Jim Leishman scored a screamer with several minutes left to play. We had been gubbed 3-4 by the Pars and had to face Hibs again at the Stadium in two days time. The Tannochside RSC bus left the Miners' welfare with barely two dozen souls. Only a dozen tickets of the Sweep had been sold and it was withdrawn. The attendance was given as 12,000, a shade optimistic? Rangers - McCloy, Jardine, Mathieson, Penman, Jackson, Smith, McLean, D Johnstone, Stein, MacDonald and, Johnston. Hibernian - Herriot, Brownlie, Schaedler, Stanton, Black, Blackley, Auld, Hazel, Gordon, O'Rourke and, McGhee. The first forty-five reeked of end of season, the latter half sparked into life when Jackson bundled over Gordon in the box, the Ref' awarded a spot kick and, Jimmy O'Rourke stroked it home. Fifteen minutes later, DJ headed an equaliser which lasted a couple of minutes before Bertie Auld struck the winner on the 72nd minute. A 1-2 loss brought a few Boos and a few howls of disgust, the driver of an Invalid car was beside himself, stopped at the gate leaning on his horn. The rescheduled gig was a further disaster, Peace were off the Mott tour because Free were reforming. The support act replacements were the Dream Police. Hamish Stewart of the future Average White Band was the vocalist but it was not music, sweet music, not the Queen of my soul. We had one League game left against Ayr United and, then three weeks hence it was Moscow Dynamo in the ECWC final in Barcelona. Dave Smith had been named as Player of the Year but Skipper, John Greig remained in light plaster. All right now?
  18. I know I am a pedant. This is our sixth European final, we played Ajax home and away in 1973 in the first European Super Cup final. We lost 3-2 in Amsterdam and 1-3 at Ibrox for a 3-6 aggregate defeat. However, my team : McGregor, Jardine, Caldow, DJ, Dave Smith, Greig, Baxter, Alex MacDonald, McLean, Stein and, Johnston. Subs from Harold Davis, Tav', Barry Ferguson, Alfie Conn and, Goldson. I could - would change my mind tomorrow.
  19. Plus Ca Change. Thursday evening saw Rangers defeat RB Leipzig 3-1 at Ibrox, securing a Europa League final place 3-2 on aggregate. BBC Scotland maintained it's low profile, humdrum approach. Big Dick sat in a PQ studio with Richard Foster and Mark Hateley, all watching a monitor streaming the BT Sport live action from the Stadium. Seriously, a Euro semi-final involving a Scots club occurring less than half a mile from the studios and PQ's output is murmurings? Friday morning and lunch time, BBC Scotland know they need a bigger reaction. They do not return to the Dandy Duo of Tyrone Smith and Derek Rae who warned on drawing Leipzig, "Rangers supporters need to think again". You would think the Editor of the Bundesliga Newsletter, Stefan Bionkowski would be the obvious choice. Remember, when Stefan was a PQ staffer - he demanded the date of the last UK General Election be moved because his beloved Sellik were due to face Cluj in Romania that evening; he argued traveling 15,000 Sellik support not voting SNP would corrupt the result. In the real world, just over 600 green'n'grey happy hoopsters traveled to the Carpathians. Stefan dismissed Rangers chances of defeating Leipzig, surely this was PQ's most comfortable option? No, no and, thrice no. PQ went with Pat Nevin. The former Sellik Bhoys Club star threw out a few adjectives congratulating Rangers and concluded, "I hope the Rangers supporters behave better in Seville than they did in Manchester". The Chief Sports Correspondent, Chris McLaughlin said and penned nothing. The Chief Football writer, Tom English had a piece on BBC Scotland's website and it was most praise worthy, he aspired to the levels of excitement felt by all Rangers supporters. Well done Tom. Saturday was more comfortable, Sellik were kicking off at Noon and they could secure the title. Concurrently, 'Off the Ball' was broadcasting on the alternate frequency and, RAB Cosgrove stuck it on us, "Rangers qualifying for the Europa League final was not good for Scottish football". Apparently, the monies accrued will only take us and the separated brethren further away from the other Scots clubs and ensure the continued duopoly of Scottish football. As usual, despite wanting to hear from Rangers supporters, RAB's bias went unchallenged, as usual. Fair play, they had Barca Bear, Dave Smith on the show to promote his book, 'the Road to Barcelona'. Dave told a couple of good stories, Tam Cowan revealed an ignorance of matters 1972 when asking, "why was the attendance only 25,000 for the final"? I was waiting on RAB readdressing his Daily Record column of 20 years past, when he dismissed the victory because UEFA had discontinued the Cup and claimed Rangers supporters ransacked Barca Cathedral. Yep, RAB defies the official history of the Basilica de la Sagrada Familia - he wants, needs the Cathedral to have been RANSACKED. It was not, I know I visited the church on the day of the final with many other Rangers supporters, it was part of the tour. Sunday saw another three from the PQ rota crowd into that studio to view that monitor and, offer murmurings during Dundee United's visit to Ibrox. Given BBC Scotland's Herculean efforts in Seville 2003, the double decker bus parked outside the ground, Jackie Bird hosting, the band playing, ............... etc. What representation can we expect Seville 2022? You pays your money, you receive a much lesser service.
  20. I suspect I have related this tale on Gersnet before? Nuremberg'67 arrived after the horror of Berwick Rangers. Rangers Chairman, John Lawrence demanded scapegoats and, Jim Forrest, George McLean and, Alec Willoughby were all transferred out of the club. Scot Symon was desperate to find a striker. In those days, Rangers had a third eleven that played in the Combination League, youngsters were toughened, injured older players got a run out, Mr Trialist and Newman appeared regularly against Rolls Royce, Weirs Pumps, ........... etc. Eight or nine days before the ECWC Final, Rangers thirds were due to play Glasgow Corporation Transport ie a team of bus drivers, bus conductors, mechanics, underground personnel, ............... etc. The game took place at Helenvale Park in Parkhead. Rangers fielded a side with Roger Hynd at centre forward, he scored six goals in a 2-8 victory. Scot Symon had found his striker the next week? True story.
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