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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. There are some wonderful surviving editions of West German TV's take on the sixties beat boom, 'Beat beat, beat' is well fab. The Small Faces, the Kinks and, the Move all played live.
  2. I thought you'd listen to my reasoning But now I see, you don't hear a thing Try to make you see, how it's got to be Yes it's all, all or nothing Yeah yeah all or nothing All or nothing for me Blair Stevie Marriottt giving it sumasoul!
  3. "certain supporters"? I took myself to a bar one hundred metres from the River Ebro, the cooling breeze lifting off the flow was most welcome in a hot Zaragoza night. Scotland's performance was woeful, we deservedly lost 1-3 to Ukraine. As is normal in most Spanish cities, the local Argentine ex-pats were sounding off wildly, they had just stuffed Italy 0-3 in their own midden. Zaragoza is on one of the official Camino routes and, a couple of fellow middle aged Scots alighted from their bicycles to take in the game. As Ukraine went one up, they were in the midst of telling me their scallop shells on said bikes were from the Isle of Barra. Further, Nicola was attending Hampden. PQ Ganghuttery quickly descended into PQ Shithousery. Tom Anguish, Pat Nevin, Michael Stewart, .......... et al determined someone was to blame for our abject performance and, it was NOT Steve Clarke. Now, we know Nationalism demands blame be attributed to the Rangers player(s) or the Anglos on occasion. Oh, Ryan Jack withdrew from the squad injured and, Souttar was stuck on the bench. Kieran and Andy are the right type of Anglos. Shoehorn in the demonised and marginalised supporter grouping who do not subscribe to the Brigadoon constantly presented by the Tartan Army. Michael Stewart snapped : "I see certain supporters are talking about a Kilmarnock style manager. total Garbage. Yes there were mistakes made tonight But Steve Clarke is a top drawer manager and even they don't get everything right". Michael did relent and get after Scott Mctominay -"no natural defensive instincts and to blame for the second goal". I note the Scottish press commented long and hard on travel arrangements for the game. Michael did NOT contribute. Extra train services were organised to take the Tartan Army home. Although if you had an island destination, you would have settle for the comfort of a cardboard funnel. Nicola has one of those 28 Chauffeur driven Scottish Government cars. She has the one with the really BIG boot, it has to accommodate £20 million ring fenced monies put aside for a second Independence referendum or, as Nicola said on Monday, "it's a good investment". Why didn't Nicola just fly home on her Broomstick? It is like asking Michael to define, "certain supporters", you will not receive an answer?
  4. RBR, Why doesn't he continue to post on Gersnet? There is room for everyone, including bunnet hustling Nationalists. We have everything on here, conspiracy theorists, Putin apologists, former Royal Marines(spit), cnuts from Ershur and the Loave(ians), ........... etc. They all find comfort applying their tongues to a vast expanse of glass. Encourage Brahim to re-enter the fray, we deserve to be entertained. Talking of the barking, whatever became of the Star Wars archer? Just as well R2D2 didn't trap at Agincourt.
  5. No, I vote the way I shot. One of the very few that continue to vote Liberal. I have been doing the Portsmouth sailings to St Malo and Bilbao for near thirty years. Take the car and tour around parts of France and Spain. This jaunt will be five weeks, going down the eastern seaboard then, a week in Cadiz. Return on the western side, straddling the Spanish-Portuguese border. If only Craig would do the decent thing and offer his Lear jet to the penurious members of Gersnet?
  6. I have just endured an eight hour drive to Portsmouth, a 36 hour ferry sailing to Bilbao and, a three hour drive to Zaragoza. Currently sitting outside the Cathedral del Salvador enjoying a cold cerveza pequena and I read big Connor has penned a new four year contract. I might head over and offer a prayer of thanks?
  7. Can it be true? I am hearing Craig and Frankie are taking a Gersnet table in the new Sky Blue Lounge. The idea is to offer the other eight seats at the Rich Mans Table on a rota basis to us proper poor know our place types. We yearn for the discarded crumbs. If I had a forelock I would practise the necessary tugging. Can it be true?
  8. BBC Scotland's treatment of the young Scots lad is not surprising. I do not believe Michael Stewart was working for PQ on the night of the game? Certainly, I did not see or hear him. Maybe Michael was working for BT Sport or perhaps BBC Five Live? Anyways, as posted on the day of the game, Michael posted on his Twitter feed a link to the Frankfurt Chairman and his take on supporters. He was particularly impressed because said Chair regularly spoke out against unsavoury elements within the club's support. Michael thought others could take a leaf out of the Frankfurt Chair's book. His Twitter post contained a photo of a concrete underpass with Frankfurt Ultras prominently displayed. Of course, violence in Seville was confined to those balaclava wearing unsavoury Ultras attacking Rangers supporters in a bar. Just like with his hard to read context reference apology to Rangers, Rangers supporters and, Jim Traynor; Michael decided once again to bury the unfortunate recommendation amid another dozen inane Tweets. A Twitter feed akin to a clanging bell and tumbleweed is suddenly most busy, Michael seized the narrative post match telling of a financial disaster awaiting Rangers. The result was, "MASSIVE" in capital letters, we would have to sell a number of our better players. Post final, Michael was in a happy state of mind. Since, Michael has ignored his Twitter feed. A Hearts supporter, a member of the Hearts Foundation and, the Scottish Cup final has NOT happened. No comment?
  9. "The Suvul Sooks"? "The Suvul Sooks" is the name given by RAB Cosgrove to those employed by PQ that traveled to Seville to provide coverage to Rangers supporting BBC Licensing Fee payers. Although, given RAB's behaviour at the weekend, it could apply to Rangers supporters lapping water from Seville toilet bowls in favour of drinking Holy Water? It has taken over a week to compile a comprehensive list of al those attending on a Presentation basis. We know RAB and Tam Cowan did not trap because they were not asked to do so and, didn't they complain about it? RAB has a keen sense of entitlement in this regard, it is a Quango state of mind. Serving on the RST Board for over five years saw a number of matters of interest come across one's desk. Launched in 2003, one of the burning questions at the time, was just how many Hamilton Drive employees attended Seville'03 on the Beeb dime? It took months but, we received an official answer from the then BBC Scotland Controller, Ken MacQuarrie. We remember the double decker bus driven to Spain, we remember Jackie Bird presenting the News that week from the bus and, how that bus parked in front of the stadium with entertainment going, attracted hordes of ra green'n'grey hooped horrors. Ken told us eighty-eight(88) attended, no break down of designations. Nineteen years on and a move across the river saw no double decker bus, no Jackie Bird and, no(well at least one or two) hooped horrors. The definitive list is : Laura Miller, Al Lamont, Amy Irons, Steven Godden and, Chris McLaughlin.These five were in situ' for at least three days. The footballing side were flown in and out within a 24 hour time frame and included : Liam McLeod, Richard Gordon, Tom English, Mark Hateley and, Richard Foster. I believe these days you can multiply those ten by two point five to include Producers, Directors, ...... Technicians. There you go, 88 became 25 maybe?
  10. In November'71, I attended the Ron Chopper Harris testimonial at Stamford Bridge. Sandy Jardine scored a 30 yard worldy to secure a 0-1 victory for Rangers. The Bridge was a toilet. In May'85, I was a Staff Officer at the Duke of Yorks Barracks(adjacent to the Royal Hospital) and attended the Bradford Fire Disaster Fund challenge match at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea. Rangers won 2-3 with goals from Durrant and McCoist. The Bridge was a three tier stand amid a toilet. However, at least ordinary Chelsea fans could afford entry to the game. Chelsea's future resides with super fans like Jeremy Vine.
  11. Congratulations to Tam Cowan on Achieving 'Useful Idiot' Status. UEFA apologised to both Rangers and Rangers supporters on Friday last. Actions not unfamiliar to BBC Scotland. On a day in Seville where the mercury reached 35 degrees Celsius and evening humidity touching 90 degrees, the Guardia Civil turned off the tap water inside the stadium and UEFA agreed with Guardia Civil recommendations to close most of the stadium's refreshment kiosks. The Rangers Doctor dealt with four separate incidents of supporter dehydration inside the ground. The Andalusian para-medics were constantly involved in administering saline solution. Several hundred Rangers supporters experienced uncomfortable to most upsetting issues spanning a six hour period. As expected, BBC Scotland found mass H-u-n discomfort as subject matter to be cruelly exploited by preferred prejudice. Photographs of Bears at watering holes, songs eulogising cool, cool water and, multiple quotes from the Ancient Mariner were in full flow. Viewing the distress of your fellow Scots brought joy and it was not the fault of UEFA or the Guardia Civil; no, dehydration in every case was the responsibility of bevvied Bears. Former PQ employee, Catriona Shearer appeared on Saturday's Off the Ball to articulate her distressing experience at the final. Sixteen years as a colleague meant nothing, she is a H-u-n thus Cosgrove ignored her experience whereas Tam Cowan taunted with playing Marty Robbins Cool Water. RAB Cosgrove made a quip about drinking holy water, Cowan was concentrating on received correspondence, a pregnant silence ensued broken by RAB saying, "we must discuss Rangers supporters singing anti-catholic songs". Catriona Shearer stated, "I am here to discuss the failings of the authorities at the game, I condemn any such singing" and, the Producer moved them all along. The next day, Sunday's Off the Ball had Susie McCabe as a guest. Like RAB, she has a history of liberal usage of the 'H' term. Along with RAB she is there to judge the guilty parties, Tam and the H-u-ns. There is a 15 minute discussion on the day before's broadcast. RAB flashes the show's credentials on anti-catholic chanting and ant-Irish racism. Susie wants everyone to move forward without the old baggage and, Tam joins Graham Spiers in the useful idiot corner. He offers to Chair a two hour discussion on sectarianism next weekend when laying his life bare, "married to a catholic why would I indulge"? Tam should have extended the accuracy before blurring the objectivity. Tam told of Chairing the Reamonn Gormley Diner on an annual basis, "a lad murdered because of the football shirt he wore"? Let us look at that statement. Reamonn Gormley was brutally murdered eleven years ago in Blantyre. Along with a mate, David McFall; both watched the Aberdeen-Celtic match live at the Parkville Bar. The pub was owned by former Celtic player, Harry Hood. Both those charged and convicted of Reamonn's murder, Barry Smith and Daryn Maxwell were also in the bar watching the game. As Raemonn left the premises, he turned off the main drag into a tree lined lane where the armed Maxwell and Smith waited. It was a mugging, they demanded money and the lad's mobile? He refused and was stabbed three times and bled out. All four mentioned attended the same school, St John Ogilvie High School and Smith joined a dating agency on release from jail with the username, 'HappyHooper' - a homage to his favourite player, Gary Hooper. An attempted robbery gone tragically wrong. There were those at the time who attempted to portray the murder as sectarian, it was not. Similar to the Francis Haggerty murder of a dozen years before; the Daily Record's Anna Smith continually told us, "the Police refuse to rule out a sectarian motive for the murder". Francis was the victim of a Paedophile ring. If Tam had utilised the murder of Mark Scott in 1995 at Bridgeton Cross, then he would have been correct, it was undeniably sectarian. We can see an issue about the distress of dehydration among the Rangers support has had the narrative seized and suddenly it is all about sectarian murder. If you are accurate you will be objective has NOT been applied and RAB is NOT going to intervene. RAB is bleating on other means about David Graham's role at Rangers and, his Loyalist political links, all because his partner in Rangers hate, Michael Stewart was forced to apologise publicly to Rangers, Rangers supporters and, Jim Traynor. RAB talks about Rangers needing, "to participate in the removal of doubt" ie remove David Graham. Let's reverse this, RAB bellows about, "Handsome H-u-ns", introduces a guest Janitor from Largs on his show for five years as, "the H-u-n with a Heart" and, pens articles for St Johnstone fanzines referring to Rangers supporters as, "H-u-ns and typical orange bastards". When does PQ participate in the removal of doubt? You will never quench the thirst of the PQ Gang Hut for another Useful Idiot?
  12. "Calvin Bassey is juicing". Above is the latest from our separated brethren, harvested from the Twitter feeds of the usual suspects. Apparently, "Bassey is at least double the size since the H-u-ns signed him". Oh and, Sellik's medical team have noted this, Lab' reports are imminent. Steroid Loyal RSC.
  13. What is going on? Twenty seven years past, I remember Chick Young live on BBC Radio Scotland telling us he was outside Ibrox and, Eoin Jess was inside having his medical. I see no mention of Jess on the above lists, how long does it take the club to get signings over the line?
  14. Apologies. I was under the impression his Everton contract expired this summer?
  15. Susan Aitken's Policy Advisor took to Twitter yesterday and, both Tweets related to a Rangers game. Gerry Braiden was fixated on the Scottish Cup final, he was advising his followers to wager upon a fellow Alumni notching the cup winning goal against Rangers : "Good luck to former Cliftonville and West Belfast legend Liam Boyce today. The first person from my old school to score a winner in the Scottish Cup final. Do not bet against it". Imagine, an Advisor to Glasgow City Council urging and encouraging the centre forward of an Edinburgh club to score against a Glasgow club. What type of PRO proffers such advice? However, Gerry's dalliance with the Cousins of William did not survive Saturday evening. He Tweeted : "That's it I'm done. I have followed Hearts through thick and thin for over 48 hours but no more, it's over". Gerry has been through it all before; the Officials, the Provisionals, the Continuity, the Real, ................ etc. Where do Gerry's allegiances lie? This morning, Susan's Advisor concluded that winning the oldest trophy in world football can only be compared to finishing last in a competition. The majestic piece of silverware that is the Scottish Cup is a Booby Prize : "Booby Prize Sunday is ok, eh"? I think we can all see with these Tweets why RAB Cosgrove considers Gerry to be a very good friend of the show?
  16. The article highlighted by Jonny McFarlane is from Saturday's Times. It was penned by Ewing Grahame. The piece is more than a spoiler, it is obscuration. Ewing Grahame was chosen because he is another shill for Sellik. Ewing graham was the Herald's Chief Football Writer in 2003. Rangers faced Stuttghart in the Champions League that year. Grahame traveled on the Rangers team flight to Germany, a member of the official party. On the day of the game he became tired and emotional. He missed the kick-off, arrived in the press box and slumped into a deep stupor. His submitted copy bore no resemblance to the match. He went back to sleep and missed the provided coach leaving the stadium for the Airport. The Rangers flight missed the allocated slot and, was delayed for over two hours. Rangers made a formal complaint as to his unacceptable behaviour and, the Herald sacked him. Twenty years on, Ewing continues his great hatred.
  17. Mack, you may well be correct? I watched Liam Boyce yesterday because he went down and off with a groin injury in the twelve minute at Tynecastle. I was surprised he reached half-time but, he was husbanding his application carefully. Off the ball, he was not running. Happily, he allowed Simms to do the running thus no surprise when he was blowing with ten minutes left. I think on a free, the lad is worth a punt.
  18. Based on your last sentence I agree. Simms has the makings of a good striker, big, powerful, good feet, good finisher, ....... etc over the season. In a Scottish domestic game, particularly away from home the pairing of a Simms with a Sakala or Wright satelliting gives us something we do not have currently. Both Simms and Kingsley got Hearts to the final and, whereas I think Simms had a good match, Kingsley was almost anonymous. Standing in Row A of the North Stand I watched him anxiously keeping a constant eye on Tav'. The situation reminded me of that Scandinavian Dundee United signing who constantly ran alongside Laudrup without tackling? Kingsley has a good left foot on him, can pick a pass and, strike a free kick; why he was reduced to man marking is a mystery? Surely, Devlin would be more suited? Tav's stats are impressive, Frankfurt tied him up with their best player. Robbie Neilson copied the template. Back to the Simms thing, I remember older managers often talked about, 'the Blend'. You do not hear it at all these days. Good teams have to be able to mix it but, you have to have the necessary resources to do so. Liam Boyce has been pretty effective in that role this last decade in Scottish football.
  19. Along with two mates, we sat -stood in Row A of the North Stand yesterday. A trio of lower to mid-sixties blokes eight or nine seats from the divide between the Rangers and Hearts supports. We had NO interaction, most of the supports immediately surrounding us were older guys, women and, several children. After Ryan Jack's screamer, my mate was hit on the head by a stainless steel Vaping pipe. This was a solid several inch long object. We retrieved it from the open couple of yards of concrete immediately in front of our seats but, before the retaining wall. A lady behind saw who threw the object and we reported it to the Police Officer at the front of the dividing line. The Officer refused to take action and, we demanded her superior officer hear our complaint. He took several minutes to arrive and was equally dismissive. Of course, the discussion quickly reduced to Police Scotland's zeal for ensuring young supporters receive a criminal record for singing songs but, not wanting to report an action of thuggery. Meanwhile, the lad in his mid-30s that threw the object was intent upon constant gesticulation. The male Sgt accompanying the female Inspector concluded any reaction from our grouping would result in Police action. A couple of minutes later, the Referee blew the final whistle and the Jambos turned to tramp back up the terrace stairs. One remained with his arm and finger outstretched. We held up the vape pipe, pointed at him and sang, 'Dirty Vapish Bastard'. The female Inspector laughed, her Sgt had serious facial issues.
  20. Just going through this thread. I thought Simms won the vast majority of challenges with either Goldson or Balogun. Hard running with robust strength goes a long way in the Scottish game. If Everton do not renew his contract, I think he is worth a punt?
  21. How do I vote for John Souttar?
  22. So, Have I qualified for the Europa League or the Euro-Conference League?
  23. Rosseau, Well done you. Again after another season, please allow me to commend your application. Administrating the GPL for all our benefit is most worthy.
  24. I was listening. Talk about misjudging a room? As he enters his eighth decade, he should be shown pastures new.
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