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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Police Scotland? It is a fortnight since BBC Scotland reported on the Rangers - Dundee United fixture at Ibrox, stating the minute's silence for the death of the Monarch had ended with, "the away section was showered with glass bottles". PQ's modus operandi kicked in and the report was taken down after an hour or so, to be replaced by the Dundee United statement. The piece ended with, "Police Scotland are investigating the throwing of bottles into the away section". Thankfully, BBC Scotland and Police Scotland ignored the YouTube video-claim that, "two Dundee United fans stabbed to death after, 'Lizzie's in a box' song. It remains on YouTube with over 110,000 having viewed the lie. Misinformation and disinformation is the name of the game and PQ know credence is lent when they can conclude the story with, 'Police Scotland are investigating'. The amount of Rangers-Rangers supporters stories that PQ have ended with that phrase are numerous. The thing is we NEVER find out how the investigation concluded. Well, there is one exception; you remember 55 had just been won and, a video emanated from ........... surely not PQ ............. purporting to show several Rangers players inside the Blue Room, holding the League trophy whilst singing sectarian anti-catholic songs. All the usual suspects including James Dornan MSP, Humza Yousaf MSP, Jum Spence, Angela Haggerty, ...................... etc posted the video on YouTube, demanding Police action. Humza also demanded Rangers discipline the players involved ie Joe Aribo, Ryan Kent, Calvin Bassey and, Connor Goldson. It took Police Scotland a week to find no evidence of sectarian singing, there was a suggestion the video had been deliberately doctored to suggest anti-catholic chanting. It reminded me of BBC Scotland News Producer, Dermot O'Hara(brother of SNP MP Brendan O'Hara) showing a 30 second shot of Rangers supporters at Hampden signing whilst having a bouncing ball at the bottom of the screen, highlighting the proposed lyrics of the famine song. I hope Dermot and Brendan received their royalties from the broadcast? We await Police Scotland's findings as regards the shower of bottles aimed at the Arabs; in the meantime let's look at other BBC Scotland reports: 1. Jum Spence whose son serves within Police Scotland. During his second letting go by BBC Scotland, Jum was out walking with his wife in an Angus village and a Rangers supporter began to bellow at him from across the road. Jum reported the incident and we await the findings. 2. Rangers had just won at Pittodrie, a supporters bus heading south from the city pulled into Stonehaven for sustenance. However, those vile Rangers supporters forgot their hunger when presented with children building sand castles on the beach. It was reported several sand structures had been demolished and Police Scotland had been informed. 3. PQ reported Neil Lennon had been the recipient of a "viable" device. No, Neil had NOT even been the recipient of the envelope containing a battery, wiring and, a small chemical phial. Post Office staff dealt with the non-viable device(no detonator)at the GPO - they put it into a bucket of water. Now, we know two men were correctly arrested, charged and, sentenced to custodial terms but, it was the undergraduate dressed as Postman Pat carrying a wrapped box with 'bomb' printed on it at the Uni Halloween party that outraged PQ. They reported it and Police Scotland ensured he was fined several hundred pounds. The above incidences all received the full PQ attention, news reporting, discussions upon and, designated phone-ins on each matter. Parity is important and we await the same treatment for the Green Brigade unfurled the banner proclaiming, "if you hate the Royal Family clap your hands". We know because they have told us. Michael Stewart agrees with the Green Brigades political aspirations. Tom English has often eulogised the witty content of their banners. Chris McLaughlin lionises the atmosphere the Green Brigade bring to the ground. Every game is enhanced by a couple of effigies being hanged by the neck above a couple of dozen flags proclaiming, "KAH"(Kill All H-u-ns). BBC Scotland have reported some of the above incidents, they have hosted fewer discussions. I cannot think of them ever demanding Police Scotland action? The "Hate" banner at Paisley is an open goal. Remember Humza Yousaf reminding us that Scotland has legislation on hate crimes during the 55 title celebrations? It was the basis for demanding both Police action and Rangers disciplining the supposed players involved. Did Police Scotland okay a banner with the word, "Hate"? A phone-in which will not happen would reveal a lot about the nature of the relationship between PQ and Police Scotland. Can you imagine, who would host such an imaginary phone-in?
  2. Porteous reminds me of Gregor Stevens. When his timing was in, Gregor could be a stylish centre back. Timing off due to the red mist and the red cards appeared. Of course, like Gregor we could give Porteous more opportunity to ensure our hearts remain in our mouths; play him in midfield? Seconds out ...... ding, ding!
  3. The Whiff of Spliff. Andrew Phillips resigned from the role as the SFA's Compliance Officer on the 1st of September. I suspect Phillips successor flashed the necessary credentials this week? Michael McKeown of Callahan, McKeown and, Company, Renfrew was up before the Scottish Solicitors' Discipline panel due to choosing to pay a £325 fixed penalty for possession of the class B substance, cannabis. Payment of the fixed penalty ensures Michael does NOT have a record of criminal conviction. However, the professional Disciplinary panel found McKeown guilty of professional misconduct. Further, his behaviour was deemed, "serious and reprehensible". The circumstances surrounding Michael's actions during the Spring of 2020 ensure he is very much Neil Doncaster's man for Compliance Officer. The partner aged 54 years was not working when a regular client called him to attend Glasgow Sheriff Court. He reached the main doors security and informed the Police he was attending to represent a client. The Police doubted his credentials because Michael was wearing a Sellik jersey. After loud remonstration, he was searched and a bag of cannabis was found in his trouser pocket. Michael explained he was suffering from stress and a friend had given him the drug to aid relaxation and help with sleep deprivation. He had forgotten the dope was in his pocket. The Panel found that Michael was acting in a professional capacity when he attended the court and should not have had an illegal substance in his possession. The Panel agreed a censure was the most appropriate outcome. This means Michael can continue to operate as a Solicitor, essentially it is a reprimand which does not impact on his ability to practise law. It is believed Neil Doncaster does NOT object to the 56 year old Lawyer wearing his Sellik jersey to work whilst acting as Compliance Officer? Michael has pointed out he owns the Sellik away top too.
  4. @BEARGER and @buster. , In October 2016, Lee Wallace came off the bench at Hampden to face Lithuania. He was booed by elements of the Tartan Army. In November 2016, Lee Wallace started against England at Wembley. He was subjected to a chorus of, 'Lee Wallace is a Grass' and subsequently booed.
  5. Lee Wallace did NOT abrogate his responsibilities. Remember the events after the 2016 Scottish Cup final? As Club Skipper, he gave a statement to Police Scotland, he was kicked, punched and, spat upon. Police Scotland took a political decision not to charge any Hibs fan with assault on Rangers players and staff. Scotland's next game saw a group of Hibees construct a banner proclaiming, 'Lee Wallace is a Grass'. BBC Scotland through the auspices of Chris McLaughlin and Kheredine Idessane; gave a running commentary of the banner being paraded at the Airport, through the streets and bars of Malta and, telling us how the Tartan Army applauded the banner's progress. When Scotland played England at Wembley, Lee Wallace's every touch of the ball was booed by the Tartan Army.
  6. Dave Cormack is most comfortable in his role as a Sellik fluffer.
  7. Buster, I lifted the quote from Dundee United's statement from BBC Scotland's 'Scottish Football' website. As of last evening, BBC Scotland have taken down all reference to the Rangers - Dundee United game and United's statement. I suspect like before, Editorial control is not what it should be and embellishment ensued? Further, early last evening the same website reported Police Scotland were investigating claims from United fans that their section was hit by thrown glass bottles from the home support in the wake of the minute's silence. This report first appeared in the National. Again, there was a difference as a result of lack of Editorial control. BBC Scottish football reported, "the away section was showered by glass bottles". Last night, the entire report was taken down. I did not see any bottles or objects being thrown and, I sit in the front row of the upper tier of the Sandy Jardine(thus good view). However, I am sure Liam McLeod will itemise the number of bottles, where each emanated from and, the colour and contents of each bottle?
  8. "Lizzie's in a Box". On Saturday last, Ibrox settled to a planned minutes silence for the passing of our country's Monarch these last seventy years. Queen Elizabeth's death has witnessed an outpouring of emotion not seen since World War Two. The last Monarch, George vi passed in 1952; there is little to no collective memory. Ten days of mourning is NOT a huge demand for someone who provided daily service everyday for in excess of 70 years. Think about it, four hours of dispatch box administration every morning beginning at 07.30hrs; including Christmas day, Birthdays, Honeymoon, ................. etc, over 25,000 consecutive days. Truly, a life of service. Whether your belief systems include Constitutional Monarchy or not, you have to respect the unflinching dedication to the roles of Head of State, Head of the Commonwealth and, Head of Established Church. An elderly woman died aged 96, a Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, wife, sister, ...... etc; all running interference on unquestioning service. Surely, a minute's contemplative silence is not an unreasonable request? As the players took position on the centre circle the booing began within the several hundred Dundee United supporters. As the Referee blew the whistle to begin the silence, the away section broke into four or five choruses of, "Lizzie's in a Box". The culmination of the silence was marked by the first verse of the National Anthem. As God Save the King finished, BBC Radio Scotland commentator, Liam McLeod admitted interruption of the silence then added, "it is impossible to say which part of the ground the interruption to the minutes silence came from". Disinformation in 18 words. Dundee United issued a statement after the game. It outlined the Board had passed on received information to supporters but acknowledged, "a tiny minority of supporters did not respect the minute's silence". The statement contained no condemnation and no apology. BBC Scotland printed the statement but did not readdress Liam McLeod's ridiculous lie. From the position of the Ibrox gantry, Liam McLeod said, "it is impossible to say which part of the ground the interruption to the minute's silence came from". It is just another BIG LIE to emanate from BBC Scotland reference Rangers and Rangers supporters.
  9. I have been in France these last 18 days. We have played three and lost three, conceding eleven goals and scoring nil. I am returned, heading to the Stadium for a spot of lunch then, we will thump Dundee United.
  10. I remain in France at the moment thus, watching the game on a well dodgy stream. In the first period, three, four occasions we picked up the ball in the Napoli half and immediately looked to move it wide. Whereas Arfield drove at the Italians and took on a thirty yard strike, well saved by their Keeper. I think we should drive at them given the opportunity.
  11. "fine lines"? I remain on the ile d'Oleron and tuned into BBC Radio Scotland for coverage of last night's opening Champions League fixture between ra Sellik and Real Madrid at ra Stade de Gadd. It was Big Dick hosting, another Dandy, Liam McLeod doing the live commentary; Tom English, Pat Bonner and, Michael Stewart doing the summaries. Chris McLaughlin did the pre-recorded background interviews(Chris along with his sister, Connie were in their usual comfy heated green leather seats in the north stand during the game). Big Dick and Liam really are the Dandy Dons Duo, a warm up act suitable to all salivating Yahoos. Big Dick eulogised the ground and atmosphere; Liam lionised the Green Brigade and the anthem, 'You'll never walk alone', "look at all those visiting Spanish Journalists recording the noise on their phones". The flashing disco lights, a nicked song about suicide and, choreography from the Village People; all done to the echo of the Green Brigade's Thompson gun. Big Dick began, "the strains of the Champions League music begin, not heard in this country for four years"? Oh, that would be Handel's Zadok the Priest, last played at Ibrox a fortnight past when PSV visited. Big Dick continued, "the last time Real Madrid were in Glasgow was forty-two years ago". Wrong again, they were at Ibrox last season losing 2-1, Sakala scoring the winner. Big Dick concluded the last time real lost a Euro final was 1983, to Aberdeen? If it does NOT involve Sellik or Aberdeen it did NOT happen. At half time and the teams tied at nil-nil, Big Dick congratulated ra Sellik ball boys on their uber quick re-circulation of the ball, "Real have been caught out twice by the rapid recirculation, I would like to have seen Celtic score". Big Dick qualifies that line by telling a whopper, "I say that because I want all Scottish clubs to do well in Europe". Tom English was ducking and diving in an attempt to avoid Big Dick's growing nose but, managed to squeal, "Ange will accuse me of being a sycophant however, his calmness, matter of fact delivery prematch has struck the right note in the team, Celtic are all over them". I hope the Producer bundled Big Dick and Tom into a room to allow both to compare their swelling glands? The last laugh is left to the man with the biggest ego, Michael Stewart. As Bill has stated above, ra Sellik PRO provides - suggests lines to enhance - ameliorate situations. The game has finished Sellik 0 Real Madrid 3 and former Sellik TV Presenter, Michael Stewart begins, "Fine lines, it was a game of fine lines". Michael suggests no one would argue if the game had finished 1-0 to ra Sellik or 4 or 5-0 to Madrid, "if you understand how a game is played and concludes on those fine lines". Michael took the listening public on a journey, "we have been here before, Celtic lost to Bobo Glimt in late February and, that was the wrong way to lose". It was Oswold Mosely-esque of Michael to provide the light to show the way of hooped futures, "those fine lines meant Celtic lost tonight but, they lost in the correct way". Michael halted, no doubt he self preened(does PQ provide a Fluffer) and concluded, "Celtic are moving in the right direction".
  12. Any cup game, the most important thing is to ensure you are in the hat for the next round draw. I thought the lad Connelly scored an exquisite goal. Shagger did not even bother to follow the flight of the ball. I like the look of Devine?
  13. Just after the AZ Alkmaar thrashing, I was hearing Jack Ross was of the opinion that both Charlie Mulgrew and Tony Watt had no future at Dundee United. I suspect Mulgrew will throwing his hat into the ring as Player-Manager?
  14. Jack Ross has been sacked by Dundee United. I suspect Malky Mackay will replace him and, Ross will take a turn on the carousel then pitch up in Dingwall as Mackay's replacement?
  15. Colin Stein scored eight goals in his first ten days after signing for Rangers. A hat trick at Gayfield against Arbroath, Rangers winning 1-5. A further hat trick against his former club, Hibs at Ibrox in a 6-1 thrashing. Only a midweek double in a Fairs Cup away game in Dundalk in 0-3 victory.
  16. You are now, Chair of the Sit on your Hands Loyal RSC. A Regimental mate provided me with his Leeds United season ticket for the Elland Road CL game in 1992. When Hateley scored in the 8th minute, a young chap and his girlfriend sitting several rows in front, jumped up to celebrate. It took the Police and Stewards fully 15 minutes to pacify the situation. Both Rangers supporters suffered several blows. Stay safe.
  17. "I fear for Rangers, I really do". The above quote is from BBC Scotland's Tom English, it was the conclusion of his half-time summing up of events in the PSV's Philips Stadium. In his two minute interval report on BBC Radio Scotland, he fired off five timings, all opportunities for PSV to take the lead. In boxing parlance, Rangers were slumped upon the ropes and taking a pounding, the break was most welcome otherwise, "the Rangers bench would have been searching for the towel". As I was standing outside the Howf listening to my pocket radio, I thought Tom needed a towel to mop his feverish brow? I had watched the first half in the pub and thought we had endured a sticky 10 minute opening spell, had played our way in and, controlled 15-20 minutes in the middle of the first period. I recognise the Dutch had made a couple of openings but, they had NOT worked our Keeper. Steven Thomson at the match and Neil McCann in the PQ studio agreed with my observations. Lundstram had whistled a shot past the post and, both Tillman and Colak had shot directly at the PSV Keeper. Further, everyone agreed the Dutch players' movement had tested Rangers in the final five minutes of the half. "PSV made enough chances to win two, three games"? The above quote is from BBC Scotland's chief commentator, Liam McLeod, it was his final sentence of a full time summation. Again, both Thomson and McCann talked up the achievement and, highlighted Lawrence rattling the goal frame with a wonderful strike after displaying quick feet in the box. Both agreed the final 30 minutes had been comfortable for a thoroughly professional Rangers. A full fifty minutes after the final whistle, Tom English reappeared from the depths of PQ, we were told he was filing copy? Now, Tom has filed copy on dozens of occasions whilst broadcasting and he usually takes 15-20 minutes. He is a well practised Journo. At ra Stade de Gadd, Tom is back in the fold within 20 minutes to offer his views in breathless excitement. What was Tom doing for the extra thirty minutes on Wednesday evening, was he searching for the acceptable line? Both Tom and Liam had the script and refused to deviate from a pre-penned narrative despite, what their eyes told them. I fear for objectivity at BBC Scotland, I really do. BBC Five Live's approach differed from PQ, enthusiastic at Rangers performance and, in agreement with both Thommo and Terry in their appreciation of Rangers professionalism. Yesterday, the Scottish Daily Express published a column asking why two arms of Auntie Beeb had arrived at differing narratives? Tom's copy was heavy on tough, dogged and, redoubtable Rangers, the accompanying unnamed piece asked, 'what do two clubs in the Champions League do for the Game'? You will not be surprised to hear our qualification creates a widening gulf and any benefits to the Scottish game are dependent upon what you want from the game??????? There you are Gersnetters, do NOT do drugs. I suspect we all thought Rangers reaching the Europa Cup final last season created a seismic shift in our game. We were quickly informed by the usual suspects that losing the match on penalties was devastating. Immediately after events in Seville, Michael Stewart Tweeted : "Winning the Scottish Cup for Rangers or Hearts will be huge. It will round off a great season for Hearts with European group football already guaranteed, for Rangers it will mean not finishing empty handed. Missing the Champions League money is a MASSIVE blow to their finances". The MASSIVE capitals were all Michael's. He extrapolated on BBC Radio Scotland, reaching the Europa Cup final had temporarily dug Rangers out of a financial hole, players will have to be sold, "they didn't win the cup, the gamble may have failed. We will have to wait and see"? Since the above Tweet, Michael's Twitter feed has ignored the Scottish Cup final result and, Rangers Champions League qualification. He is fixated with Scottish independence and the tranquility of Catalonia. Like Tom's copy I am sure Michael is awaiting further narrative advice from the Kerrydale Accountants? A comfort blanket, a much treasured comfort blanket has been wrenched from the collective PQ hands. We know in three and half years they chose not to interview Steven Gerrard, we know they have not interviewed Gio either, so far. When they do sit down with the Rangers Gaffer, I hope he does not miss, Michael Stewart is a MASSIVE target.
  18. Gaspard, Well done you. My attendances at the Band of Hope were a necessity, having signed the pledge I lost my memory.
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