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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Seriously, we have been in court so often this last decade; I suspect the defensive side of the court is known as the Rangers end?
  2. Current Scottish Cup holders have just been drawn away to St Johnstone in the fourth round. Tie to be played on the 21st January'23.
  3. It is official, Michael Beale is the Rangers Gaffer. Michael has my every best wish, I hope he is the most successful Rangers Boss of my approaching 60 years follow following Rangers. Deliberately, I have stayed off the Forum this last month. I have been traveling, including 12 days in my Mallorcan pied a terre. Contemplation was needed because the last two away games against both the Perth and Paisley Saints highlighted a phenomenon that cannot be ignored. The GVB year was a very good year. He took us to our sixth Euro' final, won the Cup and, successfully guided us through four Champions League qualifiers. He made the club a shed load of money. He was hampered by significant injuries to key players. In saying all that, he was Toast after Liverpool thrashed us 1-7 on our own midden. The details of that game are worth remembering - we were drawing 1-1 with thirty minutes left to play. We succumbed to an eight minute hat trick from a substitute and only some outstanding goal keeping kept the scoreline below double figures. Elements of our team stopped soldiering. Our Board should have applied the maxim, always reinforce success. they did not, preferring to recoup their soft loan monies and, I do not think we can blame them for doing so? During both Saints games, most of the teams refused to soldier. I think Beale has an interesting problem. He has to find a way to install professionalism individually and collectively. Hard decisions must be made that will impact upon ambition. Leadership is required.
  4. Jews don't Count. You may have viewed David Baddiel's latest powerful documentary, 'Jews don't Count'? Given the fall out between the majority of UK Jews and the Labour Party these last couple of decades, it was not unexpected but, it was an awkward watch. Baddiel correctly lays out two millennia of anti-semitism we are all familiar with and, points out the left leaning intelligentsia find it most uncomfortable. We live in an era of heightened sensitivities and it is appalling that Jews are mostly not included in debates on racism. Baddiel points the finger of fault at the Establishment, including the BBC. Baddiel accepts that his previous broadcasting history was not all that, he recognised his demonisation of Nottingham Forest's centre forward, Jason Lee strayed into racism. Baddiel blacked up, wore a pineapple on his head and, donned braiding whilst sending up the hapless player. He decided to say sorry to Lee and the filmed apology will surely be counted in the ranks of awkward TV. However, the most awkward fact remains why the Jewish experience fails to make inclusion when the Palestinian, new world Aboriginals and, Irish experiences are so well rehearsed? The Establishment in Scotland is the SNP and the fawning broadcast and print media. I have long wondered how left leaning folks get away with identifying themselves as both Nationalist and Socialist? The Doyen of our intelligentsia parks his arse at BBC Scotland, the seventy year old RAB Cosgrove took umbrage at Baddiel's piece. Toting a significant multi-national property portfolio, this Michelin starred so-called. Socialist has a column in the National and a constant PQ remit to stick it on the Rangers. The arbiter of what is acceptable in new, modern Scotland has decreed, "sorry" appears to be Baddiel's hardest word. RAB utilised both his National column and weekly shows on the National broadcaster to stick it on Baddiel. Where he leads, we know the PQ Producers in their Panzers follow(not follow follow NEVER follow follow). We have a number of other shows reinforcing RAB's point. Shereen Nanjiani has Angela Haggerty and Paul McNamee on to discuss Baddiel, then there are the phone-ins(only card carrying members need call). On Off the Ball, RAB prompted Cowan through a pitch for a BBC Radio Scotland show where past Presenters could say sorry for past errors of judgement. Thus, we arrived at Jim Traynor. Now, usually when Traynor is mentioned, Cosgrove informs the audience that his Scottish football nickname is, 'Jabba'. Funnily enough, RAB never explains why Rangers supporters refer to him as, 'RAB'(Rancid Auld Bigot). Anyways, RAB wants a show with Jim Traynor and Graham Spiers discussing their support of Rangers and saying, "sorry". As a Rangers supporter, I would ask why License Fee payers monies are being forked out to invite two guys no longer employed by the national broadcaster to return to discuss Rangers. Particularly since one of them, Spiers(and sons) has told us he has been a season ticket holder at Sellik Park these last four seasons. He wants to give his sons the football experience he enjoyed. Further, Traynor right back to his days on the Herald always proclaimed his love for Airdrionians. Here is a better idea, take half-a-dozen still employed at PQ types, you know Chris McLaughlin, Kheredine Idessane, Tom English, Martin Dowden, ...... etc and, they can all chorus love furra Sellik and say, "sorry" for NOT loving the club enough. Even better, include RAB, Big Dick, Liam, Michael Stewart, .... etc and, you can all debate who HATES Rangers and Rangers supporters the most? More value for the License Fee payer and think of the spin offs in phone-in shows. Keep the Producers happy. RAB often evokes the past on the Beeb, Rangers were without a doubt the Establishment club. If we were, surely it ended fifty years past? Further, being the Establishment club, you would think our PR might be a bit better? Even further again, being the Establishment club, why does none(zero) of the ruling party's(SNP) MSPs support Rangers? Sixty-five MSPs and none support the Establishment club. Here's a better, more appropriate pitch. Put RAB in a studio and he can say, "sorry" for every time he broadcast or printed the word, 'H-U-N'. We will get David Baddiel to keep count.
  5. The Rangers Family should ensure this project is completed immediately.
  6. The 33 year old will appear in court, confirm his name and address then, plead Not Guilty. He will be given a date several weeks hence for trial. In the meantime, the PF Office will lose all the gathered evidence and when the 33 year old traps again at the court, his case will be dismissed. The current Justice Minister, Keith Brown will instigate a full investigation and, promise to publish the findings. Five years past, six Yahoos were charged with hanging two effigies from the north stand roof at Sellik park. One effigy was replete in a Rangers scarf, the other wore an orange collarette; both had their hands tied behind their backs. The effigies(strange fruit) twisted in the breeze until nearly half time during the game. Below the effigies, a dozen flags flew, all proclaiming KAH(Kill All H-u-ns). They appeared in court, registered pleas of Not Guilty and when re-appeared several weeks later, the PF Office dropped all charges because ALL EVIDENCE had been lost. The then Justice Minister, Humza Yousaf promised a full investigation and to publish the findings. To this day, the report has NOT been published. I suspect the CalMac Ferries on the stocks at Fergusons Yard in Port Glasgow will be sailing, plying for lifeline island trade before the report is published? The 33 year old Aberdonian has nothing to worry about.
  7. I have voted for Colak. It is a protest. Colak made some very good runs in the first half, we could not find him. He is a real deal finisher, get your head up and find him. Think about it, we were awarded twenty(20) corners, that's an unhampered ball into the Saint's six yard box every three minutes. Did the Saint's Keeper have a save to make? The sole outcome for us was a Sakala header hitting the bar. We have to make the law of averages work, find Colak.
  8. The Brigadoon Inn sits on the main drag at the western edge of Tranent but, the real Brigadoon moment occurs approaching the Big T from the opposite side of town. The tiny hamlet of Macmerry is real although, maybe a breeze from the Firth blew away the cloaking har? Foresters Park sits bang in the toon centre, floodlights shinning to welcome a visitor. The whole operation is best described as tidy. A retaining white rail envelopes the playing surface and, everything else is freshly painted maroon. The pitch is a fine surface, must be one of the best in the Lowland league? Eight quid for entry and the club shop sold refreshments, a selection of food and, clothing. The three girls behind the table were courteously helpful, only apologetic that the pies had been sold out before half time. I was told the attendance was just under nine hundred? I opted for a cup of Bovril(£1) and a fridge magnet(£3.50) because it contained Tranent's motto, 'Lie Forret'. I will instruct my Butler to attach it to the cabinet freezer amid the Vendee section. The Bovril was seriously good. Tranent have an Ultras section, a couple of dozen early teens banging a drum and flying several large flags proclaiming, 'the Big T Bois'. They bellowed an air with derogatory lyrics about Haddington. Ah, the insecurities; Tranent has both an Asda and an Aldi, I am sure Haddington sports a Waitrose. I met up with a couple of old Belters, known to the folks of this parish. One of those two, Ian is a fact totem - the Belters nickname emanates from an old primary source of employment in the town, a saddlers/tannery factory specialising in the manufacture of belts. It was heartening as older supporters stopped to reflect in the glow emanating from Ian - a hard working, free goal scoring centre for Tranent for a decade. The reaction to the other, Frankie was matter of fact. As praise was showered on Ian, I told a worthy, "the baldy cnut was once your Keeper". He looked at Frankie, hands sunk deep in his pockets and uttered, "aye, he looks as ready for action as he did then in the goalmouth". The game had a ton of goalmouth action, finished 2-2 but Rangers could have undeservedly nicked it with award of a last minute penalty. Zac(what is his porn name)Lovelace had the opportunity for a hat trick but the Tranent Keeper made a fine save. If any Gersnetters are contemplating a day at the Lowland league, Tranent is the very place.
  9. Ian, It would be an honour to be in the company of a man who held the role as Chief Belter of the Belters for a decade. I am heading off, dropping the wife in North Berwick before traveling to the Big T. After the game, it is a rush back to N Berwick, the wife has booked us into a restaurant called, 'Osteria'. In terms of recognition at the game, I will be sporting a pink carnation. I believe such flora is de rigueur amid such culinary plethora as highlighted by Frankie? What colour do the Belters wear?
  10. I am enjoying a childhood favourite, a weekend at Eyemouth. The sea is a calm turquoise and the harbour buzzes with dormant strength. I lunched at DR Collins cobbled pen, they have their own boats and the produce arrives on one's plate courtesy of a crested wave. The fruits de mer was £35 for two, consisting of a Lobster, Crab, prawns and, half-a-dozen Lindisfarne oysters. A bottle of white Burgundy to accompany and you have a pig in the proverbial situation. I note Rangers B are due to play a Lowland League fixture tomorrow at Foresters Park against Tranent, some thirty-odd miles up the A1. I am looking forward immensely to a lazy Autumnal drive to the bountiful East Lothian. Finding a Chef-Patron Brasserie for lunch, a table d'hote menu offering local rustica - Lappin au Moutarde, Pol au Pot or, Cassoulet? I wonder does East Lothian with it's coastal boundary offer red wines similar to the Languedoc, mostly cabernet with a hint of merlot sweetner? The main course is Rangers Colts up against a side locally known as, 'the Belters'. I have no doubt the beef will be rare, the heart gently bleeding. The denizens refer to the town as, 'the BIG T' and are known to celebrate the burning of the traitor's effigy, Guido Fawkes with considerable relish. Is there value in bringing one's pre-prepared marinade, add a sizzle to the Big T Barbecue. Being Autumn, I hope the locals have been foraging with their truffle pigs and hounds in the local woodland. A half time treat of Tarte Flambee aux champignons is a favourite. A trencherman's match report tomorrow evening.
  11. Can You Speak Out of Your Arse? PQ Producers regularly ask this question when considering pundits to talk matters Sellik? Last night, Big Dick introduced a ten minute segment of fellow Dandy, Liam McLeod commentating on Rangers conceding nineteen(19) goals in this season's Champions League group games(after 5 matches). To highlight and reinforce the paucity of Rangers preparedness for CL group games, Big Dick finished by telling of BBC Alba's Alex O'Henley reporting yesterday's CL Youth group match at Firhill, it finished Rangers 2 Ajax 6. Big Dick was anxious to let us know it will not get any better any time soon, he relished taking away the hope. I watched yesterday's Youth match and Rangers were 0-1 down early on, then were deservedly reduced to ten men, Rice sent off. We recovered and the ten managed to edge 2-1 ahead. Ajax equalised in the second minute of first half injury time. Ajax Youths are top notch, the second half was an exercise in finding the extra man and, deservedly ran out 2-6 winners. We know Alex O'Hanley is a good friend to Rangers? Anyways, he did NOT report the whole story and Big Dick knowingly pounced. I thought I have never heard BBC Scotland report on Euro Youth games before? I listened this evening as Peter Grant, Pat Bonner, Chris Sutton, Liam McLeod, .... etc all spoke out their collective bahookie. Real Madrid defeated Angeball 5-1 and, Pat articulated amazement at the amount of chances created by Sellik. Peter was anxious to expose his bigger arse, "if Benzema was playing for Sellik, with those chances, Sellik would top the group". Sellik finished bottom of their group, just like Rangers. Sellik Youths lost 4-1 to Real Madrid today and finished bottom of the group too, but none of this was reported. I suspect South Uist born and bred Alex O'Henley was having difficulty finding his mouth/arse? During his playing days, Peter was a great gesticulator. He pointed out he was NEVER to blame. Thus, if Albion Rovers had signed Benzema and created the necessary opportunities, then Coatbridge's finest would be topping a CL group. If Pat knew his arse from his elbow, he would be speaking out of his cubitus. The last time Real Madrid played a Scots club, it was fifteen months ago at Ibrox, Rangers won 2-1. Alex O'Henley failed to report this too, he was too busy flicking his green'n'grey tongue at Pat's cubitus, or was he licking Peter's arse? We should be told?
  12. The current situation is unacceptable and the ongoing silence emanating from the Blue Room compounds. Ra Sellik won the Premiership last season. Their automatic qualification for the Champions League group stages was facilitated by the national coefficient, largely established by Rangers efforts in the prevailing four seasons. We qualified for the group stages by playing four qualifying games, winning two, drawing and losing one apiece. I believe we have contributed 6.5 points to the coefficient this season, more than any other Scottish club? I drove to last night's game and heard BBC Radio Scotland's build up, they played a full ten minutes of commentary of all goals conceded by us in this season's CL group stages, interceded by clips of GVB saying, "we will learn", "we are in development" and, "we cannot compete". Big Dick introduced and Liam McLeod screamed with satisfaction. Truly, we are chastened. Currently, we hold the record for the worst performance ever in CL group stages. I am not looking for a sacrifice, I am not looking for pointless reaction that raises the whole tone of the campaign. Certainly, I am not looking for a repeat of November'69 - I stood as a 12 year old schoolboy with my Old Man in Edmiston Drive with 12,000 other Bears. We had just lost 1-3 to Gornik in the ECWC, a trophy we were favourites to win. Lubanski's goal would have won any cup buy Man City beat the unfancied Poles in the final. The Rangers Manager, Davie White was sacked that evening. I do NOT want a repeat. I want the Board to come out and accept responsibility and tell us the way ahead. I want leadership. Without leadership, others are allowed to seize the narrative.
  13. The UK joined the Common Market(EU) in 1973 and, there was tremendous effort put in to ensure all communities twinned with their continental equivalence. Glasgow proposed to twin with both Turin and Liverpool. All three cities had been centres of heavy industry but, were in various stages of deindustrialisation. Further, Glasgow were west facing Atlantic ports; both built on the basis of tobacco, molasses and, slavery. I began at strathclyde Uni' in 1974 and remember the Science faculties were asked to supply evidence of Glasgow - Liverpool cooperation in marine engineering, marine architecture and, in the evolution of tea clippers. I was not, am not a Glaswegian; however, I thought the links were fairly obvious. The Liverpudlian reaction was unanimously quelle horreur. The city council did not entertain the idea, MPs and Columnists took to newspapers to make unfavourable comparisons and, the more famous Liverpudlians all chorused, "no comment". The invitation was turned down. Liverpool was/is unique, it stands alone. Twenty years later, Liverpool accepted invitations for twinning with Dublin and Odessa. Liverpool is the home of Knotty Ash and the Diddymen, it should be treated so.
  14. I am just wondering? Our build up play, particularly at Ibrox is laboured. Roofe is back and appears fit for now. Why don't we establish a platform higher up the pitch by playing the diagonal to Roofe and, Colak can play for the knock downs, lay offs and, generally satellite for the second ball. I think we have to change it, particularly between now and start of the world cup.
  15. Today's Euro Youth game finished - Napoli 2 Rangers 3. Scorers for Rangers were Ure and a Lovelace double. Our last senior victory in Italy was also 2-3 against Livorno. Thus, it all means we will get battered 4-zip this evening?
  16. In VAR's first weekend in Scottish football, it has upset both Chris Sutton and John Hartson. What's not to like?
  17. Lawrence Marlborough lived on the jade waters of Lake Tahoe, I do not think he had much interest in the club. John Lawrence owned a very successful construction company - 'a Home of your own by John Lawrence' - he built Newton Mortgage.
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