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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. In keeping, I would give him a plate of Ershur Electric Soup.
  2. The Dandy Dons unravel in face of Kirkpatrick the Darvel Marvel. Show BIG Dick into a darkened room containing a desk with a loaded pistol.
  3. Half time is Darvel 1 Aberdeen 0.
  4. Darvel have just gone one up and, deservedly so.
  5. I remember a couple of years past, the Slug aka Mark Guidi was constantly reminding his beloved Sellik that Neil Lennon's name was gaining considerable purchase inside the Everton Boardroom. I believe Neil is currently available?
  6. A Wizard A True Star - or is that another Todd? I saw the Light Loyal RSC.
  7. I suspect Aberdeen will arrive in Ershur snarling. It will be an all for one effort tonight, every blade of grass will be covered and, every blocking tackle will have an edge. I have just found out, Darvel play in blue.
  8. Father Jim was charged with indecent conduct and the PF Office decided NOT to proceed because they decreed it was not in the public interest. Father Jim has a special devotion to St Bilbo of the Blessed Dildo, there is a dedicated shrine in the Castro area of San Francisco.
  9. Well, Cove are known to occasionally train on the beach. Big Dick will note Weston's lack of application, running around kicking down bairns sand castles as opposed to concentrating on the fitbaw.
  10. Plus ca change(again). The first four and a half years of this thread was based on the lack of service Rangers supporters received from BBC Scotland. We all pay the License Fee and yet Rangers supporters receive a deliberate lesser service. These last six months, Rangers and the national broadcaster patched up a three decade long uneasy relationship. PQ were back into Ibrox and had the same access to the Rangers manager and players as the vast majority of the rest of broadcast and print media. Last night, Rangers visited Rugby Park for a live Sky match, kick-off 20.00hrs. The other planned three Premiership games were kicking off 15 minutes earlier. BBC Radio Scotland's flagship Sportsound came on air at 18.30hrs. Big Dick was hosting, Craig Levein and Rory Loy joined him in the PQ studio. We were told straight off that the Livi' - Dundee United game had been postponed due to a frozen pitch. Dundee United would be issuing a statement. Supporter concerns were covered, many had already left for the game, particularly those from Dundee. Next, Kheredine Idessane interviewed Ange live from Sellik Park. Pat Bonner was also at ra Stade de Gadd and he was asked for opinion on matters Sellik? Both ra Sellik and St Mirren teams were given and Pat gave Kheredine and Big Dick more opinion. Pat is unique, he only covers Sellik games. We know this because when Kheredine interviews St Mirren Gaffer, Pat has no opinion. The Tynecastle match between Hearts and Aberdeen is then up for chat, teams are read out and Big Dick and Wullie Miller at Tynie have a several minute speculation on line up and formation of the Dandies. Alan Preston joins Wullie, he has hot footed over from West Lothian when Livi' fell to the weather. Jim Goodwin and Robbie Neilson are interviewed by Jambo, Brian McLauchlin. Aberdeen look more solid with Graeme Shinnie back in the line up. At 19.15 hrs, "BIG Sellik man"(courtesy of Annie McGuire), Martin Dowden interviews Michael Beale, emphasis on change of Keeper again and, dropping to the bench of Tillman being replaced by Arfield. No team news. Big Dick(now the PRO of Cove Rangers) wants to talk VAR. A ten minute chat raises a few points : 1. Goldson's hand ball again. 2. Refs' must explain VAR decisions to fans - Pat cannot wait until a Ref' is explaining a decision to fellow Sellik supporters at Parkhead. 3. Big Dick wants to know why some instances are not referred to VAR - namely the Goldson hand ball and Ryan Kent's punching of Liam Scales? He goes on, Dons fans are particularly frustrated at this and three days later the Compliance Officer appears not to be taking an interest. Levein and Preston agree and add their surprise at no media campaign to draw the CO's attention. Stellar work from Cove Rangers PRO. We are back to Rugby Park at 19.40 hrs and, Martin Dowden interviews Derek McInnes. The Killie team is given and explained. On the hand back to Big Dick, the Cove PRO is flustered because he wants to hand over to fellow Dandy, Liam McLeod for build up comment from the evening's live commentary game at Sellik Park. As YNWA is played over the PA system, Big Dick asks Martin Dowden to give the Rangers team at 19.44hrs? If you want to hear anymore of the PQ improved service to Rangers supporters, tune in on Monday evening next. Cove Rangers PRO will be broadcasting live from Darvel, Ershur. He might even give you Saturday's Rangers line up, particularly if the Compliance Officer needs the information.
  11. Killie notch their second. We love to dither about our own box too.
  12. Armstrong off. Sub' Alfie now, do not give Clancy the opportunity to even this up.
  13. Our work rate is poor. We should be making an effort to stop the ball being played long and into our left full back position. We should be stopping the crosses continually streaming into our box. Further, we do NOT have a player putting their foot on the ball and, lifting his head. There is a danger with every player in that, the longer they do not appear, the better player they become. However, I believe Lowry is a heads up player and can pick an incisive pass. I would have him on for Kamara at the half time break. Finally, the lad Armstrong has been booked and continues to tug, pull and, put his foot in. Why don't we put someone on him the first 15 minutes of the second period and encourage him to get even more emotional?
  14. It is time for the law of averages to be our friend. I want a good first half performance manifested in a two or three zip lead. I want no dramas on the drastic plastic. I want our traveling support to sing Rangers songs. I want Andy Walker to choke on a Killie Pie.
  15. I agree. However, what happened to the, 'we don't need Rangers, let's have a Sell Out Saturday' routine?
  16. Any worries, concerns reference last season's League Cup semi-final? The first 45 minutes at Hampden last season was the proverbial 'mare. We knew all about Martin Boyle's pace and, hard running ability. We know the size of the playing area and allowed Boyle to find more space than you will find inside Tom Boyd's head. The game was over by half time. Tomorrow, Aberdeen have Luis Lopes(more commonly known as Duk). Similarly to Boyle in terms of pace and hard running. Will he keep us honest? Can we squeeze the game by pushing up our back line? Any ball over the top or down the line could have us chasing. Further, I note Graeme Shinnie has returned to the Dandies. He was always guaranteed to be cautioned in every game against us. Will he replace one of the more talented Dons youngsters, like Connor Barron. Is it all about us, get the first goal and ..................?
  17. I have sat for a couple of hours contemplating whether I should make this post and, what forum would be most appropriate. I decided I would submit the article because genuinely, I would like to know the answer. Further, since most Gersnetters will be familiar with the names and, their continuing actions against Rangers and Rangers supporters; Rangers Chat is suitable. Today in the Herald, Kevin McKenna utilises his weekly column to lionise the Parish Priest of the Immaculate Conception church in Maryhill, Glasgow. Father James Lawlor has bucked the trend of falling congregation numbers by standing up alongside some of his parishioners who are fighting the Home Office's attempts to deport their families. Certainly, it is a story worth telling. Kevin has been prominent in both the written and broadcast press in Scotland these last 35 years. The Priest's name also rang a bell? Kevin McKenna was Editor of ra Sellik View back in the years straddling the late 80s - early 90s. He widened the blatt's remit including political and social aspects. A German TV crew came to Glasgow to talk matters, 'Old Firm'. They invited a dozen or so interested parties from both sides of the divide to attend a social evening in a club off Royal Exchange Square. Apparently, Kevin trapped late in a tired and emotional state. There is no apparent about the next part, he was recorded saying such niceties as, "the IRA bombing of the Enniskillen Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday was a legitimate act of war" and, "protestants breed like rabbits". Kevin's slurred outpourings appeared on the front page of the Sun and he was allowed to resign his Editorship by Sellik. Twelve civilians died in the blast, another 63 were injured at Enniskillen Cenotaph on November 8th, 1987. A 40 pound bomb inside a grip bad was laid against the gable wall of the town's reading rooms, immediately adjacent to the memorial. When detonated, stone and masonry showered the waiting crowd. The ensuing scenes of folks clawing at the rubble and debris were truly heartbreaking. A couple of years after resignation, Kevin resurfaced at Scotland on Sunday. He went on to be Sports Editor and brought in Graham Spiers and Kevin McCarra. One was a real talent, the other a Useful Idiot. It was the up and up for Kevin, he went on to the Herald as part of the triumvirate of Mark Douglas-Home and Joan McAlpine, then the Observer, ................. Herald Columnist. His caring wing for aspiring Journos of the right character continues; he is Godfather to Angela Haggerty's son. Kevin has traveled a most successful road since his days at Glasgow Uni' organising and playing for his second favourite team, 'the Vatican Strollers'. Father Jim Lawlor began his journey thirty-odd years past at Our Lady of Fatima in Dalmarnock, Glasgow. Half a mile from Sellik park and his life was a misery. The church was regularly vandalised and he was threatened. The Police advised he should remove his clerical collar whilst moving around his parish. Father Jim had an outlet for his frustrations, ra Sellik View provided the necessary. Dalmarnock was under heavy reconstruction and declining population lead to the closure of Father Jim's church. The preparation for the Commonwealth Games was not all bad, ra Sellik were beneficiaries of Glasgow District Council selling off Dalriada Street, Kinloch Street and, Janefield Street to the club, for a Penny(one pence). Father Jim reappeared in Penilee at Our Lady and St George. Like Kevin, he made the front page of the Sun. Two elderly female parishioners let themselves into the church of a Sunday evening, with the intention of cleaning. They found Father Jim, naked from the waist down atop the altar, bouncing on a vibrating dildo. Father Jim resigned and retreated to a Retreat for contemplation and prayer. The Police submitted a report to the PF and it quietly submerged. Now, Father James has reversed the half century trend of declining congregations. As stated, a story worth telling and the usual suspect, Jum Spence is re-Tweeting the miracle. I know, I know, it is that old thing about message and messenger(s); but I do not want to evoke the word, 'shoot'. Unless, someone wants to do the natural whilst pointing a camera at all concerned. While they are at it, tell me how do they do it? Currently, we have a similar situation with Kyle Lafferty and Martin Compston. At best, Kyle could be described as a Clown. Whether it is teenagers at a service station throwing stones which he threw back or, uttering sectarian remarks to a chap requesting a selfie? Beeb Scotland wanted Kyle done and the story was kept alive by the likes of RAB Cosgrove regularly demanding to know, what the football authorities were doing? Actually, not nearly as many times as he told us(the listeners) how big(BIG) a friend, 'BIG KEV' is to the show'; "oh aye, big Kevin is a regular listener to the show". It is like Gerry Braiden, Irvine welsh, Jum, Angela, ...... etc - big listener means big contributor by proxy. Lafferty has just finished a ten game ban, he has lost both appearance and bonus monies. If that is the way to go, what has happened to Martin Compston? Did RAB or any of those others mentioned demand action be taken after Martin conducted the balaclava choir in Las Vegas at ra Sellik convention? This month alone, Martin has appeared on BBC Scotland in Mayflies, Travels Across Scotland and, Rig. I will ask again, how do they do it?
  18. JohnMc, Yep, it was Steve Conroy and Des Roach, both self confessed Sellik supporters. I believe they have a Ref' Podcast. It got more interesting during Sportsound. PQ brought in another self confessed Sellik supporting Ref', Kenny Clark. He remains involved in refereeing, in that he serves on a UEFA Committee. He agreed to appear to help explain VAR and it's interpretations. He told the Producer he would NOT discuss individual cases. Further, he was anxious to communicate UEFA experiences of some members(including England) having employed VAR for 5-6 years. Scotland's experience is 5-6 weeks. After Sellik supporting Kheredine Idessane had interviewed Ange; then a posse of Sellik supporting types, Pat Bonner, Tom English, Martin Dowden, ................... and former Sellik TV employee, Michael Stewart ....... etc - all got stuck into Kenny Clark on individual case motive.
  19. Another first 45 minutes we'll never get back. We have NOT worked the United Keeper. Colak is a goal scorer, we cannot find him. In the 33rd minute a stat' goes up, he has had seven touches. At the whistle, after 46 minutes, Colak is on ten touches. We continue to cross field pass, we continue to miscontrol, we continue to fail to get in behind United, we will lose this game.
  20. Will we indulge Ange's fantasies? Will Connor Goldson begin the game in goals?
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