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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. I make my usual plea? We are in League Cup final week. Thus, it's Livi', it's the drastic plastic. I want a no dramas, no injuries, no thrills ....................... etc victory.
  2. It is a Cuckoo's egg in a Hedge Sparrow's nest. I think the implication is Bayern(Cuckoo) are allowing Rangers(Hedge Sparrow) to raise their youngster.
  3. Today, the Scottish Senior Football Referee's Association have called upon the SFA to take action against Celtic after a banner was unveiled slamming Linesman, Douglas Ross. The SSFRA know the SFA have no powers to punish a club whose supporters unveil a banner but, hope a letter to Celtic might reveal what measures the club took to prevent the unveiling and, prevent a repeat. We know because we have seen the footage of Green Brigade members having unfettered access to ra Stade de Gadd, that they create the banners inside the ground's concourses. We know the club sanctions the banners and Police Scotland NEVER see them until they are unveiled. We know a number of Sellik minded Journos are often tipped off to get behind and reinforce the narrative. In this case, BBC Scotland's RAB Cosgrove was most strident. He was congratulatory towards the Green Brigade and gleeful over the message : "VAR decision Douglas Ross is a Cnut". A man giving back to the game. What has PQ got to say about the behaviour of one of their Presenters?
  4. It's the full blown Masonic conspiracy thing : In the Scottish women's trophy, Hearts v ra Sellik was the third tie drawn and, in the men's cup Hearts v ra Sellik was the third tie drawn. Tales of the unexpected, NEVER. If Darvel defeat Falkirk, they are at home again against Ayr United. Lots of goats have bled out on Ershur satanic alters these last few days.
  5. The View from the Gang Hut. Well, I suppose there are only so many Sellik Podcasters PQ can squeeze into a couple of weeks of broadcasting? Of course, some of those stick around and become employed and, get their official PQ CSC membership card. Amy Canavan was on A View from the Terrace earlier this season telling the lads her all time football highlight. Sitting down with her family to watch last season's Europa League cup final, she told of her excitement rising as she noticed Aaron Ramsey stepping up to take the next penalty for Rangers. She knew, her family knew, the world knew - they erupted, jumped up and, ran around the family home celebrating. The lads on the show joined in, punching the air amid gaping smiles. Remember BBC Scotland always supports the Scottish clubs in Europe? Normal service was resumed inside the Gang Hut, Off the Ball had Susie McCabe and Iona Fife as guests on Saturday. Gersnetters may or not be aware that Aberdeenshire born and bred traditional songstress, Iona Fife has had a few Twitter spats with Rangers supporters this last year? Iona has succeeded in raising her profile considerably on the back of these postings. Off the Ball were determined to get to the bottom of the spat and asked Iona to explain? Apparently, it is all politics and Rangers supporters are to blame. Susie was cooing with empathy. Iona finished with, "when I heard the Euro final result, I Tweeted have a nice day". Now, Tam is prone to ask, "we want to hear from Rangers supporters" but, not on Saturday. Susie's contribution was strange. She told of writing to 'Jim'll Fix It' pleading satisfaction on a burning desire to play furra Sellik. Then, she told of her wife's burning desire to be Hoopy the Huddle Hound. Sounds like another exclusive awaits Wings Over Scotland? This fascination with furry animals and nappies. Anyways, Susie is part of Comedy Glasgow and in promoting the event she was asked to recommend two other Comics? She offered Liam Farrelly from Paisley and Zoe Lyons. I will save you the time, they are fellow products of apartheid education.Increasingly, PQ are determined to support the beneficiaries of denominational schooling. The scripted part of the show arrived as Susie revealed ra Sellik's half term figures. RAB Cosgrove was cautionary, "that £60 million in the bank is subject to Corporation Tax". Iona piped up with, "football clubs should always pay their tax bills". RAB replies, "absolutely, that tax pays for our hospitals and schools". Susie cackled, she was in on the joke. Going off the script, Iona was asked if a number of well known songs were considered part of the Scots traditional cannon? RAB wanted to know about Matt McGinn's 'wee Effen Bee' and 'the Jeely piece Song'? Tam inquired of, 'the Green Fields of France'? Iona remained strident, "My Degree was in Scottish song" and, proceeded to make a clown of herself. She deemed Green Fields to be Irish and not Scots. Further, the Jeely piece was Scots because it was penned by Matt McGinn too. Of course, the Wee Effen Bee is in reality the BIG Effen Bee and, the Jeely Piece was penned by Adam McNaughton. As for the Green Fields, it was written by Peebles born and bred, Eric Bogle. Do not worry Iona, the Gang Hut will ensure your errors will be politically generated by Rangers supporters, they are to blame. On Sunday, Off the Ball had Hugh MacDonald as their guest for the hundredth time. The former Literary Editor of the Herald is a practitioner of careful hate these days. He is a regular along with Token Tam on Peter Martin's PLZ Soccer - you will always receive a point of view, ie ra Sellik point of view. A couple of decades past as Literary Editor he allowed his love furra Sellik to cloud his judgement. In a summary of the years books, he took a few paragraphs to praise a tome entitled, 'Not Playing for Celtic' by David Bennie. Hugh concluded it was a far better take on football club supporting than Nick Hornby's Fever Pitch. I requested my Library to find a copy? The book ticked Hugh's boxes, east end Protestant lad decides to support local club, the pull of a floodlight Paradise was too strong. He is befriended by a local Priest who uses his influence to gain access to a number of Retreats because the lad suffers from a skin condition. Bennie criticises Hornby's book because his support for Arsenal lacked emotional depth. I seem to remember in Fever Pitch, Hornby describes being put to bed on a school night by his single parent mother and, Arsenal had just gone into extra time in their League Cup semi against Stoke City. His maw left a note of the result for him getting up the next morning, one nil Stoke. Hornby remarked, "if my Mother really loved me, she should have changed that result". BIG emotion? RAB has entered his eighth decade and as such we receive regular health updates. He has been diagnosed with pneumonia in one lung and is being treated. Further, his blood results have revealed he is at the lowest risk for prostrate cancer. It is good to know that RAB can continue to get it up and nothing gets him more excited than spending a broadcast weekend organising the weekly 'get it right up the H-U-NS weekend'. On Sunday, twice he returned to the Green Brigade's latest banner - VAR Decision, Douglas Ross is a Cnut. RAB loved it, loves the balaclava bhoys. I have never voted Tory in my life but I recognise the Scottish Tory leader continues to put something back into the game we all love. When will PQ do the decent thing and invite one of the Green Brigade into the Gang Hut?
  6. I listened to Ian McCall being interviewed post match on BBC Radio Scotland. I thought he trod a fine line between accepting a hard to accept defeat and pride in his players' performances. Thistle sacking him and his two Coaches in the immediate wake of the Ibrox match will leave most interested parties feeling non-plussed. Partick Thistle are trying too hard to placate a stereo typical image : He's white, he's blue He shat in Cinderella's/Dorothy's shoe Ian McCall, Ian McCall.
  7. John MacMillan was the best of old time Rangers supporters. He was a Kirk Elder and BB Officer. He had grace and charm. Any job taken on behalf of the RST Board was completed proficiently with courtesy.
  8. This is a discussion about Alfredo, let the arguments stand. If others can punch a hole in the argument provided, let it stand. Such discussion makes us ALL stronger. Alfie has had it hard here in Scotland. Just go on the court convictions for launching coins, bottles, spitting, coffee cups, ..... etc at him at Fir Park, Easter Road, Love Street; then the banners at Pitoddrie in Spanish proclaiming his Mother to be a mattress, ra Sellik fans wanting him prosecuted for driving away from a planned ambush in a Glasgow underground car park, the hatred of PQ because he was precocious, .......... etc. He is the best striker we have had since McCoist and, he was THE best ie 357 career goals for Rangers. Boyd has impressive stats but, he failed in Europe and Walter did not trust him against ra Sellik, I believe he notched one goal. Alfie has doubled the total against ra green'n'grey hooped horrors and, collected 28 European goals, our all time best Euro scorer. It's akin to those old soul songs, you never missed your water 'till it's gone. The very fact Alfie fcuked with Michael Stewart's head for two years and BBC Scotland gave him all the rope. Irvine Welsh wanted him cut to pieces with a machette and, fed to seagulls and, he ran past Scott Brown and slapped him on the back of his napper .......... Ah, you gotta luv him?
  9. The accompanying comments section with the piece are very interesting. Over the five years of this thread, I have alluded on a few occasions about the Smashy and Nicey aspect of PQ. Everywhere, particularly in it's football coverage; full of guys that have been in with the bricks for thirty years plus. Tony Blackburn, Dave Lee Travis, Fluff Freeman, .............. all breathless telling what Supermarkets they were due to open. RAB and Token Tam self promote book signings and charidee dinners. They do not care, their lives are vastly different from the majority. As long as the exposure and the dosh continues to support the horse choking property portfolio and the school fees.
  10. "this is not a Celtic show". "This is not a Celtic show" were the words uttered by RAB Cosgrove on Off the Ball ten days past. The guest was Paul John Dykes, Author of half a dozen books about ra Sellik. He had another tome to flog, 'the Celtic Jersey' - a history of ra Sellik shirt as worn through time. The green'n'grey hoops did not arrive until 1903. Like the exhibition game between Renton and Hibs that took place at Sellik Park in 1888, where Sellik proceeded to sign the better halves of both teams, before playing their first match against a Rangers xi; the idea of the hoops was stolen from established Glasgow Junior club, St Anthonys. Anyways, if any one has continued interest, Paul John's book is available for £30. RAB and Token Tam lionised Paul John, telling us several Sellik minded Journos were of the opinion that Mr Dykes was the thinking man's Sellik supporter. Of course, Paul John owns and hosts ra Sellik Podcast, 'A Celtic State of Mind'. Off the Ball is not a Sellik show so we are told by RAB, but the next week another facet of ra Sellik mind from a pair of Podcasters were the guests. Former Referees, Des Roache and Steve Conroy skipped their Lodge meeting to advertise their take on the ongoing conspiracy. On Sunday last, Off the Ball not being a Sellik show had former Daily Record Journo, Anthony Haggerty as the guest. There was book to plug and an update. When the Daily Record let go Haggerty last summer, he appeared mid season to tell us he was returning to University. He matriculated for a Bachelor of Education, intent upon becoming an English teacher. On Sunday, he had dropped out, not for him. He was now working for a Sellik Podcast - 'the Celtic Way'. It is a shame he dropped out because he could have told the show's Producer, the collective noun for a gathering of Sellik Podcasters. May I suggest a PQ of Sellik Podcasters? RAB began the show by saying, "the resignation of Nadhim Zahawi was not the big story of the weekend, Wullie Collum cheating St Johnstone at Ibrox was, have you seen the decisions"? Remember, it's NOT a Sellik show?
  11. Jean Johansson took on Michael Stewart last year on Twitter reference racism. As we know, Michael likes to work out. He posts 30-40 seconds videos of himself floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee, whilst taking on a punchbag. Jean reduced him, ripped off his arm and proceeded to batter him about his head with the soggy end. It was a mismatch.
  12. I suspect many Gersnetters know this particular fixture is NOT being shown live by any of the usual sources. Thus, Sky, BT Sport, ViaPlay, ...... etc are NOT broadcasting. The game is being covered live by Rangers TV. I have received a Club e-mail extending an invitation to view the game within Bar'72. The bar opens at 18.00hrs and closes 22.00hrs. There is no charge for entry. Now, I am assuming this is only open to Bar'72 members? I did not make it into Edmiston House on Saturday, but surely it has similar facilities and a far bigger capacity. Is Edmiston House also open for supporters?
  13. Would you consider yourself, "a BRAZEN Rangers supporter"? I was leafing through today's newspapers this afternoon and I noticed a lurid Evening Times headline, 'Celtic fan lunged at Rangers fan with screwdriver in Glasgow'. I note no comments are allowed on the story and the reporting Journo is not named, the by line is, 'Court Reporter'. The first line of the report gives more information, "A Celtic fan lunged at a BRAZEN Rangers supporter with a screwdriver after a row following a Glasgow derby". Note the preferred language of, "Glasgow derby", much utilised by ra Sellik View. Given the above, I wondered as to the thrust of the report? Is thrusting a screwdriver at a BRAZEN Rangers more acceptable than doing so against a Rangers supporter? Would it not be more appropriate to describe the fan doing the lunging as being, bold and without shame? A couple of weeks past, the Evening Times announced it's newly appointed Editor was, Stacey Mullen. The Holyrood ghirl is no stranger to matters Rangers. Back a couple of decades ago when Stacey was an Undergraduate and known as, 'Showbiz Stacey'; she blamed a fracas in the Students Union upon a grouping of unwanted H-u-ns. Stacey's social media history was littered with usage of the H term. She apologised, let her hair return to it's natural colour and, attempted to lose weight. Now, Stacey is big mates with Angela Haggerty, Jane Hamilton, Kevin McKenna, ..... etc. Like all mentioned, Stacey is a beneficiary of a second chance, she continues to hate, just a lot more carefully than she used to. Stacey extended this gift to Gabriel McKay - you may remember this time last year, the Daily Record did a front page expose of the Heart and Hand podcast fronted by David Edgar? Heart and Hand came back stunningly with their own expose of the Daily Record, particularly Mark McGivern and Gabriel McKay. McGivern left the blatt and McKay entered anti-sectarian training. Both Mark and Gabriel had a social history full of the H term and Gaby had a Tweet from the opening of the Commonwealth Games at Sellik Park by the then Monarch with the question, "where's the IRA when you need them"? The Daily Record quietly let Gaby leave and the new Editor of the Evening Times hired her fellow Sellik supporter. How did brazen Showbiz Stacey and brazen Gaby do it? We should be told.
  14. I think that's a penalty to St Johnstone. Mark Reynolds Loyal RSC.
  15. There is a weekly ballot to determine which player drives home in the Hillman Imp.
  16. I have just received an e-mail from the Club informing me the Edmiston Club will open on Saturday for the St Johnstone game. I attended the AGM six weeks past and we were informed Edmiston House would be open in January. Looking at the state of the build back at the start of December, I had doubts. Apparently, the Fanzone, Cafe and, Club Shop will be open.
  17. Just when you think the gas is at a peep on this story, step forward Graham Spiers to exhale bilious air to the flame. The Scottish football world is waiting for the Dandy Don hammer to fall upon Jim Goodwin and, Spiers takes to Twitter : Not sure this is a popular view with the Dandies but I hope Dave Cormack and Aberdeen FC go the extra mile for Jim Goodwin. His team were sheer guts and conviction against Rangers on the 20th December and, again at Hampden nine days ago. Darvel was a disaster but Jim Goodwin is a good manager. I suspect ra Bhoy in Corduroy has summed up Aberdeen FC in one short paragraph? As Richard Gough said over thirty years ago, "Aberdeen only play four games a season". However, I believe Graham has an alternative motive here. We know Graham and his son have been season ticket holders at ra Stade de Gadd these last four years and, Jim Goodwin and his son also have similar briefs. Could Graham be wanting Jim to remain in Furryboots city so he and his bhoy can nab Jim's tickets among the heated, green comfy seats in the North Stand? We should be told.
  18. I note our First Minister has utilised Twitter today, Nicola reads a piece of Burns. A reply entitled, 'Tae a Sturgeon' is appropriate for transferring to this forum. Tae a Sturgeon You kin hae but noo ye canny Men with cocks are known as Tranny Do say nothing don't say a thing Aboot ra Sellik Paedo ring.
  19. Typical. In the week where the Dandies screamed and burned in Darvel, Rangers players are lining up to taunt and goad with their best attempts at spaking Ershur.
  20. "Jeezy Peeps man"! Simply Darvelous!
  21. In 1897, Arthurlie knocked out Celtic 4-2 in the first round of the Scottish Cup.
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