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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. The Spectator magazine is specifically asking, 'why won't Humza Yousaf condemn Celtic fans'? The article reports the incidents and arrests made on Saturday afternoon/evening in the Trongate. It quotes Glasgow Central MP, Alison Thewless demanding Celtic should foot the bill for the costs of the disorder. Further, the piece points out Humza has not been slow in the past in condemning Rangers supporters. His social media comments on Rangers supporters celebrating their 55th title win were, "disgraceful scenes laced with thuggery". It also mentions Humza as Justice Minister commenting upon a clearly doctored video, purporting to show several of Rangers RC players indulging in singing ant-RC songs in the Club's Members Lounge. Humza demanded Police action and for Rangers to sack those involved. Police Scotland agreed the video had been, "edited to include sectarian singing". Humza refused to back down. The article says, "Humza's refusal to comment is not a good look". The article omits his apology as Justice Minister when six fellow Sellik fans were arrested, charged and, appeared in court facing accusations of hanging two effigies replete in Rangers scarf and orange order accoutrement from the North Stand roof. Hands bound behind their backs, blindfolded and, twisting in the breeze for over an hour above several dozen flags proclaiming, "Kill all H-u-ns". All evidence had been deliberately disappeared from the Procurator Fiscal's Office Glasgow in between the groupings first and second appearances in court. Humza promised a full investigation and a published report. Six years on and it looks like the MV Glen Sannox will be sailing before the report sees the light of day.
  2. The Sound of Silence. Yesterday evening at 17.000hrs, Glasgow Royal Infirmary Accident and Emergency announced a Major Incident Alert. A bus shelter at Trongate, Glasgow had collapsed because a couple of dozen Yahoos were atop celebrating their team's Championship victory. Ten of those were taken by Ambulance for treatment at the A and E. Just like last year, Trongate had been closed and, surrounding streets were covered in broken glass, urine and, vomit. Businesses were closed and those living in the Merchant City were advised by Police Scotland to remain in their homes. There will be a considerable cost and if the Policy Advisor to Susan Aitken, Gerry Braiden has sobered up, he will be along to tell us the cost to the Glasgow city community charge payer? Gerry will have fully consulted the Chairs of the Barrowlands, Calton, and, Merchant City Residents Association. BBC Scotland's 'The Sunday Show' hosted by Martin Geissler and Fiona Stalker will spend the first 30 minutes of the show relating the angst of Glasgow's emergency and volunteer services wading through the flowing blood and broken glass. I tuned into PQ TV at 10 am and Martin spent twenty minutes interviewing the Green Party Minister, Lorna Slater. Since the content of the head to head was her Deposit Return Scheme and the city centre was covered in broken glass, you would expect Martin to make the appropriate connection? No, no and thrice no; BBC Scotland did NOT mention the city centre mayhem. The show is broadcast live from the PQ atrium and, usually there are a dozen or so souls wandering around in the background, NOT this morning. I can only imagine PQ CSC were in recovery? How things have changed? Two years past, Rangers won their 55th Championship, their first title in a decade. An element of the Rangers support walked into the city centre across the Squinty Bridge and we were given minute by minute updates on the trials of Police Scotland in their attempts to contain the celebrations. The Sunday Show was hosted by Gary Robertson. The Clootie City Author spent twenty minutes venting his anger at the plethora of Union flags present in George Square. A voluntary medic told of being constantly targeted by marauding Rangers supporters as he attempted to sow others back together. Off the Ball began with a primed RAB Cosgrove after, "very good friend of the show", Gerry Braiden had briefed him. In a minute long rant about mayhem and union flags (again), he culminated with, "Rangers supporters were simply a disgrace". Today's Off the Ball has begun with RAB wanting to talk about Ross County and Killie and, the ensuing play-off game against Partick Thistle. RAB is the voice of new, modern Scotland - Hello darkness my old friend.
  3. I spent six months in the then West Berlin in the mid-eighties. The defence was in part based on the expansive tunnel system. Out of sight, out of mind hid a host of embarrassing objects for today's modern Germans. Maintaining the theme of the thread, the most interesting object I saw, was a burgundy coloured Audi Wanderer cabriolet from 1934. It had a private plate : HH R. The car had been developed and registered in Hockenheim or HH was representative of Heinrich Himmler. R was representative of Reichsfuhrer. I am so relieved I had the courage of my convictions to slip a hand written card into the car's glove compartment, explaining the number plate. I penned if you know your history; HH was Hail Hail and R was for one of their own - Rolf. I note a minutes applause is planned by the Green Brigade for Saturday's Sellik - Aberdeen match. Perhaps, Der Pieter could drive the Wanderer around the pitch during the applause and, the car would be immediately available for the planned post season invasion of Poland.
  4. Or a Gary Sprake. I remember a Home International at Hampden in the late sixties, Sprake took a through ball with one hand and threw it from the middle of his box towards a lurking Wyn Davies in the centre circle. The throw cleared the half way line and their was a collective wow from the crowd. Interestingly about Pat Jennings, it seemed he made most of his saves with his feet?
  5. Scott7, As I remember the incident, it occurred during one of BBC Radio Scotland's, 'Through the Window' broadcasts. It was the evening of the last day of the January'07 transfer window. Big Dick Chaired from 22.00hrs until 01.00hers, he had several reporters reporting from locations on the latest moves before the window slammed shut. There was a couple of hours of broadcasting left on a slowish evening when Dick announced he had received an e-mail which was hilarious. He added he would have to clear it with his Producer before broadcast. It became a tease, the other contributors were anxious to hear the communication. Just after a midnight round up of events and moves, he declared his Producer had cleared the e-mail : "Edinburgh Zoo have accepted the transfer of Rangers player, Filip Sebo. They plan to exhibit him". Richard and his PQ cronies laughed like the proverbial drains. I related the incident on the then FollowFollow forum, it was picked up by two brothers, regular posters who happened to be Solicitors. They took Beeb Scotland Richard Gordon the whole way on their internal disciplinary system. After several months, Big Dick apologised for any offence although, emphasised none was intended. Further, he stated it was the worst experience of his professional life. BBC Scotland refused to name the Producer who okayed the broadcast.
  6. Big Dick is back on the Viagra? Yesterday's 1-3 victory for Rangers at Easter Road was a reasonably comfortable affair, the goal we lost was in the ninety-third minute. The stats' agree, Rangers had two thirds possession, three times as many attempts on goal and, out passed Hibs three to one. The Hibees in attendance agreed, after Todd Cantwell notched Rangers third, the race to walk away began. The blond haired Englishman has scored in Rangers last three games against Aberdeen, Sellik and, Hibernian. He has become a fast favourite of the Rangers support, regularly voted the 'Man of the Match' award. BBC Radio Scotland's Richard Gordon disagrees, he embraces a different narrative. Big Dick's frustrations grew and grew and by half-time he was ready to explode. It was a bit muddled, scattergun in approach. Firstly, he got after Hibs Keeper, David Marshall, "he should have saved Tavernier's free kick". He was surprised Tav' had the composure to flight the ball, "after Youan running rings around the Rangers full back during the first forty-five". His seethe reached it's zenith and he ejaculated, "it wasn't even a free kick in the first place, we have seen it before, Cantwell jumped into Eagan-Riley". The afterglow was a reinforcement, "Cantwell went down easy, he's got history". Where to start? The Referee, Andy Walker and, Jack Ross all said it was a clear two handed foul on the Ranger but don't let professionals get in the way of another hate-filled agenda being set out by Richard Gordon. Big Dick has history, a ton of it. When we defeated Motherwell last month, the Aberdonian went into a rant, "Todd Cantwell has set out to cheat and hoodwink the Referee". The 'Well player in the melee had back handed Cantwell on the side of his face. BBC Scotland gave 'Well Gaffer, Stuart Kettlewell and First Team Coach, Richard Foster two appearances on Sportscene to back up Big Dick. At the end of that week, Kettlewell issued a statement agreeing with decisions made during the game, after a meeting with Crawford Allan. It is some 15 years past when BBC Radio Scotland did a forty minute biography on Big Dick and embarrassed that he had taken the dosh to don the Rangers blazer and tie to present a number of Rangers annual videos during nine-in-a-row years; he began the piece by stating, "I was raised to absolutely hate Rangers". He has been flashing those credentials ever since, he wanted Filip Sebo caged at Edinburgh Zoo and exhibited. He argued the infamous Simpson tackle on Durrant produced two victims, then went on and on about the trials of the Aberdeen player compared to two years out with injury. Remember, Neil Simpson was only booked for that lunge and, he had history. Finally, when PQ would not allow him to vent, he turned to his column in the Aberdeen Press and Journal, his bitterness dripped from the page. Gordon has found the targeting of a Rangers player and constantly reinforcing his narrative to be successful. Of course, he would be the first to acknowledge the eager help received by Michael Stewart in this regard. Both Ryan Jack and Alfredo Morelos have been subjected to the hate. These two Rangers received Big Dick's concentration and he always ended it with, 'he has history' because he had worked hard to build the history. Morelos received 8 red cards, four were rescinded and, Jack received five reds, two of which were rescinded. Cantwell is Big Dick's next target. The Cove Rangers PRO is utilising his Sunday slot on BBC Radio Scotland to vent his preferred prejudice, it is time the Club did something to remove the wee blue pills from Richard's prescription.
  7. Surely, playing Ridvan Yilmaz in the centre of the defence would be far more entertaining?
  8. RAB Cosgrove was pontificating again on the events of 2012 yesterday on BBC Radio Scotland. A major player in those events through his Sarah Leyden username on the Rangers Tax Case Blog has broadcast in the past, "Rangers supporters should forget all about the Rangers Tax Case Blog". Yesterday, it was, "no definitive book can be written because of the laws of libel and slander". The reality is that all the players from Mulholland through to Cosgrove had their fun and enjoyed it immensely. Cue gratuitous remark about a face painter.
  9. Sam Cooke Loyal RSC - stirs the soul.
  10. We have all seen enough of Sakala to know both his advantages and disadvantages. Often his first touch ensures his second is a tackle. His finishing can be erratic; particularly his one on ones with the opposition Keeper. Saturday's third goal is the irony, a wonderful finish. Fashion does not hide, he is always available. He has genuine pace and that attribute keeps opposition back lines honest. I would keep him because he is the guy that allowed me to see Rangers defeat Real Madrid 2-1.
  11. Tillman was truly mercurial, fast feet without any genuine pace and, a good eye for a pass. His better parts reminded me of a cross between Davie Cooper and Graham Fyfe. I remember Malik running half the length of the Fir Park pitch evading tackle after tackle before finishing, a beautiful strike at Tynecastle and, a spring heeled leap at the back post to head in the third against Union St Gilloise. Happy memories. The question that someone so young cannot be responsible for is value, ie - is he worth it?
  12. "the sooky, sooky Rangers orientated Scottish football media". Tam 'the Token' Cowan has just uttered the above in reaction to the story of Sky Sports, Elidh Barbour closing the show yesterday be saying, "that is the last old firm game of the season and Rangers fans have the close season bragging rights". Roger Mitchell(remember him) led ra outraged Yahoo charge demanding Sky sack her because his green'n'grey hooped heroes are about to secure another Treble and, that is real bragging rights. Token Tam supposed Elidh was reading an auto cue or, was anxious to remain within, "the sooky, sooky Rangers orientated Scottish football media". Tam is the very epitome of the sooky, sooky Rangers orientated Scottish football media. He moonlights on PLZ Soccer as 'the Token'. Former Radio Snyde frontman, Peter(M'Guire)Martin founded PLZ Soccer after being sacked by Snyde. He and ra Bhoy in Corduroy were ruminating on the Thursday evening of the 2010 General Election, speculating on how the then Scottish managers would cast their vote? The show broadcast between 18.00hrs and 20.00hrs when the polls were open. As we know, broadcast laws do NOT allow political speculation during the period polling booths are open(06.00hrs-22.00hrs). Peter McGuire hail hails from Newarthill, he changed his name to Martin because of anti-RC prejudice when he began in journalism. His first decade was spent in Edinburgh in the Hootsman grouping and Radio Forth. Meanwhile back in the west, he was hosting ra Sellik View roadshow. Paul Cooney formalised the gig bringing him on to Radio Snyde. After 15 years or so and his sacking he founded PLZ Soccer - Peter, Linzi and, Zoe - names of himself, wife and, daughter. It is just another Sellik supporters Podcast on YouTube. The main participants for the decade have been : Peter Martin - Sellik fanatic Tam McManus - Sellik fanatic Hugh MacDonald - Sellik fanatic Alison McConnell - Sellik fanatic Alan Rough - played for Sellik Tam Cowan - the Token. Peter's bye-line is you will always receive an opinion from PLZ which interpretated is you will always receive a Sellik supporting opinion from PLZ. Just last week, PLZ banged on about the unique situation of Rangers not conceding a league penalty at Ibrox this season. Tam McManus was spluttering that the situation was an impossibility with the rest nodding sagely. A Scottish club has already gone throughout a league season twice before without conceding a home penalty - the same club; Sellik did it as recently as season 2014-15. Anyways, Tam the Token moves the show on to 'Well centre forward, Kevin van Veen's future. We are told he is leaving the claret and amber this coming close season and Tam wonders on the valuation? He goes around the panel of RAB Cosgrove and Journo, Alan Pattullo. RAB declares the Dutchman to be top end English Championship class and worthy of a £6.5million bid. Pattollo is more conservative in his £1.5 million valuation. As we know, RAB hates to be portrayed as lazy and ignorant; thus he comes back with, "my valuation is based upon the Morelos calculator". Of course the sooky sooky Rangers orientated Scottish football media within PQ rushed to inform RAB that the valuation of Morelos was based upon his 29 European goals for Rangers? How many Euro goals has van Veen notched RAB- petty and ill informed. Surely, it is time for RAB and Tam to expose any members of the Lap-Top Loyal RSC lurking within PQ corridors?
  13. We can use such rhetoric to unnerve several members of the opposition. Utilise the screens prematch and during to flash the code words : 'TORA TORA TORA'.
  14. Pig's Bladder on a Stick you say? I had that at Raymond Blanc's Le Manoir, French Chefs love a bit of offal. The stick could have done with more garlic.
  15. You know there are several good reasons why we should. We take the higher moral position, we have the courage to exhibit our better side, it would set a precedent, we are showing necessary leadership, ...................... etc. Thus, on careful consideration - get that idea tae fcuk.
  16. There is a fluidity about that front three. The ball in behind should turn them because of the pace in the front three. We are grabbing at straws because of the lack of first choice strikers. My worry is the 70-80 yard diagonals played from our own box, I do not see any of those three winning headers. However, I remember a game against the Yahoos from '73 at ra Stydome. Parlane, Stein, Young, ... etc were all out. Wallace went with Alfie Conn and Graham Fyfe up front. We ran tham ragged and won 1-2. I am hoping.
  17. It used to be Cactusville and it's foremost denizens, Desperate Dan and Dawg devouring Cow Pie made more news than Dundee. These days, Dundee and the silvery Tay is the very centre of Scottish public life. Humza Useless has one less dimension than Desperate Dan, Shona is on her third/forth husband, Stewart Hosie has more bairns than Idi Amin, Joe Fitzpatrick lives a quiet non-scene life and, Jum Spence continues to lead the red biretta revolution from his scratcher. We need a Dundee Diarist to keep Gersnet abreast of going on within Clootie City.
  18. Rick has simply laid out the truth, I hope those that count at the Club choose to digest it?
  19. Ramsay's three Michelin starred restaurant in Chelsea is Petrus. The signature dish is Lobster Ravioli. I would love Lobster Ravioli to be on the Ibrox menu; if not, Gordon should create a Rangers Ravioli.
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