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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. He is smiling because William Tell has not told him to put an apple on his head, ................. yet. However, he can hear the tuning strains of Rossini's string section, after all at this mo' he is feeling akin to the Lone Ranger.
  2. You are in luck, Nicola's speeches have been recovered and are available on supermarket's aisle. The company providing this service is called, 'Andrex'.
  3. It is only last month when Liam flashed his credentials for a long lasting life as BBC Scotland's lead football commentator, "my Dad is a big Celtic fan". Liam was also anxious to let the listeners know he had a choice,"I chose my home town team, Aberdeen". Increasingly, PQ exercises it's Sellik State of Mind, see Tom English being isolated and any comment on Sellik having to be Peter approved. Paul John Dykes does Sellik game previews for the Beeb on-line and former colleague, Amy Canavan is now a PQ Staffer. Now, there was a Daily Record front page article some 15 plus years past about an Grampian CID Police Officer who had been reprimanded for continually flashing his mobile phone social media content. It was dominated by lots of imagery mocking the Ibrox Disaster. His name was Rory(Gaelic spelling) McLeod, brother of Liam. Of course, we should not visit the sins of one brother upon the other but, we are all products of our conditioning. A trump card should Liam ever feels the need to play it with PQ's bosses.
  4. After Saturday's performance, I don't think we have to worry about Tillman. Servette are a counter attacking team. They were reduced to ten men after the fifth minute of the game in Belgium and, did NOT change their game plan. Our ponderous build up play while in possession will suit the Swiss. Out of possession, our narrow structure will equally suit them, their favourite switch ball is the long diagonal into the opposition's left back position. Well Fcuking Depressed Loyal RSC.
  5. I was reading through threads on the long running Hearts 'zine forum, 'Jambos Kickback' last evening and, apparently Rangers did have a player yesterday who achieved more than pass marks. Alex Lowry's heads up, driving forward style was a revelation to the Boys in Maroon. Indeed, he could be the next talk o' the toon.
  6. I am top and demand automatic qualification into the Champions League group stages.
  7. Well done Killie, you outran us, out worked us and, outfought us. The stats back it up, in 96 minutes of football we had one shot on target. I thought Rangers were truly woeful.
  8. Four hours out from the game and the nerves are kicking in. Here's the gig from the pre-season friendlies. I am worried about the Sieve(the defence). Generally, the team is so narrow out of possession they provide little protection for the back four. Our last game on the Rugby Park drastic plastic was back at the end of January, we won 2-3 just. McInnes instructed his players to shell it forward early, particularly into our left back area. He told Vassel, an old school hurly-burly centre to peel into that area and his challenges regularly won the ball. Armstrong was the designated satellite that evening and, he caused a fair bit of trouble before he was correctly red carded. I think Killie will do similar this late afternoon, McInnes has brought in another couple from Aberdeen, Watkins and Kennedy who can also race into areas of support. Keeping possession and establishing a comfortable lead will be the key. The front six will have to shut down wide Killie players in and around the half way line, stop them shelling it. In an hours time, I will change my mind. Optimism will come to the fore, won't it?
  9. Encore une Fois. It is the summer hols and the priority has been maintaining one's fluid levels with lashings of ginger beer. This thread has been in abeyance for three-four weeks; however, I have kept my ear close to the ground, the rumbles from the bowels of PQ have sent ripples the length of the Clyde. Here, in darkest, deepest Lanarkshire we are hearing the current dispute between BBC Scotland and their beloved Sellik is continuing. The broadcasting signs have been pretty obvious, the ever garrulous RAB Cosgrove has spent the last three weekends doubling down on the Rangers. When speculation began as to ra Sellik's managerial replacement for Ange, a name that began as a whisper, Brendan Rodgers emerged loud from the cacophony. BBC Scotland's Chief Sports Writer, Tom English penned an article pointing out the alacrity of Rodger's last departure from Paradise and highlighted the ensuing fractious relationship left between Rodgers and ra Sellik faithful. Peter took exception and when Sellik held their stage managed press conference to reveal Brendan, BBC Scotland were banned from attending. You can imagine the ensuing collective spluttering? Of course, PQ apologised profusely and assured listeners and viewers they were doing everything to resolve the situation. This last month, PQ has not sent a reporter to any of Sellik's pre-season friendlies because the club has made it clear they are not welcome. Yesterday, they were banned from Brendan's pre-match presser and, today who knows? Liam might not get to squeal his regular approval for his Father's team. Apparently, BBC Scotland has apologised again and again but to no avail. Peter demands Tom English retract, revise and apologise for his correct jottings. RAB Cosgrove took umbrage with PQ Gaffers sending Jane Lewis to Ibrox for our Saturday friendly against Hamburg. His favoured phrase of late has been, "in the interests of balance", if you provide a service for one half of the Old Firm, the other side must receive similar, "in the interests of balance". Funny that, in Steven Gerrard's three years plus tenure at Ibrox, BBC Scotland does NOT possess one single second of recorded video or audio tape of the Liverpudlian's time. Anyways, RAB has been shouting these last weeks about PQ's coverage. It began with St Johnstone had defeated Hamburg 3-0 when it mattered in the Fairs Cup(1971) and the Germans were in the top Division of the Bundesliga in those days, then he told of Saints under 18s defeating Rangers 3-zip at Auchenhowie in a pre-season opener and, finished with a fulminating, "is the ban over then"? A wee reminder Rangers withdrew the press credentials from Chris McLaughlin, he could continue to attend but not in the press box. BBC Scotland being banned by Rangers is an oft repeated lie by BBC Scotland, a truly manufactured grievance. BBC Scotland being banned by ra Sellik, not mentioned today by BBC Scotland. I will further remind you what the then BBC Scotland's Chief Football Writer said about Chris McLaughlin, "Chris is a shill for Celtic football club". Big Dick, Liam McLeod, Martin Dowden, RAB, ....... et al decided to back their colleague and were most comfortable providing no coverage for license fee paying Rangers supporters over a period of nearly five years. BBC Scotland are providing live radio commentary from ra Stade de Gadd today and, Liam is back squealing as the Championship flag is unfurled. He is accompanied by Pat Bonner(only covers Sellik games), Martin Dowden(revealed by Annie McGuire as, "a good Celtic man") and, Michael Stewart(former Sellik TV co-commentator). As you can see, a cowed PQ are more than happy to give ra Sellik what they demand. Tom English will be kept well away until he is prepared to get on his knees in front of Peter.
  10. Scott Arfield's mistake was to make application under his own name. The best name to use is, 'Gordon Archer'. It is a name of incredible good fortune when making application to Glasgow City Council. Four years past, the Council spent £350,000 refurbishing 12 shops on the Saltmarket at Trongate(Glasgow Cross). This was a scheme known as, 'Meanwhile Spaces, an attempt to take empty shop units in rundown areas, do them up and, hand them over to entrepreneurs at peppercorn rental rates. The idea being to reinvigorate the area. Applications were made and a ballot was necessary to decide the new tenants prepared to pay the rental costs of £1.00(one pound) per annum. Gordon Archer came out the ballot first and he took two of the shops to create an art gallery. Gordon Archer is the husband of Glasgow City Council Convenor, Susan Aitken. Of course, Gordon Archer is of such good character he was suspended from holding Directorships for six years only last year. Gordon transferred several hundred thousand pounds from LDB to a personal account, the week before the company went burst, owning millions to creditors. Obviously, 'Meanwhile Spaces' does not apply to Copland Road. Scott's second mistake was not to consult the SNP Policy Advisor to Susan Aitken, Gerry Braiden. Falls Road born and bred Gerry formed the Ibrox and Cessnock Residents Association. Remember, they stymied Rangers attempt to buy the sports centre facing the Stadium and objected to plans for the recently opened Edmiston House. What are the Ibrox and Cessnock Residents Association's plans for Copland Road? I suppose as soon as Gerry tells them, we'll know.
  11. Scottish football was the winner as the Chief poured torrential rain upon Leith. Hibs ran out 6-1 winners, progressing to the next round 7-3 on aggregate. Hibs face FC Luzern next week the evening after Rangers face fellow Toblerone munchers, Servette.
  12. With the other lot, it's either humming or bumming(ra Bhoys).
  13. I sit in Bar'72, can I be allowed to sing descant? I love to harmonise.
  14. It is a couple of hours before kick-off at Easter Road for the second leg of this Euro tie. Hibs are currently 1-2 down in the tie, notching a much needed life saving goal in the last minute last week in Andorra. The current Hi-Bees are not Turnbull's Tornados but, surely they will raise their game and recover? The national coefficient needs the 0.5 point that could be gained. As Rangers supporters: we were berated mercilessly when Progres Niederkorn knocked us out in Luxembourg, ruining the coefficient was deemed our worst crime. We must be more mature folks and hope the 'first to wear the green' team succeed and, contribute to the national quest. Although, if the mighty Andorrans should prevail; think how Peter Murrell, Gordon Archer, Dougray Scott, ................... and Irvine Welsh will cope? I admit it brings a smile to the visog. I suspect Hibernian will romp it, a 4-zip victory. What do my fellow Gersnetters think and, what do you hope for?
  15. Sir, you are correct. A gentleman retires and relaxes of a Saturday evening with a glass of Burgundy Pinot Noir: of course, a small bowl of Camargue picholine olives is the perfect accompaniment.
  16. What will be our centre back pairing? I assume it is too early for Goldson? Will Soutar be risked on Rugby Park's drastic plastic? Balogun was down twice against the Greeks and, received treatment. Could it be Lundstram and Balogun? I am beginning to worry our defence might resemble a sieve at the start of this coming season.
  17. Thanks to Weebluedevil for the constant updates, the frequency of the posting reflected the excitement of the game. Similar to my fellow Gersnetter, I watched the entire match and just like the first leg both teams were at it, hammer and tongs. The Genk skipper, And Heynen proved to be a poor sooth sayer earlier in the week when he was quoted as saying, "we are already looking beyond the Rangers tie, to the Champions League group stages". Certainly, he did not foresee being stretchered off in the fifth minute of tonight's game. Although the consequence of a red card for the Swiss player added weight to his prediction of Genk progression. The Belgians were in the ascendency and the Referee appeared to have a pocketful of Servette marked cards. One red card and seven yellow cards later, the side from the land of cuckoo clocks endured in excess of two hours of football to triumph 1-4 on penalties. They survived on barely 30% of possession with ten men making desperate tackles, blocks and, challenges. On one hand they deserved it, on the other they nicked the way their country's Bankers nicked Nazi gold and Jewish family heirlooms in the wake of World War Two. Two equalisers: one from a deflected free kick and, the other from a delightfully struck through ball. Being reduced did not change them, they are a counter attacking side. Servette proved their fitness and possess excellent mental fortitude. They exhibited a patience too and, we have to match all these attributes if we are to progress. A decent lead established at Ibrox will force them out of their shell in the land of triangular bees buzzing around triangular trees. Get it right at the Stadium and Geneva should be a Swiss roll over.
  18. Rangers have drawn Morton at Ibrox. Tie to be played on the weekend of 19/20 August.
  19. I am not a natural optimist; however, continuing the Great Expectations vibe. Quoting Joe's(Gargery) continual line, "we will have larks, such larks Pip". It will be a larkfull season.
  20. I have Great Expectations, Miss Havisham's wedding breakfast table awaits.
  21. Game has ended 2-1 to the Andorrans. Joe Newell scored directly from a 91st minute direct free kick.
  22. ......... so Andorran easy, .............. this is so Andorran easy, ....... Inter d'Escaldes notch another on the 71st minute, 2-0. Hibs have a Pyrenean peak to climb.
  23. The Euro Conference Cup match is currently being broadcast live on the BBC Scotland i-Player. The Andorran minnows are striving to take the Hi-bees scalp on their open bowl of a ground. The Pyrenean Principality has a lot of topography and the far side of the ground has a thirty foot high retaining stone wall. Atop is an olive grove containing a motorhome park. There are two late middle aged guys standing up against the wire fence, hands in pockets watching the game. One is bald, wearing glasses and, looks well shifty. The other is a grey haired bespectacled even shiftier character. When the Andorrans scored on the 15th minute, the actions of both suggest Happy(unhappy) Hibbys. When Polis Scotland arrested and interviewed Peter Murrell, they took his Passport, didn't they? Similarly, Susan Aitken's husband, Gordon Archer was banned from holding Directorship office for six years last November, after £400,000 was transferred out of his green energy firm days before it went bust. Maybe, they have got a couple of those Humza citizenship burgundy passports? Anyways, it looks like Rangers will have to sail(not Cal Mac) the Scottish coefficient ship alone again. Hibs have not created a single chance and at half-time it remains Inter d'Escaldes 1 Hibs 0.
  24. There are folks on this forum whose understanding of modern formations and tactics are ahead of mine and, I would appreciate if my perception can be explained? I have attended all three of the home friendlies in the last week and I understand the purpose is to increase both fitness and sharpness. Since the first half hour against Newcastle United I got the impression which has prevailed throughout. Out of possession, we appear too narrow. All three opposition sides worked out early to play out to in and bypass our front and middle three. Two or three passes sees them on the edge of our box. In possession; again, too narrow. Until we reach the opposition last third, then both full backs are charging to get up to provide the necessary width. An opposition interception at this point sees us caught out on the transition. Further, having watched the Servette/Genk match on Tuesday evening, both sides have the smarts to sidestep our current system.
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