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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Craig Whyte provides BBC Scotland's Chris McLaughlin with off the record briefings. Chris sets up a couple of formal interviews to be seen garnering the information. Concurrently, Charlotte Fakes arrives on the scene and attempts to replicate the RTC Blog success. The usual suspects, Cosgrove, Spence, English, Delahunt, ............... etc reinforce the veracity and impact of Charlotte Fakes as it's drip fed over a number of weeks. Regan gives a live interview on BBC Radio Scotland and announces the SFA will be looking at information in the public domain. The choreography is well rehearsed and I suspect becoming increasingly obvious. Like the RTC Blog, it's another fail but the fallout has ran interference on the club's progress. I wonder if Whyte, Green, Ahmed, et al have knowingly utilised the bilious BBC Scotland's offices to progress their own agendas, which are NOT to the benefit of Rangers? Oh, and another thing, I note yesterday's reports that 48% of Scots feel BBC Scotland accurately reflects and reports the views and aspirations of Scots. Hands up if you were genuinely surprised they reached 48%.
  2. Looking through the print and cyber media take on ra Sellik suffering a 6-2 thrashing has been rather pleasurable. Sky head line, 'Sellik Thrashed', both the Herald and Evening Times are equally unequivocating, and the Record contains a damning report. BBC Scotland continue to report only good news furra Yahoos, 'Hooper sets new goals', Cliftonville install extra seats', and '£12million for Victor'. Cosgrove and Cowan appealed for Scottish football to, 'Get Real' last weekend, it would appear some run of results are too real.
  3. Rangers travelled to the wilds of Sutherland on Sunday, braved the midges and thrashed the mighty Brora 0-2. A fine double by future club and country skipper, Lewis McLeod(there can be only one) saw this season's favourites for the SPFL2 title, deservedly notch a first victory in the ephemera that is pre-season. In stark contrast, the green'n'grey hooped horrors have stuttered around the south German plain like a one legged goose stepper at an arse-kicking party. Three pre-season friendlies have resulted in three defeats; 1-0, 2-1, and 6-2 this evening. German second division side, Greuther Furth operated like a will drilled Panzer regiment and blasted six holes in the expensively assembled Sellik defence. Neil was inconsolable, "I am the wurst brat in Bavaria, managing a team of bratwursts". I know some will question the relevance to Rangers Chat; however, I am imbued with a sense of immense well-being.
  4. I think I have the rationale behind Nuremberg Hugh's piece? Nuremberg has spent the last year banned from attending ra Stydome in a working capacity because he penned a pre-season piece expressing concern at his beloved Sellik's preparation for the CL. Neither his Editor at the Record, Allen Rennie nor his Radio Snyde boss, Jim(ra Tim)Delahunt bothered their arse to ensure he was allowed to plight his trade at ra Stydome. Thus, a way back into the fold is to write ridiculous pieces lionising both of Peter's pals, Neil and Stewart. Of course, get a few digs in at Rangers and Hearts, remind the readership of the victimhood of ra Yahoos, and offer an insight into the way ahead at the SFA. Don't worry Hugh, you'll soon be a Peter's pal too.
  5. Donegal Mountain Rescue team leader(seriously it's another of his claims), Fantasy Phil usually has to pay a hairy-arsed biker from a Larkhall Leather Bar for such a service. Of course, chalking the cue costs extra.
  6. No quotes, no story, sh1t stirring page filler for the silly season. Ra Sellik lost their first pre-season game in Germany, Peter's pal Neil is the SFPL CEO, Dundee United's season ticket sales are almost 1,500 behind last term's, ....................................
  7. It could have been worse, we might have signed Du Wei.
  8. I would recommend Ordnance Survey sheet 390 to Tom et al, midges have gotta eat and the Ardnamurchan peninsula midge has a voracious appetite.
  9. Those dastardly Lithuanians are convenient Sir Jaspers, visiting penury and shame on gallant Hearts. Such a line runs interference on the historic debt that determined the Pieman's attempts to sell off Tynecastle. Tom, like so many of his fellow journos sits extremely comfortably with his preferred prejudice. Similarly, he denies others, particularly Rangers supporters the same comfort.
  10. Peter won't allow that. Reference the OP, it's only Saturday last on BBC Radio Scotland that Cosgrove and Phil Differ were discussing the red tops approach to the Scottish game and referring to the Record as 'the Daily Ranger'. The paper that now produces ra Sellik View and Sellik's matchday programme must still be called the Daily Ranger for the mindset and what passes for humour to work.
  11. Gersnetters may remember one of our club's numerous detractors these last few years, disgraced lawyer, Paul McConville? He has penned many a venomous piece reference Rangers and Rangers supporters. Such was his distraction to all things Rangers, he failed to pass on tens of thousands of pounds to the families of miners claiming compensation. Paul can only practise under constant supervision for the next decade. Well, on his blog Paul would swat away accusations of demented obsessed Yahoo by proclaiming his absolute love for Albion Rovers. He would adhere to this devotion despite all his regular readers and devotees being demented obsessed Yahoos. We should find out the depth of Paul's love, will he attend and lend his shoulder of support to the Rovers wheel? Surely, a true devotee would not miss? Those of us unfortunate to continually receive links to Paul's obsessions also noted his burning desire for the England cricket team. The Ashes are on late July, maybe Paul has a ready made excuse? I hope to meet Paul at Cliftonhill, perhaps we can exchange a few musings on miners' families compensation.
  12. Renewed yesterday afternoon, the Ticket Office was plenty busy.
  13. Stewart Regan says, 'Peter will let us know when we are no longer useful'.
  14. The piece by English today is a print reinforcement of Cosgrove's broadcast on BBC Radio Scotland on Saturday. It's called 'mutual support'. In reality, it exposes the vulnerability being felt by both. Their biggest fear is that Rangers supporters say no to no comparison, such articulation cannot be tolerated. BBC Scotland does NOT discuss, it fashions a line that all must adhere to. To achieve discussion, contrary opinion would be broadcast. BBC Scotland deliberately deny Bears access to 'the debate'. Say No to No Comparison RSC.
  15. Rangers were founded in the first week of February 1872. All early Scottish football publications and club recollections cite 1872 as the founding of the club. Thus, why 1873? It's nothing to do with registration, constitution, first participation in competitive matches, .............. etc. The change is much more mundane and is the result of one man's failure to meet a publication deadline. Rangers first official official history of the club was penned by John Allan, 'The Story of the Rangers - Fifty Years of Football 1873-1923'. John Allan missed the 1922 deadline and simply changed the year of founding to 1873. Allan was not so much a historian as a statistician and fierce PRO of the club. He would pen another two books. His nephew, William Allison succeeded him and penned, 'Rangers - the New Era'. As to the 1981 reference, the new stadium was completed ie the Govan Stand in that year. The Govan replaced the Centenary Stand which only lasted a decade.
  16. These last three weeks, I have listened to and read the usual suspects being hugely sympathetic to the current Hearts plight. Further, they have all chorused the lionisation of Jambos and cautioned them as to future/continuing investment in their club ie exert as much leverage as possible and achieve the biggest bang for your buck. Again, the sensitivities of Rangers supporters do not count. The message is take their money(investment) and continue the hate anyways. Occupying the moral high ground is always tempting; however, in this case any advantage would not survive the continuing heavy artillery on all things Rangers.
  17. Another night, another BBC Radio Scotland special on the crisis at Hearts. Again, between 6-7pm. Tonight's symphony of sympathy for the pride of the toon was hosted by Rheinhart Gordon, contributors were John Robertson, Tom English, and Jum Spence. I agree with the general thrust of the broadcast that today was a sad day because 18 people have been informed they have no job to go to tomorrow. Further, those that have retained positions do so on terms of deferred payment. However, this thread is about comparison and tonight's show had an unequivocal statement from Jum, "there is no comparison between the situations faced by both Hearts and Rangers, Rangers were liquidated". Tom chimed, "and the Hearts fans are taking it on the chin, accepting responsibility whereas Rangers fans lashed out at everybody". Murmured approval from Jum. John Robertson received no support when he suggested Hearts should arrange a pre-season friendly against Rangers at Murrayfield! The most delicious point was when Rheinhart read out a few contributions from Hibees, 'Jambos enjoyed the success accrued by overspend, we are enjoying their downfall'. Tom tut-tutted and embarked on a voyage of revisionism, he knew Hearts supporters celebrated two Scottish Cups but were constantly aware of the underlying threat to the club. BBC Scotland must give English his own show, 'Tom Talks Tosh'.
  18. I know there are several threads comparing the Hearts debacle with our own horrors of last year(and they continue); however, I make no apology for starting a new one with particular comparison to BBC Scotland coverage. Last evening, BBC Radio Scotland broke their schedule to broadcast a 'Hearts Special' between 6-7pm. Quite rightly so, a major player in Scottish life has entered administration, and probably will suffer liquidation. Again, this time last year, BBC Scotland had broadcast numerous specials on the Rangers crisis. Last night, the tone was most sympathetic. The presentation set the tone because the contributors were John Robertson, Michael Stewart, George Foulkes, Ian Murray MP, and Alan Preston. All Jambos to the core and again quite rightly so. They are closest to the working seam, and the seam BBC Scotland want to mine is complete sympathy for the Hearts supporter. I agree, the last few months has been a successful exercise in constant tugging at the emotional Jambo strings and relieving them of their hard earned. At the weekend, Tom English eulogised the Foundation of Hearts, and Ian Murray MP has made the most of the presented opportunity. The focus has been settled on the FofH and last evening's hate-filled maggot in the ointment, Dandy Don Michael Grant reinforced the testament of Tom English. The content was most comforting, there is a way ahead and the necessary leadership has been identified and lionised. Oh how I wish BBC Scotland's mood music had been as soothing last summer. A 15,000 strong Bears' march to Hampden was ridiculed mercilessly and Sandy Jardine's stirring words on the steps brought forth venomous reaction. Both English and Grant demanded the SFA deal with him and even suggested the police might like to listen to utterances borne of misguided emotion. Thousands of Rangers supporters walking peaceably to Hampden, pushing prams, shouldering children, and leading dogs were to be presented as a baying mob whose fervour could be provoked by Sandy. The reality of stirring applause was to be denied because Rangers supporters were not deserving of a focus or required leadership. The RTC Blog provided regular crib sheets to counter Bears' grievances( or perceived grievances as the RTC Blog decreed) and many at BBC Scotland were absolute adherents to the message. Last June's mantras of 'say no to newco', 'strip the titles', 'sporting integrity', and 'CONTRITION'; all courtesy of the RTC Blog will be absent this time around. BBC Scotland and fans of the other now defunct SPL clubs want to be sympathetic to the emotions of the Hearty Harrys, already both English and grant have decreed there is NO comparison between both situations. Such notions will be dismissed as awkward and inconvenient, they run interference to the presented message. Am I indifferent, should I care? We should care although it is most difficult to rationalise because other SPL club supporters and the national broadcaster do not speak the same language as us; remember, our sensitivities did not count.
  19. Can I just say something here?(Sounes Souness). Currently, I am en France Sud, and le Petite Merde is not ici. Non M'Lud, le Petite Merde is en Monaco and as Elmer Fudd found out reference a fee for John Collins ................................ Malheureusesment, le petite merde est un vagabond qui ne peut pas etre tue par un fusil.
  20. I would like to echo Frankie's words about 'one of the most difficult jobs in football'; actually, I would suspect it is one of THE most difficult jobs. Under SDM's tenure, he allowed Rangers and Rangers supporters to be unfairly criticised, often it was the path of least resistance to the many usual suspects to fire out another hate-filled piece knowing there would be no consequence as long as you ensured no personal criticism of Murray. Rangers and Rangers supporters slowly but surely became toxic, the ridicule ensued. SDM recognised the constant toxic flow and he attempted twice to do something, too little too late. He appointed the Daily Record's political editor, Paul Sinclair back in the early 90s, he lasted less than a year. Iain King was up next in the mid-90s, same result. Holding back that river is more than the capabilities of one man or one grouping. I cannot see Traynor lasting. I am quietly confident the work of the Rangers Standard will achieve a platform for the ensuing occupants to move forward. A book informing the wider Rangers support is so important, it provides a crib sheet for other sympathetic individuals and groupings to chorus from. We are in a place where regularly on BBC Scotland, Cosgrove tells us what we are thinking, unchallenged! Think about that?
  21. I believe Henry Morton Stanley last located Livingston on the shores of Lake Tanganyika.
  22. Aberdeen, they play at Pitodrie(the hill of dung). Another Aberdeen supporting BBC Scotland journo ignores his club's decision to close a stand next season because their average crowd has fell to 8,000ish. Here's the rub, they close the only standDick Donald) that would receive a license elsewhere in the country. The other stands should be condemned, a travelling Rangers support of 6,000 are provided with a Portacabin of 6 urinals and 4 cubicles, and they sing of Glasgow slums. Hill of dung indeed! Anyways, big Rheinhart Gordon, Wullie Miller, Jonathon Sutherland, Liam McLeod, Michael Grant, and Charlie Mann can all chorus 'we don't miss Rangers', whilst hoping they get us in one of the cups at Ibrox. They will be hoping to celebrate an Aberdeen goal like no other because they have failed to win at the stadium since 1991. Further, I suspect both Cosgrove and Spence will be having a wank to Southwick's diseased ramblings.
  23. Ah, the goose fat connection, I think I see where you are going with this. I prefer Dennis Potter's, 'Pennies from Heaven' and loved his attack on Rupert Murdoch. Dear Damian should never be mentioned along with the creative Potter, McBride has served a life of destruction.
  24. I support D'Art's decision to cease posting on FF. Each to their own and we all arrive at conclusions from different ways and means. After several years of constant posting on FF, I decided to refrain five years past. The majority of that decision resided in my resignation from the RST Board. However, I advocated persistently that open debate always made us(the Rangers support) stronger. The guillotine is utilised too soon and too often on FF. Arms from the armoury, eggs from the eggery, and bootnecks arrive at the solution five years after the Paras.
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