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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. I wonder if Charlotte Fakes will flag up the intention of Neil Doncaster's SPFL to locate and finally pay out the prize money due to Rangers from season2011/12? Further, transferring from oldco to newco, does that not prove continuity of the same club?
  2. Since last summer, Jum Spence has often prefaced any broadcast comment on Rangers with, "I am saying this from the SAFETY of the east coast". Jum has immersed himself in the warm waters of victimhood. It's a mind set shared with Rhienart, Tom, Stu', ........... etc. Often, they indulge in a bit of triumphalism, enjoy a good snigger, then feign exasperation at those they have offended having the gall to possess sensitivities. Jum is a former Law Lecturer, a communicator whom says what he means, means what he says. His piece will have been calculated, whether the east coast guarantees his safety fantasy is open to question; however, his Producer yesterday was Tom Connor. Stydome season ticket holder, Tom provides the necessary safety for Jum to swagger.
  3. Well done, I forgot about the, 'oh no, no'. Hopefully, the Blue Order et al will chorus against the Red Lichties a week on Saturday.
  4. Anyone remember, 'Excerpt from a Teenage Opera'? Grocer Jack, Grocer Jack Get off you back Get into town Don't let them down We could chant : Toxic Jack Toxic Jack We don't want you back Because your PR Is quite bizarre
  5. Ramsay Smith is a blast from the past. A long time ago, in an organisation far, far away; I was tasked by the then Chair to lunch with dearest Ramsay. Over a period of two hours, I learned that Mr Smith was other worldly. He was Media House's hands-on number two and thought Graham Spiers was a very decent chap. Ten years past, Spiers had penned a number of articles smearing the deceased Jock Wallace and Davie Cooper. He had included the phrase, "Ian Ferguson has all the charm of a child molester" in a Dunfermline/Sellik match report. I asked Ramsay if he thought he had a grip of the situation? He defended himself by presenting a several minute lecturette on the value of foresight ie running interference on negative stories and superseding with the positive. I countered with the effect of Spiers continual demonising of the support and marginalisation of the club. I produced a copy of ra Sellik View and turned to Matt McGlone's column on the inside back page. He was lionising Spiers and congratulating him on winning the readers' poll of most favoured journalist for the fifth year running. I concluded he was being rewarded for being THEIR useful idiot. It is most obvious to me that Media House are incapable of objective appreciation of THE situation. They arrive with a preferred solution, then fit their perception of circumstance around that solution.
  6. Jack Irvine proves he is galactically stupid. He has managed to shoot himself in both feet recently; now, he shoots himself in the head.
  7. It was a dozen years past that saw the Dandy Dons visit ra Stydome and whilst suffering the usual several goal thrashing, the travelling support sand, "we hate Rangers more than you", with unmatched gusto. The usual suspects in the media thought this was capital, their green'n'grey hooped heroes won handsomely and the red and white clad sheepies provided the comic cabaret. The Dandies in both print and broadcast media remain anxious to be seen to fellate their Yahoo superiors. Willing catamites, one and all. Michael Grant lionises ra Sellik in the Herald and on BBC Radio Scotland. Liam McLeod's commentary last week against Shakhtar was overwrought with superlatives. Rheinhart Gordon pleaded with ra Sellik, "to do it for Scotland"; then opened the mic' for the listenership, "to drink in the incredible atmosphere". Abergreen supporters equal green'n'grey hooped aspirations by proxy.
  8. I was most impressed with young MacLeod last season. His injury was a major concern; however, he made it back for the final game but appeared tentative. My hope for this season was that he slowly and surely regained both confidence and form. He has surpassed my desire. He looks fitter, taller, stronger, and is aesthetically pleasing as ever. Seven games has seen him play across every midfield position, mostly in the left berth. His first touch is always twinned with ensuring his head is up and assessing options. Yesterday's goal was the epitome of this trait and it highlighted another increasingly obvious quality, game awareness. I have two fears. Where will he play next week? Templeton will be left midfield, Law in the centre, and Crawford/Peralta compete for the right berth. The other obvious candidate for centre is Black, I would prefer MacLeod. Further, can the club hold on to him beyond this season? I believe he has a big future and wonder if the club in it's current predicament can fulfil?
  9. Perception? Cosgrove spent the last several weeks of last season insisting Rangers were regularly playing in front of crowds of less than 20,000 at Ibrox. I wondered why he would so obviously mis represent the situation? Of course, being Chanel 4's Head of Diversity and a Regional Editor, he was aware of the strategic pitfalls awaiting BBC Scotland.
  10. "he should be reprimanded" We are assuming there is a code of discipline, applicably both to the individual and collectively. I have an idea for reality TV. Six, twelve, several dozen individuals(the number is arbitrary) are placed in the Ibrox Boardroom with the mission, 'find evidence of discipline'. It should be noted that these individuals are NOT archaeologists. Any classicists among those participating will recognise the similarities with the trials of Sisyphus.
  11. I have read said tome, it's a thought provoking experience. I will reread the book, then keep it handy to dip into on a regular basis. Any momentum must be exploited, I hope a second, and third are planned?
  12. News of Ray Wilkins goal arrived via a short wave radio tuned to BBC World Service. It was carried by breathless Paddy Feeney's 15 minute football round up, 4-5 hours after the ball screamed into the net. I was in southern Oman, an area known as the Jebel. A patrol harbour area during silent hours, a fully zipped green slug to deny biting ants, and a raised whip antenna. All very unprofessional. Paddy exercised the enthusiasm of a new born giraffe as he announced, "and now to highlights of today's featured Scottish match, a six goal thriller from Ibrox". The first 10 second burst of commentary culminated in FrakieBhoy notching and immediately I assumed we had lost 0-6. The next two clips were Butcher's equaliser and Wilkins screamer. My pessimism persisted and was prepared for a 2-4 defeat. It was Drinkell's header that had me screaming, silently. It's the Rangers thing, thousands of miles away amid an eerie landscape and emotionally I am in the East Enclosure bouncing, bellowing, and loving the Gers with fellow Bears.
  13. Two years hence, hopefully we have returned to the top tier? I suspect Cammy Bell, Nicky Law, Lee Wallace, David Templeton, and Lewis MacLeod may be the only survivors of the current grouping. I hope Robbie Crawford, Gazparato, Little, and Barrie M'Kay can survive. The length of contracts provide a hint of intention.
  14. Here's an analogy that has fitted Rangers these last 15 years. The club is viewed by the majority of those in the Board room over this period, as a 'Dripping Roast'. SDM and his dozen companies providing services to the club took regular slices. Whyte, Green, Ahmed, ..................... et al have carved several big slices for themselves. Then, there are the likes of Jack Irvine and Media House, a dozen year addiction to caramelised batons pared from high on the hog. It's the epitome of concurrent activity; those immediately surrounding are sawing at the carcass, whilst those impatiently standing on the periphery are constantly sharpening their instruments of division. All of them have a passion for avarice.
  15. Ian is reported as saying, "delighted to be here playing for the sons of William Hill". I will get my coat but I am here all week.
  16. The analysis of the piece is an exercise in the obvious. Last month, I listened to the Herald's Chief Sports Writer on Cosgrove and Cowan telling the listenership he was bored of the machinations at Rangers. Why the obsession with a third tier club, Scotland's Euro ambitions can be satisfied by ra Sellik, Andy Murray provides a more positive image to aspiring Scottish youngsters, ...................... etc. Today, he is penning a piece on Paul Murray's waning ambitions, Spiers is in the same paper telling us Chuck was misunderstood and a bit of a Curate's egg, and Richard Wilson provides summation and conclusion. In short, ra Herald's three lead football stories are all about the Rangers. Is there a direct correlation between ra Sellik's failure against Shakhter Haughmagandy and their three main sports stories involving the on going crisis at Ibrox? Certainly, it has lifted the gloom for the usual suspects in the comments section; three times the contributions to Rangers stories as opposed to their beloved green'n'grey hooped horrors.
  17. I hope you have been provided with the requisite blue helmet and body armour? Indirect fire ie artillery and mortars is arbitery. However, the danger from direct fire is usually ricochets. Remember, 95% of ricochets splash below waist height. Keep one hand on your balls at all times.
  18. Tonight's BBC Scotland report is suggesting Black bet against the team he played for on 3 occasions. Further, they are implying he did so with each of the 3 clubs he has played for over the several year period ie ICT, Hearts, and Rangers. Given the information that players can place bets on throw-ins, corners, penalties, ........... etc; can they place a bet on a yellow card or an ordering off? BBC Scotland reinforced the story by utilising footage from the Dundee United v Rangers Scottish Cup tie, specifically Black's red card. I accept he has been set up, several years of garnering information has clearly occurred, but that is another story. If he is found guilty, I suggest Black begins to hone his painting and decorating skills.
  19. A week without Gersnet? I have been productive; coloured in a few books, read a couple too. The Harold Davis tome, 'Tougher than Bullets' is an excellent read, as is, 'Follow we Will', and the story of Spanish football, 'Morbo' by Phil Ball. Further, I perused a new website, 'Swedish Strapping Nurses'; endlessly fascinating pictures of Amazonian professionals providing a most necessary service to a grateful community. Gersnet is such a comfort.
  20. This latest chapter in the machinations of our club began to break yesterday afternoon. The timing gave the initial take to broadcast media. We know that the various factions on the Board brief their pet journos and increasingly want/need their side of the story to be aired first for greater impact and to provide an opportunity to seize the initiative and hopefully maintain momentum. Control of the story is hugely important for both the particular faction and nominated journo. BBC Scotland's Chris McLaughlin was all over the story like a rash, continually he emphasised, "the situation was a mess" and threatened, "another administration looms". I tuned to Radio Snyde and Jim Delahunt, Mark Guidi, and Hugh Keevins were grateful for the windfall. The first 30 minutes saw them fighting off Bears claiming victimisation at the hands of the SFA. Keevins blustered about 63 page legal documents outlining the £50,000 fine being part of several legitimate complaints. It was classic mis and dis information, running interference to an awkward truth. Delahunt knowingly allowed this broadcast calamity. At the height of their difficulty, Keevins congratulated a caller on his forensic analysis of Green's return and decided this trumped all other matters concerning Rangers. Inconvenient victimhood could be dismissed and all attention should focus on the internecine nature of the Rangers board. Delahunt and Guidi agreed, control of the story had been decided. I waited until morning to view the print media's take and the usual suspects, Clements at the Record, John McGarry at the Daily Mail, Tom English at the Hootsman, ......................... are on it controlling the focus and reinforcing their stated opinions from this time last year. I am glad the Herald's Richard Wilson has secured his place as journo with his finger firmly on this specific pulse. He is factual, informs, and underlines both with quotations from the various players involved. Now, why won't BBC Scotland invite the far more knowledgeable Richard Wilson to provide information to the listenership? Well, Richard is a Rangers supporter and that is a curse at Pacific Quay. Remember 33 contributors to Sportsound and only one(maybe two) can be considered sympathetic to our club. BBC Scotland have an official reason for not extending an invitation to Wilson, they only allow one journo from each publication to participate. Rangers hating Michael Grant has the gig and unsurprisingly, he agreed absolutely with Chris McLaughlin's interpretation last night. I know Gersnetters will pick holes in BBC Scotland's official policy eg both Hugh MacDonald and Spiers regularly contribute and they are Herald employees. However, as we all know, they are on-message, As this story unfolds, I would urge Gersnetters to place more emphasis on Richard Wilson's pieces as opposed to the interference being run by all the usual suspects.
  21. These last 27 years at Radio Snyde, the Objective Hosts of ra Show have been : 1. Paul Cooney(also the station's Chief Executive). 2. Peter Martin. 3. Jim Delahunt. 4. Gerry McCulloch. Paul Cooney had been ra Sellik's PRO for two years in the early 80s. Peter Martin known as Bitter Martin(real name Peter McGuire), used to host pub quizzes in Lanarkshire and his advertising posters contained the strapline, 'the biggest Tim in Newarthill'. Jim ra Tim Delahunt brought in Gerry McCulloch, knowing he was a safe pair of hands. Gerry presented 'TicTalk' on ra Sellik TV for several years. I am assured that Radio Snyde do not bar Rangers supporters from being objective Host of ra Show, it's just they haven't found one good enough to do the job. Remember, as Mark(the Slug)Guidi said live on Superscoreboard whilst Bitter Martin sniggered in the background, "it's not that I hate Rangers, it's just that I dislike them".
  22. Big Caddy was my PE teacher at Uddingston Grammar in 1974. He arrived mid-term and we were suspicious of the yellow Capri Ghia driving, bubble perm self appointed Adonis, from the west end of Glasgow. There were a couple of McAdams that played for Dumbarton and it was rumoured he was one half of the duo of brothers. A fortnight later, a midweek fixture at ra Piggery saw the Sons of the Rock secure a 2-2 draw. The papers reported a C McAdam scored the equalising 25 yard screamer. We decided he was beloved. Five years later, Colin arrived at Rangers via Motherwell and Partick Thistle.
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