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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. A wee snippet from this week's Hamilton Advertiser. St Bride's Celebrations. Ceremonial Knights and Dames of the Scottish Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem gathered from throughout Scotland and welcomed a new leader during a special mass at St Bride's RC Church in Bothwell. Archbishop Emeritus Mario Conti the new grand prior of the Scottish Lieutenancy, and Bishop Joseph Toal, apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Motherwell, led the celebrations as Titchie Greig was installed as the new Lieutenant of the Holy Sepulchre for Scotland. He took over from SHERIFF FRANK LUNNY, Knight Grand Cross, who had been Lieutenant for Scotland since July 2005. SHERIFF LUNNY was invested as a Lieutenant of honour by his successor. I should add, there is an accompanying photograph of 5 dozen folks in an array of medieval robes sporting large crosses across the chests, right shoulders, and left breasts. Disappointingly, given the organisation is an equestrian order, no horses; although plenty of horses arses on show. SHERIFF FRANK LUNNY is Vincent Lunny's old man. Vincent is pictured replete in the robes of St Bilbo of the Blessed Dildo. He looks positively tumescent and is clearly attracting the attention of Archbishop Mario Conti. Sincerely, I hope Vincent only views referred incidents whilst replete in his robes? We should be told.
  2. Apparently, Nuremberg Hugh is stirring it today in ra Record. Rangers beating Queen of the South is nothing to shout about. Further, if Rangers secure the Ramsden/Challenge Cup, it should NOT be celebrated. Finally, ra Shugster suggests Ibrox will be utilised for the final if we get there, because the rental costs of ra Stydome are prohibitive. He enlists Raith Rovers Turnbull Hutton to reinforce angst and anger. Hutton demands a sporting contest, it's not about maximising revenue. Note, there is no caveat about Rovers getting there. This is what happens when your favourites ban you for over a calendar year, you spit venom at Rangers after said favourite are spanked by Milan.
  3. That old political adage attributed to Churchill reference, 'Politics makes for queer bedfellows' became most apparent in Cosgrove's contribution to the defence of Spence piece in the Drum. A respected cyber publication has recently been highjacked by the usual mentalists as an outlet. It's office address at the bottom end of the Gallowgate, it's immediate proximity to the pub of choice of ra Green Brigade, and those quoted ie Roy Greenslade, Phil McFournames, Angela Haggerty, McConville, .......... etc would see any rational person anxious NOT to be seen contributing. Channel 4's Director for Diversity is pushing the envelope in defence of his fellow Rangers hater.
  4. Zappa, If there are no takers for East Fife on Oct 26, please put me down. Bayview memories!
  5. I remember all those conversations with 'soulfulsaint' several years past reference his constant usage of the 'H' term. Further, he was a Director of BT(Scotland) at the time and his arse was making buttons because he had been caught. Fortunately, the Editor of that particular Soul Music forum deleted all Soulfulsaint's rabid rantings and allowed him plausible deniability.
  6. I was wondering if any Gersnetters knew the name of Jum Spence's 'zine? He founded and Edited it for several years and his current designation at BBC Scotland is as a direct result of this particular publication. It was a case of BBC Scotland wanting to be seen to embrace the new media. I would like to peruse a copy/copies to how Jum referred to Rangers and Rangers supporters? Further, as Editor; what content was approved?
  7. Kevin Dunne smashed 13 of the 14 triple-glazed windows in the Dallas family home using a golf club. Fined £2,000 at Hamilton Court, also ordered to pay the cost of repair(Kevin owned a double glazing firm). Kevin did NOT have his Sellik season ticket recovered by the club and was applauded back to his heated green leather seat in the North Stand by fellow Yahoos.
  8. A couple of points : 1. I do not believe those stories in long term circulation about Angela's desire for closer ties with Columbia and Commonwealth businessmen. 2. Interesting to note Cosgrove has penned a piece for the Drum. As soon as the smoke from a Rangers hate fest is seen, he is in there fanning the flames. Director of Creative Diversity, my arse.
  9. About a dozen years past, John Reid's son, Kevin was one of the duo from Beattie Media that were filmed by Panorama offering political influence for cash. The other half(I forget his name), went on to become the SFA's PRO for several years.
  10. He did not appear. Cosgrove provided more than a few snide references to compensate.
  11. Yep, in the rarefied reality of Jum's world, those sheep look like holocaust vicTIMS too.
  12. Jum sought succour from extremists in the NUJ and now he is a pawn in their perception of reality. Paul Holleran, Phil McStupidnames, Angela Hagerty, .....et al pushed through a motion at their last conference stating 32 journos had been threatened by Rangers supporters in the previous year, Jum is more gris to their mill. In fact, as soon as Jum brought the NUJ to his meeting with the bosses at BBC Scotland, it was predicted by more than a few that such an incident would occur and the police would become involved. Jum et al want to be triumphalistic about Rangers, but do not want to accept the consequences.
  13. Reference East Berlin. I was serving in West Berlin(British sector) in 1980. We were allowed to visit the Eastern part of the city for a several hour period during daylight hours. We were required to be attired in service dress, exchange £30-£40 into Ostmarks, and carry our MOD 90. It was drab, the smell of cabbage pervaded, and the beer ridiculously cheap. I remember the locals had plenty of dosh but nothing to spend it on, either a problem of distribution or manufacturing. I entered a Department store with the idea of purchasing a print for the mess walls, the shelves were barely a quarter full, mostly functional clothing. Later, in a bar and talking to a couple of guarded locals about football, I raised my experience whilst attempting to shop. They recommended a shop called, 'Inter'; West German goods at West German prices(10 Ostmarks to 1 Deutsche Mark). A couple of weeks later, I attended an Intelligence briefing and at the conclusion, mentioned my attempt at consumerism. Now, Int' types love to tell jokes as related by self-deprecating locals. A party member walks into department store and enquires about purchasing a pair of jeans? Shop assistant replies, 'this is the no shoes department, the no jeans department is upstairs'. The two locals in the bar told me everything was available in East Berlin for either jeans, coffee, or tights. I don't think they were joking.
  14. Precedence is the key. Black should remind the Disciplinary Panel of the Clanree Hotel in Donegal. The then Sellik players, Pearson and Hartson stood on the stage leading the green'n'grey hordes in praise of the IRA. The then Sellik Chairman was also stood there chorusing approval and enthusiastically clapping his hands. We watched it on YouTube, we viewed the reality. However, when it reached the press; Peter Lawwell casually implied the video had been doctored, "utilising £30 of software". Black's bets are a perception of reality presented by £30 of software. Perhaps one of the more perceptive members of the panel will offer Ian odds on there being £30 of software in East Lothian?
  15. A couple of journos have contacted me reference the club Chairmen that called BBC Radio Scotland about Jum's presentation of the 12-12-18 plan. Apparently, there is some interest in Jum's intestinal travels amid the sour underbelly of Scottish football. I told both I would provide the information on this forum. On that Saturday afternoon in April, BBC Radio Scotland was preparing for Open Mics coverage ie over a dozen representitives attending various games. John Robertson was at Elgin and City's Chairman approached the Hearts legend to voice concern. Next up was Cowdenbeath's Chair and he highlighted Jum's son having access to information currently denied to him. I am told Annan Athletic's Chair called in but was not patched through. Doncaster, Regan, Lawwell, Thompson, et al got together to formulate the plan and decide on it's presentation. Jum was selected and he went for full throated consummation of the succulent slow cooked soured underbelly. Some might say Jum is a hypocrite, continually pointing broadcast fingers at others, whilst gorging himself?
  16. Zappa, Thank you, I am most comfortable with your actions.
  17. Those of us old enough to remember the arcane system of Imperial weights, measures, and currency, do so with the absolute necessity of attention to detail. There were 20 shillings to the pound, 12 pence to the shilling, and 240 pennies in the pound. We were conditioned, look after the pence and the pounds will look after themselves. The pence was the basic building block and it is similarly so with the former Tayside college Law lecturer, Jum Spence who wants his Dundee cake and to eat it too. Prefacing all his comments on Rangers with, "I am saying this from the safety of the east coast"; was a flagging up of his march to martyrdom. He was anxious for immersion into the warm waters of victimhood. Last summer, he demanded contrition from Bears, shrugged-off Bears' legitimate grievances with the word, 'consequence', and led the charge to extinguish our club with the battle cry, 'sporting integrity'. Jum eulogised the Rangers Tax Case blog and often flashed his professional background to legitimise the blog's message. Jum's broadcast vocabulary such as, 'industrial scale' became a parrot of the blog. He was an absolute devotee, he worshipped at the altar. When Rangers won the big tax case and the entire blog was deleted that evening, Jum lamented the Orwell prize winning crib sheet. Jum's need to chorus was quickly sated with the appearance of Charlotte Fakes. Like Cosgrove, he acknowledged it's more than dodgy relevance; however, he opined the requirement to ignore it's provenance because the information was too damned good. Credential flashing was supressed in favour of big fun. Again, like his pal Cosgrove, CF was vital because it exposed the sour underbelly of Scottish football. Since CFs only referred to Rangers, it appears Jum and Stuart accepted Scottish football can be distilled down to the Bears, there we can agree. It's interesting that Jum is concerned reference Scottish football's sour underbelly, Cosgrove defined it as a certain club's heavy influence over particular journalists. In other words, the succulent lamb effect. In April of this year, the 12-12-18 plan for the future of Scottish football was first aired on BBC Radio Scotland. On the Thursday evening Spence presented Sportsound and described the idea as exciting and a panacea for our footballing ills. Roddy Forsyth pointed out that 12-12-18 confined Rangers to the bottom tier for another season, Jum dismissed his concern with, "it's not all about Rangers". I wonder if you agree that Jum's retort sounded a bit sour and if that truly was his conclusion; why such unequivocal support for Charlotte Fakes? Two days later on Saturday afternoon's Sportsound, Jum was allowed to reveal he had been in possession of the twenty-something page 12-12-18 plan for over a week. In fact, he had given the entire plan to his late teenage junior playing son for a couple of days, and he agreed, "really exciting". Rheinhart Gordon joked, "how did you manage to come by this"? Jum laughingly replied, "ah hiv ma sources". Again, the concern of Rangers remaining in the bottom tier was summarily dismissed. Fifteen minutes after Jum's BBC Radio Scotland had backslapped him heartily, three Chairman called in and wanted to know where Jum got the plan and could they send it to them because they had NOT seen it. I am informed more than three club Chairs called to expose Jum's underbelly but BBC Scotland's Producers were intent on fire fighting on his behalf. We know that Jum founded and edited an Arab 'zine for a decade, we know Dundee United's Chair, Stephen Thompson was a big mate and a member of the SPL committee, and we know Jum loved the idea of stiffing Rangers. Further, we know a big part of Jum's depression last week was his beloved Tangerine's decision to ban him and BBC Scotland because of Sportscene's trial by TV. Jum, and today's presentation of his predicament have conveniently ignored this fact. It got lost in the interference being run whereby Jum evoked Pastor Niemoller's words and compared himself with holocaust victims and ra Bhoy in Corduroy found his inner-Dorothy and labelled Rangers supporters complaining as, "the Stasi". Charlotte Fakes also disappeared into the blue nowhere while Jum suffered the slings and arrows of martyrdom. The situation has changed and maybe Jum will adhere to his legal training and begin to consider opposing arguments and objective presentation of evidence? I suspect shops will return to displaying prices in guineas(one pound and one shilling) before Jum succumbs to being fair about Rangers and Rangers supporters.
  18. Watching this story unfold, I wondered how long Jum Spence would take to allow former 'zine colleagues to embrace him? Muirhead, Brennan, McConville , and McGillivan rode to the rescue, they realise how important Spence is to their message. Phil McStupinames has an official position with the NUJ, Irish Observer/representative type thing. This is incredible, given his notorious piece on Rangers supporters, 'the Incubator'. Paul Holleran is the NUJ's Scottish Organiser and his past is as shady as Phil's. Thirty years ago, he was sacked at the Rutherglen Reformer for telling lies in print. He popped up in Liverpool and fully subscribed to the Militant cause ie controlling a national political party from the inside. The imagery above comparing Jum to a big Chow is perfect, he has decided to lay down with some rabid dogs. He will be scratching this itch for decades.
  19. I agree, it's not an apology. However, it is most significant in that Jim Spence has become THE STORY. Jum will have to change his bye-line to, 'Jum Spence, baiting Rangers supporters from the safety of the east coast'.
  20. For a decade, Spiers lionised Glenn Gibbons in his Sports Diaries in both Scotland on Sunday and the Herald. 'The Great Gibbo' was portrayed as fearless and uncompromising. It was hero worship at best, another form of latent homosexuality expression by the Bhoy in Corduroy at worst. Gibbons has evolved into a hate-filled primate.
  21. Amazing! Bears bang on for several years about the influence of both Editors and Producers at BBC Scotland, and it is ignored. It's the principle we scream; however, it cannot be heard for the cacophony of sniggers. Highlighting the discretions of ra Sellik's opposition whilst downplaying/ignoring the transgressions of the green'n'grey. It effects Dundee United and suddenly the sniggering stops.
  22. I wonder if Charlotte Fakes will flag up the intention of Neil Doncaster's SPFL to locate and finally pay out the prize money due to Rangers from season2011/12? Further, transferring from oldco to newco, does that not prove continuity of the same club?
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