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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Three streets for a penny substantially increases the landbank and its utilised to secure a soft loan. Financial integrity?
  2. Glenn flashes his 'ah pyoor luv ra Sellik' credentials again. How does the Great Gibbo do it? We had hail stones in Mallorca today, and I am intending the San Moix this evening to watch Real Mallorca. It's appropriate as the locals refer to thmselves as the Sufferers.
  3. There's an old adage of military life, 'hurry up and wait'. Reading was a big part of my professional life, I carried a battered copy of Neil Munro's 'Para Handy Tales' and anything else lying around. Thirty-odd years past, Beryl Bainbridge was popular and her then latest tome was, 'Young Adolf'. Apparently, Hitler's brother, Alois married an Irish lass, Bridget and they settled in Liverpool. The marriage produced a son, William Hitler. Adolf visited his nephew in 1912 in Toxteth and resided until early 1913. I always thought Adolf had a touch of scouse, 'Al Reich, all reich, calm down, calm down'. The question as to why we invaded Afghanistan is remarkably similar as to why we put the army into Sierra Leone, Macedonia, Iraq, ....... etc. A career politician called Tony Blair decided to look tough and pronounce on the military option. Shirt sleeves rolled up, hands on hips, and determined look on visog is a hugely seductive calling to politicians of all hues. Tony was addicted, he put the army into six separate countries in 10 short years. He failed to extract the army from any of those countries by the end of his tenure at Downing Street. Reference William(Billy) Hitler, he was the Beatles first drummer, eventually losing out to Ringo Star.
  4. These last five years, I have participated in the annual Gersnet debate on Remembrance. This year, I have thought longer and harder before contributing. I served in the Parachute Regiment for 16 years. I was a participant in Remembrance services in Germany, Cyprus, Belize, France, Hong Kong, Nothern Ireland, Oman ........... They were sombre and reflective. A padre would offer a spiritual thought or two, a CO/OC would recall those not in attendance, a piper would parade the Floors of the Forrest, and a bugler would chorus the last post. It could be 15 minutes or in excess of an hour if involved in a city/town parade. Triumphalism was NEVER involved. At Ibrox in the last few years, I have posted my reservations. These days, those in service are bounced from one tour of operational duty(often without adequate build up training) and I can see the benefits of a jolly at your favoured football pitch. However, there is a tipping point where sombre reflection is lost. Howitzers and Rule Britannia are not appropriate. Service personnel cavorting on the pitch does not aid remembrance of the fallen. Those in the stands who adhere absolutely to poppy fascism are blind to the point. Here's the point; I helped carry 23 fallen members of our battle group into a sodden trench at Darwin/Goose Green. The Falklands Conflict occurred because an Argentine Fascist Junta invaded islands inhabited by almost 2,500 British citizens. The military Junta had disappeared 40,000 of their own peoples in the decade before 1982. They brought Dictatorship to unwilling folks because domestic policies were failing. A farming/shepherding/fishing community were to be subjected to a particular strain of jingoistic nationalism. A week later at Wireless Ridge, we laid to rest another three comrades. We sustained 81 wounded too. The enemies casualties were at least treble ours'. I reflect on the effect service has on all lives above, particularly I remember Chris Dent. We attended the RMA Sandhurst together. Chris fell leading an assault up a re-entrant feature, several minutes before he had been arguing heatedly on the merits of David Gower retaining his place at the top of the order. Chris would not react positively to the current manifestation of Remembrance practised by an element of the support. Remembering his efforts in ensuring a couple of thousand Britons retain a democratic way of life will keep him warm. D'Art's original post is correct to highlight the problems being caused by another Glasgow club's denial of reality. Several years of guaranteed away fixtures on this weekend, intimidation of the opposition on their own grounds to forego the minute's silence, and defying the media to mention, let alone criticise them for a continuing lack of decency. You know, Chris Dent was most decent and he fell to protect Celtic's right to lack decency. Let's keep our Remembrance decent.
  5. I was hearing at the weekend that Tom's days at ra Hootsmon are numbered. Please do not concern yourselves that this is a sop to the sensitivities of the Rangers support. No, ra Hootsmon has publically admitted it's daily circulation has fell under 30,000. Truthfully, the circulation is far nearer the 20,000 mark. Ra Hootsmon is to be a slimmer production with less supplements, particularly on a Saturday. It's Sunday sister 'Scotland on Sunday' is to become a tabloid. The irony, Tom is working for a company living beyond it's means.
  6. Der Peter has decreed ra Sellik youths/reserves have a pre-booked tour of Japan/China and the sensitivities of a Scottish third tier club don't count. Der Peter denies all allegations that he is an arrogant cnut.
  7. Ah, the Laird of Dunlop, ra BIG Cheese, the Prince of Edam, the Ayatollah of Gorgonzola, ............ etc. As Graham struggles with the inconvenience of last evening's events in Amsterdam, I can update him on the latest press release from the Dutch Polis. Apparently, 39 arrests were made last evening and 27 of them are jolly craicsters.
  8. The meeting was already planned as one of the on going series, but ra Sellik and subsequently the rc church flagged up their unwillingness to attend at the previous meet. Their perspective was that the 'old firm shame game' was a misnomer, it was a Rangers shame game. The process had temporarily hit the buffers. However, the booking was continued and an interested parties meet was held instead. I have heard all sorts of names in attendance that evening including Joan McAlpine, Jeanette Findlay, Tom Devine, Gerry Dunbar, .......... etc. Cunningham attended to listen, and the footage where she blurted out the quote was broadcast on Newsnict Scotland. It was never broadcast again and the speculation fingered Diarmid O'Hara, Newsnich Editor and former SNP Spokesman on Sport. Joan McAlpine is the First Minister's main speech writer, she is a former Deputy Editor of the Herald and currently a south of Scotland list MSP. She was the conduit for those interested parties attending that evening. Joan has an award winning blog, 'Go Lassie go'; several years past it contained a few insights that have since been removed, after entering the Scottish Parliament eg her most emotional moment was attending Bobby Sands funeral. The main characters in this piece of theatre are the current SNP Government. Ten years ago, it would have been the Labour Party. The lever is the same then and now; our green'n'grey happy hoopsters are NEVER afraid to exact their considerable political leverage.
  9. Bluebears contribution is most accurate. Let's go back several years and a conference is called by the then new First Minister, Alex Salmond. He leads a minority Government and wants to place building blocks in place to ensure he leads a majority Government after the next election. He nominated Rose Cunningham to take the issue forward, the alarm bells should have begun to ring. Rose liaised with Kenny McAskill, Cabinet Secretary for Justice and the then Solicitor General, Frank Mulholland. Now, with Kenny's own particular problems of being drunk and incapable at both national/Hearts games, and Frank Mulholland's well publicised annual contributions at ra Sellik's AGM; the klaxons were sounding. There's a moratorium until the old firm 'Shame Game'. Another confab, hosted by Salmond, assurances are given and Republican Rose let's the cat out of the bag, "its a particular solution to the specific problem of anti-Catholic sectarianism". In mitigation, the camera team caught Rose leaving Glasgow University after the meeting, it was raining, and Joan McAlpine wasn't there to hold her hand. There you have it, the Focus concept was a tool fashioned for a specific vote catching purpose. The country's finest legal minds warned our current Lord Advocate, Frank Mulholland that the existing Breach of the Peace was perfectly adequate to deal with the problem. Frank decided his place at the Cabinet table was more important than sound application of the law. The sound of sirens are deafening. Where is Rose now? The usual suspects have quietly briefed Salmond and McAskill(probably at a CL match at ra Stydome) and it will conclude with a repeal and the Green Brigade receiving an apology(before the next election). It's been a clusterfcuk of vanities since the very beginning.
  10. The third time in just over a calendar year, we have drawn Falkirk. Last season we drew them in both Ramsdens and League Cups, 0-1 and 3-0 victories.
  11. I suspect a rush to enable more to attend the AGM. Further, various media interests, both broadcast and print will be determined to be inside the venue.
  12. Four, five weeks past, there was a wonderfully enlightening conversation on BBC Scotland's Sportsound. Kenny McIntyre was hosting and Cosgrove, Spence, and English were pontificating with the usual sanctimonious piety. Both Jum and Big Stuarty were congratulating the Pars fans on their efforts, getting on with it and NOT blaming anyone else for their ills. Cosgrove got garrulous, he was delighted for Dunfermline and Pars fans, "they went round the pubs with buckets", they deserved to survive. Kenny McIntyre said, "but you hate debt Stuart, you're a principled man". Cosgrove added, "yep debt is the problem, clubs not living within their means, Rangers and Gretna are examples of what's wrong". McIntyre could not resist, "Dunfermline's debt is £12.5million and the CVA is zero pence in the pound". Cosgrove squared the circle and exposed his prejudice by spitting, "ah the majority of that £12.5million is owed to one man, Gavin Masterton and I'm still delighted". Jum and English chorused support. Naturally, I hope we stuff them, it's a matter of principle you know. Hey, I'm just like Big Stuarty.
  13. Salmond does not do male only golf clubs(quite correct too); however, performing fellatio on a one party state with a truly horrendous record on human rights! The Doncaster/Lawwell double act is brought back together again. The first time since they were discovered on a flight together going to London to talk to Sky about the SPL TV deal. No one knew until they disembarked from the flight that we had an SPL TV Committee and they were on it, or rather all of it? Maybe Peter is in China to conclude enquiries into who hit Ricksen with a lighter a decade ago? I have heard Lawwell is considering apologising on behalf of his ancestors for the Rape of Nanking in 1936.
  14. Oh dear Jacko, I suspect der Peter might confine you to the naughty step alongside Nuremberg Hugh.
  15. How can your darling wife invade Poland in a Renault? Buy her an Audi cabriolet, let her experience the Nordic breeze.
  16. Lawwell and ra Sellik are doing what they normally do, surfing on a wave of public money. Now, we all know that der Peter is a principled man and would hold no truck with China's appalling record in human rights. Maybe that's it, der Peter is over there advising the Peoples' Republic on shifting the blame. Juan Ghuy becomes Sum Yung Ghuy.
  17. In the last calendar year, it's frightening the number of BBC /former BBC employees that have become the news.
  18. Radio Pacific Quay CSC should provide Trumpton Bullhorn with his own show, or better still, combine him Robbie Shepherd's, 'Take the Floor'. Wheezing melodiums and a bellowing Trumpton Bullhorn would be an invaluable service to the countries farmers demanding more efficient bird scaring systems.
  19. MND is a progressive neurological disorder. It has claimed a fair few footballers. Sam English, Jimmy Johnstone, and Stefano Borganovo to name three. Medical studies in Italy have drawn a correlation between football and MND, seven times more likely in professional players. Fernando has a truly awful journey ahead, most sad.
  20. I suppose the begging question is, 'what other team plays in Rangers' colours'? I suspect Pacific Quay CSC have baited this hook carefully, they will already have a response ready awaiting the complaints. Further, the question to ask BBC Scotland is thus, 'if Rangers win the Ramsdens Cup, what will be inscribed on the trophy; Rangers FC or a team playing in Rangers colours'? We should be told.
  21. We should demand the usual suspects in the objective Scottish fitba media back our suggestion that he be included in the Republic of Ireland squad.
  22. Well, it had to happen. I have(knowingly) texted in favour of a Royal Marine. Strange chaps; enthusiastic bucklers of swash, find comfort in the concept of 'hot hammocks', and take great pride in showering at least 8 times per day.
  23. Brian Quinn was also standing at the side of the stage, clapping his hands in the Clanrhee Hotel, Donegal, as Sellik stars, Hartson and Pearson bellowed a ditty lionising the IRA. Of course, Peter Lawwell dismissed the video footage of the club Chairman enthusiastically contributing stage right, "as £30 of software".
  24. It's far worse than described, the then Glasgow District Council Planning Committee agreed to sell three streets, Janefield Street, Kinloch Street, and Dalriada Street, to their green'n'grey hooped heroes for ONE PENNY.
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