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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. This. We forget that Rangers also has a social history just as vibrant and on occasion tragic, just like our players and team.
  2. Ah, that is a relief. Of course, I remember the Nursery Rhyme where the animals entered the Ark two by two, the elephants and the kangaroo. The exclusion of the Pygmies was always a concern. It is good that God had compassion for diminutive warriors, as the Green Brigade often sing, 'Soldiers are wee'.
  3. The Great Flag Flutter. Twenty days after the event, BBC Scotland has decided to report on the spat between their favourite club and the soon to be latest designated separate entity, the Green Brigade. We can only assume Peter's approval was tardy? Today, there is a report from Megan Bonar entitled, "Celtic fans to defy club over Palestinian flags". Included in the article is an Analysis piece by Chris McLaughlin. Megan's third line is convenient lie, claiming the Green Brigade have been banned from away games because of continuing flying of Palestinian flags. No, the GB caused mayhem at Fir Park by utilising forged tickets and opening safety doors to allow other like thinking non-ticket toting balaclava'd Bhoys into the away stand. This caused a running battle with Plod and Police Scotland articulated safety concerns to ra Sellik. The club had to be seen to be taking action. Next Megan ran interference, other Scottish clubs had been fined by UEFA and she mentions both Rangers and Hearts. Peter approves of spreading blame in Sellik specific incidents. Chris makes a comfortable analysis, mentions club open to all, founded to feed the poor and, increasing sponsors' concerns. You can hear Peter spouting the same pysh. The real mirth is to be found in the last line of the report, "Celtic have been approached for comment"? Of course, PQ have ignored the 'Pig Watch' banners displayed on the North Curve concourse. The Green Brigade photograph Police officers, then post the pictures on their website asking if any members can identify and provide further information? I suspect Peter is still thinking about that one. I am sure PQ will flag it up when Peter tells them to do so.
  4. Mary(Tiny) was a true Ranger. Her family, particularly on the maternal side had an almost unbroken century of service to the club. I believe her Grandmother was appointed by Bill Struth in late 1929, as a cleaner for the opening of the then newly constructed Main Stand?
  5. Needs more kimchi and cowbell.
  6. It is BBC Scotland(PQ CSC) and for the last decade they have provided and encouraged the provided grievance line to opposition managers and players. There are reports in several online papers of an element of the Hibs support mocking the Ibrox Disaster. Seats were daubed with, "66" and, stickers adhered showing a picture of stairway 13 with the attached line, "stairwell thirteen, the greatest sight I have ever seen". Will PQ report it?
  7. I want the bugle to sound. I want primed grenades and fixed bayonets. I want a frenzied shagging of every bayonet wound inflicted. I want no limit of exploitation. I want Irvine Welsh to feel violated. I want six nil to the Rangers.
  8. Dick Turpin at York? Stand and Deliver Loyal RSC.
  9. The situation is pretty clear to all. We have a misfiring team, made several poor signings and, a leaking defence that has not been changed in four seasons. The summer signings have probably put the club back a couple of years. They are not nearly as good as those that left and all were given three-four year contracts. We have not qualified for the Champions League group stages. Finance must be a concern. If Butland has value and some club is wiling to part with some serious cash, we do not have a choice. The new Gaffer will want some cash to partially reshape the team and the club has two ways of raising the necessary. Qualify out of the Europa groups to ensure European football and a cash flow in the new year or/and sell an asset. The Rangers support is going to have to endure harsh reality, again. Patience will have to be a virtue, Clement is our 12th manager in twelve years(six permanent, six temporary). There is a lot more artillery heading our way.
  10. Local knowledge on the coaching team is most important. I propose Neil McCann, knows the game and articulates well. Further, he knows and understands the media, particularly the cesspit that is the Scottish press and broadcast media. It is a minefield and Clement et al will need someone that knows the safe route through. Another suggestion would be Kevin Thomson, any other proposals from Gersnet?
  11. Ride into tomorrow today. Quantum Jump Loyal RSC.
  12. Compo is like the First Halfwit, Humza a former pupil of Hutchesons' Grammar School for Boys'. Strictly two and a tanner men, three bob if an egg banjo was included.
  13. Well known in deepest, darkest Lanarkshire and, immortalised in song : Margot Robbie fae ra Gallowgate Gies ye yer hole fur wan an' eight Sometimes a tanner, sometimes a bob All depends on the size o' yer knob. A despicable misogynistic attitude best consigned to the past.
  14. Almost half a century past at Uni' we had a choice of three Rizla wrapped substances : Red Leb', Pakistani Black and, Temple Ball. These days, I suspect Philippe is a Temple Bauld man?
  15. Ah, the excitement of sitting down with your glass of Tree Top and a Wagon Wheel immediately before, 'Herge's Adventures of Clement'. Moules et Frites Loyal RSC.
  16. A few points to add to the fray of discussion. Sellik raised serious monies with their fourth share issue. It was this one that attracted the Dermot Desmond types. The fourth issue was a preferential share issue, I believe they continue to pay an annual dividend to this day? The last occasion I saw these shares mentioned in the media was MON's parting gift being a tranche of preferential shares. Wullie Haughey made a killing out of the M74 extension. When Scottish Labour announced the intension to link the motorway from Calderpark to the M8 at Kingston, the party's biggest donor in Scotland, Wullie Haughey had already bought up large tracks of land on the proposed route. He paid somewhere around £600,000 and received in excess of £11 million in compulsory purchase compensation. The Dalmarnock streets immediately south of London Road ie Kinnear Road, Buddon Street, Patna Street, Gailes Street, Troon Street, ........ etc were also condemned and demolished 24 years past. The District Council deliberately depopulated the area both north and south of the arterial road thus, the listed London Road Primary School was no longer needed. It was closed 20 years ago and Sellik successfully applied to the Planning Committee to demolish the Edwardian listed building and build a staff car park. Literally, it is, 'the Sellik Way'. Reference the land, there was a railway line running parallel with the then Sellik car park adjacent to Kerrydale Street. A bridge spanned London Road carrying the line. The pylon line ran parallel with the railway line, there was a pylon in the middle of the car park, allowing the line to dog leg into Barrowfield. I imagine British Rail would have owned that strip of land and bridge? The bridge was demolished, the pylon line re-routed and, the land containinh north of London Road is contained within the Celtic Park footprint.
  17. It had to Happen(by proxy). Six days after the Hamas raid and the Green Brigade's reaction to it, PQ has finally acknowledged it occurred by proxy. Today's third story on their Scottish football website is entitled, 'Gossip' and, it contains a sub headline -'Abada urged to quit Celtic over Palestine'. Click on it and it reads, "Celtic winger Liel Abada, who has been critical of the Celtic fans group's support for Palestine and has been offered support by the club hierarchy, has been urged to quit the Scottish champions by Israel team-mate, Dolev Haziza". Another link is provided for the Daily Record story. This is akin to RAB Cosgrove and Tam the Token constantly saying, "we want to hear from Rangers supporters". The last thing they want is to hear from Rangers supporters but by utilising this particular refrain, they are ticking the box for balance. Similarly, a one line hidden behind a 'Gossip' link allows BBC Scotland to say they covered the story. Once again, the PQ CSC prove they know how to play the long game. Certainly, they know and value the benefits to be reaped by playing it cute, by proxy.
  18. A couple of years before Fergus McCann showed any interest in purchasing Sellik, the then Glasgow District Council increased Sellik's land bank significantly for the sum of one penny. Glasgow District Council in 1990/91 had 102 wards, 90 of the Councillors were Labour Party representatives. The other dozen were a mixture of Nationalists, Liberals and, Tories. The GDC Planning Committee had 13 members, 11 Labour, one SNP and, one Tory. The Housing Committee had already taken the decision to NOT renovate the council owned housing in three streets immediately surrounding Sellik Park and condemned the houses. Those streets were Janefield Street, Kinloch Street and, Dalriada Street; approximately 250 families occupied the housing concerned. The Council agreed resettlement grants should be paid to the families, average payment between £4,000-£5,000. The Council would meet the costs of demolition and land clearance, the cost to the public purse was estimated at £2.5 million. The Planning Committee agreed the ground should be sold to the sole applicant, Sellik. The vote was 11-2. Both the SNP and Tory Councillors issued a statement stating several of the Councillors were Sellik supporters and, compared the sale to ICI acquiring ground for a peppercorn rate when the majority taking the decision were ICI share holders. It took a few months but, the GDC Convenor, Pat Lally was forced into calling a full Council meeting to ratify the sale of three streets for a penny. A full day's debate ensued and a vote was called after the Labour Party installed a three line whip. The sale was approved by a majority of 70. Let that sink in. Almost concurrently, Rangers had an agreement in place to purchase St Anthony's ground adjacent to the wee Rangers Club. The intent was to preserve the Ibrox playing surface. Planning application was submitted for an initial 2,500 all seated stadium, later rising to 4,000 and, the ground would be called, 'Struth Stadium'. The club's Reserves and Youth teams were to play at the ground. The Ants were content, future secured and no objections were lodged. It took over a year for the Planning Committee to refuse the application, citing the proximity to the Airport. The ground was ring fenced as part of the industrial estate for future applications. The Herald was still an excellent newspaper in those days and covered these stories in detail. Anyone interested, go into the Mitchell Library and request to view the relevant copies from 30 plus years past.
  19. Hamas Ya Bass! On Saturday last, we awoke to the world news story that Hamas had conducted a raid into Israel. The targets were an open air music festival, a couple of small towns and, a Kibbutz. All were located within five miles of the Gaza - Israel border. The initial death toll was high and has since climbed higher to 1,200. Another 2,900 are reported injured. World reaction on Saturday was shock but, a number of Palestinians and their supporters celebrated the raid. Sellik's Green Brigade epitomised this spirit by unveiling numerous Palestinian flags surrounding two large banners proclaiming, 'Free Palestine" and, "Victory to the Resistance". Both broadcast and print media throughout the UK have reported the Green Brigade's actions, pictures included. Without exception, there has been condemnation. An almost eighty year conflict with few rights and numerous wrongs on both sides can do without the contribution of the emotionally flatulent Green Brigade. The balaclava'd Provo' wanabees have something the Palestinians trapped within Gaza do not, PROTECTION. Israel have begun to exact revenge, constant bombing and shelling of the Gaza strip has inflicted over 1,000 deaths and 5,000 wounded. The Green Brigade's protection is provided by the national broadcaster, BBC Scotland have not reported it. PQ CSC are in splendid isolation in this regard thus, when ra Sellik Board issued a statement on Monday evening they ignored this action too. The statement was posted on the club website but, not on their Twitter account. Sellik were following PQ's lead in containment. The statement is three paragraphs, the first disassociates the club from the Green Brigade, the second reiterates being open to all and, the third asked for supporters to unite in showing respect. We know the Green Brigade prepare their banners inside the ground and the materials for their construction are delivered to ra Stade de Gadd. As for the club stating political banners are not welcome well, .......... stop laughing at the back. The fire was fed more oxygen when former Celt, the Israeli, Nir Bitton took to Twitter pleading with the supporters he played in front of for nine years to ignore the brainwashing and think for themselves. Current Sellik player and also an Israeli, Lil Abada asked the club for a guidance meeting. BBC Scotland did not report this either, not on their football pages, nor on their news pages. Their reporting has been confined to former Don, Clark Robertson fleeing Israel in the wake of the attack and, First Minister, Humza Yousaf's in-laws being trapped in Gaza. The Green Brigade are in danger of becoming a separate entity and we know PQ do not care for the sensitivities of declared separate entities. The collective broth of Bhoys have retaliated by issuing their own statement demanding all supporters bring a Palestinian flag to their next home game against Atletico Madrid. Once again, PQ found themselves in a soup of non reporting. UEFA have again charged the club for the GB unveiling political banners against Lazio, a depiction of Mussolini hanging by piano wire and demanding the Lazio fans, "follow your leader". Why are PQ refusing to report? The noose around Beeb Scotland's collective neck is as tight as those around those effigies twisting in the breeze under the north curve roof. At different times, RAB Cosgrove, Michael Stewart, Tom English, ......... etc have all praised, "the witty and incisive banners". Posterity lasts for a long time and PQ does not have a history if it does not report on it in the first place. It is akin to the current mini-serial on Jimmy Saville, 'the Reckoning' - there will be one. Another non reporting is the current fate of Tom English. Conveniently, he has been dispatched to France for seven weeks to cover the Rugby World Cup. He remains unwelcome at Sellik Park and the Gang Hut show no signs of the solidarity displayed when Rangers withdrew Chris McLaughlin's press privilege. If PQ do not talk about a situation then the situation does not exist. The hypocrisy displayed by the PQ Gang Hut is truly the Celtic State of Mind.
  20. Bluedell, It is in excess of twenty years and my memory is not what it used to be; however, I remember Azure was the idea of a female employee who was rewarded with 5% of Azure equity. Maybe the figures I quoted were from the sixth year extrapolation? Reference Elior, it was based in Nice, France. Murray bought a property and vineyard in the hills north of the town. A number of those leeching companies were also transferred to Elior including Primus and his Ayrshire based Vintners. The perceived wisdom was Murray owned Elior. The final piece of the jigsaw was when Martin Bain bought the bijou vineyard next to Murray's; again, the perceived wisdom being it was a reward for the Boumsong deal. After one of the Charlotte Square meetings with Murray, I was a recipient of a bottle of robust red from Sir David. I passed it to Malcolm.
  21. Murray was/is a gambler. He is a product of his conditioning, his old man was a professional gambler.
  22. During 2002, Murray had a dozen companies leeching off Rangers. At the time, Ibrox had more corporate hospitality capability than any other stadium in the UK. Rangers paid to install the kitchens, Murray noted they were only being utilised once a fortnight on average. He formed Azure Catering and the kitchens went 24/7 providing food for hospitality at football, rugby, cricket, .................... speedway grounds across the UK. In it's third year, Azure had a turnover of £22 million and, a profit of £5 million paid to 95% majority shareholder, David Murray. In the fourth year, Rangers were responsible for replacing the kitchens. For every pound he injected into the club after 1998, he took in excess of £11 out.
  23. Ah, attempting to provide leadership to the Rangers support. You would be better attempting to herd cats. Democracy, down with that sort of thing.
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