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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. I think the original piece is a fair summation of the current situation. Rangers are NOT the establishment club and I would contend have not been for in excess of forty years. Look at events over the last dozen years in general and the last two in particular. The local MP is Iain Davidson, a old Labour type and has been fairly vocal and been involved on the periphery. Remember, Rangers employ approx. 250 folks and bring considerable income to both city and the immediate proximity of the stadium. Thus, Iain Davidson's efforts are the minimum of acceptable. The MSP is Nicola Sturgeon, Deputy First Minister. She wields a big stick. However, she made a couple of statements in the immediate aftermath of the Administration, same concern for jobs and survival of a medium size employer that she would forward to any other company. Then, Nicola put as much distance between the Rangers situation and herself as she could, even moving constituency office from Paisley Road West to Pollockshaws Road. The MEP is George Lyon, another Labourite who has uttered not a single word on the Rangers situation. The City Council is elected by PR, thus Ibrox is covered by four Councillors. Three Labour Party and one SNP. They are, James Adams, Fariha Thomas, Stephen Dornan, and Allison Hunter. Again, not one has made a comment, not to the Glaswegian, nor specifically to the Govan Free Press. There you have it, public meetings, supporters schemes, and supporters' marches on the SFA, ......................... etc and none of those names(other than the occasional Iain Davidson) have bothered their collective arses. I remember a Hamilton Bye-Election a dozen years past where half a dozen Accies supporters used the national exposure to highlight the then plight of their club. They raised the Deposit to put up one of their number as a candidate, he garnered over 6,000 votes. There are not six thousand Accies supporters in greater Hamilton. It concentrated the minds of the local politicians and New Douglas Park became a reality. If a Rangers fans grouping(the RFFF say) decided to stand for those 4 council places, .............. the resources brought to Bear, would see a shoo-in. It would concentrate other minds too. If we admit the problem, realise the situation, we might begin to solve the problem.
  2. James and Sandy - Brothers in Altruism! The missing chapter in Robert Tressell's 'Ragged Trousered Philanthropists'.
  3. It's the Law of Diminishing Returns. Increasing lack of trust will see diminished season ticket renewals. Less monies accrued will see the need for a further injection of capital(crisis loan) in December of next season. Bigger loan over longer period at higher annual rate of interest perpetuates a bigger problem for the following season. The club loses an asset and one of the few remaining income streams(Albion car park). I seem to remember the Casino scam several years past saw Glasgow City Council award planning permission for development of the Albion and the demolished Hinchelwood estate. The Albion will be worth several times more, with planning consent. See Rangers, see Leeds United.
  4. Zappa, Thank you for that important correction. Apologies to anyone in the north of the city that may have decided to attend based on information provided by myself.
  5. Scottish Youth Cup quarter-final against Dunfermline Athletic at Murray Park today, kick-off 1pm. Put the Pars in their place. I hope the overnight weather has not ruined the playing surface of the pitch?
  6. I hesitate to involve myself in this discussion. The leader of the SNP during WW2 was Douglas Young. He advised and spoke against Scots serving outside Scottish national boundaries. He was imprisoned for refusing to be conscripted in 1942. Many of the leading lights of the then SNP formed the Scottish Neutrality League. I should state I am not a nationalist; not a Scots nationalist, not a British nationalist, nor an Albanian nationalist. I prefer an internationalist approach that perceives there is more to unite rather than divide.
  7. Well, if the Devil is in the detail, ra Bhoy in Corduroy prefers facial humiliation. Graham claims membership of Full Throated Consummation Loyal RSC.
  8. As Oscar remarked, "my love lies bleeding in the attic". I am sure Graham avoids such conclusion by liberal application of lubrication?
  9. "Why Graham Spiers isn't prepared to acknowledge that simple conclusion is beyond me"? Go back over two decades. Former Sellik View Editor, Kevin McKenna has resurfaced as Editor of Sport at Scotland on Sunday. This is a surprise as he had been allowed to resign from ra Sellik View after stating, "the IRA's bombing of the Remembrance Day ceremony in Eniskillen was a legitimate act of war". Kevin needed two young gunslingers to front up the papers football coverage. He chose Kevin McCarra and Graham Spiers. During the same period, Matt McGlone was founding a Sellik zine, 'Once a Tim'. McKenna and McGlone groomed Spiers. Regular articles by the spurned Spiers, sticking the boot into Rangers were always rewarded by the Editor publishing congratulatory correspondence the following week. Spiers was proving useful and McKenna persuaded McGlone to include a most specific category in his zine's end of season poll. At this point we should remember that zines like 'Once a Tim' were selling 10,000-12,000 per issue. The category was, 'Journalist most objective when dealing with matters Celtic'. Seriously contrived, but fashioned for purpose. Spiers overwhelmingly won the prize for the next five seasons. His standing was reinforced among the Yahoos, he was really useful. The reason Spiers did not make it 6-in-a-row, is because McCann's revolution had been successful and McGlone had been invited to be a columnist on ra Sellik View. He discontinued the zine. McKenna moved also, he became Deputy Editor of the Herald and promptly appointed Spiers, Chief Football Writer. McGlone continued the very same end of season readers' poll in ra Sellik View and once again Spiers triumphed in that most specific category five years on the trot. At the end of MON's first season, ra Sellik organised a celebratory slap up lunch at One Devonshire Gardens as a thank you to all on-message journos. The usual suspects were gorging at the trough. It was Cooney, Delahunt, McKenna, Ewing Grahame, Gibbons, Phil Gordon, ..................................... etc; all born'n'bred Sellik men, the one exception was the really useful idiot, Graham Spiers. He cannot acknowledge such a principle because he is addicted to a couple of decades of having his ego caressed. He needs to be seen to be important and have been awarded, 'the journalist most objective when dealing with matters Celtic' is as good as it gets.
  10. A most perceptive analogy. This Yellowstone place, it's a created theme park based on the two dimensional antics of Yogi, Boo-Boo, and Ranger Smith? Jellystone Park life was a pic-a-nic basket.
  11. Increasingly, it would appear the Rangers supporters' lot is short termism. Admin 2 may be dissipating for now, I am sure another hurdle will rise in front of us soonest.
  12. Nuremberg Hugh has been penning that article for over 30 years. The thought process is simple. He wants to criticise his beloved Sellik(well, they've banned him for nearly two seasons) and knows the fundamentalists will not swallow the unpalatable unless the pill is sugared. Thus, criticise Rangers and Rangers supporters for aspiring to hope. The latter remains vivid in the short term memory, and hopefully the former journeys to the long term. The last item left in Pandora's vessel was hope, Nuremberg wants the lid welded closed.
  13. "I can't see the dead wood for the trees".
  14. The Herald article is uncredited, but is almost certainly penned by Gerry Braiden. On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, several letter bombs emanating from proscribed Irish republican terrorists have been intercepted. They were addressed to various Army recruiting offices in the north of England. Gerry is noting the success of his fellow Sellik supporters in lionising an organisation once again, intent on indiscriminate murder. Shame on the Herald.
  15. This is a wonderful idea. We should extend an invitation to Spiers(Serrano style). There is time to clean, trim, and immerse in salt for two weeks. We can accelerate the air drying process by placing him in front of a convector heater for eight weeks. Anyone know of the whereabouts of an unused secarderos? In my opinion, olives sevillano and Tio Pepe seco extra fino are the perfect accompaniment. Fafa beans and chianti are over rated.
  16. The real Yahoo fear is Rangers getting to the final at ra Stydome. Thus, for the first time in two years, it will be full to bursting at it's breezeblock seams.
  17. Paddy Feeney's enthusiastic rich tones, crackling through the static of a short wave radio were a big part of my life. Often, my demeanour of a Saturday evening was determined by what dearest Paddy had to say reference Rangers.
  18. I wish Bears would focus on the information contained in articles. The derivation pales compared to the insight provided. I suspect D'Art's take is similar to mine, we are both products of our professional conditioning. Information on the enemy journeys through the orders process unchanged from General Officer to private soldier. It remains unprecised at all levels. In this light, BBC Scotland over this weekend have continued their common currency take on all things Rangers. Jum Spence began his match report on Rangers/Pars with the attendance as his opening line. Cosgrove reinforced the next day with, "Rangers supporters are showing little interest in the Scottish Cup", and Pat Nevin when asked about Aberdeen's victory negating the opportunity for an old firm game; he answered, "many would argue there is no old firm anymore". A Dundee United fan, a St Johnstone supporter, and a born again Hibee maintained the ripple fire, why?
  19. Since ra Sellik opened their new main stand in 1971/72 season, they have been in a state of litigation with the Architects. Forty-odd years of having to having to windlass out two enormous steel support beams 3 hours before kick-off, then windlass them back in an hour after the ending of the game.
  20. Let's invest in this scenario. We defeat the Pars narrowly, and Abergreen defeat ra Yahoos narrowly. Immediately, we become the Bookies favourites to lift the Scottish Cup. Even if we secured a home tie in the quarter-finals against Aberdeen, Dundee United, St Johnstone, Hibs, and ICT; I suspect we would succumb to 0-2 defeat. Think ICT last season in the League Cup quarter-final, a team, any team comes and holds a high line, we are in trouble. Owen does not speak with forked tongue, not this time.
  21. In the last 25 years at Radio Snyde, the Objective Host of ra Show has been a Sellik supporter in four guises. 1. Paul Cooney. He combined Chief Executive with Objective Host of ra Show. Former PRO of his beloved Sellik in the early-mid 80s, many would argue he never stopped doing the job. 2. Peter Martin aka Peter McGuire aka Bitter Martin. Thirty years past, Bitter hosted pub quizzes around Lanarkshire, he was self-styled, 'the Biggest Tim in Newarthill'. 3. Jim Delahunt. Combined presenting sports news on STV with riding National Hunt. He jockeyed into host of Scotsport, sharing presenting with John Colqhoun and Andy Walker. Jim is a practioner of careful hate. 4. Gerry McCulloch. Yep, it's all true, Gerry plays the piano at the Corinthian and hosted TicTalk on Sellik TV for six years. After two years regularly deputising for Jim ra Tim, Gerry still thinks he is hosting TicTalk. Delahunt, like Cosgrove was an absolute slave to the RTC Blog. A period over a year saw Jim utilising a stooge, usually second or third call to raise the next point from the Blog. Jim would announce, "we can now talk about this" and his fellow Yahoos poured on with unfettered hate. When the club won the first tier tax case, Delahunt's reaction was one word, "surprising". Like Cosgrove, he did not care, he had had his fun, big time. Amid the maelstrom, Jim attempted to lionise and I believe introduce ill Phil as a regular contributor to the show. He was accepting regular calls and in turn was calling him for updates on the story. He was, 'a good friend of the show'. Delahunt would introduce him, "as a journalist from Donegal who has built his own substantial platform". Jim was keen to let the listenership know that Phil was the Irish rep' for the NUJ. However, Phil's piece, 'the Incubator' which led the Sun's Editor to state, "clearly, he is tarred with the sectarian brush" has seen Jim park Phil's star. The events of last week would appear to show Jim intends to resurrect his substantial platform. Another bon mot from Delahunt over last weekend. Ra Sellik's purchase of Leigh Griffiths was being shored up by platitude, 'a better touch than Hooper', 'who's to say he won't be a CL success, 'Lenny will sort out his private life', ............................ etc. Ian McCall got all inconvenient on Jim's parade, "didn't Neil say at the end of last season that any of the four PotY nominees, including Leigh Griffiths would fail to make his team". Jim launched into the broadcast(as all objective Hosts of ra Show should), nails bared and spitting venom, "aw come on Ian, that was emotional sentiment, just pure emotional sentiment on Neil's part". Seriously, 'pure emotional sentiment on Neil's part'? Given the above information over 25 years, the only question any Bear should put to Jim ra Tim is, 'do you have to be a Sellik supporter to be the Objective Host of ra Show'?
  22. The original story seems to have emanated from Phil McFivenames. He took a well trod path, lit the blue touch paper and stood back. His predicted pyrotechnic show did not materialise. His salivating audience demanded to know why no big bang? Phil was on twitter late last evening apologising, informing his public that his AIM insider(another personality that lives in his head) had misinformed him. Apparently, he put the decimal point in the wrong place; millions of shares being traded were actually twenty-odd thousand. Remember, Phil is a leading light, roughy-toughy in Donegal Mountain Rescue. Let's hope anyone stranded amid the Donegal Alps is not relying on Phil's ability to place the decimal point on a grid/magnetic bearing. As Radio Snyde's objective Host of ra Show, Jim Delahunt kept saying, "a man from Donegal who has built his own substantial platform". Why do the Sun listen to this fantasist?
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