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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Reminds me of a time over 30 years ago, at the end of the Falklands Conflict. Service personnel had picked up the habit of referring to the locals as, 'Bennys'. As the continuing attire was wellies, overalls, check jacket, and woolly hat, there was an uncanny resemblance to the Crossroads soap opera favourite, Benny. The GOC issues a part one order stating that Benny was a derogatory term and was banned, the terms, 'islanders', kelpers', 'Falklanders', .... etc were all acceptable. The same afternoon, I heard a couple of soldiers referring to, 'stills'. Alarmed and intrigued that such initiative had produced alcohol in the bare-arsed landscape, was quickly extinguished. The Bennys were now 'stills' ie still Bennys. Sincerely, I hope dearest Sandy's solicitors are prepared?
  2. Salivating Stu' was in giddy triumphalistic mood yesterday. Just when you thought his domination of BBC Radio Scotland airwaves was complete, he announces that Off the Ball is now scheduled for an hour on a Saturday evening, after the action. If you manage to avoid Stu's double dint on a Saturday, there's the two hour Sunday supplement, the current affairs commentary on a Thursday, the, 'my life in five books', alternatively the, 'my life in five tracks', ................ etc. Stu' loves utilising his considerable broadcast time to discuss his trials with psoriasis, appropriate really since he is all over Beeb Scotland like a rash. Channel Four's Director for Diversity was in full flow in last evening's first après-action Off the Ball. He was fully supportive of biggest, bestest mate, Jum Spence's latest whine on behalf of his beloved Dundee United. Stu' is unequivocal, Ibrox is not neutral and the Arabs deserve a 50% allocation of the tickets. I suspect today's Sunday supplement will be used to reinforce these points. Oh, and Stu' was most determined to emphasise Stephen Thompson's point that this was not an exercise in sinking the boot into Rangers. Stu' did not comment on Jum's assertion that Thompson's refusal to sit in the Ibrox Directors' Box is because he feels threatened by certain Rangers Directors. Clearly, both Stephen and Jum have lost their discipline, again. As the show chuntered to conclusion, a wildly excited Stu' bellowed in climax, "over forty thousand Aberdeen fans in Glasgow tomorrow for the League Cup final, arrrrrmahhhgeddonnnnnnn, bring it on". Of course, the Aberdeen revival is Stu's comfort blanket, ignoring the League Cup like the Premiership continues without a sponsor. The real irony is in the delicious detail, Stu' in his state of heightened tumescence was forgetting his own club, St Johnstone were at half time in their match against Ross County, playing in front of a McDairmid Park attendance of 2,200. Aye, that Armageddon has a tendency to bite you on the arse. We know Stu' to be a principled man, don't we? Thus, he will be demanding that his own club are awarded 25,500 Ibrox tickets for their semi-final against Aberdeen. Further, surely on the same principle he has demanded ICT receive 30,000 tickets for today's cup final? Principles are inconvenient, awkward, and unbalancing whence sinking the boot into Rangers.
  3. I had a cursory glance at Pie and Bovril to read the views of Dundee United fans on the allocation demand. They admit openly that they will NOT sell 20,000 briefs, one cites the precedent of attending Ibrox for the 2000 League Cup final against ra Sellik. They were allocated the Copland(7,500) and failed to sell it out. However, they support the demand because it denies regular Bears from attending. The supporters of Aberdeen, Hibs, Pars, the Yahoos, ...... etc agree this is the way they should proceed. One Arab states the reason they will fail to come near selling out the demanded allocation is because his fellow Arabs do not want to be breathing the same air as a sub-human species. This statement accrues considerable empathy. Jum should extend an invitation for tonight's Sportsound, and allow him to expand on such popularism.
  4. I listened to BBC Scotland's Sportsound last evening, hosted by former Dundee United fanzine Editor, Jum Spence. We know Jum is truly objective on matters Rangers and last night's broadcast was not a disappointment. Guests were the ever objective Tom English and Billy"I no longer consider myself a Rangers supporter"Dodds. In fact, Jum introduced Billy as, "a former Arab legend". On the telephone was Chair of the Arab's Trust, Mike Barile. It was an exercise in masturbation. Jum knows the United Board are about to demand 20,000 tickets and Mike demanded the semi-final be played at a neutral venue. Both Tom and Billy supported the call for neutrality and sincerely hoped(in Tom's case) that Dundee United receive every ticket they ask for from the SFA. Now, we know the club does not speak to BBC Scotland; however, the Beeb has NEVER been slow to indulge in several dozen voxpops outside Ibrox these last few years. What happened to at least pretending to present a balanced view?
  5. Alan Pattulo is a born'n'bred Hibby. His club are truly stinking at this moment, in fact they have honked for several years now. Constant succumbing to a crisis torn Hearts appears to be their recent raison d'etre. Thus, a real crie de couer article from Alan on the plight of the cabbage and ribs would be worth reading. It's like arch Rangers hater, Ewing Grahame in yesterday's Telegraph; battering into Rangers again is the path of least resistance. Both articles are accurate, but not worthy. We, the Rangers support know the facts, we live and breathe them every day. Informing us that the club's achievement is no achievement is bitter resentment. Another trophy bearing 'Rangers FC' is something they cannot accept with any degree of comfort. It is evidence of our continued existence. As alluded to, our club could secure five cups in the next several weeks. I do not expect we will, but if the under 20s and the youths win the league and cup double, the likes of Pattulo and Grahame will have to re-examine their lazy conclusions. Don't hold your collected breath.
  6. After an hour of Sunday's game, I accepted we would not equalise and expected Rovers to notch a second. This mindset had me speculating on Ally's fate. He is not young, past fifty and there would be a ton of offers from various broadcast and print media sources. I concluded that he would NOT be offered another management position in football. The truly surprising thing was my fellow Bears' reactions, there was no simmering ferment. Conditioned acceptance was the state of play.
  7. Remind me, what threats has Toxic Jack issued to Phil McStupidname, Thomson, Spiers, ...................... etc?
  8. I thought the Hinshelwood estate had been designated by GCC's Planning Committee as ground only to be developed for mixed housing ie both private and local Housing Association builds?
  9. I want to see all supporters initiatives do well. Like Frankie, I served on the RST Board for several years. Information was everything and we realised the flow could stop if SDM exercised his rights under the Companies Act to take the club private ie he had in excess of 90% of the equity and did not need to publish accounts, nor hold AGMs. GerSave was designed to initially, dilute his equity below 90%. As Frankie states, it was a hard sell. I toured RSCs, attended several NARSAs, staged presentations in the Wee Rangers Club, pitched on travelling supporters buses, ............ etc. We were getting there, slowly, very slowly. I suspect RangersFirst will be an easier sell. If we view it as a necessary lever, more purchase equates to more purchase. However, the above continues to hold, the lads and lassies involved will have to expend considerable energy, there is no alternative. Good luck.
  10. Rangers supporters need a lever urgently. Thus far, two schemes are available to satisfy the demand. Each Bear should decide which lever is the more efficient. Why can't we leave it at that?
  11. It's interesting, and I suspect an invitation designed to seize the initiative and place Dave King on the back foot. If King declines, he is open to all sorts of accusations. If he accepts, he is seen to be in a state of compliance. This variation on 'when did you stop beating your wife' is best ignored.
  12. These last few years, think of all the names that have been inside the Rangers tent, and the even greater number hanging around outside with intent? It's all been an exercise in short termism, no visions; just another huckster grasping a bag of magic beans. My conclusion, they are all cnuts until they prove otherwise.
  13. Dave has a bag and it contains five magic beans. Whits yer problem?
  14. I agree. Condolences to Ms Hunter's family and friends. I spent 16 years away during my professional life. When I returned in 94/95, the mood music surrounding my club had changed. A cordon sanitaire had been constructed, Rangers were perceived as a disease that should be contained. The club must work to build a raft of social and political opinion
  15. I think the original piece is a fair summation of the current situation. Rangers are NOT the establishment club and I would contend have not been for in excess of forty years. Look at events over the last dozen years in general and the last two in particular. The local MP is Iain Davidson, a old Labour type and has been fairly vocal and been involved on the periphery. Remember, Rangers employ approx. 250 folks and bring considerable income to both city and the immediate proximity of the stadium. Thus, Iain Davidson's efforts are the minimum of acceptable. The MSP is Nicola Sturgeon, Deputy First Minister. She wields a big stick. However, she made a couple of statements in the immediate aftermath of the Administration, same concern for jobs and survival of a medium size employer that she would forward to any other company. Then, Nicola put as much distance between the Rangers situation and herself as she could, even moving constituency office from Paisley Road West to Pollockshaws Road. The MEP is George Lyon, another Labourite who has uttered not a single word on the Rangers situation. The City Council is elected by PR, thus Ibrox is covered by four Councillors. Three Labour Party and one SNP. They are, James Adams, Fariha Thomas, Stephen Dornan, and Allison Hunter. Again, not one has made a comment, not to the Glaswegian, nor specifically to the Govan Free Press. There you have it, public meetings, supporters schemes, and supporters' marches on the SFA, ......................... etc and none of those names(other than the occasional Iain Davidson) have bothered their collective arses. I remember a Hamilton Bye-Election a dozen years past where half a dozen Accies supporters used the national exposure to highlight the then plight of their club. They raised the Deposit to put up one of their number as a candidate, he garnered over 6,000 votes. There are not six thousand Accies supporters in greater Hamilton. It concentrated the minds of the local politicians and New Douglas Park became a reality. If a Rangers fans grouping(the RFFF say) decided to stand for those 4 council places, .............. the resources brought to Bear, would see a shoo-in. It would concentrate other minds too. If we admit the problem, realise the situation, we might begin to solve the problem.
  16. James and Sandy - Brothers in Altruism! The missing chapter in Robert Tressell's 'Ragged Trousered Philanthropists'.
  17. It's the Law of Diminishing Returns. Increasing lack of trust will see diminished season ticket renewals. Less monies accrued will see the need for a further injection of capital(crisis loan) in December of next season. Bigger loan over longer period at higher annual rate of interest perpetuates a bigger problem for the following season. The club loses an asset and one of the few remaining income streams(Albion car park). I seem to remember the Casino scam several years past saw Glasgow City Council award planning permission for development of the Albion and the demolished Hinchelwood estate. The Albion will be worth several times more, with planning consent. See Rangers, see Leeds United.
  18. Zappa, Thank you for that important correction. Apologies to anyone in the north of the city that may have decided to attend based on information provided by myself.
  19. Scottish Youth Cup quarter-final against Dunfermline Athletic at Murray Park today, kick-off 1pm. Put the Pars in their place. I hope the overnight weather has not ruined the playing surface of the pitch?
  20. I hesitate to involve myself in this discussion. The leader of the SNP during WW2 was Douglas Young. He advised and spoke against Scots serving outside Scottish national boundaries. He was imprisoned for refusing to be conscripted in 1942. Many of the leading lights of the then SNP formed the Scottish Neutrality League. I should state I am not a nationalist; not a Scots nationalist, not a British nationalist, nor an Albanian nationalist. I prefer an internationalist approach that perceives there is more to unite rather than divide.
  21. Well, if the Devil is in the detail, ra Bhoy in Corduroy prefers facial humiliation. Graham claims membership of Full Throated Consummation Loyal RSC.
  22. As Oscar remarked, "my love lies bleeding in the attic". I am sure Graham avoids such conclusion by liberal application of lubrication?
  23. "Why Graham Spiers isn't prepared to acknowledge that simple conclusion is beyond me"? Go back over two decades. Former Sellik View Editor, Kevin McKenna has resurfaced as Editor of Sport at Scotland on Sunday. This is a surprise as he had been allowed to resign from ra Sellik View after stating, "the IRA's bombing of the Remembrance Day ceremony in Eniskillen was a legitimate act of war". Kevin needed two young gunslingers to front up the papers football coverage. He chose Kevin McCarra and Graham Spiers. During the same period, Matt McGlone was founding a Sellik zine, 'Once a Tim'. McKenna and McGlone groomed Spiers. Regular articles by the spurned Spiers, sticking the boot into Rangers were always rewarded by the Editor publishing congratulatory correspondence the following week. Spiers was proving useful and McKenna persuaded McGlone to include a most specific category in his zine's end of season poll. At this point we should remember that zines like 'Once a Tim' were selling 10,000-12,000 per issue. The category was, 'Journalist most objective when dealing with matters Celtic'. Seriously contrived, but fashioned for purpose. Spiers overwhelmingly won the prize for the next five seasons. His standing was reinforced among the Yahoos, he was really useful. The reason Spiers did not make it 6-in-a-row, is because McCann's revolution had been successful and McGlone had been invited to be a columnist on ra Sellik View. He discontinued the zine. McKenna moved also, he became Deputy Editor of the Herald and promptly appointed Spiers, Chief Football Writer. McGlone continued the very same end of season readers' poll in ra Sellik View and once again Spiers triumphed in that most specific category five years on the trot. At the end of MON's first season, ra Sellik organised a celebratory slap up lunch at One Devonshire Gardens as a thank you to all on-message journos. The usual suspects were gorging at the trough. It was Cooney, Delahunt, McKenna, Ewing Grahame, Gibbons, Phil Gordon, ..................................... etc; all born'n'bred Sellik men, the one exception was the really useful idiot, Graham Spiers. He cannot acknowledge such a principle because he is addicted to a couple of decades of having his ego caressed. He needs to be seen to be important and have been awarded, 'the journalist most objective when dealing with matters Celtic' is as good as it gets.
  24. A most perceptive analogy. This Yellowstone place, it's a created theme park based on the two dimensional antics of Yogi, Boo-Boo, and Ranger Smith? Jellystone Park life was a pic-a-nic basket.
  25. Increasingly, it would appear the Rangers supporters' lot is short termism. Admin 2 may be dissipating for now, I am sure another hurdle will rise in front of us soonest.
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