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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. The 'Sons of Merlin' will be easily recognisable, replete in their star and crescent moon emblazoned pokey hats. The 'Sons of Merlin' will proudly carry forth the banner of dignity.
  2. Our next two games are the most important of our season, Lee McCulloch's contribution will be key in successful outcomes. These last two weeks, calls to phone-ins and contributions to websites like Pie and Bovril have focused on 'the elbow' ie Lee McCulloch. The previously valued £15million Kayal is leaving for nought, the least he can do is lend his shoulder to Lee the thug wheel.
  3. I believe Leigh Griffiths is booked as cabaret/community singing host. Further, his children are rumoured to rival the Von Trapp family. Currently singing, 'we are sixteen, going on seventeen'. This is what happens when salt and sauce are allowed to cohabitate on newspaper wrappings.
  4. No. After yesterday's change in UK law, Green took advantage of the proviso allowing outrageously vain bastards of the same sex to marry themselves. He returned to Normandy this morning and announced his intention to seek a divorce from himself, admitting he had an overnight affair with his other self, behind his own back.
  5. I support those calls for more monies to be allocated to metal health issues. In the meantime; can Merlin, replete in pokey hat, be allotted an open space where he can get on throwing sh!te at the moon without concerning those in the immediate surround?
  6. Gerry is a modern day lad'o'pairts. A bit of presenting and contributing on cable/satellite TV, Jim Delahunt's stand-in on Radio Snyde, hosting the odd(very odd) CSC dinner, ................................. etc. His main gig is resident piano forte player at the Corinthian, Ingram Street, Glasgow. Yep, like Spiers, Gerry loves to finger his organ in public.
  7. Gerry hosted 'TicTalk' on ra Sellik TV for several years. This last couple of years, he has being doing the same job on Radio Snyde's SuperscoreboardXtra.
  8. These last several weeks has seen his condition develop secondary and tertiary outbreaks. The prognosis is poor.
  9. Keef has penned an article on ambient music. Here's the mood around Ibrox, then there's the mood in London surrounding institutional investors, and the mood on the veldt. If the current Board are really heading for der Bunker, then let's get the playlist ready for Bunker clearing.
  10. I will continue to say this. All of them, whether they are inside the tent pissing out, or outside pissing in, are only capable of issuing statements of intent.
  11. I believe Dunfermline have defeated ra Sellik 1-0 this evening. Thus, if Rangers can win/draw against third placed Hibs tomorrow, we go top of the league. Good luck to the young Bears.
  12. If Sandy is desperate to add a few pages to the annals of, 'Utilising a Steam Hammer to crack a nut'; then he deserves every ridicule heading his way.
  13. Aidan has been peddling such pysh for 25 years. I wonder if Aidan ever reflects on Stephen Thompson's late father's maxim, 'you can change your car, your wife, but not your club'? You see Aidan has been a self confessed Yahoo, then decided being a Hibee was more rawk'n'roll. Obviously, seduced by reading an Irvine welsh novel or two in the late eighties. Aidan penned a few social commentary articles back in the day, hinting at his own immersion in Edinburgh sub culture. Aidan suffers from false memory syndrome. He attended Fettes College. Reading his constant stream of Rangers hating pysh(he is under another misapprehension that we are the establishment club), often I wonder if he is choking on his straw boater?
  14. I would like to see one of the mainstream media outlets print/air that most reasoned and rational articles.
  15. It's a strategy. Low key climb down has amplified interference of safety, particularly child safety run against it. A single journo was picked to do both stories. Further, Rangers are the problem. Steven Hughes references our hatred for Celtic(expressed as a one way street), flags up similarities with Aberdeen, and the Arabs are being helplessly drawn into this vortex of hate radiating from Rangers.
  16. The Daily Mail were flagging Thompson's climb down last evening. The combined articles by self proclaimed Motherwell supporter, John Greechan screams news management. Evoking safety, particularly the safety of youngsters is a tactic lifted from the Residents Handbook. Phil McNumerousnames regularly utilises crying children when portraying scenarios. I suspect the usual suspects will grab at this new comfort blanket over the next three weeks. Further, I expect our club to comment on both these 'safety concerns' articulated by both Thompson and the Arabs Trust chief, Steven Hughes Another observation, it would appear Stephen Thompson's megaphone, Foghorn Jumhorn has been bye passed? Ah mean, John Greechan has firm credentials as a long term Rangers hater; but Foghorn Jumhorn's "ah say, ah say, whatever Stephen says" is soooo familiarly conditioning. Any Gersnetter with the appropriate skills, able to construct a Foghorn Leghorn superimposed with Jum Spence's visog?
  17. Again, I am sure it's a matter of absolute principle for Arabs. In that case, they should refrain from taking wives, daughters, girlfriends, mums, sisters, grandmothers, and Aunties to Tannadice. Further, all female season ticketholders, occasional attenders, and female office/admin staff should avoid Tannadice. I have just read in the Scotsman that Dundee United's stadium Manager, Albert Dawson has been found guilty of sexually assaulting a fellow member of staff inside the ground. All those categories should continue to avoid because the Sheriff failed to jail Dawson.
  18. Listening to Jum Spence, Tom English, Richard Gordon, Stuart Cosgrove,................................ and Stephen Thompson all chorus the caveat, "this not about Rangers" reminded me of the events leading up to the 2003 Scottish Cup final between Rangers and Dundee. Eleven short years past, ra Sellik were on the road to Suvul You must remember? The riot in Vigo Airport, the plane diverted to Cardiff, 28 Banning Orders(remains the highest in UK for a single game) issued after those green'n'grey hooped hordes stormed the main gates at Ewood Park, and the culmination of Jose's Porto leaving TGFITW all hot and bothered in Andalucía. We won the League Cup final, a 2-1 against ra Yahoos and the delicious detail contained a last minute Hartson penalty miss and Lennon dismissed from the field of play. We had secured the Championship on the last day by thumping Dunfermline 6-1 at Ibrox, Neil McCann's second half contribution must never be forgotten. Similarly, Chris Sutton's bitter and twisted reaction at Rugby Park should be recalled. Big Eck's Rangers were a week away from securing a treble. At the beginning of May(3 weeks before), the finalists known and those cuddly stills, the Marr Brothers began an attempt to ensure a 50/50 split at Hampden on the big day. Evidence of a honed campaign soon became obvious as Spence, Gordon, Cosgrove, Nevin and Keevins sang from the same hymn sheet. There was anxiety in ensuring the caveat, "it's not about Rangers" was utilised, because that allowed a flow of phrases designed to convince the neutral ie sense of fairness, sporting integrity, level playing field, and spirit of competition. A wave of momentum saw the SFA agree to a 50/50 split. Despite empirical evidence showing/proving the Dark Blue support would not consume a 21,000 allocation, the usual suspects exercised unbridled joy. Of course, "it's not about Rangers" was a Trojan Horse to ensure regular attending Bears were denied access at the preference of empty seats. The, and so it transpired was inevitable, the official attendance that day was 47,136, just under 5,000 short of capacity. Some of the usual suspects had the neck to complain that Dundee should have sold the North Stand tickets first, 3-4,000 empty seats clearly visible just to the right of the centre line was a TV embarrassment. The 3-4,000 Bears standing outside remained non-plussed as to such crass observation. After the event and big Amo's header had secured the cup and treble, the only comments were along the lines of ensuring cup finals were better organised, the 50/50 split was here to stay. The Scottish Cup final of 2004 was between ra Sellik and Dunfermline Athletic. The attendance was 51, 835. Dunfermline's allocation was 13,000 and they returned 1,800 of those to waiting Yahoos. The 50/50 split and fairness have been conveniently ignored this last decade reference national finals. Obviously, Jum found himself stumbling around Pacific Quay Room 101, found the Manual entitled, 'Euphemisms for absolute Hatred of all things Rangers", turned to the chapter, "It's not about Rangers", and called dearest Stephen. It's a campaign that has so far ignored the further empirical evidence provided by the reality of the 2003 Scottish Cup final.
  19. He did. Further, BBC Scotland's Jane Lewis and Connie McLaughlin(sister of Chris) have been all over social media today, pushing the Arab case. They have been playing Groupies at John Hartson's golf day.
  20. I have listened to Thompson's reply to the SFA statement on BB Radio Scotland. He claims the SFA statement is economical with the truth and misrepresents the United position. Further, they have not been offered any set amount, let alone declined. They have not demanded 20,000 tickets. Restated Ibrox is not a neutral venue, he did make comment in October, and will NOT sit in the Directors' Box at Ibrox. He will be attending with family and feels it is safer to sit among his fellow Arabs. He does not want to inflame the situation. It is not about Rangers! It is about the SFA, wants a signature block on their statements and wants dialogue. Spiers largely agrees with Thompson, thinks 14,000-17,000 ticket allocation is acceptable, remembers Thompson making negative comment in October. Derek Ferguson thinks the semi-final should be moved to Easter Road.
  21. If Playwright, Jackie McNamara Junior is determined to confront injustice? He should look no further than his old man, Jackie McNamara Senior. A talented young footballer, one of ra Sellik's Quality Street kids. A gilded future awaits. However, both Bob Kelly and Desmond Whyte found out he was a card carrying member of the CPGB. A season in the reserves followed by a move to Hibs. Fortunately, Jackie senior enjoyed a dozen year long career at Easter Road.
  22. I listened last night as Jackie wheezed and whined on Sky 3, script provided by Jum Spence. When he said the Rangers/Dundee United semi-final at Ibrox was unprecedented, David Tanner reminded him of the semi-final between ra Yahoos and Rangers at ra Stydome in '98, Jackie replied, "ah was injured"; then recovered with rapier sharpness, "we won the league that season and stopped ten-in-a-row". Over the next month, the usual suspects will whip up the level of threat being faced by Arabs. It will be vague, unquantifiable, and most sinister. It will range from being shouted at from across a daylight street to ............................... eh that's it. Remember, Jum has informed the BBC Radio Scotland listenership that his Chairman will NOT sit in the Ibrox Directors' Box, because he probably feels threatened by certain Rangers Directors.
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