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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. I believe Eck funds the private education for a number of Bookmakers' offspring, likes a flutter? Further, Eck likes to present himself as 'an investor'. I have an idea to establish a Brigadoon type colony on the isthmus of Panama. Shares are still available at a grand a pop, all monies accrued to be secured in the Company of Scotland wooden chest. Interested parties can follow follow their investments progress on, 'the Darien Scheme Blog'(currently being strongly considered for the Orwell Prize). All Dividends will benefit Rangers.
  2. Where is Buckie? Is it east of Brigadoon, will we see Spiers replete in red, sparkly heels, and can you ever leave if you carry on to midnight?
  3. Oh Gawd no, we would have to listen to po-faced, hairy-arsed bore, and big, big Spartans supporter of a journo, Moira Gordon. Maybe Moira was only a Spartans devotee during our application to the SFA for a license? Moira demanded Spartans were next in line and Rangers should take their turn at the back of the queue.
  4. Amnesia is the reason. Last season ended several weeks past and conveniently, we have forgotten the football was often awful. I suspect season ticket sales will drift towards 25,000.
  5. As stated, attended last night ie the second Q and A session. Yep, Souness reaffirmed Kennedy was convinced he had a deal to purchase the club, only to find Duff and Phelps reneged on the agreement . He implied Whyte's determination to see Duff and Phelps appointed saw the delivery of pre-made decisions. Confirmed if Kennedy was to get involved again, he would do what he could for no remuneration, Smith similarly. He named his best Rangers 11 he had played in/signed as thus : Woods, Stevens, Munro, Butcher, Gough, Steven, Wilkins, Durrant, Cooper, Hateley, McCoist. Interesting to see Stuart Monro named as his preferred left back, a fair number of the support did not care for Munro, but I always rated him because of his recovery pace. Confirmed the '89 Scottish Cup final story, threw his runners-up medal away and promised the Sellik supporting journos that he would wipe the smiles from their faces in a matter of weeks. The MoJo deal was already done and MoJo was keen to sign right from the off. He thought this was a major block in the nine-in-a-row foundation, ra Sellik took years to recover from the loss of face. Two good stories about conducting deals/signings whilst the subject/opposite number was pissed. He knew Spurs were close to signing the England skipper, thus he caught Terry Butcher coming off a plane from Mexico world cup, he was sparkled. Brought him up to Scotland overnight, Terry sobering up was having second thoughts about Scots taking to him, Souness leaked it to a few journos and several hundred Bears were waiting at the stadium doors to welcome him, he signed that afternoon. On the other hand, he met Brian Clough of an afternoon with the purpose of securing Stuart Pierce. By early evening, a deal had been concluded and he contacted Clough the next day to confirm details, Clough had no recollection of the day before/week before, ...etc. Souness thought Derek Ferguson could have/should have been better than Barry. However, he lacked professionalism and pace. The first fault, particularly application at training caused the second. Candid about pressures at Rangers, Gerry McNee was to the forefront of a coterie(is that the correct collective noun) of Sellik supporting journos in both broadcast and print media that had clear agendas undermining their professionalism. Genuinely distressed at Durrant's suffering from that tackle. World class player deliberately chopped by Simpson. More as I recall.
  6. Jon is the Govan prospective parliamentary candidate for the Natural Law Party.
  7. BBC Radio Scotland have been broadcasting a series of Chick Young interviewing the surviving national managers, wee Craigie got an hour on Saturday. Richard Wilson has lifted/précised the piece from Brown's PR production. I listened and Gough got it in the neck. Apparently, as Roxburgh's assistant, Craig had observed Gough's behaviour in team bonding, found it lacking and noted his lack of willingness to comply to team uniformity. I seem to remember big Richard refused to participate in Roxburgh's organised sessions of Trivial Pursuits and reacted angrily to Craig Brown standing at the dressing room door, armed with a black ink marker to darken tie-ups. Anyways, Craig was determined to manage the team on his terms and listening to Craig, most successfully so. All reversals were a combination of Lady Luck refusing to smile and the prevailing statistics NOT bearing the expected fruit. Even that humiliating 3-zip defeat by mighty Morocco was unfair. They were African champions, have a population 7 times the size of Scotland, and Craig Burley wrecked Brown's careful plans by being sent off.
  8. I hope I am wrong, but the empirical evidence continues to damn. Dave King, McColl, Chuck Green, the current Board, ......... etc have all laid claim to the necessary leadership. They have shown a remarkable ability to march the Bears up to the top of the hill, deliberate, then allow those same Bears to wander back down the hill. I suspect Amelia Earhart will be back in communication before all mentioned indulge the Bears in a burst transmission?
  9. Yesterday, BBC Radio Scotland sport was broadcasting whilst thinking aloud. Throughout the morning and early afternoon, the struggle for comfort was obvious and ease of mind did not arrive until Newsdrive, after 4 O'clock. The sport headline on the hour, every hour was the release of next season's fixture list, the strap line being, 'the most attractive opening day fixture'. The morning was all about ra Sellik; well, they are Scottish champions and they deserve their due. The green'n'grey hooped horrors were opening at Perth on a Wednesday night. At lunchtime, we received an explanation that Sellik should open against the Harry Wraggs, but remedial Commonwealth Games work has postponed the match. One O'clock bulletin continued the refrain and informed the listenership that Rangers were opening against Hearts. Afternoon saw Aberdeen's opener against Dundee United as the most attractive opening fixture, 3 O'clock announced Rangers/Hearts was "ARGUABLY" the most attractive opening day fixture, and Newsdrive delivered the unequivocally verdict, no mention of us at all and Aberdeen/Dundee United was THE most attractive opening day fixture. I know news is a dynamic, but it seemed to me the politics between BBC Scotland and our club became the overriding factor. Ra Sellik were out of the equation and the commentary team must go somewhere, the hill of dung is that venue. You see, they cannot talk up Rangers/Hearts because they would then have to explain why they won't cover it by commentary. What a pickle? Other than the usual last two season's two minute match report by one of BBC Radio Scotland's usual suspects, do you think BBC Scotland want to cover Rangers matches? Cosgrove banged on for a decade that the Scottish First Division(now the championship) was the most attractive, most difficult, and most competitive league in the country, do you think he will continue this line between oral consumption of Anusol? I suspect they might wait to see how we start the season. Yesterday was a microcosm of the season long problem BBC Radio Scotland will have dealing with the football matters of our club.
  10. Lawwell has recognised there is a huge disciplinary problem at ra Sellik. Three players due in court on serious charges, star centre back is front and centre in his own home-made porn movie with £400 per hour hooker, and the last management team were shagging/drinking around town. Collins is a disciplinarian.
  11. I suspect there may be a correlation between Vincent leaving post and the resignation last month of dearest Neil?
  12. I note the day Scotland play Georgia in the Euro qualifiers, the 11th October; we are away to Cowdenbeath. Could we see the absence of Wallace and Bell? Further, are Nothern Ireland playing that day too? If so, then Dean Shields could be a gonner too.
  13. Piss-poor excuse, it's official - you are a part time supporter.
  14. I believe the SPFL Championship fixtures for season 2014-15 will be released tomorrow. This gives the forum an opportunity for some harmless, and ultimately useless speculation. Who will we face on opening day? I assume we will be at home, allowed to unfurl our Division one championship flag on a sun-drenched, thrumming Ibrox? I suspect we will be paired with Raith Rovers. Foghorn Turnbull will be blowing, Ramsdens memories to the fore, and endless re-runs of Baird's goal in the build-up. Oh, and BBC Scotland's Rover-in-chief, Scot Davie will interview Val McDairmid, before she guests on the Cowan and Cosgrove hatefest. Raith Rovers it is, and we will replicate the score the first time I witnessed Raith at Ibrox in the late sixties, 10(ten)-2 to the Bears.
  15. Harry Belafonte had a number one hit with a faux bossanov beat entitled, 'oh island in the sun'. I believe Matt McGinn changed the lyric to 'oh Hampden in the sun'? The homage to that League Cup final originally contained the second line, 'celtic seven, the H--s one'. There are a few Sellik books by the usualmsuspects that are titled, utilising various lines from that song, includng the opening line. It's a piece of unecessary Sellik triumphalism that I hope does not confront Bears on a Rangers forum.
  16. Johnny Russell finds our defence fertile ground. I am sure he is lookin forward to ploughing a familiar furrow. An interesting snippet, the night we secured the ECWC in Barca, Brian Clough's Derby County were playing Airdrionians in the Texaco cup final at the Baseball Ground. It was a season long cross border tourney, and I think County narrowly pipped a very good Airdrie 2-1 in a two-legged final. Do Derby County list the Texaco cup as an honour?
  17. Several weeks past, I did a couple of pragraphs entitled, 'Doing the Arithmetic'. The figure breakdown for renewals, pledging to the Dve King initiative, and non-renewals have pretty much panned out. The largest grouping is non-renewal and I would subscribe a considerable percentage of that figure is done to the standard of football we have endured these last 2-3 seasons. It's another aspect of club administration tht this Board have failed to deal with, among numerous others. In conclusion, I suspect the nature of competition in this season's championship, will see an average of mid-40k crowds at Ibrox. Thevslicers will probably still get their dosh, they will just have to wait longer for their booty. The rotisserie will turn slower and it will take longer for the roast to drip, perhaps they will invest in rotisserie alarms? It may be both Hearts and Hibs relegations have provided the most important slice upon the Board's daily bread, that of luck. In the original piece I explained Abe Lincoln's journey to, 'doing the arithmetic'; another General coined an equally famous phrase. Napoleon kept his armies up his sleevies and cut off every intelligence officer briefing on the merits of the opposing General by demanding, "stop tellingme how good he is, tell me is he lucky"? Will our Board continue to be lucky?
  18. Martin Bain will be in rapture. All those pictures of, "modular build facility".
  19. Through the auspices of the ether, I have been in correspondence with His Pokeyhatness and he has revealed his new RSC song : We are the loyal, The Pokeyhat loyal, Stars and crescent moons, Fashioned from silver foil. Sing wth gusto, and praise the wizard of the blue Fadouk.
  20. Haw Graham, daub a tad more marinade on the club's rear flank. Oh, and mill a bit more pepper on the shoulder. We don't want the juicy bits becoming over caramelised. Grab the windlass and turn the rotisserie; the usual suspects want it dripping before taking another slice. Graham's job is pretty straight forward, Toxic Jack's involvement could be more than stroking the Easdale ego.
  21. Burning the bean, grinding the bean, , baking the bean, ............ etc - all worthwhile pursuits. However, counting the bean .......................................zzzzzzzz
  22. Haw Chuck, Craig, Sandy, Graham, .............. etc, turn the rotisserie, the roast is dripping again, it's ready for another slice to be cut.
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