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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Oscar Pestorious has sacked his counsel and hired ra Sellik's lawyers. Well, having lost both legs, they still secured a victory.
  2. Roy Greenslade is the very one to be wagging the moral finger at the Daily Record. As News Editor of the Sunday Times, he penned a weekly column in the Sinn Fein/IRA newspaper, 'An Phoblacht' under the nomme de guerre, 'George King'. Providing direction and leadership to reporters on say, the Warrington bombibg; whilst justifying it later in the week. I noted an article last year by a blogger pointing out the characters owning white walled coastal cottages in one particular part of Donegal. Roy, Phil, several balaclava clad types, former Daily Record Chief Reporter, Anna Smith, Alex Mosson, ........... etc. Saturday night in the local pub must be real hoot? Further, Cosgrove has had a hard-on for the Daily Record recently. I assumed it was because they let him go as a columnist after 15 years. Last Saturday on BBC Radio Scotland he was baiting Andy Cameron with, "the Daily Record are saying your club did nothing wrong". Cameron ignored him and Stuart became more shrill, "are you happy with the current Daily Record revisionism"? Andy replied, "Aye, we all know where you're coming from". I wonder if there's any recent on going connection between Greenslade and Cosgrove? We should be told if Stuart is going to abandon his status as absentee landlord to his property in Sri Lanka, and move to coastal Donegal?
  3. The Board won't/can't sack Ally. We must endure. I went firm on my growing opinion in the immediate aftermath of the Ramsdens cup final. Within several yards of Easter Road, I turned to my mates and agreed with their settled will. On the bus on the way back, the name, 'Long Ball Ally' was coined and so far this season, that name continues.
  4. Ah, the sartorial elegance of a Bluenose, makes you proud to be a Bear.
  5. I remember the late, great Bob Crampsey speculating in the late 70s/early 80s on the dangers of TV. He was a great Cricket(member of Somerset CCC) and Baseball fan. He used both these sports to highlight the pernicious nature of constant TV live coverage. Crowds at both these sports at that time were dwindling rapidly, and specifically he talked about the growing evidence that children in Atlanta, Chicago, LA, .... etc were just as likely to be Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees fans, as to be fans of their home city clubs. On the streets of Scotland, it's a cosmopolitan approach to children replete in replica kits, both Barca and to a lesser degree, Real Madrid, and half a dozen English teams are as popular as any Scottish club. Twenty years of every breath and fart of CL has ensured this and proved auld Bob correct. It's the same in Belgium, when I was a kid, drawing Anderlect or Standard Liege was tantamount to a gubbing. Where are they now? Could Lokeren achieve back to back Euro Cup wins now? The landscape has changed, forever. The law of diminishing returns awaits and to some, like Cosgrove that is most appealing. We are doomed to the suburbs of Brigadoon East with Establishment Stu' patrolling the streets.
  6. From the depths of my professional life. The Dragonfly Trumpeter is/was a Cessna aircraft, converted to a stable weapons platform. During the Falklands Conflict, the Argentines had a similar threat, 'the Pucara'. Twin turbo prop, capable of slow speeds, allowing fairly accurate targeting and delivery.
  7. Remember, Peter is now resident on the SFA Board. Inconvenient reports from foreign refs will not be tolerated. The Daily Mail's Stephen McGowan is Lawwell's man in print media, he has been fed that particular titbit to calm troubled waters.
  8. Oh cheers for that piece of mental imagery; a lurking MD in cyber shadow. I'll chip in a couple of quid for an iron dome defence.
  9. Regular Gersnetters will know, Stuart Cosgrove is all over BBC Radio Scotland like a rash. He does a 30 minute piece on a Thursday afternoon with John Beattie and Eamon O'Neill, on news coverage of current affairs. A couple of weeks past, Establishment Stu' was invited to comment on Jeremy Clarkson's latest racist faux pas and he lowered his voice to state, "I do not want to return to a society where people can say offensive things without consequences". Compare and contrast with Establishment Stu's piece in a St Johnstone fanzine, "One time we were through at Hearts, and we were at Falkirk station on the way, on the same day Rangers were playing Falkirk. It was Huns galore-thousands of them, and there were maybe 40 of us from the CYS from Perth. We got on the train at Falkirk station, we just opened the windows as it started moving, and gave them 'orange wankers' and all the rest of it, and of course, as soon as it was moving - the train stopped and began moving back into the station. The driver must have been a hun.". A year or so later, the News of the World reported, "Scots radio star Stuart Cosgrove was booted off a station platform by cops for singing anti-Rangers songs, particularly, 'have you seen a handsome hun'? Establishment Stu' utilised his then Daily Record column to reply, he culminated his piece with the question, "can anyone truly say they have seen a handsome hun"? What are the consequences for Channel 4's Director for Diversity, a man who recently breathlessly informed BBC Radio Scotland he was lunching with the Lord Advocate?
  10. As the Grand Pobah of the Brown Fadouk, I demand my snout in the official trough. I have coloured-in the Ladybird edition of Animal Farm, some animals are more equal than others and that's 'official'.
  11. Just what we need, another fans' grouping. However, this time we have the prefix, 'Official'. Anyone for party hats, streamers, balloons, .................. etc?
  12. Reference qualifications for the job of current go-to resident Rangers hater at BBC Scotland. I have been informed that Angie Baby is a recipient of an HND in Journalism from Cardonald College.
  13. I think I have posted before on this matter/ When Dearest Craigie first appeared, Toxic Jack put out a ridiculous CV that every paper/radio/TV stations, hungry for information, repeated/printed continually. One piece of info' was quite strange, he had a coastal 'holiday home' in Costa Rica. Alligators, snakes, lots of stinging insects, .....etc; why Costa Rica? I discovered Costa Rica has no extradition treaty with the EU.
  14. I worshipped Sandy Jardine. As a primary schoolboy, I saw him score at Sellik Park, he was Billy Jardine in those days. Throughout secondary and tertiary education, he was a mainstay, I called my dog, 'Sandy'. Several years into my professional life, he was still playing, laterally with Hearts. My most impressionable years had Sandy Jardine as a constant. Indeed, he will remain a constant throughout the rest of my life. I cannot agree with the club naming a stand in his honour because others are equally deserving, such as Alex Smith(21 years service from 1894-1915).
  15. Unfortunately, there is an absolute inevitability of Roy Greenslade providing support to Angela Haggerty/Phil McFournames. Pump out the hatred, utilising the means made available by your pals at Pacific Quay CSC, and continue to gather in the dosh. Remember, Phil and Angela were stymied in further reward for their hatred when the Editor of the Scottish Sun refused to serialise their book because, "the author is clearly daubed by the sectarian brush". Again, why would BBC Scotland broadcast such views?
  16. Last evening, watching BBC Scotland's piece on Rangers trials with HMRC, I wondered why Angela Haggerty was chosen to counter Craig Houston. The current on going gripe is with HMRC, where is their representative? How about one of any number of the usual suspects(a lot of them regular contributors to BBC Scotland) who rushed to put the boot into the club? Even a Mark Daly who won a prestigious award for his BBC Scotland documentary, 'the man who sold the jerseys'? BBC Scotland utilise considerable energy in maintaining their policy of, 'careful hate'. Cosgrove keeps up the ridicule, Spence pushes the envelope regularly, and the News Department never misses an opportunity to demonise and marginalise(who can forget the bouncing ball on perceived sectarian lyrics)? Careful Hate just wouldn't cut it, the momentum had been building among the Rangers support, harbouring a legitimate sense of injustice. Quelling such fires requires venomous hate. Angela has a long history of being supportive of Irish republicanism, including providing necessary mitigation on the awkward area of armed struggle. Angela has been all over the Rangers situation, like a rash. Lucrative too for Angela, as Editor of Phil McFournames collection of essays, entitled 'Downfall'. Angela would have been paid a fee for lat evening's appearance too. Now, Angela is a well practised contributor to social media and she is 'Friends' with lots, if not all the regular detractors of Rangers. I suspect a few BBC Scotland Producers liked the cut of Angela's jib yesterday : "the revenge frenzy being whipped up by the Scottish tabloids is shameful. They know what the Rangers culture is capable of" and, "Rangers are a social club for people still clinging on to a white British protestant identity that revolves around fancy dress". You can see the attractiveness of misrepresentation, the HMRC thing has become inconvenient; get Angela on to spit a bit of venom on to the frenzy. Remember, the tabloids are shameful, BBC Scotland is unfailingly moral.
  17. I am going back several years, during my time on the RST Board. We were succeeding in getting regular punches in, at the usual suspects including ra Bhoy in Corduroy. David Edgar was our media spokesman and he really riled Spiers. David was invited late afternoon to appear on BBC Radio Scotland's early evening football show(6-7pm). David agreed, a five minute interview over his mobile in Central Station, whilst travelling home from work. He was sat on a bench for 30 minutes in a public concourse, then the Producer told him he would be on in 30 seconds and announced Spiers was also in the studio. It was an ambush. Continually fighting with the interference of a busy railway station, straining to hear comments, and no control over timing of contribution; David struggled. Craig Houston suffered similarly last evening and it shows the benefits of continuity of one, possibly two spokes persons. If Houston was aware that Haggerty was to be on also, then her authors comments reference tying Rangers demise to the Ibrox Disaster the very same day, could have been trumpeted. Similarly, getting a punch in reference the Orwell Prize would have taken the initiative away from Haggerty. Sarah Smith(daughter of the late John Smith) was out her depth, Houston just about managed to maintain buoyancy, and Angela was allowed to appear to walk on water.
  18. I am informed, hopefully reliably? Mark Daly's phone has been off since yesterday early evening. Has he sold the jerseys? I wonder if BAFTA want their award back?
  19. Remember, the Donegal based fantasist has been all over the on going Rangers situation these last five years, like a rash. He has published a book, received the funds to publish another two(a novel and a revisionist history of the Irish in Scotland). He was welcomed on phone-ins, eulogised and lionised in turn, because he told the usual suspects what they needed to hear. Cosgrove and Spence were supporters, Radio Snyde's objective host of ra show, Jim Delahunt often introduced Phil as, 'a journalist who has built his own most substantial platform'. I wonder what their collective and individual take on Phil's ill-disciplined pronouncement on yesterday's Appeal result? "The sequence of events that ended in June 2012 with the club established in 1872 lying in a lifeless heap at the bottom of the marble staircase was almost entirely created by important people at the top of said staircase". Of course, the Ibrox Disaster analogy is most attractive to Phil et al. Again, please allow me to remind Gersnetters of Channel Four's Alex Thompson's YouTube sequence of John Greig's effigy stepping off the plinth and walking away, the strapline being, 'we don't do walking away'. Thompson was invited on to BBC Radio Scotland by Channel Four's Director for Diversity, Stuart Cosgrove to be coached through an apology for offence due to ignorance. It was an east 20 minutes for Alex as Stuart prompted him to a laughing conclusion. Two days later and a further two articles from Thompson had Rangers supporters continually referred to as, 'Daleks'. Notoriously, Dalek have problems with stairs. A further reminder, Alex Thompson, the journo that patrolled the back streets of Baghdad, was brought to the Rangers story by constant pleading from Dearest Phil, Cosgrove, and Roy Greenslade.
  20. This reads like the work of Richard Wilson. In the last few weeks, Cosgrove has been continually digging at Wilson, attempting to paint him as a subjective as opposed to objective journalist. On Saturday, Cosgrove and Michael Grant were noting they had seen Wilson sitting in reception at Pacific Quay. Cosgrove was wondering why a Rangers supporter like Richard was inside BBC Scotland, "ah mean aren't they supposed to be boycotting the BBC"? Grant replied, "oh it was Richard, he was sitting there in his Rangers jersey". The week before, Spiers was most barbed, putting on the supposed voice of a Rangers supporter, "that Richard Wilson is the only journalist with his finger on the pulse of the Rangers saga, nobody else has a clue". Spiers went on to bemoan the number of years all journos were wading through the morass at Rangers. It seems obvious that BBC Scotland senior management have finally accepted they no longer 'speak' to the Rangers support and hired Richard Wilson. Clearly, he is perceived by the usual suspects as being off message and no opportunity will be missed to discredit him. Cosgrove is the witch finder General.
  21. I hope the new organisation goes from strength to strength and eventually unites all Rangers supporters' organisations. I offer bon chance to all such organisations, the result appears to be, more come along. So be it. Gersnetters of my generation will remember a chap who stood in every UK by-election over a 35 year period, Commander Bill Boaks? He was a distinguished, much decorated, and former senior Royal Navy officer. He would be seen in Lincoln, Wrexham, and Hamilton; plodding around each and every constituency, replete in a white Guernsey, sea boots, and blue anchored sailing cap, pulling a wooden cart. Rarely did Bill accrue 100 votes, I believe he still holds the lowest recorded vote of 5 votes? Continually, he attempted to widen his appeal and his ballot paper description for his final dozen by-elections was, 'Road Safety, Democratic Monarchist, White Resident candidate'. I feel it's inevitable that the Rangers support will eventually have its' very own Bill Boak's type organisation.
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