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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. I share your concern for the blogging scene. The main weapon being levelled is NOT the RST statement, but the Rangers Tax Case Blog. It was lionised and eulogised for two years by the usual suspects in both broadcast and print media. It was awarded the Orwell Prize. It was the constant ambient mood music to all things Rangers. Where is it now and whose mantelpiece displays the Orwell Prize? An objective appreciation of the Rangers Tax Case Blog would be a start to protecting the services provided by blogging.
  2. The Mrs McGuire mentioned? Is this Anne McGuire, MP for Stirling? Both her, and high profile Solicitor husband, Len were/are the controlling shareholders in Clyde FC.
  3. An excellent statement from the RST. Today, I read a piece in the middle pages of the Herald by their Chief Political Correspondent, Robbie Dinwoodie. He is the latest useful idiot to be utilised by the usual Yahoo suspects. Ra Bhoy in Corduroy must be considered hors de combat? Anyways, Robbie is a self confessed season ticket holder at Tynecastle; or as he puts it, "often referred to as the diet h-u-ns". He is concerned, the full fat variety(ie us) are lost souls, in a constant state of angst, and ready to boil over. He states, we attacked Hearts supporters and their buses at Ibrox a fortnight past, and Sunday at Hampden will be too much to bear. Oh, and we would find equilibrium if we ape those perfect maroon role models, 'the Foundation of Hearts'. It's lazy journalism without reference(I believe the combination of both RF/BR outnumbers the maroon effort); however, Robbie is clearly setting the ground and situation. There will be trouble and it will all be our fault. Next week, Robbie will tell what is left of the Herald readership, that there is a £450million hole in the Scottish NHS budget, and it's all our fault.
  4. I believe Steve Simonsen had a ton on us finishing the semi-final with ten men. Now, Craig Thomson has got the gig, Steve has banged on a grand we will finish with nine.
  5. Remember, MON's wife, Geraldine has a medical condition.
  6. Charles of Normandy in the pokey? Je suis Charlie. Throw away the Key Loyal RSC.
  7. Just a thought, can anyone indulge? We need short term organisation and work ethic, what is Billy Reid doing these days?
  8. Ah but, can the rest of SPFL management drive a team coach like Badyin McFadyin?
  9. Both hands on the clipboard. Has this resignation been verified by a recognised source?
  10. It's not about being loved. The AIM is to conduct a successful legitimate protest against a clueless Board that cares not a jot for Rangers supporters' sensitivities. Achieving the aim demands both individual and collective discipline. Thus, nothing should be allowed that runs interference with the agreed message to be promoted. Songs, surging, snowballing, physical confrontation with the Polis, ................. etc are unwanted and unnecessary diversions. The various media should have been gathered at a desired spot, and at least a couple of designated Bears should be waiting to provide the narrative. Done properly, in fact even done half way properly, we could have blamed the Board for Friday evening's weather. Instead, the accepted wisdom is that events were, "an embarrassment to Scottish football". Only by a disciplined effort to change it, can we change it. Adhere to the AIM.
  11. On two broadcasts over the weekend, Tom English has drawn attention, "to another bout of sectarian singing" on three separate occasions. Don't worry, it hasn't been missed, in fact it's being celebrated by the usual suspects. The Herald's Senior Reporter, Gerry Braiden is on the front page today, putting a particular spin on the Wetherspoons story. He is controlling the narrative, preparing the ground for the eventuality of any troubles surrounding the up coming old firm match. Gerry is pointing a finger, leading the reader to conclude the major cause of the bother.
  12. I believe all protests carried out by supporters groups MUST remain dignified, the legitimate sentiments being expressed echo louder. A loss of discipline is what the detractors are relying on, most in both broadcast and print media have settled on Friday night's events being poisonous. This allows them to lazily revert to time honoured modes of reporting all things Rangers and supporters. For protest to work effectively, you MUST control the narrative. Maintain discipline and we have a chance.
  13. It appears the RFFF Committee is moribund?
  14. I thought I would relate a telephone conversation held last evening with an old Hearts supporting mate. He had read the post and was particularly interested in the Kenny Aird inspired skelping, and asked for a date. I suggested early season 73/74? We got to talking about Rangers/Hearts games in the late 60s/early 70s and how the winter fixture was always a trial on the eyes. Standing at the back of an open, high terrace in the rain/glaur/darkness, watching under comparatively(by today's standards) poor floodlighting; by the middle of the second half, it was increasingly difficult to differentiate between the teams. Both Ibrox and Tynecastle were heavily sanded through the middle, and both turfs cut-up right from the off. Similar dark coloured jerseys and the same shorts and dark socks; all splattered with mud, made things difficult. The game that was an immediate relief was December'72, Hearts turned up in their maroon and white version of the iconic Ajax strip. It was below freezing, a dozen fires burning on the terraces. We battered the Jam Tarts for ninety minutes, couldn't score. In injury time, they ran up the pitch and Tommy Murray sat on the ball(just like Bud had done in the League Cup final in front of Jim Craig), stood up and laid off a pass(possibly to Carruthers), who crossed to the back post where the mercurial Donald Ford was waiting to nod the winner. The new strips on a frozen hard pitch meant we all had a great view. The Jambos, if the mate's attitude is typical, are salivating in anticipation of Friday evening. The phone was placed down when I enquired as to the whereabouts of Albert Kidd and Henry Smith?
  15. There are redundant Inter-continental ballistic missile silos available in Idaho at very reasonable rates. Our separated brethren will never think to hunt you down there, Idaho is the 'Potato State'.
  16. If Kenny McD' continues to omit Black from the team, will he sit on the bench or join his fellow Jambos in the corner of Broomloan/Govan? What's the betting?
  17. I was trolling through a few Jambo websites, hoping to pick up a couple of titbits for Friday evening's match preview. There is considerable angst among the talk o' ra toon that Rangers have reciprocated the ticket allocation we received at Tynecastle, ie just under a thousand. I can understand maroon frustrations, they all want to there to witness another skelping of the mighty Rangers and be able to say, "I was there" on the hat-trick of administered punishment. Back in the day, I remember the Hearts support trapping at Ibrox circa 10,000 strong. An early season game at the start of the seventies, attendance of 50,000 and a fifth of those in maroon in ra Sellik end, going deservedly berserk in homage to their fleet-footed winger, Kenny Aird ripping us several new ones, as we crumbled 0-3. The early 80s on an ice bound pitch, the whole Broomloan and part of the Main Stand populated by Hearty Harrys, wholly appreciative as their favourites comfortable defeated Rangers, 0-2. Thus, Hearts have the support, should we accommodate them? The cleverer Jambos are playing the common currency card. We need the dosh, the lights could be out as early as next week, why not allow 5,000 Hearts supporters to ease the very real pain? A cash pay-in gate would have some of our current Board members salivating at the possibility of negotiating the marble stair case with bulging pockets? Would an enhanced crowd of between 35-40,000 improve the atmosphere and inspire the Bears to an unexpected victory? Do we demand continued strict adherence to starving out the Board? It's a conundrum for all Bears and given that a considerable percentage of both broadcast and print media NEVER miss an opportunity to twist the knife, I am surprised, genuinely that the situation has not been fully exploited. What do Gersnetters think? Should the old stadium extend the welcoming hand to the boys in maroon?
  18. I wonder if BBC Scotland and Mark Daly would be interested in producing a documentary entitled, 'the men who sold the stolen tax documents'?
  19. The Rangers Tax Case Blog was a big and effective weapon. It was akin to heavy artillery in that as well as casualties, concurrently each detonation caused obscuration, interference, and degraded our own communications. Remember, the usual suspects that adhered absolutely to it's message; referred constantly to, "industrial scale non-payment"? It was exponential too, guilt was assumed and maximum penalties were always applied. Delahunt, Spence, and Cosgrove had Rangers liable for £180million. Any awkward or inconvenient dissent with the rationale being presented was met with unstoppable momentum, on an industrial scale. The Orwell Award was quite delicious, it allowed the usual suspects to legitimise every outrageous claim.
  20. Blueflag, Will the maintenance be completed by Thursday/Friday? Just a heads-up for posting the Rangers/Hearts preview. If you are intent upon utilising bigger hammers and lending leverage to spanners later in the week; here's the précised preview, 'we're getting pumped'.
  21. Zappa, I know I did the match preview for the opening league game of the season against Hearts. I would be happy to do the upcoming 16th January home fixture too, if you are comfortable?
  22. Yesterday, I was having a discussion with a couple of mates, Dumbarton had just scored and another cross into our box had been poorly defended. "Big Jig is well done", opined mate seated to my left; "the Yahoos will exploit him time and again on the 1st of February", chimes mate seated to my right. Conclusion is we need fresh investment, to resolve another most urgent issue. Where does the cash come from? Dearest David has informed us that the monies from the sale of Lewis MacLeod are to be utilised immediately as working capital. Lee Wallace's body language suggested he might be next to be sold. Mate seated to my left suggested David save the opportunity cost of sending desperate e-mails at 04.00hrs on Boxing Day, "better selling his arse in the leather bars of Brighton". I don't think the purveyor of wet fishery has much of a future in rough trade? Thus, Kyle Hutton's boots seem the best bet. They look to be size 15/16? I suspect several hundred Syrians would be willing to cough up several hundred pounds each to sail to Italy on Kyle's footwear. I note the abandoned freighter in the Med' on Thursday, realise £3million to the disappearing Skipper and crew. There you go, drive your Bentley to coastal Syria and resolve our central defensive problems. Please note David, before you conclude this to be a ridiculous idea; well, you started it. Now, fuck off!
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