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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Oh, the usual suspects will be blowing the dust off a dozen year old file. Lot's of continuous references to "wee Dick", brown brogues, bad wigs, the orange homage, .............................................. etc.
  2. What do you think of Queens' Zander Clark? Commanding,, strong wrists, and for such a big unit, seems to get down quite easily.
  3. On Saturday, BBC Radio Scotland's Cosgrove and Cowan spent two hours of their, 'Off the Ball' show discussing, 'the election and football. Anyone that also listens to Thursday afternoon's weekly 30 minute media review with both Stuart Cosgrove and Eamon O'Neill on the same channel, will know BES(Big Establishment Stu) regularly accuses Pacific Quay of bias. Regularly, he reminds BBC Scotland of their own guidelines and calls for accuracy, to ensure Producer objectivity. Eamon generates the odd bit of abrasion to erode the cigarette paper separating his view from BES. So, to last Saturday, BES was awash with triumphalism and particularly keen to lionise Mhairi Black. BES forgot those guidelines he is most keen to quote, because on several occasions he told the listenership that Mhairi jokingly tweeted her intention to boot Celtic fans in the baws. BES was sure Ms Black could do it too, referring to her heavy vocal delivery. He promised the listeners that Mhairi would soon be a guest of the show, she had defeated heavyweight Douglas Alexander in the election in Paisley South and was a Partick Thistle supporter. Despite the jokingly booting Yahoos in the baws mantra, Producer objectivity should have told us what Mhairi actually tweeted, "I have only just realised I fcuking hate Celtic, yer joke scum". Further, her address at the Hope over Fear rally in George Square contained the laugh like a drain moment when she articulated her fantasy reference Labour Councillors at last year's Independence Referendum, "it took everything, every fibre in my being not to put the nut on one of them". Mhairi's broadcast swagger extended to labeling both Ed Milliband and Douglas Alexander as "cnuts". Yep, tomorrow belongs to you, Mhairi. Objectivity demands I point out that Hope over Fear is/was a Tommy Sheridan project, the one where the Irish Republican bands provide the cabaret. Cosgrove's performance, running interference on what Mhairi actually said, opposed to what he wants the listenership to remember as jokingly said; is akin to his similar act with Channel 4 Journo, Alex Thomson. Remember, he broadcast a YouTube video of the Ibrox Disaster statue of John Greig walking away, then utilised Cosgrove's show to plead ignorance? Cosgrove was a then senior Channel 4 Executive and led Thomson by the nose through a 20 minute apology. The very next day, Thomson referred to Rangers supporters continuously as Daleks, and we know they're not very good with stairs either! Back to the Off the Ball, and BES also raised Edinburgh South. Ian Murray is the surviving Labour MP in Scotland and BES promised he would return to the show. Murray's work with the Foundation of Hearts was rightfully praised, apparently they are a model club? BES volunteered that the SNP PPS, Neil Hay had made some inappropriate texts and tweets that may have led to non-election. He utilised the big hand over small map approach, "aye, Neil faced strong local issues". Again, evoking Producer accuracy and objectivity beloved by BES, Mr Hay wondered if pensioners knew the day of the week and whether they should be allowed to vote? Further, anyone not voting nationalist was, 'a Quisling'. At least BES referred to both Paisley and Edinburgh Souths, and assured Mhairi and Ian would guest on the show. BES ignored the Argyll constituency and Brendan O'Hara's utterances, perhaps the frequent lunch companion of the Lord Advocate will raise the matter the next time both place their knees under the table at Tom Kitchin's? Maybe, Big Stu' will assure us that Brendan will be a guest soonest? We know BES is a man of principle, bound by accuracy and objectivity, underpinned by BBC guidelines, don't we? Well, here is something recently broadcast by BES on the Media Review some weeks past, when the odious Jeremy Clarkson was to the fore, "I do not want to live in a society where some people can say offensive things without consequences". Over to you BES.
  4. No, no, and thrice no. Monsieur Green is now, 'Charles of Normandy'.
  5. Of course you are correct, We must be mindful of Sub Judice. However, it did not stop the Rangers Tax Case Blog.
  6. Keef has provided a summary of the situation. In my professional days, we avoided such a loss of opportunity cost by stating, "situation - no change". Further, I would be interested in any Journo talking about 'the execution' of the way forward, eg how many phases?
  7. I think we are confusing content and presentation. I disagree with the content, provided reasoning for my objection. His presentation is good, succinct, pithy, and punchy. He is a columnist, thus sets out to illicit a response, and is successful in doing so. He is a good writer.
  8. Gordon Waddell is a good writer. A genuine Falkirk fan, and regularly swings the boot at both halves of the old firm. A couple of weeks past, he filleted Peter Lawwell, legitimately questioning the number of hats worn by ra Sellik's Chief Executive. He wondered aloud, if Peter sometimes forgot the titfer atop his noggin? He reminded Peter of his constant utilising of the old advertising adage, 'you need a hat to get ahead'. It was a hard hitting piece and I am sure Peter swapped another hat, to ensure the publishers of ra Sellik View and the match day programme for ra Stydome, 'Media Scotland'(also publish the Sunday Mail and Daily Record) even the score. Waddell alludes to the fact that both grounds of the old firm are mostly half full, then specifically labels those missing Bears as glory hunters. It begs the question, why are ra Sellik failing to attract supporters whence the glory continues? Surely, a more pertinent question? Further, older Bears will confirm that the five years between 1966's Scottish Cup win and 1971's League Cup victory, saw ra Sellik's relentless march to nine-in-a-row, and a Europen Cup success. Interestingly, Rangers average crowds in five long trophy less years topped ra Sellik's, by a fair few thousand. There are a number of reasons why Ibrox is on average, just more than half full. I venture recession, style and quality of football to be endured, and the constant uncertainty experienced by Rangers these last several years. I suspect Waddell has been instructed to pen such a lazy piece? Further, I suspect he would much prefer to fill his column with the possibility of glory for his own club, Falkirk at the up coming Scottish Cup final?
  9. It's another old firm Youth Cup final. Ra Sellik defeated Hibs 6-zip last evening at Cappielow. As yet, no date or venue given for the final.
  10. Brendan O'Hara is the MP for Argyll and Bute. He has been elected with a majority in excess of 8,000. Sticking it on the Huns carries no electoral sanction. Currently, on BBC Scotland, I am watching the former Editor of ra Sellik View, Kevin McKenna. He is doing a warm up act for the First Minister and setting the ground of IndyRef 2. Gersnetters may remember Kevin being allowed to resign from ra View after being recorded saying, "the IRA bombing of Enniskillen war memorial was a legitimate act of war"? Further, Kevin offered, "Protestants breed like rabbits". In the intervening 25 years, Kevin has secured one promotion after another - Scotland on Sunday Sports Editor, Herald Deputy Editor, Scottish Editor Daily Mail, Guardian and Observer columnist, ........ etc. Kevin continues to hate, just a lot more carefully. Interestingly, in a night of dramatic sweeping change in Scotland; almost uniquely, the SNP PPC for Edinburgh South, Neil Hay has lost to Labour's Ian Murray. Remember, he re-tweeted a view on Pensioners not knowing the day of the week, and should be refrained from voting. Further, those not voting nationalist can be considered Quislings. Clearly, sticking it on Pensioners has political consequences, Rangers supporters, not so much.
  11. The Lord Advocate, Frank Mulholland has let it be known to PFs, that he is NOT interested in pursuing anyone for usage of the 'H' term. The Justice Minister, Michael Mathieson agrees. The Police have been informed. Soon, the accrued stats will show the desired results, namely that Rangers supporters are the problem. Recently, we have young Rangers supporters convicted and jailed for singing songs with sectarian references; where as Paul McGowan has NOT received a custodial sentence for his third conviction for Police assault. This is politically motivated and executed. The Scottish Government Minister tasked with tackling sectarianism is Roseanna Cunningham. Thus, in Frank, Michael, and Roseanna we trust!
  12. The SPFL Premiership clubs have had a look at the monies likely to be generated by Rangers involvement in the play-offs. Even after the sum being split, it's likely to be £40-£50,000 per club. It's a useful windfall and they want it guaranteed. Yep, Hibs last season set a precedent; however, in the season of our demise, our £2million plus prize money was taken and divvied without precedent. We do not count.
  13. I am quietly seething that Jig remains in the team, the heavy emphasis is on quietly. There is an added frustration in that Jig had been suspended, deservedly for two matches. An opportunity to quietly side line the club skipper for the remainder of the season; subsequently, a missed opportunity. Older Bears will be aware of George McLean, Roger Hynd, Jim Denny, Ally Scott, ......... etc. I did NOT boo any of those guys and I will NOT start with Jig. However, I will continue to quietly seethe.
  14. That very course of action was advocated by Mark Guidi. Further, a consensus was achieved on match officials declaring who they supported as boys and girls.
  15. Radio Snyde was at it's fulminating best last evening. The current objective Host of ra Show is Gerry McCulloch, and he moderated both Nuremberg Hugh Keevins and Mark(the Slug)Guidi throughout two hours of venom spitting. All three arrived at the conclusion, two minutes into ra show that the current Compliance Officer, Tony McGlennan should make a statement, by resigning his post. Tony had recommended a one match ban, his predecessor, Vincent backed Tony, and the three man panel had embarrassed Tony. Jim Farry, Dougie, Dougie, Cadette, ...............................etc were petrol poured on the flames. In mitigation, Tony(and Vincent for that matter) was just doing what Peter told him to do.
  16. Ra Sellik's Chief Executive, Peter Lawwell has assuaged fellow Yahoos' demands on clarification, a letter is already on it's way to Durham's Editor. Big Peter states, "in three days, the club has issued three letters, to the SFA reference the Scottish Cup semi-final, the SPFL for last night's under 20s game, and now Adrian Durham". Lawwell is anxious to remind the support that there are still 23 unused letters in the alphabet, and if necessary the Russian alphabet has 56 letters.
  17. A few Gersnetters may remember the Heid Bummer of ra Sellik Supporters Association, Joe O'Rourke? He used to issue a weekly statement to ra Faithful on the official website, pith and victimhood. He was withdrawn hors de combat by Peter after he expressed a wish that those who had built the Titanic at Harland and Wolf, had remained on it during it's maiden voyage. Well, that and a big shout out to the Rocket Launchers CSC at their annual PotY Dinner. Joe hail hails from Port Glasgow. Anyways, Joe has returned in the wake of yesterday's hilarious events. His piece is entitled, 'Operation Stop the Treble' and does not disappoint. He mentions referee, Stevie McLean's brother beginning his career at a now dead club and over eggs it by stating, "he didn't want to be considered for an international call-up by Scotland; he wanted to represent Norn Ireland. Someone should have informed him; that you have to be actually a decent player to get capped; being a bigot doesn't quite do it in most countries". Strongly, I suspect that last line may be actionable. I imagine Paul McGowan might be receiving a call from Joe, asking for the telephone number of the Solicitor that managed to keep him out of the jail, after a third conviction for Police Assault.
  18. Danny Wilson looked a wonderful prospect, whilst playing along side David Weir. The move to Liverpool was far too soon, and interrupted his development. He did not play for two seasons. Hearts were perfect for his football rehabilitation. I suspect he will pull on the green'n'grey hooped horror of a jersey. I agree with Frankie, he lacks genuine pace, so did Dave Smith. However, the diagonal ball over his left shoulder gets him every time.
  19. Yeah, I think it's confined to what we referred to in my professional life as a 'Jock Pie'. A meat pate encased in pastry. Watching Jig last evening, I think his best usage for the club would to be encased in pastry. Galette a Cheval should be made available in all stadium kiosks.
  20. The Killie Pie has been usurped by the pastry encased meat product provided by Hamilton Accies. Awarded in January this year, big news in deepest, darkest Lanarkshire.
  21. Back in the early/mid 70s, Rangers awarded the catering contract to Stadia Catering. Suddenly, we had uniformed lads patrolling the track with trays containing Chipmunk crisps and wax cartons of flavoured fluid. At the back of the Centenary Stand, a van was stationed selling hot dogs and burghers at ridiculous prices. Initially, the novelty won out and hardy souls braved the sustenance delivered from a catering tin, emblazoned with the name, 'Goblin Burgers'. The demonic qualities of Goblin Burgers quickly materialised, as the consumers quickly retraced their steps to the back of the stand and relief in the toilets. Those smarter than the average Bear, purchased their Goblin Burger, and headed straight to the bogs, cutting out the middleman. We should bring back Goblin Burgers and allow all contributors to this thread, the opportunity to be thoroughly sick of nostalgia.
  22. Sincerely, I hope our Youths have NOT put Jum Spence into another advanced state of alarm.
  23. You are probably correct. However, in the spirit of Scott7's contribution, I am reminded we signed Tam Forsyth as a Scottish League capped central midfielder. I witnessed Jim Denny's debut as a right back in a Scottish Cup final(man of the match), never saw him play there again, Alex Miller was a free scoring inside forward in the reserves,, in excess of 300 games in the first team as left back/left midfield. During Walter's tenure, did we have a right back who was NOT a central defender? Derek Parlane was a right half ............
  24. Let's remain calm, discussion only. When we signed the wayward Tunisian, I trolled the Shrimpers forum and enquired of the Southend fans' opinion? The answers kept coming for several days, a seaside air of intrigue enveloped Bilel. Apparently, he disappeared twice, once for two weeks, without explanation. He was a cult figure among some, others hated him; all agreed he was unpredictable. I was surprised that United mostly played him in midfield, often wide right; hence some of the early reports on Mohsni being a wing back/winger. A couple of replies concluded his best position was central midfield. The advantages as a defensive central midfielder are, he is out of central defence and the back four, and any mistakes can theoretically be recovered. He has an ability to nick a ball, can tackle/challenge when concentrating, and has comparatively quick feet in tight situations. I suppose we can all accept Black's future at Rangers, is behind him. In the short term, we need someone to bolster our engine room for the run-in, and hopefully a successful run of play-offs. In conclusion, I am desperate and would give him a go in the next few games.
  25. Jum's star appears to have waned this season, rarely presents any shows, rarely leaves Tayside/east of the country, and rarely talks sense. Of course, Jum(and wife) were shouted at from across the road of their home village some 18 months past. Jum was certain a Rangers supporter was responsible for raising his voice and reported the incident to the Police. I believe enquiries continue and Jum remains in an advanced state of alarm. Jum's presentation duties at Pacific Quay epitomised the law of diminishing returns. He left a number of guests nonplussed as he continually dropped in references to his altar boy past. He flashed credentials by referring to himself on a few occasions as, "a good catholic". It felt like Jum was trying too hard to construct a raison d'etre after the event. I was driving home last evening, listening to BBC Radio Scotland's build up to the Tayside derby. Big AmDram Quine, Reinhart Gordon hands over to Jum Spence who has Dundee manager, Paul Hartley waiting at the mouth of the tunnel for a pre kick-off interview. Rabid Arab, Jum begins with, "Paul, the local paper has listed ten things that have occurred in the eleven years since Dundee last beat United. One of them is, we have had two popes. Do you feel you need a sprinkling of holy water to enhance Dundee's chances"? Paul Hartley ignored the reference and provided an expected bland appraisal of what was going to unfold in twenty minutes time. You could feel Hartley's embarrassment. You would think Jum would be more concerned that his own club's manager, Jackie McNamara has just pocketed a six figure sum for transferring two players to ra Sellik? Why do BBC Scotland continue to allow Jum the opportunity to throw sh1te at the moon?
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