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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. I agree. I have long been an advocate of Rangers building a strong raft of cross-party political opinion. There was an opinion poll carried out by the Supporters Direct(Scotland) last year, in the immediate wake of the General Election. It found the club's supporters that best mirrored the voting trends in Scotland, were Bears. The breakdown was most similar, forty-odd per cent of Rangers supporters voted SNP. It came as no surprise to me, forty years past at University, I suffered lots of folk who should have known better, telling me all Bears voted Tory. The vast majority on my supporters bus were solid Labour voters. However, it suited their agenda to box Rangers supporters where they wanted them to be. Remember, we are, were, and need to always be, the establishment club. There is a problem with the current Scottish government and ruling(establishment) party continuing ignoring Rangers and Rangers supporters. The radio silence for three days after the cup final, was deafening. Two years past, during the Commonwealth games, the rugby took place at Ibrox. There were a stream of tweets suggesting the stadium should not be demolished, the rugby atmosphere was wonderful and finally, Ibrox was good for something. The female tweeting was the office secretary for Humza Yousaf MSP. She was reminded of the stadium's emotional attachment to many Bears. Her reply post match from the Tall Cranes pub in Craigton, was to promise not to mention, 'Rangers' again. Rangers supporters have a right to ask, are we the wrong type of Scots?
  2. Reference the political thing. On Tuesday, I listened to the Justice Minister, Michael Mathieson on BBC Radio Scotland. This was the first official response from a representative of the Scottish Government. It was a live interview lasting several minutes. Nothing startling, just confirmation of the independent inquiry and backing Police Scotland's response. He batted off any questions by emphasising the need for the inquiry to be given time and space to do their job. He was genuinely irked by the female interviewer questioning the First Minister's priority of congratulating Hibs and highlighting her husband, SNP Chief Executive, Peter Murrell's delight as a happy Hibee. Michael explained the FM's actions late on Saturday evening as something expected in her designation. He congratulated Hibs too, said the word, 'Hibs' twice. It was then I realised, he had used, 'Scottish Cup final throughout; he NEVER said, 'Rangers' once over several minutes. Another big Sellik man, Michael ignores the existence of Rangers; thus, Rangers supporters' sensitivities go unacknowledged. Remember, Michael backed rc church spokesman, Peter Kearney's call for the hokey-cokey to be banned for sectarian reasons. Wings over Scotland offers an out for several thousand Hibs fans on the Hampden pitch. The Editor, the Rev' Stuart Campbell of said site continually lionised by Cosgrove as the alternative source of news to most young Scots, has provided a 12 point raison d'etre legitimising their actions. Like the 'Well fans last season, they harbour a legitimate sense of injustice over Rangers actions and apparently such vigilante behaviour is understandable and acceptable. I have seen this kernal appear in a number of articles this week. I should point out that Campbell continues to blame Liverpool fans for Hillsborough and admits he laughed his head off whilst viewing the events of 9/11 live on TV. There's a political vacuum reference our club and support and nature hates a vacuum. Hence the weird actions of both Mathieson and Campbell.
  3. Toxic Jack and Jane Hamilton - the unacceptable faces of journalism. There's an independent inquiry on the go, Plod Scotland getting their 'story' sorted.
  4. I have just seen the footage of the Ratho Rocket leaving the court yesterday, replete in tracksuit bottoms and a grey hoodie! I suspect Greg sees himself as a character from the pages of Trainspotting. Confused imagery, deep regret and respect for the court? Choose Strife.
  5. Alex O'Henley was plucked from Barra island life by the proprietor of the West Highland Free Press, Brian Wilson. Yep, that Brian Wilson, MP, Cabinet Minister, and Board Director at ra Sellik. O'Henley has been the main man at BBC Alba's football coverage since it's launch. Phil McFournames and O'Henley are regular drinking partners in the downstairs lounge of the Admiral Bar, HQ of Pacific Quay CSC.
  6. I cannot verify at this moment, but have been informed Greg has applied for protective custody?
  7. I know the trials and tribulations of Jum Spence's flame haired lovechild, Greg Binnie have been covered on this forum. It seems to me that this particular happy Hibee caped crusader is the definitive Easter Road everyman? He is the epitome of the mind set being projected by so many connected to the Leith club. Exuberance seeping from the pores, a headful of carnival atmosphere, and knowing it was their turn to bathe in the deluge of plaudits emanating from the rest of the Rangers hating country. The sin is washed clean. We see Greg on numerous videos, his mercurial fleet of foot barely kissing the turf, his arm cocked and fist clenched as he targets the Rangers keeper, Wes Foderingham. At the point of detonation by the human missile, another Hibee runs interference, and Greg's fist arcs wildly without purchase. Of course, the PF will argue intent. The propellent continues to burn and Greg is actively looking to acquire another target, but again interference demands a selfie with a sod of turf. He is his mother's son because he texts his labours to his Maw, she tweets and broadcasts her obvious pride to an unexpecting world. The Ratho rocket returned to the maternal launch pad in the early hours of Sunday morning and recharged the dilithium crystals. He awakes to heavy in-coming, plans to enjoy an open topped bus parade are subjected to interference by pesky H-u-ns. Inconsiderate busy bastards have busied themselves in a hive of activity, picking Greg's life apart. He is a recent SFA intern, currently George Watson's school squash coach, and has an acceptance by Napier University to enter third year on a degree course. Worse, the trajectory of yesterday's flight has been accurately recorded. Self detonation is hard to bear; particularly when anyone, any team, and everyman pitted against Rangers, is immediately credited with ownership of victim status. The H-u-ns are NEVER victims. Get proactive, grip the situation, deny and minimise, and get friendly media sources to amplify the plight of the good guys. Donning the cape of the righteousness, look down that camera lens and play limited mea culpa, "I was on the pitch, I was near Rangers players, but didn't touch anybody". Illicit your angst by painting mawkish mental imagery, "seeing my mum reduced to tears by social media abuse ..........that's why I'm speaking out". Omit that STV have weighed you in for £250 payment; but hey you've got to make the most of the opportunities provided, a bit like post match Saturday? The world and it's dug understands and empathises with a wailing maw and really, it is NOT Greg's fault. Remember Mater tweeting her darling son's activities, accompanied by selfie proof? Greg is a Hibby everyman flashing his credentials as being a product of his conditioning. The strapline attached to his Maw's tweets was : "suck it you whinging pieces of sh1te". Marvel at such charm.
  8. Cosgrove and Spiers are embarking on a 15 date Q and A tour of Scotland next month. Perhaps some Bears might want to stump up the cash to ask, 'how much do you hate Rangers and Rangers supporters'?
  9. Simon Pia is the fourth journo today to sight Jim Traynor as, 'the spinner'. Either, it's an attempt to make Traynor the story, or it's deliberate targeting. Oh, and for the claims of player assault, Simon has only seen one picture of Lee Wallace being skelped. All delivered with a cheeky grin too.
  10. Wasn't Sir Davy of Weir thirty-two/thirty-three when he signed?
  11. At last. I noted that Tony Higgins was in attendance at the game on Saturday. Once again, must admire Tony's adherence to strict discipline; his comments can be found at the centre of a doughnut.
  12. Is that tweet from her genuine account? Peter Murrell is also the Chief Executive of the SNP. Again, it appears no tweets or Facebook remarks broadcast by the numerous SNP elected representatives since the game ended. Remarkable adherence to discipline, until the approved line is agreed.
  13. Now, we know why Cosgrove was demanding discipline on Saturday evening. The opening line above is the accepted, agreed line: that begins to take control and manage the story. Expect Gerry Hassan to appear to provide conclusion to the discussion.
  14. Yesterday, we played for five minutes, between the 60th and 65th minutes. It culminated in a well taken goal giving us the lead. It should have provided the impetus to go on a lift the cup, thus securing European football next season. Hibs stepped up, created several chances and took two. Well done Hibs. In that same period, we created very little. How many goals have we conceded to Hibs this season, directly from corners/set pieces? I listened to Fraser Fyfie being interviewed post match. He was delighted that their week's work on specific set pieces had paid off. Are we working on defending said set pieces?
  15. I listened to Cosgrove on the way home yesterday, and it was more of the same he has been espousing for the last two decades. Continued appeals not to over moralise, running interference, determinedly turning down the amplification, ..................................: actually, buying time until a line has been agreed. Cowan was undermined by the usual Beeb Scotland tactic of broadcasting the listeners' verdict. The show's Producer selected tweets and e-mails to be presented, culminating in blame being apportioned to, 'the Rangers supporters inability to accept defeat'. Big Stu's interference was let's talk about the game and nothing should detract from Hibees enjoying tomorrow's(today's) open topped bus parade around Edinburgh.He read out the SFA statement and ridiculed it, determined it was their game and as such responsible for inadequate stewarding. He read the Rangers statement without comment, then read out an e-mail demanding action on sectarian chanting. Continually, he returned to how this would be reported south of the border. Generally, the Scottish Cup final would be a 20 second clip/item, now they'll be all over it, for all the wrong reasons. Finally, he questioned whether Wallace and McKay had shown anything to justify their Scotland call-ups? Banging on about Cosgrove is important. He tells us that he works on behalf of the Scottish Government. He tells us he lunches with the Lord Advocate. He tells us he attends seminars at Hampden on the behaviour at football Act. He is the ESTABLISHMENT. He neglects to tell us how succulent the lamb is, at these events, but occasionally comments on catering provided. Again, he oft complains Rangers supporters won't let him forget his comfort blanket usage of the 'H' term and orange bastards, to describe Rangers supporters. His regret is focused on personal interest; he and his mucker(Eamon O'Neill) on the Media Review have produced pilots for the proposed Scottish Six. Their choice of vehicles to promote their work, Wings over Scotland and Bella Caledonia. I don't do twitter or Facebook, thus a genuine question; has any elected representitive of this country's establishment party commented on yesterday's scenes? My professional life was about both individual and collective discipline. I recognise it when I see it and can admire it's adherence. Cosgrove has traveled the spectrum of hate. When Kenny Miller first arrived at Ibrox, he scored five goals in a seven zip victory over St Mirren. Cosgrove and Cowan had the Editor of Saints 'zine, 'theres a store where the creatures meet' on the show, he was there to promote their campaign of, 'Stop the Shop, Stop Bigotry'. Rangers were opening a club store in Paisley in the run up to Christmas. Cosgrove repeated the slogan continually, and offered t-shirts as prizes for listeners who penned the best message to be tied to a brick. It was left up to the listeners imagination as to how the brick was to be utilised. The Shop's windows in the next weeks were duly tanned and staff showered in glass. Stu' has left such naked hatred behind, he is more disciplined as yesterday's broadcast proves. He hates more carefully. Meanwhile, we await the reaction of both the Lord Advocate and the Justice Minister? Don't expect anything, last year a ten year old Rangers supporter was bottled on a supporters bus traveling to the old firm semi-final. Frank and Michael said nothing, two months past, Police Scotland reported the investigation had stopped due to lack of evidence and assistance from the public. As victims, Rangers supporters are views as being awkward and inconvenient, and that's the reason for Big Stu's awkward and inconvenient performance yesterday.
  16. I would prefer, 'Spiers on Fire'.
  17. Just a thought, I was expecting poster, 'neutralscot' to make a reappearance this week. Are we forsaken?
  18. Many fellow Bears appear to be of the opinion that Hibs exist in a permanent bubble of disappointment. Nineteen hundred and two and all that. The law of averages will kick in; hopefully not against Rangers. We must start the way we did at the start of the season, hard running, closing the space, challenging continually for the ball high up the pitch. Give it everything for thirty minutes and if Hibs are suffering both physical and cerebral fatigue, we will exploit it. Create a few chances in this period, take a couple, we will be fine. However, if we allow them to play their way in, and allow crosses and set pieces into our box, then it could be a long afternoon. Half an hour's work at the maximum should do it.
  19. Compare and contrast. Maurice Johnston signs for Rangers and has to live in Edinburgh with a full time 24 hour security detail in tow. The rest of his life so far, is spent in the USA. Rou Greenslade spends a ten year period as News Editor of the Sunday Times, whilst penning a weekly column in the IRA's in house publication, 'An Phobach'. His nom de guerre, 'George King' was responsible for supporting terrorists in bombing and shooting innocent people. Currently, Roy Greenslade lives in London(and his coastal cottage in Donegal), is the City of London's Professor of Journalism and has a couple of gigs at the Guardian. He sits on a number of Boards and quangos. Further, a big big pal of Cosgrove and Eamon O'Neill. Now, where does tolerance and intolerance begin and end?
  20. This morning, Beeb Scotland decided to discuss the possible repeal of the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. Another Presenter, this time, Kaye Adams was badly let down by her Producer. A forty minute discussion/phone-in had as two principal speakers, Jeanette Findlay and Martin Hannan. Dearest Jinty is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow, she heads up Fans Against Criminalisation(a Sellik supporters' pressure group), and was the Spokesperson for ra Sellik Trust. Martin is a former rc priest, current Chief Sports Writer for the National, and perpetual condescending cnut concerning our club. There were no surprises, all examples quoted painted Rangers supporters as the bad guys. This Act began with the then Scottish Government Minister responsible, Roseanna Cunningham providing a definition of sectarianism as, 'an expression of anti-catholic sentiment'. The Lord Advocate, Frank Mulholland took it forward telling everyone, including Stuart Cosgrove that he was not interested in prosecuting for usage of the H term. Frank is a big, big Sellik man. Another Sellik season ticket/share holder, the current Justice Minister, Michael Mathieson supported Peter Kearney's claim that the Hokey-Kokey was sectarian. You see the hands on the levers of control? I subscribe to a popular belief among Bears reference this Act. It was deliberately fashioned to get after Rangers supporters, but when the Police and PFs applied it across the board, it was deemed to be, not working properly. You hear M'Learned Friends whispering that regular Police kettling had netted a number of sons of high profile Solicitors, and such criminalisation had to be confronted. You see, the same lads could climb on to the roof of St Aloysius College, replete in school uniforms and balaclavas, and unfurl a banner that covered two storeys stating, 'the H-u-ns are going Bust' and that would be deemed youthful exuberance. Particularly, when it was revealed it was part of their Higher Art exam, and their teacher provided assistance. Amazing, the differing consequences from two controlled environments. Beeb Scotland adhered absolutely to another controlled environment this morning, Jeanette and Martin knew the parameters. The parody of Play School is most apt, the round window, square window, and arched window were all looked through. Will Beeb Scotland deviate from the path of least resistance(among it's Producers), and take a keek through the window of objectivity? Go on, give Tom Gallagher a phone.
  21. Current perceived wisdom among the usual suspects is that Joey is using the whole Rangers episode as a lever, to convince Burnley to offer him at least a two year contract. The current offer is for one year. Rangers cannot afford his wages, know they cannot afford his remuneration, but are willing to go along with the careful choreography because of the exposure. Highlighting the Barton saga lets the world know the level of market being considered. Those that continually complain that the Scottish game is often talked down, as opposed to up; are tying themselves in knots, whilst posing, 'why would Joey Barton sign for Rangers when English Premiership and Championship clubs are showing interest'? They admitted that the lure of Ibrox, MP, and participating in old firm encounters could be enticements. I was surprised no one mentioned the biggest lure, Europen football!
  22. Reality is a stranger to Cosgrove. He chose the end of the show to admit bestest mate, Jum Spence's jacket is already on a shaky nail at Tannadice. Then, he advances Jum for Tayside correspondent at the Beeb, and suggests Jum should be invited on to next Saturday's cup final show, to provide an objective take on both sides. Further, Big Stu' told the listenership that Hibs will win the cup.
  23. ........ and the month of May continues to worsen for Jum Spence, which is good. Spence's resignation from BBC Scotland was effectively over the above issue.
  24. They look good where they are, on the hangers. Let them stay there.
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