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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. We are a work in progress, and achieving results during the toil is testament to the management team. I am a happier Bear. However, and there has to be a however. The midfield trio of Barton, Halliday, and Rossiter will not stand. Last season, the centre circle was the domain of Andy Halliday. The first four/five games, the centre-circle meister was Joey Barton. The last three games has seen that territory belong to Rossiter. Basically, we have three times the same type of player; one is comfortable, the other two being pushed into uncomfortable roles. Barton was wide, on the touchlines on occasion, whereas Halliday was attempting to rush late into the box. I know both Windas and Holt are currently injured. When they regain full fitness, Holt in particular must be accommodated. In the meantime, I think we are struggling to find O'Halloran's best starting position. Both, team position and in each phase of play. He cannot exploit his obvious pace higher up the pitch, because there is no space when he receives the ball. I think Barrie McKay suffered from this too, yesterday. We may have to mix it for home and away matches, or when the more hubristic teams come to Ibrox?
  2. If you are accurate, you will be objective ................................ something I remember from Objective Appreciation exercises. I note no mention of both Motherwell and Airdrie/Clydebank in that deliberate attempt at another wind up aimed at Rangers by Pacific Quay CSC. Maybe, it's today's Herald front page reference Dodgy Des' and a money laundering bank that demands an attention seeking, interference running piece?
  3. Uilleam, Did the Morning Star(used to be the People's Daily) really provide Scotzine's Muirhead with sufficient inches to pen that column? That would be the entrepreneur Andy Muirhead, purveyor of counterfeit perfume? Further, Muirhead is a particularly poor writer,
  4. I seem to remember Maurice Ross scoring our first with a long range lob that day?
  5. Jum is extremely busy these days, it's essential he diverts attention from Dundee United's one point from six in the Championship. Last week, it was the BBC ignoring the Championship since Rangers were promoted. This week it's vile graffiti. Next week, Jum and wife will be abused from across the road by probably a Rangers fan.
  6. Fcuk me, I thought I was returned to the School of Infantry, Warminster; some thirty-odd years past. Interlocking rifles and overlapping guns, the cones of fire are better, then best; if both enfilade and defilade fire can be achieved. I note, no limit of exploitation is indicated on the diagrams. Seriously, schematics from my professional days indicated the differing positives from both direct and indirect fire. Thus, in footballing terms, can we find out the effectiveness of a lofted pass(indirect) ie the long diagonal switch. How often in percentage terms, does it find it's target?
  7. The SFA's Security Officer is another of Peter's place men, Peter McLaughlin is responsible for the important link between police and stewards. In the three weeks run-up to the final, several meetings were held to determine the numbers of both police officers and stewards required. Further, the command and control, passage of information, and actions on were agreed. Simply, these security meetings are the Security Officer's raison-d'etre. Peter McLaughlin failed to attend a number of these security meetings, he was off to France as part of a UEFA security inspection of 16 venues. I believe the inspection trip lasted in excess of a week, and remember, Scotland failed to qualify for the European Championship. Thus, it appears McLaughlin chose a UEFA jolly ahead of guaranteeing the safety of 50,000 folks at Hampden. Did he approve of 137 police officers inside the stadium, did he know that was the number, and when did he agree that number? Why did Regan allow McLaughlin to go off on a jolly?
  8. The sniggerfest continues. They all want to do it, and in particular they want to be seen doing it. Both the Aberdeen and Hearts fans were laughing like drains on Saturday. The PA announcer at Pittodrie gave the half time scores, then culminated with the full time result, "Dundee one, THEM two". Now, all those Dandy Dons at BBC Scotland sniggered into their hands like naughty schoolboys. If the PA at Ibrox was to refer to any other club as, "THEM", their would be demands for political comment. Last season, Dundees' Gary Harkins and Darren O'Dea were disrepectful and were duly thrashed 4-zip. Where's Gary these days? The whole thing should be utilised as a motivational tool for the players. Further, we should find a way of turning Big Rheinhart Gordon's constant excuse for not providing Rangers supporters a service by saying, "due to the ongoing problem between Rangers and BBC Scotland".
  9. Ra Sellik have had a dozen straight fines from UEFA in the last five years. Constantly, they are threatened with a stand being closed, it does not happen. They have a Get out of Jail card in Irish UEFA Delegate, John Delaney. Any problems and Delaney goes into fire fighting mode on behalf of Peter. When John was caught on film, indulging in an IRA-kara-oke, Peter returned the favour, ensuring the footage and story remained confined to the inside pages of the Irish press. It's a multi layered defence of course, the usual suspects will be on message reference non reporting of chants/flags/demonstrations. Any slippage like Euan Murray reporting last weeks Tynecastle sing-song will be swiftly dealt with, by demanding Editors to ignore or turn down the amplification. Broadcast media will have microphones dampened and cameras pointing elsewhere. Any leakage and Delaney will be on stand-bye. The Piggery was ordered closed for a number of weeks in 1941/42 for pro-Nazi chanting.
  10. I noted ten misplaced passes/loss of possession in the first dozen minutes. The goal settled us, we went on to make further chances taking one, to establish a two-zip lead. In the space of twenty seconds it changes, we have a one on one with the Dundee keeper which does not culminate in a shot at goal. The ball is thrown left, a long diagonal to the right of our box sees Barton fall, followed by a mis-timed tackle giving Dundee a corner. The sequence of events is similar to last week, Krancjar tracks Crawford on a 30 yard diagonal across the box, then refuses to stay on his feet, allowing Crawford to turn and sweep the ball high into our net. I would hope they work on preventing the ball coming into the box, the repeating sequence of going to ground and mis-timed tackles has to be addressed. The second half was another repeat. We create several chances and do not convert. The opposition begin to lump it, knowing we struggle to clear. We have three up front with genuine pace, and refuse to put it over the top to run on to the ball. O'Halloran was always receiving the ball to feet. In the past, Rangers establishing a two goal lead meant game over. Yesterday, the game at Falkirk towards the end of last season, loomed large. I am as happy as the next Bear at the result, and being top of the table this morning. However, there are apparent failings becoming more obvious these last several months and should be addressed yesterday. A ball into our box has become a lottery, and at both Tynecastle and Pittodrie that tactic will be a continual stream.
  11. Ashley is an absolute monster, he has a similar arrogance to Gerald Ratner. I suspect Big Mike's fate will be similar to Gerald's? Reference our club, it's the time to be taken for Ashley to journey to the bottom of the slope. His involvement in football is toxic. I note this morning that his other football interest, his main footballing interest, the newly relegated Newcastle United are sitting fourth bottom of the Championship on nil points. There will be a tipping point for Ashley and his football involvement, the fans of both Rangers and Newcastle hope its most soon.
  12. My midfield three would be Barton, Rossiter, and Holt. It seemed obvious last week that Holt's ability to find space, late supporting runs into the box, and particularly creating those angles for the pass between opposition lines; were all missed. He grabs important goals too.
  13. I thought Andy Penman was the sub' at Barca in '72? Surely, he received a winners medal?
  14. A sterner task next week, away to Stenny.
  15. No, John Guidetti promised to atone by scoring a hat-trick against Rangers in the upcoming League Cup semi-final.
  16. Hibs are doing it ra Sellik way. Rod and Leanne say nothing, they leave it up to a raft built across the political spectrum. Simon Pia was Scottish Labour's spin doctor for many years and he pitches up on every broadcast means in the 24 hours immediately after the cup final. Then, there's a few nationalists giving their narratives of a family day at Hampden. Now, we have former Tory MSP, Brian Monteith proclaiming his love of the cabbage and ribs. It's all done by proxy, it all undermines those awkward photos and film footage of snarling Hibees on the pitch, and completely ignores more recent incidents involving Hibs supporters with both Brondby and Falkirk supporters.
  17. Things changed in the eighties. The tipping point and best manifestation of the hatred was/is the Aberdeen fanzine, 'the Nothern Light'. An A4 size 'zine, it was well written and produced. Tertiary educated scribblers and professional graphics sent a message that continues to echo to this day. All the usual suspects learned to sing from this particular hymn sheet. It probably hasn't published in 15 years, maybe more; however, the mental imagery continues to be evoked daily.
  18. He used to be Andrew H Smith, Editor of ra Sellik View. He left, pitched up at the Hootsmon, still scrawling his poison pen as Andrew H Smith. His Rangers hating credentials remained intact. He contributed to Scotland on Sunday, told the readership of the trials growing up in the proximity of Larkhall. Andrew H Smith could not buy Kerrygold butter in the Larkie Co-op, never saw a green traffic light in the town, and knew the quickest way to Accident and Emergency was to sing Danny Bhoy. Appearances on Monday night Scotsport ensued, happy to sing his part in the Jim(the Tim)Delahunt orchestrated chorus. Front and center, Bhoy soprano standing between John Colquhoun and Andy Walker, listed as, 'Andrew H Smith spitting venom'. Then, Andrew was de-Aitched, his middle initial disappeared. One day in the Hootsmon, he was sporting an 'H', the next he was H-less. Maybe the H term became embarrassing? Despite the recent Lord Advocate and fellow Sellik fan, Frank Mullholland telling the men in the know, 'ah'm no interested in prosecuting embudy for it's useage'. Who knows, I suspect Andrew no longer wanted to wade knee deep in H-ery? The question remains, is it the same Andrew H Smith? I think we all know the answer.
  19. ............. thus in conclusion, a few Hibs fans were overcome by over exuberance; but the testimony provided by eyewitness, Jane Hamilton is most compelling. It's Rangers fault.
  20. Treading the boards has addled Richard Gordon's mind, he has been auditioning too many fantasy scripts. He has just said on BBC Radio Scotland, "ah mean, there was a point in the second half where Adam Rooney made a horseshoe right around the Maribor eighteen yard box, with a defender hanging from his neck"! This attempt to paint the referee in a poorer light begs admiration for Rooney's upper body strength. However, it also demands an answer as to why Rooney ran a horseshoe of seventy yards with an opposition defender clinging to his neck? Then again, did it really happen? Has Richard been following white rabbits into holes that tend to deeper and deeper?
  21. Big Am-Dram Quine, Rheinhart Gordon is blaming the Ref too; oh, and the bumpy pitch also. Wullie Miller is bereft. Liam McLeod is seeking solace with a packet of butteries and a jar of marmite. Oh well, the strength of Scottish football and all that. Still, the Dandy Dons can take comfort in hating Rangers more than ra Sellik. Stand Twee.
  22. No, no, and thrice no. Sell out Saturday was a raging success, all the usual suspects told us so. I wonder why they didn't organise another attempt? I think Aberdeen claimed last season's first home game against the Yahoos was a sell out?
  23. There are a number of dearly held secrets in Denmark : 1. the recipe for Spam. 2. that eating lego is addictive. Scott aspired to the former, whilst succumbing to the latter.
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