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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. I thought Martin was toiling amid the terwa of his bijou vineyard, next door to Sir Dave of the Moonbeams bigger affair? I would file that Guardian piece under 'fiction'. I prefer to remember the former male model from his first interview given to the Herald after being tasked to transform Argyle House; entitled, 'I am here to take the Blue out of Rangers'.
  2. The comment from Mark Loney, do Yahoos do irony? The comment from Chris O'Neill is a quintessential example of Yahoo spelling. The Admiral Bar is the gang hut used by Pacific Quay CSC for club meetings. Ill Phil launched a book downstairs. Most appropriately as the heid bummer of Donegal Mountain Rescue led those in attendance back upstairs safely, for a rebel sing song. After Neil McCann signed for Rangers, he visited his parents back in Port Glasgow. His brother, then attending a seminary was also present. He left the family home the next morning to find his BMW trashed by a hammer, and an attempt to set it alight. It's only the craic. Reference Dave Ross, I do not expect Police Scotland to act, but surely the Licensing Board of Glasgow City Council should consider his status as fit and proper to be a Licensee?
  3. I remember Robert McIlroy's, 'the Rangers Historian' did a big piece on Tom. He appeared on the pitch at half time during an evening match to a huge ovation.
  4. Greg Binnie's Maw. We must admire Jum Spence's courage venturing forth with intent. I am sure the pictured one began to eat Jum after copulation, but found him to be particularly bitter and spat him back out.
  5. I remember twenty-odd years past, Glenn Gibbons' piece in the Hootsmon, taunting Rangers supporters with an article stating out of Europe before the nights got dark. Well, both Edinburgh teams are out of Europe before the schools go back.
  6. I know there is a perception that Russians live their lives at either end of the emotional spectrum, either highly optimistic or deeply morose. Well done and thank you to our Russian friends, proclaiming ten minutes of highlights from pushing the ball around in the evening sunlight, is the epitome of the former end of said spectrum.
  7. Tonight, the strength of Scottish football is further enhanced. Gibraltar and Luxembourg have been joined by another behemoth, Malta.
  8. "There's something rotten in the state of Denmark". A profound statement by the Elsinore guard, Marcellus. A corruption of the ambiance, given that Neil Lennon, Rod Petrie, and a host of spoonburners are fowling Copenhagen air.
  9. It's dependent upon representation, or lack of it. A recent poll of all 129 MSPs showed only one, Murdo Fraser supports Rangers. Eight MSPs claim they support Partick Thistle. Now, we can discuss the veracity of these figures; maybe, some of those claiming support of Thistle actually support Rangers? However, such is the toxicity surrounding our club, they feel unable to openly proclaim their allegiance. I note another MSP was comfortable enough to reveal her sexuality yesterday. Good, Scotland is reknowned as a country welcoming the Gay community. A dozen or so MSPs are openly Gay, and that's probably becoming reflective of necessary representation. There will be many groupings claiming lack of representation, some like disabled folk are legitimate; others will be seeking leverage from playing the victim card. Society is judged by how it treats its minorities, one out of 129 is a stark minority. As Rangers fans, we are being treated badly. The conclusion has been arrived at, and the process of objective appreciation will be twisted to fit. Who thinks the Scottish Cup final inquiry will show anything other than a share of the blame? The arrest and conviction figures will prove it.
  10. Yep, Speedie signed in 1900, and was a regular in Wilton's teams. He left in 1906 for Newcastle. I remember seeing his Military Medal at Stirling Castle, regimental HQ of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.
  11. Andy himself, is a dismembered organ; permanently in a state of tumescence whilst obsessing about Rangers. He can achieve no relief, has no satisfaction, and regularly meets ill Phil for self help sessions. A coming together.
  12. Andy, and his Scotzine vehicle have plenty of previous in Rangers obsession, a decade at least. Now that the UEFA Resolution is deader than the deadest dead thing, the next money raiser on the list is asbestos.
  13. Ian, thanks for posting this piece. Stephen McGowan has long been Peter's man in the print media. I fear events at the Scottish Cup final are being choreographed to appear that Rangers and Rangers supporters are equally guilty. A couple of weeks past, when 40 had been arrested, a posting on BellaCaledonia revealed 36 of the 40 were Rangers supporters. This posting did not last the hour, it was taken down. The second last batch of photos looked like the vast majority were Hibees, going by the prominence of green attire. We will be het too and the official findings will be another lever to be utilised. Given the strict liability being promoted by the Justice Minister, I will ask Michael Matheson, Peter Lawwell, and Stephen McGowan(all Sellik supporters); a fellow Yahoo was convicted of having been involved in the fracas of the Scottish Cup final, as a club what could Sellik do about that? Strict liability remember?
  14. We don't care what the animals say. We are massively under represented, only one MSP out of 129 supports Rangers. Players being attacked on the field and our representatives' total output is the Justice Minister, Michael Matheson's 3-4 minute statement on the Scottish Cup final. A statement that failed to mention Rangers. I worry most about our trip to Pittodrie, supporters' buses snaking up and down, particularly around the Kingsway in Dundee. At the game itself, the atmosphere will be vile; remember, the Dandy Dons happily sing to the Yahoos, 'we hate Rangers more than you'. Thumbing your nose amid a sniggerfest at Rangers and Rangers supporters' concerns is best illustrated by BBC Scotland's James Cook. He interviews McCoist, a series of questions over an hour. He edits the footage to show McCoist making a face and laughing at a question about sectarianism. McCoist complains, apologies are issued, a deliberate attempt to paint the Rangers manager as uncaring on a most serious issue is seen as fair game. The perpetrator, James Cook is the recipient of a massive promotion eighteen months later, the Forfar lad is now the BBC's correspondent in Los Angeles. Further, the three latest political debates have been hosted by Cook. It appears that aiming a kick at Rangers is a necessary tick in the required box.
  15. Reference Joey. Listening to BBC Radio Scotland Commentator and BIG Aberdeen fan, Liam McLeod on Saturday at Fir Park, he was noting Barton sitting along from him in the stand. He described Joey as, "mouthie on social media". Liam should know, it's only a decade past that his brother, Rory had more than a few unfortunate references to the Ibrox Disaster on his social media. Glass houses Liam?
  16. My Moan of the Match is Motherwell Society Board Director, Derek Watson. Turn the amplification up to ELEVEN. I have just trawled(not trolled) dearest Derek's social media broadcasts, and he describes himself as, 'a zombie slayer'. Wonderful, Derek is a real deal Rangers hater in both words and actions. I hope his maw isn't too hard on him.
  17. I note Chris has failed failed to mention both hand ball incidents. Thus, does NOT have to an awkward and inconvenient comment on the legitimacy and subsequent course of the game. His post matc interview with fellow happy hoopster and 'Well manager, Mark McGhee was a hoot too. His opening question was dolly, 'you created enough chances to win two games in the first half'?
  18. Talking of bitterness. I note Neil Lennon was sent to the stand last evening. His first game in charge of Hibs and he throws the toys out of the pram over a disallowed goal. There will be another Referees' strike. The strength of Scottish football this week; only Aberdeen notched against some mob from the Baltic, the other three failed to score.
  19. Yep, it sounds like Aberdeen supporting, Jonathon Sutherland? However, he has been reporting the Open from Troon these last few days, and is a BBC Scotland employee. Surely, diminutive Jonny is retaining solidarity with vicTIM, Chris McLaughlin?
  20. I suspect the strip is a homage to Lord Rosebery, the lemon and rosewater hoops are the racing colours of the 5th Earl. Scotland often wore the exact same strip from the turn of the last century until the late fifties. Rosebery was Chair of Hearts before WW1, the away stand is named in his honour. The boys in primrose and pink will be recipients of the salacious wink.
  21. The comment from English is damning, are we(Rangers) divorced from Scottish football?
  22. I am sure we all remember those carefully picked soundbites of 4-5 years past. As the Rangers bus hurtled down slope to the nether regions of Scottish professional football, the ambient mood became a cacophony of most repeated barbs, "sporting integrity", "sell out Saturday", "cheating on an industrial scale", ............. etc. Any question of the wisdom of condemning Rangers to a hoped for oblivion, or a suggestion on the future of Scottish football's well being as a result; was met with all the usual suspects beginning their answers with, "the strength of Scottish football ............... ". The game remained strong, and many argued stronger for our demise. I was reflecting on the strength of Scottish football this morning. In a calendar week, the top two in Scottish football have lost to teams from Gibraltar and Luxembourg.
  23. Any Sub-Editors looking in, willing to utilise the headline, ' Imp-osters on the Rock'?
  24. BBC Radio Scotland mw(covering tonight's game) have just stopped broadcasting, and handed back to the FM schedule(Ricky Ross hosting, 'Another Country'). I cannot remember the football coverage abating at 21.17 hrs before? Anyways, Pat Bonner believes tonight's result is the most humiliating in ra Sellik's history. I thought losing to Arthurlie(4-2) in the Scottish Cup circa late 1890s was worse. Who gives a flying, let's RAWK on the rock.
  25. Lincoln Red Imps 1 Green'n'Grey Chimps 0. Mack 1950, I've sorted that for you.
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