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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. There is a misconception among a group of Bears that Darren Cooney is the son of former Sellik PRO and Radion Snyde Managing Director, Paul Cooney. There is no relation. Darren's auld man is a journalist, Bryan Cooney from Aberdeen. Darren has over exposed himself on numerous occasions, he was the Daily Record's Online Editor for 3-4 years. He was on a personal crusade to elicit responses(most particularly from Nil by Mouth) on songs sung by the rangers support. The Daily Record is replicating BBC Scotland's mix of groupings anxious to be perceived as the most Rangers hating. A mix of ra Sellik and Aberdeen fans vying for the title, with the odd bod such as Gordon Waddell(Falkirk) and Cosgrove(St Johnstone) thrown in. The overwhelming conditioning factor that articulates their hatred to this day, was the Aberdeen fanzine from circa 25 years past, 'The Northern Light'. Darren Cooney is akin to former daily record Chief Reporter, Anna Smith; in that, his hatred for all things Rangers overwhelms his particular love for anything.
  2. Thankful for small mercies. In the last two games, we have avoided the stings of both Jags. Three goals for, none conceded, and six points garnered. A wee word for BBC Scotland's Rob McLean. I was driving home last evening and as such a captured audience. Last night was your opportunity, AmDram Quine, Big Dick was missing and you had a blank canvas to paint as Host of the Show. We know the on message narrative and we know you are a strict adherent. However, your half-time and full time summaries over-egged an already rancid pudding. Repeatedly expressing disappointment that ICT had not taken their two scoring chances, and describing the referee's reaction to Andy Halliday's tackling as, "disappointing", "strange" and, "curious". You are trying too hard to impress the big bhoys at Pacific Quay CSC. Ever wondered why you were dispatched to the wilds of Inversneckie on a Friday night?
  3. In May'99, Rangers won 0-3 at ra Stydome and won the league. The Refereee, Hugh Dallas was attacked on the pitch and struck with thrown coins. He returned home to Motherwell that evening and the Police arrested several Sellik supporters in different groupings wandering around his estate, with intent. They couldn't prevent Dallas's immediate neighbour, Kevin Dunn walking around the family home, armed with a golf club. He struck thirteen double glazed windows, fully smashing two. The entire Dallas family were inside throughout the several minute sustained attack. Kevin Dunn was a season ticket holder at Sellik Park, in fact he sat in the green leather, heated seats in the North Stand. His ticket was suspended, until court proceedings culminated. He was found guilty at Hamilton Sheriff Court on criminal damage charges, fined £2,000, and ordered to pay the costs of repair. Fortunately, Kevin owned a double glazing firm. The then Sellik chief executive, Allan McDonald was expected to confirm Dunn's ban. Instead, he stated that Dunn had come as close to banishment as it was possible to be, but was allowed to retake his seat. It was reported that Dunn was applauded and cheered to the echo as he retook his normal position.
  4. I suspect Sheriff Mungo Bovey QC is the son of Keith Bovey? Seriously, is anyone surprised? Two effigies hanging by their necks, both had their hands bound behind their backs, one wearing a Rangers scarf, the other replete in an orange collarette; and yet no charge of hate crime attached. I keep going back to Stuart Cosgrove on BBC Scotland two years past, breathlessly informing the listenership that he had lunched with the then Lord Advocate, Frank Mulholland, and could report his office was NOT interested in pursuing anyone for usage of the 'H' term. The Justice Minister, Michael Matheson will NOT answer questions on 'Kill all H-n' banners on display inside the Green Brigade designated area. You can indulge in Rangers hating with impunity. A dozen years ago, Fernando Ricksen was struck on the head(drawing blood) by a lighter, whilst taking a throw-in at the Glitterdome. Peter Lawwell immediately issued a statement after the game assuring that every frame of every camera would be studied and the perpetrator banned from Sellik Park. We are still waiting.
  5. Give it to John Hughes. Talks a good game and performs a Cabaret act at the same time. We need a laugh.
  6. Well done you. I've been on the tour twice and thoroughly recommend the experience to all Bears. I have done similar sporting/historical tours in the USA/Canada. They often incorporate a piece of theatre or two. A fully attired 19th century baseball player or an 18th century soldier replete in red tunic and toting a musket appear, and relate the social and economic historical relevance. I can imagine a 15 year old Moses McNeil wandering out of the woodline at Fleshers' Haugh, in relevant 1872 football clothing and addressing the semi-circle of Bears. The inspiration of his Queens Park playing brothers, the motivation for playing football and training five nights a week, and the stimulation of the name, 'Rangers'. I am sure there will be a Gersnetter with the necessary Equity card?
  7. It's all about the amplification. I am sure Mark Daly is already on the case? Regular phone-ins on the number of hospitals, schools, public transport services, .....etc denied by Sellik personnel non payment of taxes? MSPs raising questions at Holyrood, MPs laying down early day motions, and MEPs opining the need to dine in two Michellin star establishments because ra Sellik undermined their expenses budget? A Sellik tax case blog? Oh, I could go on, including face painters queuing at food banks; but we all know, those sound controls will be set and remain at zero.
  8. Pete, If there are no takers, I am willing to do St Johnstone on Wednesday 26th October.
  9. Today's result in the Challenge Cup. Now, I wonder how the Ginger One will react? After the Heroes of Bronby won one zip at Easter Road in the Europa Cup, Neil blamed the referee. After Dundee Hibs secured a 1-1 draw at Tannadice, Neil blamed the referee. Last week, after Ayr United won at Easter Road, Neil blamed the referee. Could Lennon and Stubbs(Rotheram are bottom) be jobless before the nights get dark? Further, I hope Neil is not reverting to established behaviour and subjecting his current partner to another round of domestic abuse?
  10. Rangers won their second treble in season 63/64, just before my time. The next ten years saw Kilmarnock win the league, followed by ra Sellik's nine-in-a-row. I attended Rangers Scottish Cup final victory in '66, a 1-0 replay win. It would be nearly five years before our next cup success, the League Cup victory, again the same score over the same opponents. It's famous for a 16 year old Derek Johnstone heading the winner in front of over 100,000 fans. Those five years were hard to endure; however, the opposition was tough. Both Killie and Dunfermline had reached Euro semi-finals. Sellik won the European Cup in '67, Rangers lost out to Bayern Munich in Nuremberg 1-0 after extra time in the European Cup Winners Cup final, in the same year. Sellik again reached the European Cup final in '70, losing 2-1 to Feyenoord. Rangers lost out to Newcastle United in the Fairs Cup semi-final. The footballing standard was extremely high, and entertaining. I think I am right in stating that Rangers average home attendance was higher than ra Sellik's in nine out of ten of those fallow seasons? Post '70, Eddie Turnbull's Hibs side were a fantastic team to watch, and Rangers/Hibs fixtures would attract huge crowds. Rangers eventually won the ECWC at the third time of asking in '72, beating Moscow Dynamo 3-2 in Barcelona. Our run to the final saw us defeat the French, Italian, Portuguese, and German cup winners. In '73, we met Ajax in the first European Super Cup final, two legs, losing out 6-3 on aggregate. The football in viewing terms remained attractive and comparably successful, picking up a third trophy in 3 years by winning the '73 Scottish Cup, defeating ra Sellik 3-2 in front of 126,000. The comparison between those fallow times and the early eighties would be the latter period was hard watching. Mostly, the team was turgid, and got worse as the season progressed. Remember, the Scottish League cup culminated by early November. We could usually be relied upon to remain spirited until the festive period. I was home on leave January/February '80/81 and managed to see two home games against Morton and Dundee United. Both played on hard pitches on a Saturday and Tuesday evening. Both attendances were under 20,000, both defeats 0-1 and 1-4 respectively, and we were comprehensively demolished in football terms. Out thought, out run, out played, out .............. down and out inside our most modern new stadium. When John Greig vacated the management seat at the top of the marble staircase, Rangers successfully pitched for both Alex Ferguson, and then Jim McLean to take over. Both huge Rangers men, Govan born'bred Ferguson had played for the club, but both returned to Aberdeen and Dundee United and telephoned the club the next day to relate their change of decisions. A panicked approach to Jock Wallace was a face saver. In one hundred and eleven years, Rangers had only had seven managers, no one had ever refused the Ibrox call; suddenly, two men had done so in the same week. The arrival of Souness thirty years past relit a doused flame.
  11. It was season 80/81. The competition was the Anglo-Scottish Cup. The first leg at Ibrox finished 1-1. The second leg on a rain soaked evening culminated in a 3-0 deserved victory for the Derbyshire side. Several thousand Bears traveled to Chesterfield and at the end realised things had changed. You must remember, in the previous 20 years, rangers had participated in four European finals.
  12. Well remembered. I had forgotten the Cologne game was played on the Thursday night. Reference the bad guys, Gregor Stevens was the Rangers News player of the year.
  13. On reflection, there was one important factor in the 78/79 season often forgotten. Quite simply, it was a truly horrendous winter. The snow fell thickly on Hogmanay and remained on the ground for the next ten weeks. There was a Partick Thistle/Albion Rovers Scottish Cup tie postponed in excess of twenty occasions. From the middle of March until early May, three fixtures a week was the norm, I think Rangers played a dozen games in the last four weeks, the Scottish Cup final took three games before Rangers vanquished Hibs 3-2. Further, I remember Rangers sending the reserve squad up to Pittodrie for two games on the one day. The first at 11am was the reserve League Cup final, the second at 2pm was a reserve league fixture. Talking of snow, our European Cup second round game, second leg at PSV's grouns was late November. We had drawn the first leg at Ibrox 0-0. PSV had NEVER been defeated at home in Europe. They had a wonderful side, including the Van Der Kirkoff brothers. I attended the game on the open terrace amid snow flurries. It was 2-2 going into the last quarter, the play had lengthened, but PSV were slowly dominating. Tommy McLean won the ball in the center circle, looked up as PSV's defence closed up on the offside, a deep running Bobby Russell ran through the back four as Calemero released a 40 yard diagonal pass. It was a foot race between Bobby and the PSV keeper, the Ranger won and passed the ball into the net from 30 yards to make it 2-3. We saw the ball coming towards us on that terracing, and we danced in the snow before the ball crossed the line.
  14. The equation of Rangers decline from '78 to the arrival of Souness in '86 relied on a number of variables, both constant and random. The redevelopment of the Stadium was a constant over five seasons. It was paid for by the Rangers Pools, the biggest in the UK. Wallace's resignation in '78, after his second treble winning season was a surprise, it remains a subject of continued speculation. Clearly, Waddell prioritised the redevelopment of the stadium and as thus, stymied Wallace's European ambitions. Remember, in Greig's first season(78/79), we won both cups, lost the league in the penultimate game at ra Piggery, and reached the European Cup quarter finals. Brian Clough thanked Rangers for easing Nottingham Forrest's progress because we eliminated successive favourites, Juventus and PSV . After several seasons of finishing fourth/fifth, and regularly picking up the League Cup, thus securing European football; Lawrence Marlborough had succeeded to be majority shareholder. He wanted to relocate to Lake Tahoe and pass the club on to someone prepared to take it forward. He installed David Holmes as CEO, and demanded the club be successful to make it a more attractive sale. Souness arrived from Sampdoria, stunning all of Scottish and British football. We signed England's keeper, Captain, and our season ticket sales tripled.
  15. Reference the incident involving Neil Lennon at Tynecastle. The PF decided to include the aggravated addendum to the Breach charge on the evidence of of one witness. The security firm's Supervisor standing at the mouth of the tunnel claimed he heard the 'F' term being shouted. The other dozen people in the immediate surrounds, including the 3/4 that wrestled the assailant to the ground, did NOT hear any sectarian remark. The Police report to the PF advised an ordinary Breach prosecution. The PF went for glory. Actually, the security firm 'Supervisor' was a much more senior figure in the company and had specifically requested the mouth of the tunnel position, he believed he was responsible for Lennon's safety. Of course, it turned out that the Supervisor was a season ticket holder/share holder in ra Sellik. His Jodrell Bank hearing and an aspiring PF denied Lennon proper justice.
  16. Rangers 2 the Mighty Maryhill Magyars 1. FGS : Waghorn.
  17. I suspect Gerry Braiden's dull west Belfast tones are currently whispering in Brendan's lug, "here's the vicTIM card Brendan, play it quick, play it often". BT Sports, Crass Sutton will agree with Brendan's sentiments, once he's been told to do so.
  18. As stated yesterday, Braiden's original article is up there with Phil McFournames essay, 'the Incubator'. Similarly, Braiden should be identified as, 'tarred with the sectarian brush'. The Herald should carefully consider Braiden's role at the blatt, going forward.
  19. I suggest the Bears condemned to visit the hill of dung, clap along on the 12th minute. Perhaps sing along with, 'if your'e happy and you know it'?
  20. Gerry Braiden is the Herald's long term Local Government correspondent. When the Herald requires a bitter tinge in it's copy, both Gerry and Neil Cameron are the go to men. Michael Briggs, better known as Alfie Briggs has given Gerry what he wanted. The problem is that old journalistic maxim, 'if your'e accurate, you'll be objective' has been completely ignored. As has been stated, Barton is a member of the National Secular Society. Of course, the Herald has previous in this regard. A decade past, the then Literary Editor, Hugh MacDonald did a double page piece lionising AC Milan's Kaka for his philanthropy. At the heart was his rc conditioning, charity and good works being pillars of his faith. All of this in a build up piece to Hugh's green'n'grey hooped horrors playing Milan. The correspondence poured in, pointing out Kaka was a born and bred member of Brazil's fastest growing church, evangelical protestantism. Reference Gerry's piece, it's up there with Phil McFournames signature, 'the Incubator'. Sadly, Gerry will be proud of it,
  21. Three weeks suspension appears to be the club kicking this particular can, further on down the road. If Barton returns to the dressing room, this will occur again, and again. His past is a weight he struggles to bear, all the various coping courses he has undertaken, have conditioned him not to bottle up his emotions. Keeping it all in, leads to serious frustrations for Joey, and he blows. Thus, he emotes, continually. He gets it all out and lets everyone else deal with the consequences. Joey perceives his sin to be clean. He can venture on to Talk Sport(he must emote) and sling a comfortable line about doing nothing wrong and the action taken being strange. Again, that's about his equilibrium. Joey can do individual discipline to a point; however, participating in collective discipline .......................? Joey will launch his autobiography entitled, 'no nonsense' tomorrow evening unfettered by club commitment. He can blame all his past bust-ups on all the other participants. The media will eat it up. Extrapolating, I suspect Joey will go on to trash Rangers and Scottish football in the next three weeks, and the media will eat it up. Maybe, Joey should change his autobiography to, 'No Sense'? I have just watched Chris McLaughlin on BBC Scotland purring reference Barton's purdah, the player is no longer welcome at Ibrox or the club's training ground". Chris stands upon the Hinshelwood waste ground echoing the phraseology that preceded his coventry. I suggest the club kick Joey into the Hinshelwood long grass beside Chris, they could form a self-help group.
  22. Yesterday on BBC Radio Scotland; Richard Gordon, Wullie Miller, Scott Davie, and Alan Preston were all desperate for Aberdeen to win at Dens Park. Rheinhart and Wullie are Dandy Dons, thus okay and they added the bonus of going ahead of Rangers on goal difference. Again, Biscuits Preston had the BIG hard-on because he believes a victory at Dens will kick start the Dons season and set them up nicely for next weekend. Rheinhart countered with, "we have St Johnstone first up in the League Cup". Biscuits shrugged it off, "no matter, Aberdeen have too much pace and width for Rangers". Now, I believe Scott Davie to be a Raith Rovers fan; however, he adds he is looking forward to next Sunday's fixture at Pittodrie, "enormously". That well rehearsed, repeated phrase, "due to the ongoing problems between Rangers and the BBC" is becoming a euphemism for 'fill your boots'. Still, as H-u-n scum, we should know our place.
  23. We won the cup that year, it was my first Scottish Cup final(the replay). King Kai's 25 yarder. Singing Kai aye yippie yippie aye, singing Kai aye yippie yippie aye, Singing Kai aye yippie Jock Stein's a fcuking hippie Singing Kai aye yippie yippie aye.
  24. As stated on Footiechat, we must remember the mantra of BBC Radio Scotland that, "Sellik are doing it for Scotland".
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