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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Reference Crewe Alexandra, did Neil Lennon do his 4 year football apprenticeship at said club?
  2. James Dornan MSP was on BBC Radio Scotland for an hour this morning, taking control of the demands for the SFA to conduct an inquiry into child sex abuse in Scottish football. Basically, the SFA should fund the entire inquiry, but the Scottish Government will determine the terms and conditions. Further, the Chair and some members of the inquiry should be people of importance, and the SG should appoint them too. As stated, last week, Dornan was publicly backing a notorious Sellik website's demand for engineers appointed by CFC to conduct a full structural survey of the Broomloan stand at Rangers' expense, before Sellik supporters are assured reference safety. Now, you would think anyone with Govanhill/Cincarthill in their constituency would be tied down with the very real social and economic conditions there in? Not James, a man in his fifties still at home with his auld Maw, is ripe for every passing conspiracy.
  3. A decade past, a couple of cleaners at Sellik Park opened a cupboard in ra Sellik View office and discovered over 300 pornographic photographs of children involved in Celtic Boys Club. Some of the shower scenes were in black and white, other more recent posed images were in colour. The pictures spenned over 20 years. Long term Sellik View photographer, John Cullen took said photos. He was arrested, tried, convicted, and received a nominal sentence. I think six months suspended? The important thing is continuity and mutual support. Cullen was there as part of the Torbet/Cairney ring. The continuing demand in main stream media to preserve the good name of ra Sellik, leads to convenient collective amnesia reference those involved. Mark Daly should be shining a light into a most dark corner, both Torbet and Cullen remain alive today. Expose the ring.
  4. The Yahoos really have a sense of occasion and timing. Twenty years after the Provos bombed Manchester, a 1,500 pound lorry bomb(the biggest detonated in the UK since WW2) on Corporation Street injured in excess of 200 people. Aware of the sensitivities involved, ra Sellik supporters indulged in an evening of IRA karaoke. So charming!
  5. It was a UK wide poll several months past, all clubs had their supporters canvassed. I was not surprised at the results, the Rangers support probably represents the electorate's actual decision more than most. I remember numerous conversations in Uni' refectories/common rooms forty years ago. The Yahoo mindset was/is, we are all Tories and Waffen SS mentalists. There was a complete refusal to believe most Bears voted Labour. They need to position us so, to make their response rational. The broad church that actually represents the Rangers support is unwanted, it is awkward and inconvenient to their perceived wisdom. Our problem is massive under-representation. If the larger share of Bears vote SNP, why does the party not reciprocate? The Scottish Cup final is a case in point, particularly the aftermath. A tweet from the First Minister congratulating Hibs for making her hubby, Peter Murrow(also SNP Chief Executive), "a very happy Hibby". Then, nothing for three full days from anyone in the Scottish Government. The Justice Minister, Michael Matheson and then Lord Advocate, Frank Mullholland said nothing. Nature hates a vacuum, and all the Rangers haters spat their venom. I believe Fraser Wishart's demands for players to be protected at their place of work on the Monday afternoon stimulated the late Tuesday afternoon response from Matheson. Again, the Green Brigade's effigies and banners, Aberdeen supporters scrawling on the team bus reference the Ibrox Disaster, and the Ashley situation sees no political support from the political establishment in Scotland.
  6. Report the Yahoo to the RSPCA. Caught advertising his dog's services to a niche market.
  7. Fifteen years past, there were a number of articles in Rangers fanzines; drawing a parallel between Rangers future with both broadcast and print media, and that experienced by Espanyol in Catalan Spain. Since the late seventies, the mainstream Catalan media has deliberately ignored Espanyol as they are considered not to fit politically. This has transformed into an accepted cultural denial too. The warning to Rangers supporters was this could occur to our club. I remember the articles claimed Barca as a city was historically a two thirds to one third breakdown on support. The 40 year campaign has increasingly demonised and marginalised Espanyol supporters, some claiming their support had been reduced to just over 10% of the city population. I toured the Nou Camp twenty-five years ago, my first revisit since '72, and there was a heavy narrative proclaiming Barca FC at the fore front of anti-Franco sentiment during the 40 years of his dictatorship. They claimed the Nou Camp was the only place a Catalan could speak Catalan without fear of being put up against a wall by the Guardia Civil. I found a couple of photographs of Rangers triumph against the KGB's team, Moscow Dynamo, they portrayed the very same para-military police dealing with rioting Bears. I pointed out the juxta position in both condemning and lionising the Guardia Civil. Further, it was working class Scots handing out a deserved hiding to a fascist police force. I received a tut, and a walk away. The last time we played Barca(ten years ago), I spent five days in the city. We took thirty thousand and had no arrests. BBC Scotland found fault in our support because of the smell of alcohol around the Placa de Catalunya, the litter in the same square, and two Bears cautioned for public urination. On the south west corner of the square, there was an enormous FC Barca club store, four floors. The northern end of the square was dominated by a huge department store, 'El Corte d'Ingles'. We entered and found the entire fifth floor dedicated to Barca, effectively another club shop. I asked if Espanyol had a presence and was directed to the basement haberdashery, There were three carousels selling key rings, hats, and scarves. The Espanyol experience is in part being mirrored by our own club. Look at the local council facilitating ra Sellik's increased land bank(three streets for a penny), the massive investment put into ra Sellik on the back of the Commonwealth Games, and the current situation reference both local(Radio Snyde) and national(BBC Scotland) media. We are being conveniently positioned like Espanyol ie Real Madrid were Franco's team. Two opinion polls/survey earlier this year found only one MSP(Murdo Fraser) out of 129 supports Rangers, whereas 40% of Rangers supporters vote SNP. Under representation will cost our club.
  8. I wonder how BBC Scotland will handle this game? Big Rheinhart usually employs the, "because of the on going situation between the club and BBC Scotland" line, to inform all those Rangers supporting(and that day's opposition's supporters) license fee payers to expect minimal information. ie You will receive the teams, a half time score, and full time score. Their open all mikes does not apply to Ibrox. No microphone at the Stadium, unless of course there is a hint of sectarian chanting. Then, all mikes at Pacific Quay are pointed towards the ground, in a sinister imitation of Jodrell Bank. Now, Big AmDram Quine, Richard Gordon is a huge Dandy Don, Liam McLeoad similar, then there's Wullie Miller, Geoff Webster, Charlie Mann, ..etc They will be desperate to know how the game's going They have someone they contact inside the stadium because Rheinhart's comment on the last minute Forrest winner against Dundee, "oh, an injury time header in a near empty ground has given Rangers the lead", let that cat out of the bag. Further, Richard was unequivocating on Dodoo's goal on Wednesday, "Clearly, Forrester moved deliberately in front of the Hearts keeper". My favourite quote from the Rangers hater came a dozen years past reference the Simpson/Durrant assault, "people forget there were two victims in that challenge, Neil Simpson suffered terribly". I suspect if Aberdeen break the 25 year Ibrox hoodoo, there will be a Derek McInnes interview and a full match report(from off the wires). Are Aberdeen supporting lincense fee payers more equal than others? We should be told.
  9. We were hounded all around the pitch playing it short, when we played it long it did not stick, and there was no leadership. Losing pivotal league games has become a calendar year habit.
  10. At Ibrox last Saturday, a chap in Bar'72 was wondering aloud, "whatever happened to Ewing Grahame"? I answered, "he's been freelance for a dozen years". Another in the crowd volunteered, "you see his pieces in the Telegraph and Times now and then, usually as a one, two with Phil Gordon". The chorus was, "who hates us the most"? The consensus was wee poison pen Phil; however, I opted for dearest Ewing. I reminded the throng that Rangers got Grahame sacked from the Herald a dozen years past. We were playing Stuttgart in the Gotlieb arena in the Champions League. I was one of 8,000 Bears squeezed mercilessly by German plod into a 3,000 capacity area. It was a poor game on a freezing early December evening, we deservedly lost 1-0. However, Ricksen had an open goal opportunity from six yards, five minutes from time to put us through. Ewing Grahame was dispatched by the Herald on the official Rangers charter to cover the game, he was full of resentment. Ewing hates Rangers, and thought Spiers should have been lumbered with the tedious task of, "H-un reporting". As you can imagine, Spiers was extremely keen to be nowhere near Rangers and Rangers supporters at that point. Ewing was told he was doing it for the paper. Ewing got drunk on the charter on the way out before the game. He continued in the fleshpots of Stuttgart, missed the evening presser and training. Rose late, went back on the batter, arrived at the stadium after kick-off, opened his lap top, and promptly fell asleep in the press box. He was roused after the game and filed his bitter copy, "an overwhelmed Rangers did not create a single opportunity on goal". He fell asleep again, was wakened by a Stuttgart official tidying up the press box, bundled into a taxi to the airport, he boarded the charter to a chorus of boos. The charter had missed it's slot because he was ninety minutes late, and Rangers arrived back into Glasgow at six am. Rangers made an official complaint about his behaviour and conduct. He was sacked, and didn't trap for his subsequent appeal. Whatever became of Ewing Grahame? Clearly, by today's Retard, he continues to do what he has always done. Apparently, even Spiers looks down on him.
  11. If Hearts win tonight, then Neilson will have book ended Rangers. They won at Ibrox in his first game, a 94th minute winner from Sow. I really hope our players are fully motivated?
  12. It's going to be physical, it always is with Hearts, particularly at Tynie. The first twenty, they will attempt to pin us back, stay on the fron foot, and throw balls into and across the box. It will be most testing. Any breaking Rangers players will be hauled/hacked to the ground. Levein/Neilson Hearts teams are most cynical. Their first appearance as a duo at Ibrox two seasons past saw five Jambos booked in the first half. I like the look of their lad, Walker; he has a fair bit of football about him, a mercurial quality that makes him hard to mark. Reference Rangers when in possession, play football, and hopefully the Hat includes O'Halloran. He will keep the Hearts back line honest, they won't want to keep that line too high. The first goal will be hugely important. This calendar year, we have mostly lost pivotal League games; Falkirk, Hibs, ra Sellik, Aberdeen, ...... etc. Hopefully, the law of averages turn in our favour? One last thing, and this is highlighted through years of bitter experience in these matters. The usual suspects know the significance of the next three games in ten days. Both broadcast and print media are after Garner. He deserves the criticism in that he has not done it so far. However, there have been a few pieces by Neil Cameron and Stephen McGowan reference his elbows. Gerry McFcukwit has compared their sharpness to former skipper, Lee McCulloch. Michael Stewart, Preston, and Liam McLeod have flagged the usage. Tonight, the Director and Sutton/Proctor will be on it; don't give them the opportunity to build momentum, start with Dodoo. Tonight's referee has a track record of red carding Rangers players, again particularly at Tynie. Keep the heid, play ra gemme, and thump the horrible 'model club'.
  13. Reference BBC Scotland highlights and a bit of balance. Cosgrove and Cowan had Thistle's full back, Ziggy Gordon on their second part of 'Off the Ball' last evening. Well done for the lad appearing after conceding such a late goal. However, if you thought Ziggy had justification for being shattered and talking around everything, implying bigger clubs carry outrageous good fortune; Cosgrove and fellow guest, Dandy Don Michael Grant were choking. Obviously, a Rangers victory, any Rangers victory is most hard to swallow. Hilariously, Big Rheinhart had three goes at reading out the Premier table. Seriously, on the first two attempts, Aberdeen were second. Michael Stewart soothed the growing panic at Pacific Quay, "Hearts know any victory at Tynecastle on Wednesday night knocks Rangers off their second placed perch".
  14. Gerry is the latest carrier of a forty-odd year old flame. The Objective Hosts of Radio Snyde's 'ra Show' has been Paul Cooney, Peter Martin, Jim Delahunt, and Gerry McCulloch. Forty two teams, forty-odd years, and the Objective Host of ra Show is always a Yahoo! What are the odds?
  15. Davie was the regular left back when I began attending. Like his successor, Billy Mathieson, he was big, strong, and unassuming. Thoughts with the family.
  16. Thistle in possession have a pattern of play, it's in to out; resulting in too many crosses/balls into our box. Erskine is running the show in this regard, Halliday must get closer. We have had twice the amount of possession and are creating less. I suspect both McKay and O'Halloran will appear around the hour mark.
  17. we are up to our chins in Chris McLaughlins.
  18. Neil Cameron is just reinforcing the on-message line handed to him by CQN's Paul Brennan. Remember, CQN's strap line is, 'not just lazy journalism'! Ra Sellik have improved is a line you will hear tonight from Gerry McFcukwit on Radio Snyde, it was broadcast continually by Tom English, Scot McDonald, and Alan Stubbs(yep seriously) last night on BBC Radio Scotland. Thus, Gerry, Tom, Neil, Alan, Scot, .......................... et al; your team lost nine nil on aggregate,(that's 9-0) to Barca. Before any Yahoo bemoans this illustration, it being the Champions League group stages. May I remind you of the joy that Paul Cooney, Jim ra Tim Delahunt, Richard Gordon, ....................... etc took in continually repeating Rangers/Juve twenty years past culminating in a 1-8 aggregate score line? Actually, these days; I would say deluded Tom English is the biggest on-message Sellik cheerleader?
  19. Before a horde of Guardianistas arrive, waving their Equity cards and sporting a pyoor hissy; let me retell the accepted revisionism of that day. It was the 23rd October'71, we were playing Clyde at Shawfield. The League Cup final was being played out a mile away, at Hampden. It was ra Sellik against Partick Thistle, give the cup to the green'n'grey now, what's the point of playing? After 40 minutes, Thistle were 4-zip up. It was announced at Shawfield at half time and two thirds of the Bears immediately departed to trudge the length of Polmadie Road, and catch the second half at the national stadium. The game finished 4-1, and the cup returned to Firhill. Further, I think Thistle beat us in the Scottish Cup final, i-0 in the early twenties? Reference Saturday, please Rangers, hold and maintain a high line. Do not allow the Jags to continually loft balls into our box. Play the game in their half and we will secure a comfortable 2/3 zip victory.
  20. I played against both George and John McCluskey for both school and Boys' Club. I was their team mate in a number of games for Lanarkshire schools. George was my age, John was a couple of years younger. John was easily, the best player I played against and with. His nickname was 'Friar', he sported a pudding bowl hairstyle. He debuted for Celtic in a first round Euro tie against a Luxembourg club at the age of 16. George was always easy going, he had quick feet and a tremendous footballing brain. If he had possessed any pace, he would have been genuine top drawer. Further, keepers hated playing against him, no back lift, the ball was placed beyond goalies before they could react. John changed in his intermediate year(13-14), became a constant angry lad on the pitch. I was directly up against him in a Fir Park Boys' Club v Celtic Boys' Club semi-final. I was older and had a physical edge(just), denying him getting goal side and dispossessing him. He chirped at me, then blamed his team mate for playing the ball beyond as opposed to his feet. A minute later, he remonstrated again with his team mate, then struck him. Years later and Friar was out the game, a thrombosis had done for him aged 18. I was home on leave and leaving a pub at Hamilton's bottom cross, I heard my name being called from a doorway. It was John with a bottle of Buckie. He was 23-24, working for the council, and desperate to reminisce. Truly heartbreaking, he was the star of his generation. It was the early to mid nineties and a court case that revealed John's torment. He revealed in the witness box that both Torbet and Crainey utilised a threat to his future career as a lever to sexually abuse him during his early teenage years. Crainey's death cheated justice, a host of charges on both sides of the Atlantic were closing in, he led Celtic Boys' Club annual USA tours. Torbet was sentenced to two years after being found guilty on numerous charges against three boys(test cases including John McCluskey and Alan Brazil).
  21. I saw him play for Rangers in a midweek reserve fixture at Fir Park. He was subbed at half-time, I think this was his only appearance in a Rangers jersey? Thoughts with his family.
  22. So, Peter tells old mucker(colleagues at Coors), Stu' that his time is up; then picks up the phone and tells Rod(Petrie) to relocate to the fourth floor at Hampden. Plus ca change!
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