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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. BIG BIG day on Radio Snyde today. This was chuckle yourself pink(green) for Gerry McFcukwit and Nuremberg Hugh. They did not miss a beat, showed the road ahead for Rangers supporters, then consistently revealed it was another cul-de-sac. The 'let's all laugh at Rangers' six hour special was going swimmingly well, big DJ was drowning, and Bears were to be denied any life belt. Then, the triumphalistic parade marched straight into the cul-de-sac, "all good managers are currently in a job, there's a reason for that" says Gerry ra Daftie. Who was Brendan working for before being appointed ra Yahoos manager? Gerry, stop and lick the windaes, you will find it a calming, soothing experience.
  2. The on going precarious financial circumstances at the club, demands the next managerial appointment sells season tickets. Thus, we are looking for a uni-cycling, plate spinning, fire eating, juggler! My choice is Tommy Wright, he satisfies none of the above. However, he will bring organisation, discipline, and plain speaking. I don't think the current uber dominance of ra Yahoos will cow him either.
  3. He/She was sent out to find Dave King, was last seen entering a taxi echoing the words of Captain Oates .................
  4. I suspect I might be alone in my assessment? Changing the manager, whether he deserves to go or not is a distraction. These last twenty years, our club has been consistently operating from a position of weakness. I think '96/'97 was the last financial year that we made a profit, we were £18million in the black. The current Board are fast approaching 2 years in situ', are we any further forward in securing banking facilities and placing the rest of the necessary building blocks in place to put the club atop a sound and secure financial platform? We need a rights issue, probably two or three. I want to hear how far down that particular road we have traveled? I feel the Board(or elements within) have been briefing against the current manager these last few weeks. They should ask themselves, is this a priority in providing said platform? The Boards job is to place our club in a position of strength. Surely, the manager knows the level of expectation? If he fails to secure second, then he should walk. If that scenario comes to fruition, then the Board should have the next manager, fully informed and ready to go. I would go for Tommy Wright Similarly, if the current Board are unable to progress the club, they should be actively searching for those Rangers supporters that can fulfill our ambitions and nominate them as their replacements.
  5. It's about leadership. Warburton shows a modicum by accepting responsibility for the abject performance. On the pitch, leadership is sadly non-existence.
  6. I note from the Ross County website that they are providing a third supporters' bus, since in excess of 100 Staggies are prepared to travel. I suspect many are just utilising the free transport to escape the Black Isle on a February day?
  7. McDonald was pre-booked for Sunday night's Sportscene. It could be argued that it shows a bit of courage on his part to step up to such an exposed platform to plead his case? However, to pitch up on Monday night's BBC Radio Scotland's Sportsound for an hour to explain his and the club's reasons for appeal, is a clear action in dominating the ground. To be allowed to articulate the thought process that Miller was to blame for being where he was, without retort; is an opportunity that the national broadcaster should not be providing. As stated earlier in the thread, BBC Scotland has set another precedent, one they must avail of future red card appealers. Anyways, it has worked for both McDonald and 'Well, he scored last evening in a 1-2 victory at Ross County.
  8. I would prefer Hodson at right back, push Tav' one forward into midfield. Halliday, Hyndman , and Tav' should provide the necessary energy in the middle. Miller, McKay, and Jon Toral as the front three. Please Rangers, step up and hold a high line. Press the game, keep playing through them, and we will win. Cathro is under pressure, don't give him the freebie of another lax first half.
  9. Tomorrow, it's February. Pantomime season ended three weeks past, to be continued at the beginning of coming December. Scott McDonald is acting the Dame whom has lost her timing. A Sunday evening appearance on Sportscene to plead his case, a Monday night appearance on Sportsound to reinforce those pleadings(I listened, and Scott's mindset is that Kenny Miller was to blame for standing where he was standing), and now Faddy blames the Rangers management team. In future red card actions, we know both BBC Scotland and the Daily Record will accommodate said red carded players, to the extent awarded to Scott, don't we? Further, listening to Scott for an hour last evening; he euphemistically referred to his miscontroll as, "a phantom touch". However, the culminating action ie the flat of the studded boot connecting on Miller's ankle is only evident on one out of the four TV angles highlighted. Those three frames will be phantom frames then Scott, won't they? He's Behind You Loyal RSC.
  10. Listening to 'Well fans tonight on both BBC Radio Scotland and Radio Snyde was hilarious. Similarly, on websites like Pie and Bovril and the Steelmen(surely that should be the stoolmen, they do post absolute sh1te). The mindset is thus; McGhee should be sacked because Rangers are beyond hopeless, and they've managed to defeat the claret and amber on four occasions this season. Seriously, being turned over by a supposed awful Rangers is obviously an enormous source of embarrassment on planet diddy club, and as such the supporters of St Johnstone, Dundee, Killie, ................... etc are pissin' themselves. I suspect it's the fall from grace? Eighteen months past, deserved conquerors of Rangers, a 6-1 aggregate to boot. The Heroes of the Rangers hating masses! McGhee cannot deliver such warm memories. Are such expectations of Mark too high? Who gives a fcuk, kick the pouting Yahoo the length of the M74 if it suits. Sack him and make Scott MacDonald your next player/boss. Oh, he is due to appear on Sportscene tomorrow evening, more hilarity. Please Bears, let's hand out similar treatment to the model club on Wednesday evening.
  11. I have stated this before, but it's worth stating again. Both smoke bombs and flares are initiated by a detonator. The minimum safety distance for detonation of either on a military range/training area is 30 metres. Thus, detonation on a football pitch, track side, and/or a stand is unsafe. Forget the Offensive Behaviour at Football and instigate the Explosive Behaviour at Football. Time to get draconian before we end up with fatalities.
  12. Ach, Neil is just winding up flame haired clockwork mad mouse, Greg Binnie. Greg is massively anticipating returning his feet to the hallowed Hampden turf, celebrating by punching, kicking, and spitting on that day's opposition.
  13. A Tale of Two Pie Stalls. The advent of the Scottish Premier Division in 1975 saw Scottish football fans being fed a steady diet of repeat courses. Playing the other nine opponents four times a season, plus Scottish and League Cup games presented a table groaning with both familiarity and contempt. Last season was book ended with games versus Hibs, another four servings in between. Several helpings of the same dish can be difficult to stomach, particularly if the experience does not culminate in the sweet taste of success. Prior to '75, repetitive matches were almost certainly the result of cup replays. No penalty shoot-outs either, one replay followed another, until a result had been achieved. A sequence of three matches against the same opponents was rare, a league fixture in and around a cup draw leading to a replay; were much anticipated, and closely studied. Rangers supporters were presented with a mouth watering menu for mid-late season '71/'72. Specifically, late February to late March found us chewing on a ECWC quarter-final against Torino, the palate cleanser separating both bites at the Italian cup winners, was three games against Motherwell. The league game at Fir Park was served as the primo, the antipasto in Turin, and both secondos at Ibrox. The 'Well were the model of consistency in those days, under the long term tutelage of manager, Bobby Howitt. In the eighteen team league, the claret and amber were seventh or eighth, missing out on Europe, but competing, and performing well in the Texaco Cup(a cross border competition for clubs just below Euro qualification). Motherwell knocked out Spurs, Coventry, Stoke City, Norwich City, .... etc in two legged ties during this period. The team was populated with good players; Joe Wark, Sammy Campbell, Kirky Lawson, John Goldthorpe, and Jim McCabe. Characters too, in Jumbo Muir and Jackie McInally(father of Alan). The difference in quality and the gap between clubs either side of Hadrian's wall was not apparent; the yawning chasm was in depth of player squads, and to a lesser extent, wages. Thus, a league fixture at Fir Park in the third week of February, should have held some trepidation? Not really, we had played ten games since the turn of the year, winning six and drawing three. Further, we had skelped 'Well 4-zip at Ibrox back in October. It was a cold, dank day, and the mercury crashed below zero as darkness fell. Former Ranger, Brian Heron opened the scoring and Kirky Lawson completed it, in a much deserved 2-0 victory for the home team in front of 16,000. Both Bobby Watson and Heron had gone to Fir Park, in return for keeper, Peter McCloy. It looked like Motherwell had the better of the deal, those two playing well, whilst the Girvan Lighthouse was faulted in part for both goals. Ten days later in the Communale Stadium, almost the same Rangers side(two changes) frustrated Torino in front of 40,000 screaming Italians. A 1-1 draw set us up well for the return, Bud Johnston notching our goal. Concurrently, the Scottish Cup quarter-final draw had sent us back to Fir Park, the Saturday before Torino's midweek visit to Ibrox. The perceived wisdom among Bears spanned the entire spectrum; the last draw we needed before our ECWC quarter-final, to just the hard test needed in preparation. Motherwell were confident, I know, I had inside information. I was in the middle of three years playing for Fir Park Boys' Club, our coach was the aforementioned multiple Northern Ireland capped, Sammy Campbell. We were all given Boys' gate tickets for the Enclosure, just as well; the attendance that day was officially 28,000, it was easily in excess of thirty thousand. Rangers started brightly, dominated the first half, but only scored once through Doddy MacDonald. The home side recovered in the second half, equalising from another Brian Heron strike. The pendulum swung, and Sammy Campbell struck to put 'Well in front. The huge visiting support was hanging(litteraly) from the rafters of both the main stand and the covered terracing running the length of the ground. The floodlight pylons had dozens hanging from each and everyone of the four, and the pie stall at the back of the terracing behind the goal(now the Davie Cooper stand) saw dozens atop it's roof. Nervous energy linked every Bear and when Colin Stein headed an extremely late equaliser, mayhem ensued. The pie stall collapsed, flattened under celebrating weight. Fortunately, the staff had left, but several Bears were injured, including broken limbs. The talk of Turin toon exited the Ibrox tunnel on the Wednesday evening, in front of 65,000 screaming Bears. We did not know what colour Euro teams sported in those days until they entered the pitch. Newspaper photos of the first leg were all in black in white. The Italian boys in maroon had a mate in the Enclosure scream, ' we're playing Hearts, we battered them six nil last month, easy". The game was a tactical game, much described the next day in the papers, 'as a game of chess'. Our Knight was wee Doddy, skipping into the box to meet a Tommy McLean cross just after half time. Our semi-final against Bayern secured, the third 'Well game, the cup replay was scheduled for the next Monday night. Again, teams were very much along usual lines, one or two changes as both sides stepped on to the pitch in front of a 50,000 attendance. We stood in ra Sellik end, along side several thousand travelling claret and amber devotees. We inhaled collectively as Motherwell began in a flurry, Jim McCabe slipped a ball through to Kirky Lawson and it was 0-1 in the first minute. As the 'Well fans sang, 'E for B and Jim McCabe'(he was essential as eggs for breakfast), an unlikely Rangers hero, John Fallon palmed the ball into his own net. As McCloy had arrived at Ibrox and the two players moved in the opposite direction; the cash balance was utilised by Motherwell in buying John Fallon from ra Sellik. He had been Ronnie Simpson's understudy for several years and a happy knack of deputising between the posts in old firm games and performing calamitously. Colin Stein nudged us ahead, before Kirky Lawson has us all square again. Then, there was an explosion. A big bang, lots of smoke emanated from the back of the Enclosure. By the time information reached us in ra Sellik end, it was a bona fide IRA attack. Again, there were injuries in the pie stall, fortunately minor ones caused by a gas bottle exploding. The shock waves provided the necessary energy, Tommy McLean scored and another Colin Stein strike followed for a 4-2 victory. Five games in a month and all's well that ends well. I know this Saturday's match sees the reverse, the cup being first and it's been won. However, it's another game against Motherwell, our fourth this season and we have won the first three. Anybody for the law of averages? We don't have the calibre of player we had in '72, thankfully Motherwell don't have either. They don't have Bobby Howitt, they have Mark McGhee, and we should be thankful. The pressure will be on McGhee to take something from the tribute act. His after match interview with BBC Scotland is dependent upon it. I suspect he will yield to throwing a player or two further forward, thus allowing more space for exploitation in behind. I hope for a Rangers team along the following lines : Foderingham, Hodson, Kiernan, Hill, Wallace, Tavenier, Halliday, Toral, McKay, Miller, O'Halloran. I predict a rerun of the League Cup game, 0-2 Rangers.
  14. I note the semi-final draw has paired Rangers with Killie, away. Tie to be played before 26th February.
  15. As someone who saw the Faces play several times at Greens Playhouse/Apollo, I can testify they were the only band to have a bar on stage. It would appear the SFA allowed Rod to enjoy similar hospitality at Airdrie on Sunday. I suspect Peter gave the nod for the SFA to entertain Rod's cheeky chappie routine. Phil Differ will lionise it next New Years, and our collective memory of a once outstanding soulful voice will falter a little bit more. Ronnie Laine observe that Rod was always in awe of Stevie Marriott's artful dodger, and predicted he would lapse into putrid mediocrity.
  16. Oh, I should add that I'm sure Rheinhardt will inform the listenership that Chris is unable to speak because he has his mouth full.
  17. At the start of the season, BBC Scotland were using both Richard Wilson and Craig Paterson to cover Rangers at Ibrox. Both sat in the studio watching Rangers TV, making comments when Richard Gordon asked for updates. After the Hamilton and Motherwell games, they stopped. I suspect both Wilson and Paterson were uncomfortable being played as useful idiots? It was the law of diminishing returns for all lincense fee payers, culminating in the Dundee game. Richard Gordon's entire comment that day was, "oh, Rangers have scored in the 94th minute, Forrester I'm hearing". Then, there were the run of three Ibrox games involving Hearts, Aberdeen, and the Yahoos. Certainly, there was a level of expectation at Pacific Quay that the Bears were about to tip into ferment. Further, PQ is hoaching with Dandies, Jambos, and Yahoos; thus, BBC Scotland decided some listeners were more equal than others. Step up the current useful idiot, Steven Thompson. I believe Big Rheinhardt introduces Steven as, "being right across all media outlets, bringing news from Ibrox". Today, Steven will be viewing Rangers TV, whilst sitting in the PQ studio.
  18. I suspect the Convenor of the Pacific Quay Emerald CSC, Chris McLaughlin will be summoned tomorrow to do the hard hitting interview with Peter, debunking such slurs? Of course, it will be a tough listen. Chris has long accepted full throated consumation of Peter's dismembered member; the Producer will have his/her work cut out broadcasting anything other than garbled gagging. Kudos Chris, such a martyr!
  19. I was expecting a cheeky Championship club bid for Barrie at the conclusion of the last transfer window. It did not transpire because the wee man's form dip was becoming obvious. Sunday's game reminded me of a Euro tie against Cologne circa '81/'82? Leading 2-1 from the first leg, Jock Wallace decided Jim Denny should man mark peerless Pierre. The diminutive blond chap ran amok on a truly horrendusly cold, rain soaked evening, we lost 5-1. I was serving in West Germany at the time and had endured a 3 hour drive to join 8,000 Bears. I left the game worried Jim Bett had played his way into a transfer. Sunday saw me drive out of the Mallorquine mountains in the snow, pitch up in Paguerra(a long term German dominated town on the island), and watched Rangers being horsed in front of several thousand travelling fans. I left the bar worried that Barrie had revealed his talents to a most appreciative audience. The bar attendees were most complementary about McKay.
  20. Will Gordon Waddell be in attendance? He's always telling us he is a Big Bairn. Certainly, Gordon writes like one.
  21. The Pacific Quay Emerald CSC can utilise the mitigation that Stephen McGowan ran interference on der Fuhrer's behalf.
  22. It must be the snow here in Mallorca, cabin fever is stripping me of my memory. I remember the SPFL had a TV Committee of two, Peter der Fuhrer and one of his handy puppets, Neil Doncaster. Five years past, both boarded a London bound flight, were spotted, and by time they were photographed walking through Arrivals, the new TV Committee had been formed. If all the other SPFL club Chairman are involved, then its a jolly.
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