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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Well done you, a wide eyed optimistic prediction, I hope you prove correct. I am not at the 'bring on the Spaniards by the score' level myself; but to hear fellow Bears sounding defiant is heart warming.
  2. Again, at ra Stydome, with the Yahoos dominating possession. Why are we not utilising the obvious pace of O'Halloran? A ball, any ball over the top keeps that Yahoo defence more honest. I hope I am wrong, but I suspect they will hold a high line and we will struggle to find an out ball. The front two/three will play mostly with their backs to the Yahoo goal.
  3. There's a pattern developing at BBC PQ. Remember, the game at Fir Park? A couple of sending-offs, another couple of controversial decisions, and the amplification was turned up to eleven. Cosgrove and Cowan had the Motherwell skipper, Keith Lasley on the show from 17.30hrs to 19.00hrs. The following night, one of those ordered from the field, 'Well's Scot McDonald was on Sportscene pleading his case. On the Monday evening, McDonald was a guest for ninety minutes on Sportsound. On Saturday evening, Cosgrove and Cowan had Hamilton's McKinnon on for ninety minutes, reinforcing the points made by his manager, Martin Canning on the telephone call from objective Host of the Show, Richard Gordon. The hypocrite, Cosgrove laughingly makes regular claims on his weekly media review with Eamon O'Neill, that lack of fairness and balance keeps him awake at night. Yet, weekly he participates in kangaroo courts with loaded juries against Rangers. We will see Chris McLaughlin appear on Cosgrove and Cowan before fairness and balance arrive. The next time a most controversial decision occurs in Scottish football, BBC Scotland must load their next three shows with representitives of the perceived injured parties. If not, they should be asked why? Surely, they cannot be subjecting Rangers soley to this particular version of fairness and balance?
  4. BBC Radio Scotland found itself in a most comfortable place yesterday, preferred prejudice to the fore. Now, we know PQ has struggled to provide a service to license fee paying Rangers supporters, and the supporters of whatever opposition is playing at Ibrox that day. It has traveled the entire spectrum, from just the score when Dundee visited; to full live commentary from a TV set situated in plush PQ." The on going situation between the club and BBC Scotland", is the preferred euphemism to cover over Chris McLaughlin's lies. Further, at the culmination of play, Richard Gordon offers, "of course we will not be able to bring after match comment from managers and players because we are not in the stadium". Well, BBC Scotland are now contravening that statement by telephoning the opposition manager after the ref's whistle. The objective host of the show, Richard Gordon spoke on the ham bone with Martin Canning and opened with a statement, "Garner staying on the field blew everyones' mind". Remember, fifteen years past, in a thirty minute auto-biographical piece, Richard revealed he was raised to absolutely hate Rangers. I suspect Richard was flashing a continuation of his Rangers hating credentials by such a dolly? However, as in most things PQ; Cosgrove's live contribution revealed a much darker mind, "oh, the referee has just offered Rangers a penalty". As the Clyde flows past PQ, Cosgrove's bitterness mimics the elegant tidal ooze. For the record, it was a penalty, you can see the Accies defender stamping on Toral's foot. Garner's kick out happened immediately to my front and I thought red card. It's the day after and remains a red card; but BBC Scotland will demand he be red carded twice on Sunday. The mirrors in PQ must take a fair bleeching, all those objective chaps questioning, 'who is the bitterest of them all"?
  5. Reference Dastardly's purchase of Agent Provocateur, the founder was the flame haired son of both Malcolm McLaren and Vivien Westwood. Perchance Greg Binnie, we should be told?
  6. I blame Trainspotting, Irvine Welch's semi-autobiographical tome has inspired a couple of generations of grasping aspirational Hibees to choose a fantasy life. Apparently, Irvine claims to be five years younger than he is, enjoyed a solid middle class upbringing, and was more of an observer than practitioner. Dale Pryde perceives himself to be, 'the Balerno Begbie'. The fantasy is a hard life; Dale stumbled over the cobbles each morning to the village bakery to beg a bag of crumbed biscuits. The reality, Dale utilised his credit card at the village patisserie to purchase un sac de croissants casses. Even his actions on the pitch, his fantasy intent is assaulting a Rangers player, the reality is wielding a broken seat at a woman. Dale Pryde and Greg Binnie, brothers in exuberance!
  7. Well, it's that time of the year again. We celebrate the risen Lord. Back in the day at Ibrox, Easter brought on a frenzy of collective chorus. We sang the hymn 241, 'there is a green hill far away'' : There is a green hill far away, Without a city wall, Where our dear Lord was crucified, He died to save us, Aaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, together now, the cry was no surrender! Thus, painting our eggs, rolling them down the brae, ........................................., etc. It cannot be done without chocolate ova, presented in foil and coloured cardboard. These last couple of decades, I have purchased a dozen of these confectionery treats for the children in my life, from the Rangers shop. As I am a strict adherent in boycotting anything to do with the Dastardly Ashley, can I continue to pick up my preferred Rangers themed Easter Eggs from the megastore? Does Dastardly receive a remunerative share of my eggs? A'hm tellin' ye, the opportunity cost of worshiping the risen Lord, whilst remaining an ethical Bluenose these days.
  8. Pete, If there are no other takers for the Dandy Dons on the 8th April, I will do the preview?
  9. I think there is only one exception in Rangers interim Managers? Both Durrant and Tommy McLean failed. Thornton took over in the interim between Whyte's sacking and Waddell's appointment, and won the interceding half dozen games. Of course, Thorton had considerable managerial experience with Partick Thistle.
  10. Stuart Munro was probably the last in a long term Rangers tradition? He played well for the opposition in a game against us, we promptly signed him from Alloa. Actually, maybe Michael O'Halloran holds that particular honour. I liked Munro, he had considerable recovery pace. In quite a tall leggy back four, Stuart could get round the back as an impromptu sweeper. Further, anyone beat him on the half way line, a second tackle would go in before the eighteen yard line. He was the fans' favourite whipping boy in the late eighties, the manager's too, I suspect. His ill fortune extended with his transfer to Blackburn Rovers, a couple of years before they became the biggest spenders in British football.
  11. It might be a good idea for Admin to remove Dave Fletcher's address from the above correspondence. We know the separated brethren need no temptation to exploit such opportunities.
  12. Reference big Rog' the Dodge, here's the story. Rangers third team played in the Combination League, included works teams like the Corporation transport. After the Berwick debacle, Rangers chased Jim Forrest, George McLean, and Alex Willougby. Despite such foolhardiness, we reached the 1967 ECWC final in Nuremberg against Bayern. The manager saw Roger Hynd play centre forward for the third team against Glasgow Corporation Transport at Helenvale Park. We won 8-3, Roger scored five. Thus, securing his place in the starting line up against Munich. Roger was part of the Shankly dynasty from the Ayrshire mining hamlet of Glenbuck. Brothers Bill and Bob managed the likes of Liverpool, Carlisle, and Stirling Albion. Roger was Boss at Motherwell in the seventies. I wonder how many of those that turned out for the almost mythical amatuer side, 'the Glenbuck Cherrypickers' survive? The very name evokes tremendous optimism amid a hard life, Roger was the very epitome of that experience. He played 48 games for Rangers, scoring 5 goals. The club received a £25,000 fee from Crystal Palace in 1968, Roger moved on to Birmingham City in 1971.
  13. We are gutless and clueless. The midfield duo is being out muscled. The back four doesn't know whether to stick or twist. The lack of control in the forward area would have you weeping. It took until the 40th minute to work the Dundee keeper. The lack of organisation and leadership is most obvious. Thus, the next goal is everything, we get it then, game on. Dundee score it, and this could be embarrassing. I can only offer putting Holt on to bolster the midfield.
  14. Didn't we draw with Aston Villa in the semi-finals, and could not afford to travel to Birmingham for the replay? We were scratched from an opportunity to appear in the FA Cup final.
  15. The first game at Dens has proved to be a reduced essence of our season. We dominate the first half, deservedly score two goals, spurn another couple of opportunities, and then conceded a corner on the point of half time. Of course we do not defend it and the difference at the break is one goal, instead of 3 or 4. The second half sees us penned in for a number of several minute periods, the ball flies into and across our box, and calamitous defending is much in evidence. We foray up the field on three occasions, resulting in two one on ones with the keeper, and again spurn killer chances. The ref' blows full time, we heave a collective sigh, and hope the next game is better. As stated, that's our season. I would go with 3-5-2, attempt to hold a higher line by controlling the midfield. Let's at least try to stop the balls coming in to our box? The problem is the composition of the three at the back with Wallace's injury. I don't care for Senderos, and Kiernan's head is in the bucket. Would Clint Hill, Wilson, and Hodson be remotely feasible? Our paucity of defenders is quite damning. I don't think there is any other option, but to attack, continually, could 3-3.
  16. Tom English will be demanding why BBC Scotland are allowing calm analysis of the Rangers situation? A man in a constant fit of pique will be haranguing new BBC Scotland Director General, Donalda MacKinnon to rid PQ of, 'the Token'. A'hm tellin' ye, there'll be fulmination in the Gang Hut this week!
  17. I support wholeheartedly, Tannochsidebear's request to fully participate. I suspect I have related this tale before on this forum, but I consider it worth repeating. Fifteen years past, during the several month period establishing the RST; Nil by Mouth's anti-sectarianism presentations were considered by many to be particularly one sided. Assisting in the establishment of the RST, was a full time Trade Union official. He suggested extending an invitation to Nil by Mouth to attend an embryonic RST Board meeting. Concurrently, he penned two letters to Nil by Mouth; one purporting to be from a Sellik supporter, telling of constant sectarian abuse in his place of employment. The other was the same story from a Bear. The full time TU rep' received a reply from then Nil By Mouth Chair, Helen Miller within the week, requesting as much meat on the bones reference his Yahoo persona. He received no reply as a Rangers supporter. He issued further correspondence, in fact another two letters as a Bear, and still received no reply. Helen Miller sent her Deputy to the Board meeting and we ambushed him with the above. It was excruciating for him, particularly when one of the attendees(whom had attended a recent Nil by Mouth presentation) pushed the advantage as to why no examples of sectarianism that manifests itself in violence pertaining to Rangers supporters being the victims, had been utilised in said presentation? Three incidents involving Sellik supporters had been presented. NbM's Deputy asked for any examples, and one that had lead to the death of a Bear was provided. Subsequent NbM presentations included given example and Helen Miller remained on the back foot during the remainder of her tenure as Chair.
  18. Reference Richard Wilson. Over the last several years, Wilson has appeared on Cosgrove and Cowan's show on several occasions. In particular, Cosgrove has called out Wilson on his Rangers supporting credentials. Wilson admits his boyhood passion for Rangers, but insists it does NOT impinge on his professionalism. Effectively, he stymied Cosgrove's constant carping of Bluenose bias. This last year, Wilson has become an infrequent broadcaster, I can only assume he has taken on other duties at BBC Scotland Sport? Nature hates a vacuum and Cosgrove never misses an opportunity to exploit the absence. Regularly, he voices the mantra reference Rangers supporters' claims as such, "aye, the whole press are Rangers haters, except that Richard Wilson". Stuart adopting a Rangers supporters voice is most unedifying; and as for journalistic solidarity? Pacific Quay has become a gang hut, establishment Stu' is the grand Poobah. Chris McLaughlin is BBC Scotland's Chief Football Reporter and he has NEVER appeared on 'Off/On the Ball'. He never will lay himself open to being an extension of Sellik's PR, and Cosgrove will never address this 22 year old situation, because it's too much fun kicking Rangers and Rangers supporters(or as Stu' prefers h-u-ns and orange bastards). Richard Wilson must wonder at his place of employment? There are constant derisory comments aimed at former BBC Scotland employee, Jim Traynor(or as Stu' prefers, Jabba). It's the poacher turned gamekeeper line, leaving the journalistic corps to work for a club. Here's the utter hypocrisy, both Charlie Mann and Jum Spence have done the exact same, Mann to Hearts and Spence to Dundee United as PR/ club Press spokesperson. Both are back at BBC Scotland without comments. Welcomed back into the gang hut.
  19. Ah Bill, desperate time demand desperate measures. We are all products of our conditioning, and loyalty to our club is the comfort blanket we are left clinging to. I remember yourself and Stuart Cosgrove on BBC Radio Scotland five years past, in triumphalistic mode, telling the listenership that Rangers meltdown would see them playing in front of 8,000 fans every other week. On Saturday, Hugh MacDonald on the same means was wondering aloud as to why Rangers supporters continue trap, given their culture is about winning. Stuart murmured approval. Their understanding of Bears is up there with the clown prepared to pen an analogy of a Rangers supporter kicking his pet dog, Albertz down the street. There is a difference between what you, Stuart, and Hugh want it to be, and what it is. You have arrived at a conclusion and you are making your 'objective' appreciation fit your preferred conclusion. Desperate! Talking desperate Bill, how's that internet dating site thing going?
  20. The man who spent a dozen years at ra Piggery, rejoicing in his Yahoo given nickname, 'Provo'. Show Davey the moral high ground and both crampons and ice-axe are immediately to the fore. As Provo never tires of telling us, he is a long term golfing partner of Dermot. In between copious congratulations on Dermot's approach shots, Provo listens. Dermot has flagged up what a great bloke Mike is, Provo wrote it, and Peter okayed it before ordering publication. Next week, Provo will examine the correlation between Rangers and the peace process, after giving Dermot another gimme.
  21. Shades of Raith Rovers at Ibrox two years past, in the same round of the cup? Durrant at East End Park after PLG's departure. McDowell's League Cup semi-final against ra Yahoos. It's not just that we lost all those cup games after a managerial departure, the performances were worse than rotten. Murty had better display exceptional motivational skills. I suspect it will mainly be a Kenny Miller/Lee Wallace leadership test today?
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