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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. We will start the season away from home, Tynecastle is out because of ongoing construction of their new Main Stand(I believe it will be the last weekend in September before the Hertz can accommodate a home fixture). Hibs are due an opening home game because they are Championship winners; thus, I predict we will begin at Easter Road. Pittodrie and ra Stydome are out because we played first on their sods in the first quarter of last season. I wonder what instructions Peter has issued to Stuart?
  2. I am becoming a tad anxious over the proposed transfers of both Dorrans and Walker. It seems we have been actively pursuing both for over a month. All noises are positive, even this morning I have heard very positive anecdotal musings from an excellent source reference both players. I feel we need Graham Dorrans and Jamie Walker; potentially the difference between a one all draw and a 1-2 victory, up at Dens on a wet and windy Tuesday night in February. Along with Alves, they add much needed solidity to our spine. The anxiety stems from our protracted and ultimately unsuccessful chase of Scott Allan. His ability to both see, and make a pass would have improved Warburton's team considerably. Then, Allan was making passes that hurt the opposition. Our forward players would have been massive beneficiaries. I believe we would have won the Scottish Cup last year, if Allan had started in our midfield. If the monies were not there, then thems the breaks. The nature of the chase, the several offers, and Allan's ultimate destination left a scar. I hope I am wrong, but I fear the signs on both Dorrans and Walker are looking very similar.
  3. I agree, there is most certainly a story to be told. Regularly, he battered Tom English on matters Rangers. Then, Cosgrove began the mantra that Rangers supporters only listened to Richard Wilson. I suspect Wilson is a victim of BBC Scotland's on going policy of careful hate for all things Rangers?
  4. Bravo Joe! I would happily make a contribution to the Fundraising site that sees you whisked off to your favourite big African river, 'de nial' and allow you to swim with the crocodiles.
  5. When McInnes left St Johnstone to take control of Bristol City, he returned to Scotland for 7-8 players. After initially saving City from relegation, his second season saw him unable to save Bristol from the mire. The fans blamed his signings, not up to the mark being the perceived wisdom. Will Derek return to Aberdeen for any signings, possibly McLean or Hayes?
  6. Reference MOH. I suspect we might find a more effective player if we changed his starting position in each phase of play? Like Templeton back in the day, MOH receives the ball too high up the pitch, there is very little space to exploit and not enough space to fully utilise his obvious pace. The wing back option may have some merit; however, I think the majority of balls from defence and cross field diagonals should look to find MOH ten yards either side of the halfway line. He is on life support because his performances when given opportunity last season, were poor.
  7. I remember Tam arriving at the club. His transfer from Motherwell was confusing to say the least. He had been Well's defensive midfielder; indeed, he had been the recipient of several Scottish League caps as a midfielder. I seem to remember a post season Scottish League tour of Russia, Forsyth playing in all three games. Jock Wallace proved correct, big Tam morphed into an outstanding centre half, Dave Smith as sweeper was his equal. The whole raw meat/shire horse pysh emanated from envious Yahoos, Tommy Doc' being a fine example.
  8. Regan and Lawwell were former work mates at Coors. Further, there is history of a long friendship between Peter and Regan's brother, who is a senior lecturer in Irish studies at Durham University.
  9. Thank you for an insight frothing with penetrative thought. As the seven weeks unfolded, it was increasingly obvious that the Donald was playing a blinder. He shone a number of bright lights into various dark corners. Correctly, I think he identified the hapless Whyte as the pantomime villain. Further, the Donald has left no doubt as to the very real Sir Jasper. There should be a life size portrait of Murray at the top of the marble staircase. The strap line of, "I was duped" should be stamped across. It should be there to remind all climbing said stairs, that he deliberately kicked our dreams and aspirations down those stairs to save his own neck. Reference the trial and the Crown's participation. The Lord Advocate must issue a statement explaining the cost to the public purse, the lack of preparedness, and the embarrassment of a seven week trial culminating in a one fag jury(ie less than two hours deliberation).
  10. You have to admire Stu', the master of concurrent activity. How does he manage to wash Peter's motor whilst blowing his cheese?
  11. Haw George, please allow me to provide my conclusion to an 'objective appreciation' of your club. Pittodrie is a TOILET. Improve the venue and more folks might attend.
  12. Oh my, the Establishment Club's supporters exhibit a sense of entitlement.
  13. Perchance 67-68 season? We lost the last game of the season versus Aberdeen at Ibrox, 2-3.
  14. Reference John McMillan's verbal interpretation of Edvard Munch's most famous exercise in daubing paint. I spoke to a few of his fellow Dandies last Saturday morning. I asked if they were concerned at their club missing the deadline for submission for planning consent reference the latest location for their proposed new stadium? I believe it be the third proposed location in the last decade? Their replies mirrored an acceptance that their club was somewhere between £10-£15 million short, in securing any successful conclusion. I asked why the rest of Scottish football should be paying premium prices to sit/stand in a ground for the worst sight lines in the country, inadequate toilet facilities, narrow aisles, and 35 year old rusting seats bolted to 60 year old crumbling concrete? I wondered why the relevant authorities award Pittodrie the necessary licenses every year? The reply of, "it does a job" is akin to the ground, inadequate! BBC Scotland has several Dandy Dons supporters banging out Stand Free propaganda on a daily basis. Their demands that everyone celebrates Aberdeen's position as second best team in the country is embarrassing. Why doesn't one of them secure Milne for interview to find out when the Pittodrie toilet will be condemned? Further, why do we NOT hear the voices of both Falkirk and Raith Rovers fans on the subject? Falkirk were denied legitimate promotion because their ground was deemed inadequate. The club that escaped legitimate relegation was Aberdeen. Sporting integrity anyone? Raith had to build two stands they could ill afford for one season in the Premiership, 25 years of penury has ensued. John McMillan should be asked this question; instead, he has been allowed to aim another kick at Rangers, and no doubt being cheered to the echo.
  15. I hope the SPFL have factored in ra Sellik's post-season tour of Japan? We are moving into the tenth year of Peter's pledge; surely, he intends to fulfill this close season? I am beginning to suspect Peter tells porkies! How's that pledge to find the culprit that hit Fernando Ricksen with a lighter going?
  16. As an 8 year old schoolboy, my old man took me to the Scottish Cup final replay in 1966. I have wonderful memories of front row seats in the old main stand. The striking illumination emanating from flood lighting, the bovril served in black and white banded waxed cups, and the very size of the assembling Rangers support. I remember the teams being announced and Dad picking me up and swinging around when Jimmy Millar was named. My old man worshiped at the altar of Millar, and told those surrounding that, "Jimmy will see us lift the cup". We did, with a wonderful King Kai strike. Other Gersnetters will have evocative memories of their formative times engaging with Rangers, they are all legitimate. Jimmy Millar is mine connecting my deceased father. Millar's condition is progressive and he will diminish. He is immortal to me, and mine.
  17. We are all products of our conditioning. I grew up watching, 'It's a Knockout'. We should all be allowed to play our joker in a nominated game. Eddie Waring Loyal RSC.
  18. Second is a most impatient General Officer Commanding, Robert E Lee. The GOC that defeated him at Gettysburg, George Meade was patient enough to await Massa Robert's impatience. James Longstreet Loyal RSC.
  19. I woulds like to echo the thanks to Rousseau for both the organisation and weekly analysis. Congratulations to most worthy winner, Yorkshire Bear. If the club ever decide to indulge in 'Moneyball' analysis and approach, then the two mentioned posters are your men. After a decade of posting on the forum, this was my first year of participating in Bluebear's wonderful creation. It became quite addictive.
  20. Aw fcuk, BBC Scotland will now subject us to lots more of Dundee's Man in the Know, Jum Spence!
  21. It should be pointed out that Darren Cooney is currently the Sports Editor at the Daily Record. Further, there appears to be confusion because of the Cooney surname, many assume he is former Sellik PRO and Radio Snyde CEO, Paul Cooney's son. He is not, no relation. He is the son of former Aberdeen football journo, Bryan Cooney. Darren Cooney purports to be a Dandy Don. Certainly, he has displayed venomous hatred for our club and support. The current Editor of the Daily Record, Murray Foote must address this situation.
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