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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Really, punditry should be up there with bawbaggery and bampottery? Both readership and listenership love the usual suspects in print and broadcast media, proclaiming results and finished league positions. It's easy, if their predictions offend and prove wrong, then ridicule ensues. The antithesis can be safely ignored. Pundits will claim a semblance of objective appreciation, they will weight up both advantages and disadvantages of a number of courses. A conclusion will be arrived at, assuming the usual caveats of watching pre-season matches, end of the transfer window, knowing the preferred first eleven, ..... etc. Of course, you can first, arrive at a conclusion; then set about making your appreciation complies with your preferred prejudice. I suspect Objective Host and Big Am-Dram Quine at Beeb Scotland adhered to subjectivity yesterday when unsolicited, "Aberdeen will finish second, comfortably". I know, I know, Gersnetters will protest; pointing to Richard Gordon's well kent powers of foresight and penetrative thought. He has admitted to being raised to hate Rangers, but in mitigation, he did Don the RFC blazer and tie to present a couple of end of season videos, quarter of a century past. So, Doric Dickie's appreciation was contained in the line, "despite all the money they have spent, and from what I've seen so far" doesn't gain him any extra marks for showing his workings. In the last week, I've heard from Jum Spence, Spiers, Cosgrove, and Liam McLeod, that Rangers have spent between £9-£10million this transfer window. Admittedly, I have not done the arithmetic myself; but I would be genuinely surprised if such monies had been spent. It appears a stick is already being fashioned. Again, we do not know Aberdeen's debt, or spending. No figure is broadcast. I read 3-4 years past that Aberdeen's debt had been restructured. On further analysis, it appears, 'restructured' is a euphemism for written off. Well, at Beeb Scotland, it's the principle that doesn't count. The Yahoos love those Dandy Dons at ra Stydome chorusing, 'we hate Rangers more than you'. I am told ra Sellik View has run personal ads where Yahoos express desires to acquire a couple of Dandies as household pets, they're so lovable. Like all adorable pets, Doric Dickie is intent on ensuring his club retain most favourable status. Ryan Christie is on loan for another year(at what cost) and GMS has signed a two year deal for an undisclosed fee. Like Hibs before them, Aberdeen and their supporters must know their place and behave in the expected manner, to continue to be recipients of green'n'grey bounty. This is not a dig at Richard Gordon's punditry. It's a pointing out of ra Sellik's increasing strategy of dealing with all things domestic, by proxy. Any number of journos, politicians at all levels, administrators, ..... etc appear well versed and rehearsed. A raft of supportive viewpoints often prepare the ground, before, even if, ra Sellik decide to occupy said ground. The actual competition on the field, or what's left of it; sees a willing Aberdeen and supporters anxious to be seen to be ra Sellik's current proxy.
  2. A truly appalling piece of writing by Mick Gannon. He aims minor criticism at the Green Brigade, a token tilt at their over enthusiasm, daft bhoyness no doubt. Then, assuages their sensitivities. The Green Brigade are directly responsible for the vast majority of those dozen UEFA fines in six years. Further, it was the same element of the support that hanged effigies with their hands tied behind their back from the roof of the North Stand. Seriously, you have got to hand it to ra Sellik. Everything, the merest whim is broadcast by proxy. Journalists are queuing up to be seen to be that day's nominated proxy.
  3. PSNI issued a statement today, noting it was ra Sellik alone that decided not to take tickets for Windsor Park. Earlier in the month, ra Sellik stated the decision was taken jointly with the PSNI. The implication being ra Sellik could not trust their support in eliciting another UEFA fine. The PSNI were comfortable in their ability to police the game with segregated supports.
  4. The recently appointed Director of BBC Scotland, Donalda MacKinnon has revamped the management structure at Pacific Quay. She has appointed Ewan Angus as Commissioning Editor and Pauline Law as Chief of Production. The current Head of BBC Radio Scotland, Jeff Zycinski has quit in lieu of these appointments. The Easterhouse born and bred head-honcho has left after quarter of a century service, because dearest Donalda wants to turn the station into a 24hr platform for politics, current affairs, news, and sport. Thus, no music. Often, I have wondered aloud on these pages, why does Dr Cosgrove continue to hang around PQ like a bad smell, he is in his 66th year? Big Stu' also participates in Beeb Scotland's weekly media review, with Eamonn O'Neill. When Donalda MacKinnon was appointed several weeks past, the Host of the Media Review, John Beattie asked the two man pane,l if anyone knew her? Dr Stu' piped up with, "I've met her on several occasions, I like her, I like her a lot". Bells began to ring, they are ringing louder today. Over the years, I have spoken to a few folks that have worked with Dr Stu', former colleagues if you like. None have doubted his effectiveness, but his trait of toadyism to management was oft' mentioned. Twenty two years as one half of being the station's clown due, has been the platform to move across from football, to arts, current affairs, and politics. One former Beeb Producer told me his love for soul music is appropriate, every time he enters the building they should play the O Jays, the Backstabbers. It's a great opening lyric, 'they smile in your face, all the time they want to take your place, the Backstabbers'.
  5. Beeb Scotland's HQ, Pacific Quay is most appropriately located. The muddy streams of anti-Rangers sentiment seamlessly provides a current of impetus to the steady flow of Rangers hatred. Those muddy streams emanate from the deluge fonts of current affairs, politics, sports, and comedy shows. It is unfettered by any of those shows' Hosts providing a barrier of objectivity. A child in Rangers favours, standing armed with a paper cup before the deluge would be too much mitigation. Thus, we had Jum Spence running off about, 'the proceeds of crime'. Now, Jum has told us often enough that he lectured in the Law at some Tayside Technical College. He should know EBTs were NOT illegal, thus no crime, and no need for the lucid tales of yachts, holiday homes, and sports cars being impounded. Unsurprisingly, no one at PQ thought to remind Jum. Then, we had Hugh MacDonald supporting title stripping because the side letters were not registered. I thought Rangers had paid a £250,000 fine on that very charge. Maybe Hugh should consult Jum on double punishment? Chris McLaughlin opened the lock gates on title stripping even further. He appeared for twenty minutes to provide a synopsis of the big tax case, then announced he had contacted all the prominent Scottish clubs to poll their take on title stripping. One club wanted titles to be removed, two didn't, five provided no reaction, and three failed to respond. Chris, then laid out the timetable of SFA and SPFL meetings in the next month, and was of the opinion that once supporters of these clubs contacted their respect club boards, then pressure would tell. The precedent of five years past was being flagged with gusto. Of course, no one mentioned Dermot Desmond owning 33.3% of a Latvian bank utilised for money laundering. French courts want the bank President jailed for 5 years, and a fine of £70million imposed. Well, it could be said that Dermot only owns a third of the bank's equity. However, Dermot only owns 29.9% of ra Sellik, and the hail hailers chorus he is the main man, taking all the big decisions. Now, and I am just inquiring; would Dermot's ability to lure Brendan to Sellik Park be enhanced by being a significant partner in a Latvian bank? Would Chris consider a poll of clubs in this regard? In terms of manufacturing news as opposed to reporting news, it is very much the same principle Chris. Finally, it's dear old Cossie(his nickname is being used far more often these days in the PQ gang hut). Gernetters may be aware of the story of a dying Twente Enschede fan? A decade past, Rangers and Stranraer fan, James McKie was friendly with a terminally ill Dutch fan, Dennis Van Unen. His bucket list included a wish to see an old firm game. In conjunction with a fellow Stranraer and Celtic supporter, James Hilton; Dennis attended said match, and received tours of Ibrox, Hampden, and Celtic Park. His wish to view Twente playing Stranraer was realised, and both messers McKie and Hilton thought the game taking place on the tenth anniversary of Dennis's passing was appropriate and a chance to raise awareness of skin cancer. Twente agreed, brought over a full team, and several hundred fans to Stair Park on Saturday. It resulted in a 0-5 drubbing for the home team, but everyone had a good day, bathed in warm memories of deceased Dutch supporter. On Saturday evenings, On/Off the Ball always has nominations for team of the day. Hugh MacDonald mentioned a few including his beloved Selliks 9-zip victory over Shamrock Rovers in Dublin. Cosgrove nominated Accies youths winning the Oban Saints tourney for the second successive year. Chic Young nominated Twente Enschede for the above reasons, and Hugh MacDonald changed his to Twente too. Cosgrove then uttered, "call me an utter cynic, what you are saying is a dying Dutchman wants to watch bigotry". I think Twente Enschede should be informed of Cosgrove's crass, insensitive, and spiteful comments. Those comments are down there with his action in hosting fellow Channel 4 employee, Alex Thomson reference his tweet depicting John Greig's statue walking away. Sixty-six folks, including schoolchildren had their very breath crushed from their bodies, and Cosgrove was allowed to utilise 30 minutes of license fee payers broadcast time, protecting a commercial asset. Jokes and laughs supporting Thomson's supposed ignorance of the Ibrox Disaster. In his next two commentaries on Rangers, Thomson referred to Bears as, "Daleks". Just like after last year's Scottish Cup final when Cosgrove thought reports of Rangers players being assaulted on the pitch, were massive over-hypes. He should offer a public apology to all those involved in the Stranraer/Twente game.
  6. Barry has a hard month in front of him. He has become a regular on BBC Radio Scotland, like his brother, Derek. Barry is named as a significant recipient of an EBT. Cosgrove et al will not be slow to remind him, constantly. If he is looking for a precedent, then look to Billy Dodds. He had a bit of foresight, used his Scotland on Sunday column to declare, "I no longer consider myself to be a Rangers supporter". A public declaration of self cleansing did him NO favours. He was regularly harangued reference his EBT. He left BBC Scotland in haste to be Jim McIntyre's deputy at Ross County. He no longer talks to the media. Barry, you had better avail yourself of some deep penetrative thought. There's a cleansing going on.
  7. Stuart Cosgrove remains a senior executive at Channel 4, and has often utilised BBC Scotland air time to defend/mitigate Alex Thomson. Cosgrove was a long time contributor and promoter of the RTC Blog. Cosgrove temporarily moved from the petty and ill informed Off/On the Ball to appear weekly on Traynor's show, to promote Ill Phil's agenda. ............................, etc.
  8. I believe Graham Dorrans has signed a three year contract. Should he be considered for Captaincy?
  9. As stated on another thread, Catherine is quite contrary. She purports to be in a state of high dungeon, she wants to be seen to be leading righteous reaction to news being generated from Ibrox. She has a guid conceit of herself, probably tertiary educated. She forgets we are all products of our conditioning. She believes, 'we are the people' is sectarian; not because of an objective analysis arriving at the correct conclusion, no it's because she has been raised and educated to believe so. Catherine cannot deny the attraction of a vast expanse of glass, she is desperat to apply her tongue to receive necessary comfort. She broadcasts to the world on her Twitter account that she is, 'a Philotherian', a lover of animals. She is a member of a grouping that chorus an anthem entitled, 'Hail Hail', sounds a strongly fascist. It includes the line, 'we don't care what the animals say', hhmmm see where we going here Catherine? I reprise the following tale every year or so on these Boards, we need reminding. It costs in excess of £13,000 per year to educate a child at St Aloysius College. Five years past, four fifth year pupils attained Higher Art by submitting a hand painted banner entitled, 'the H-u-ns are going Bust'. It was their officially submitted project and the four pupils involved publicaly thanked their Art teacher for his assistance. They draped said banner from the school's third floor roof, in Garnethill, Glasgow. The Herald carried both photo and story. There was NO explanation as to why all four pupils were replete in balaclavas, No explanation as to why a principal teacher allowed this to proceed, and NO explanation as to why the then Headteacher, or the then Head of the PTA(Donalda MacKinnon, current Director General of BBC Scotland), decided on, 'No comment'. Catherine, stop licking the windaes and start educating yourself.
  10. Not attempting to piss on anybodies' parade, but I endured Vladikavkaz against Alania. I believe 36(including Gary Lynch) made the journey? We left Glasgow for Heathrow, then onto Stockholm, caught the Moscow connection, before boarding an Aeroflot white knuckle ride(live chickens and a pig) to Vladikavkaz. We were told by the Foreign Office to consume nothing solid. As dehydration is the enemy, the 20 pence per litre bottles of beer were most welcome, one must maintain one's fluid levels. Actually, the club were most generous in liberal distribution of imported chicken thighs. There were two memorable incidents during said trip. We won 2-7, with McCoist notching a hat-trick. The locals demanded a hat-trick must be celebrated by necking a litre bottle of beer. I suspect they like the beer more than they did McCoist, or indeed Alania? Secondly, an uber refreshed Ian Archer slept on the bench seating during the match, and still provided a match report. He awoke with a fountain of pysh erupting forth from his chinos, staggered around to the whooping delight of the locals, and careered off to magic an impressionist's report.
  11. Oh Catherine! Remember, you sing, "we don't care what the animals say". Thus, why does it annoy you so? Of course, not forgetting your personal proclamation on Twitter, 'a Philotherian'. You are an animal lover who doesn't care what the animals say!
  12. Here's my inquiry? Can I have a seat at Ibrox where I have uninterupted views of the sash patterned pitch, a guarantee that no one will be eating eggs benedict, pepperami is not for sale, and no players will soil the sash patterned pitch replete in green boots?
  13. If no one other wants to do the Premiership opener at Fir Park, can I volunteer?
  14. Both Naismith and Whittaker were secondary and tertiary symptoms of the primary cancer that was David Murray.There are tens of thousands of us suffering because of that bastard.
  15. I began a thread on both these possible signings last week. Pushing both over the line is an absolute, it could be the difference on midweek winter evenings in Dingwall, Dundee, .... etc. I fear a similar conclusion to the Scott Allan drama.
  16. I am all for SuperBroxi, provide him with a cape and a big chib. Then, start him up front. We need something, desperately.
  17. I was in Villarreal and FARE targeted our club and supporters. Admittedly, some of our support are desperate to provide FARE with all the evidence required. In Villarreal the problems were organisational, improper stewarding and almost no policing outside the ground, where a myriad of tight streets converged. Inside, all parts of the ground were peppered with groups of Bears. Generally, it was akin to attending Rugby Park. The Yellow Submarine(Villarreal's supporters grouping) had a big friendship thing going with the Yahoos at the time, they had pumped MON's side a couple of seasons previously. A number of reciprocal articles had been published in each club's respective publications, reciprocal visits were organised. We found out FARE were sending an observer because the usual Yahoo suspects had painted them a picture of armaggedon. Rangers supporters were informed NOT to attempt to find the identity of the wholly neutral observer, we were to accept, "he is a sound guy". The Observer's report was damning, he appeared to witness several incidents at the same time inside and outside the ground. The club was fined, we won on appeal, then lost as UEFA appealed. Spiers was crushed on BBC Scotland when the first appeal announcement was made. He knew the neutral observer, "he was a sound guy". It took a decade, but we eventually found out the neutral observer was BBC Alba commentator, Alex O'Henley. At the time, Barra born and bred O'Henley was the Football Writer for the West Highland Free Press. Yep, that WHFP owned by Brian Wilson MP. Yep, that Brian Wilson MP who was/is a Director of ra Sellik. I urge my fellow Bears to support the club and maintain their discipline; however, we and the club must convince UEFA that FARE is not neutral. Ra Sellik have received a dozen straight fines from UEFA, what have FARE said?
  18. "Hearts are a model club". A Pacific Quay mantra these last three years.
  19. The journo involved is Kenny Millar, a BIG TIME Hibby. He is a regular on Cosgrove/Cowan, never misses an opportunity to have a kick at all things Rangers. Alex Rae must be more selective in future dealings with the print media.
  20. Oh Joe, say it ain't so! We have heard those alligations of Joe being labelled, 'Sticky Fingers Miller'; sadly, we have to add, 'False Memory Syndrome' , or maybe Joe just headed the ball too much?
  21. I will not be attending, I am in French froggy France. My heart will be in attendance. Anyways, BBC Scotland have already done the job for Rangers. On Saturday, before leaving, I listened to Angela Haggerty, Cosgrove,Annie McGuire, Jum Spence, and Spiers. All threw in their tuppence worth about Rangers, Rangers supporters, Pedro, and Dave King. Cosgrove and McGuire discussed the Reformation; Annie didn't think it was a good thing, and Stuart revealed John Knox was euphemism for the pox. Indeed, Saturday was several hours of a sniggerfest. Well, Cosgrove warned us a few months past on John Beattie's Media Review. He shares the weekly duty on a Thursday lunchtime for an hour with Eamonn O'Neill. Beattie asked if anyone had ever met the newly appointed Director General of BBC Scotland? Cosgrove answered, "I have met her on several occasions. I have got to say I like her, like her a lot". Donalda MacKinnon 's first actions were to bring Jum Spence back as a full time employee and okay Angela Haggerty's ivolvement as a panellist across the board ie politics, sport, current affairs, ....etc. If you hate Rangers, you have demonstrated it, and played the vicTIM card in the immediate wake; then, BBC Scotland is the place to be.
  22. Aberdeen just want Kenny McLean to feel comfortable whilst playing his last few months with the club.
  23. Maybe, it's the conditioning of my professional life ie no plan survives the first round fired. I would be delighted to secure three points from the first game at Fir Park, then take it from there.
  24. Oh dear, the Record apes the Sun, 'It was us what won it'. Still, at least the Record are reporting the happenings of the last few days; whereas BBC Radio Scotland have ignored events.
  25. We should run a sweep. The Daily Record has a commercial agreement with ra Sellik, they print and distribute both ra Sellik's match day programme and ra Sellik View. When will we see the tipping point ie sales of ra Sellik's publications are greater than the Daily Record's circulation?
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