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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Cheers mate. I didn't add a probable/possible line up, because I have only seen the pre-season friendly against Marseille.
  2. Democratically elected? Amazingly, considering he is a continual and constant open goal; his missives never reach the media.
  3. On May 6th 1978, the bright sun glinted off silver as our Captain stepped up to receive the Scottish Cup. Rangers had just achieved a 2-1 victory over Aberdeen. The second Treble in three seasons had been secured and skipper, John Greig was the first player since Davie Meiklejohn fifty years before, to be offered a testimonial. Also at Hampden several weeks previously, Ham and Egg picked up the League Cup, after 2-1 extra-time defeat of ra Sellik. The filling in the cup sandwich was the League Flag, secured after a 0-1 win at Tannadice, and celebrated at Ibrox against Motherwell(2-0) the week before the national cup final. Derek Johnstone was Scotland's Player of the Year, he and partner, Gordon Smith had notched 65 goals between them in all games. The national team had qualified for it's second successive World Cup finals in Argentina, and were installed as fourth favourites for the trophy. Follow following Rangers demanded a pair of Ray Bans. The manager, Jock Wallace prioritised the signing of Dundee United central defender, David Narey. The General Manager, Wullie Waddell was determined to remodel Ibrox, a lasting legacy for those that perished on the 2nd January'71. As the bulldozers began leveling the Copland Road terrace, the manager's European ambitions diminished. An uneasy personal relationship quickly shattered and Jock Wallace sensationally resigned on the 23rd May, John Greig departed the dressing room and journeyed the marble staircase to be appointed Manager the next day. The Rangers support was recovering from the untimely and tragic death of winger, Bobby McKean. The shocks continued, Derek Parlane left for a fee of £150,000 to Leeds United and Jock Wallace was appointed boss at Leicester City. Bill Withers sang, 'Ain't no Sunshine' and Rangers supporters hummed the refrain, as life was increasingly lived in the shade. John Greig's first season as Gaffer was one game away from another treble, and his tactical astute football saw us defeat both Juve' and PSV in the European Cup. The new Ibrox was constructed around us, one stand in each of the following three seasons. Our league position descended and two seasons further on.we languished in fifth. Meanwhile, Jock Wallace had raided Motherwell for two players. Both Ian Clinging and Gregor Stevens moved to Filbert Street for six figure fees. He promoted promising young striker, Gary Lineker and came within an inch of enticing Johan Cruyff to the Blues. Leicester won the second division and reached the FA Cup semi-finals. The managers' carousel was then, as it is now, perpetual. By the start of season 82/83, it was accepted that John Greig was faltering badly. We had finished third the previous season, 12 points behind Champions, Celtic. The sun was setting but Greig received one more time around with a new central defence. John McClelland had a new partner in Craig Paterson, paying Hibs a then club record fee of £200,000. Robert Prytz from Malmo, Sandy Clark from West Ham, and Dave McKinnon from the Jags came aboard too. Despite finishing eighth in England's top tier, the former jungle fighter cited home sickness as his reason for leaving Leicester and taking over from Davie Hay at 'Well. Looking back with hindsight, I suspect the first symptoms of Parkinsons had appeared? On the 4th September'82, Rangers opening Championship fixture was at Fir Park. Motherwell had been promoted as Division One champions and exuded expected confidence of a young, fluid team sporting a newly appointed experienced manager, Jock Wallace. The press loved the pairing; Wallace's successor, Greig, was facing his possible successor. The fans loved it too, 20,000 squeezed into the ground, all supporters buoyed by new season enthusiasm. The game lived up to expectation. Rangers team that day was, Jim Stewart, Dave McKinnon, John McClelland, Craig Peterson, Ally Dawson, Robert Prytz, Davie Cooper, Ian Redford, Jim Bett, Colin McAdam, and John MacDonald. The massive travelling Rangers support were still entering the ground as Rangers started well, forcing a number of corners. 'well keeper, the eccentric Hugh Sproat was performing to standard, wearing a green top and keeping the thrown kitchen sink from entering the net. Sproat at both Ayr United and 'Well supported a number of Bookmakers in their efforts to keep their issue at private schools; in between being cautioned for continually sitting on the crossbar. His real test was minutes away. A through ball saw MacDonald run ahead of former Ger, Alex Forsyth. A lunge from the full back felled 'Polaris' and Robert Prytz beat Sproat from the penalty spot. Rangers squandered a number of opportunities before going in 0-1 at half time. The second half began as the first, lots of Rangers pressure and on the hour mark, the Bears doubled their lead. Davie Cooper cut inside the right back, dummied the rushing midfielder, before squaring the ball to Ian Redford. His shot was parried into the net by Sproat. More chances were created and spurned as the game moved into the last fifteen. A punt down the middle caught Paterson underneath the ball, Well's Bruce Cleland ran off our McClelland and prodded the ball into the net. This was not the McClelland we had witnessed playing for Northern Ireland in the world cup in Spain two months previously. The question was raised, 'can John only play in the sun'? Further proof arrived ten minutes later when a flighted free kick by John Gahagan was met by Joe Mercer climbing above both our central defenders. He bullet headed the equaliser to secure a 2-2 draw. We first footed Fir Park in the New Year, succumbing to a 3-0 defeat, courtesy of a Brian McClair hat-trick. We finished the season in fourth, 17 points behind Champions, Dundee United. We lost 2-1 in both cup finals, to both Celtic(League Cup) and Aberdeen(Scottish). By early autumn'83, Greig had been dismissed. Both Alex Ferguson and Jim McLean were interviewed, both accepted, returned to their clubs, and both withdrew their acceptances. Rangers were in a mess and the stage was set for Wallace's return. Confidence and fitness improved, an unbeaten run of 16 League games encompassed a League Cup final victory over Celtic by 3-2. The symmetry was complete and many are opinionated that the tipping point was that last 15 minutes of the Fir Park opener? On Sunday, we have another opener against the claret and amber and Pedro is under pressure. Ian Cathro's demise means Caixnha bears the weight of both Bears' expectation of success, and a salivating media's hope of failure. Last week, on a Beeb Scotland discussion reference the importance of PE Teachers to Scottish football; Cosgrove said to Richard Gordon, "That's another reason for not having all these imported duds. We don't know who there PE Teachers were, ah mean, who was Caixnha's PE Teacher"? The common currency among the usual suspects is to treat our manager as a figure for ridicule. I hope this quote stimulates Pedro to inspire the team on Sunday. His road to credibility will be longer than most. It's no easy first step, 'Well are four successful competitive games into their season. They have a proven scorer in Louis Moult, 18 and 19 goals for a poorly performing Motherwell side these last two seasons. Richard Gordon revealed Aberdeen have bid £450,000, and may go higher. I suspect our new central defence will tether Moult; however, on the evidence of one pre-season friendly against Marseille, I don't see us scoring many from open play. I predict a repeat of another Rangers manager's first league opener against the claret and amber. Paul le Guen's side ran out 1-2 winners, goals by Sionko and Prso. Oh, for Dado up front on Sunday.
  4. "schadenfreude" - i take it that schadenfreude is lower Saxony patois for work it up your arse?
  5. No, those Dandy Dons in Cyprus tonight, are not signing, 'are you watching Ryan Jack'? They are crying into their retsina, gubbed 2-0 by Apollon Limmasol. Now, I know at this point, we should lament the Scots coefficient in Europe, share an empathy with Dolly, and express sympathy to all those at Pacific Quay Aberdeen SC. Well, work that up your arse. Are you retching Dandy Dick?
  6. There was a poll at the turn of the year of all 129 MSPs. Ruth Davidson supports the Pars, Mundell is an MP, and I do not know who Tomkins opted for. The headline was only one Rangers supporter and 12 MSPs claim to support Partick Thistle.
  7. Chris McLaughlin has had his press privileges withdrawn. He can still attend by paying at the gate/securing a ticket. I am on record as not believing in banning journos, I would prefer they are taken on directly by the club. McLaughlin's withdrawal of press privleges occurred after Rangers opener against Hibs in the Petrofac Cup two seasons past. He attended Easter Road and began his immediate post match report with, "Four Rangers supporters have been arrested and are alleged to have indulged in sectarian chanting ....." We were over a minute into the Match Report before we found out Rangers had defeated Hibs 2-6. Rangers supporters engaged McLaughlin on social media, specifically Twitter and Facebook. He stated he had checked with the Match Commander, as was his regular practice, and it was germane to include these facts in his match report. Several weeks later, Chris's own team, ra Sellik were at Pittodrie, and usual IRA karaoke occurred. Again, Chris was engaged because he failed to mention any arrests in his match report. Remember, Chris's usual practice is to check with the Match Commander? McGlaughlin replied he had checked and there was nothing to report, no arrests. Imagine everyones' surprise when Monday's Press and Journal reported six arrests for alleged sectarian chanting? Who was lying, McLaughlin or the Match Commander? We were not told; however, McLaughlin withdrew from both Twitter and Facebook. Precedent is a big factor in these matters. When Dundee banned Spence fore two years, he was banned, not allowed in the Dens or training ground. BBC Scotland continued to report live from Dens, Scot Davie and Brian McLaughlin mostly covered the games. When the Yahoos withdrew Hugh Keevins press privleges for two seasons, there was no NUJ solidarity from Chris McLaughlin, or from Beeb Scotland.
  8. There is a car crash of a thread on another Bears website on this subject. It's generational, all hitting Google to find out about the Warsaw uprising. The Red Army sat outside, deliberately offering no support because Stalin was a pragmatist. He allowed the Germans to destroy the uprising, to avoid his troops having to do it further down the line. Further, the neo-Nazis in the Legia support, appear to have forgotten an earlier Warsaw uprising by the Jewish Ghetto. It went unsupported by the Poles, they allowed it to be crushed.
  9. It's the arrogance of the Pacific Quay gang hut. Rangers supporters are license fee payers, do they provide a service? Over 30 regular contributors to their Sportsound programmes, and one, Derek Ferguson can be considered a Bear. Last night, it was Pat Bonner, Scott McDonald, and Tom English for ra Sellik's CL qualifier. Tonight, it is Richard Gordon, Liam McLeod, Paul Hartley, and Wullie Miller for Aberdeen in Cyprus. Their new strap line is, "where there is Scottish football, there's Sportsound". Unless, it's a Rangers match at Ibrox. Deliberately, they refuse to provide a service to license fee paying Bears in all airts and pairts of the country, deprived,disabled and elderly Bears unable to travel, Bears abroad on the world service, ...... etc. We have one MSP, Murdo Fraser out of 129 prepared to admit to supporting Rangers. We have no political leverage. The club must nurture a raft of cross party politicians at all levels. They can legitimately raise concerns of Rangers supporting constituents who receive no service from BBC Scotland, when Rangers are playing at Ibrox. Finally, what has happened to Beeb Scotland's token, Richard Wilson? You know the guy, regularly embarrassed Tom English and Chris McLaughlin on Rangers related discussions? Cosgrove, Spence, and Spiers recognised the 'threat' posed by Wilson; they never missed an oportunity to ridicule him, for being the only Beeb journo that Rangers supporters listened to.
  10. Remember Peter Lawwell appearing at a press conference promising no stone would be left unturned in the search for the Yahoo that pelted Ricksen with a lighter? Five thousand days and counting. Three arrested for hanging efigies, two have had the charges dropped. The remaining Yahoo has had his season ticket returned last month. All the on-message Journos demanding part of Windsor Park closed, stay silent as ra Sellik received their 13th fine from UEFA in under seven years. Again, the green'n'grey hoopsters have utilised the talents of the Irish delegate on the disciplinary committee, John Delaney, and played UEFA like a fiddle. Nothing will happen, until politicians demand the sensitivities of other supporters are assuaged.
  11. Alan Preston was Cathro's executioner on Saturday's Sportsound. Pre-match, he was scathing, got more than a tad emotional during Hertz/Pars, and let rip post match. He articulated the monthly arithmetic of the Foundation of Hearts, including his own contribution. Gary McKay did similar on Sunday afternoon. Interestingly, Paul Hartley has been appearing on BBC Radio Scotland, specifically for Aberdeen's Euro' adventures. Dandy Dick Gordon has hosted, Liam McLeod commentates, both Wullie Miller and Hartley doing the colour. I wonder if Preston has an interest in Hartley's immediate future employment prospects? Beeb Scotland is a BIG megaphone lever.
  12. A similar score line next Sunday would be most pleasing. We seem to be making a triangle of passes on most areas of the pitch, then it's a quick release up the pitch. Usually, looking to switch play on the diagonal. I would like to see us compete for the ball further up the park. Fir Park will be a fight, and I feel teams are still able to bully us a bit, particularly in wide areas. Too many uncontested crosses into our box?
  13. I know there is a reaction from most sides after conceding; however, in the 3-4 minutes until the ref' blew up for half time, Wednesday managed five unchallenged crosses into our box. I've only caught the last 15, are we deliberately defending so deep? Happy with the half time score, nicely taken goal.
  14. "The Le Guen years ..." Name the corduroy replete Journo who penned Paul's biography of five months Rangers' tenure?
  15. "where there is Scottish football, there's Sportsound". It's the new Beeb Scotland strapline for football coverage. They launched it yesterday, a pro-mo for their presence at ra Stydome this coming Wednesday. A n upbeat blast of trumpets, followed by a jaunty samba beat; then the voice over promises Pat Bonner, Tom English, and Scott McDonald. The next night sees full coverage of Aberdeen's challenge against Cypriot opposition. It begins and ends with, "where there is Scottish football, there's Sportsound". I am sure Gersnetters can spot the flaw in such an arrogant strap line? A week past on Saturday, Chic Young was dispatched to Sellik Park for a pre-season friendly against Lyon. Hugh MacDonald and Chris McLaughlin attended too. We received a build up piece, a half time report, and two goal updates in the second half. I didn't hear a full time report, or the further two goals updates either; maybe the full time score of Sellik 0 - Lyon 4 was off message? Hugh MacDonald joined Dr Stu' and Tam Cowan to wax lyrical about ra Sellik's new French signing. This Saturday, Rangers played Marseille and there was NO coverage, not even the score. So, "where there is Scottish football, there's Sportsound" has proved to be a lie. Obviously, all those Rangers supporting licence fee payers are NOT part of the Scottish football family when the club plays at Ibrox. Perhaps, Donalda MacKinnon can explain?
  16. The Record appear to be in a race with their commercial partners, ra Sellik. I make that four apologies in just over a year. Maybe, they'll catch up with ra Sellik's 12 UEFA fines in six years?
  17. You know, looking and listening across the usual suspects; there's a spluttering pregnant pause, all chorusing, "wait out". They are waiting on, 'the line'.
  18. There's a couple of articles in today's Evening Times suggesting Jamie Walker's proposed switch might be back on. Could be paper filler, or maybe another bid is being considered.
  19. Really, punditry should be up there with bawbaggery and bampottery? Both readership and listenership love the usual suspects in print and broadcast media, proclaiming results and finished league positions. It's easy, if their predictions offend and prove wrong, then ridicule ensues. The antithesis can be safely ignored. Pundits will claim a semblance of objective appreciation, they will weight up both advantages and disadvantages of a number of courses. A conclusion will be arrived at, assuming the usual caveats of watching pre-season matches, end of the transfer window, knowing the preferred first eleven, ..... etc. Of course, you can first, arrive at a conclusion; then set about making your appreciation complies with your preferred prejudice. I suspect Objective Host and Big Am-Dram Quine at Beeb Scotland adhered to subjectivity yesterday when unsolicited, "Aberdeen will finish second, comfortably". I know, I know, Gersnetters will protest; pointing to Richard Gordon's well kent powers of foresight and penetrative thought. He has admitted to being raised to hate Rangers, but in mitigation, he did Don the RFC blazer and tie to present a couple of end of season videos, quarter of a century past. So, Doric Dickie's appreciation was contained in the line, "despite all the money they have spent, and from what I've seen so far" doesn't gain him any extra marks for showing his workings. In the last week, I've heard from Jum Spence, Spiers, Cosgrove, and Liam McLeod, that Rangers have spent between £9-£10million this transfer window. Admittedly, I have not done the arithmetic myself; but I would be genuinely surprised if such monies had been spent. It appears a stick is already being fashioned. Again, we do not know Aberdeen's debt, or spending. No figure is broadcast. I read 3-4 years past that Aberdeen's debt had been restructured. On further analysis, it appears, 'restructured' is a euphemism for written off. Well, at Beeb Scotland, it's the principle that doesn't count. The Yahoos love those Dandy Dons at ra Stydome chorusing, 'we hate Rangers more than you'. I am told ra Sellik View has run personal ads where Yahoos express desires to acquire a couple of Dandies as household pets, they're so lovable. Like all adorable pets, Doric Dickie is intent on ensuring his club retain most favourable status. Ryan Christie is on loan for another year(at what cost) and GMS has signed a two year deal for an undisclosed fee. Like Hibs before them, Aberdeen and their supporters must know their place and behave in the expected manner, to continue to be recipients of green'n'grey bounty. This is not a dig at Richard Gordon's punditry. It's a pointing out of ra Sellik's increasing strategy of dealing with all things domestic, by proxy. Any number of journos, politicians at all levels, administrators, ..... etc appear well versed and rehearsed. A raft of supportive viewpoints often prepare the ground, before, even if, ra Sellik decide to occupy said ground. The actual competition on the field, or what's left of it; sees a willing Aberdeen and supporters anxious to be seen to be ra Sellik's current proxy.
  20. A truly appalling piece of writing by Mick Gannon. He aims minor criticism at the Green Brigade, a token tilt at their over enthusiasm, daft bhoyness no doubt. Then, assuages their sensitivities. The Green Brigade are directly responsible for the vast majority of those dozen UEFA fines in six years. Further, it was the same element of the support that hanged effigies with their hands tied behind their back from the roof of the North Stand. Seriously, you have got to hand it to ra Sellik. Everything, the merest whim is broadcast by proxy. Journalists are queuing up to be seen to be that day's nominated proxy.
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