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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Brendan is off message, BBC Scotland's usual suspects have been telling the listenership from the start of the season that Rangers have spent £11million in the close season. Reference ra Sellik's paltry £4.5 million, why does no media outlet, print or media ever mention preferential shares? I believe there are over seven hundred preferential share holders at ra Stydome? A Dividend is guaranteed every year, in good years like last, a lot of money is returned. eg on MON's leaving, he was awarded a considerable block of preferential shares; the point to be made is that lot of folks with no connection/no longer a connection, take monies out of the club each and every year.
  2. I don't think we managed to match Thistle's energy in the second half. Further, our lack of ability to create chances against ten men is worrying. We appear intent on playing the game in front of Thistle; surely, with 25-30 minutes against ten men, we must find the spare man and get in behind? I am disappointed, we are all disappointed, but we don't seem able to grip a prevailing situation.
  3. I don't think we managed to match Thistle's energy in the second half. Further, our lack of ability to create chances against ten men is worrying. We appear intent on playing the game in front of Thistle; surely, with 25-30 minutes against ten men, we must find the spare man and get in behind? I am disappointed, we are all disappointed, but we don't seem able to grip a prevailing situation.
  4. During my professional life, BBC World Service provided a life line. No matter the time or where you were serving in the world, I could tune into the World Service and be kept abreast of news, current affairs, and all sport. I have wonderful memories, hearing of our '88 5-1 victory over ra green'n'grey whilst in the Jebel(southern Oman), hearing of the appointment of Souness in Borneo, and also dug in atop Sussex mountain in the Falkland Islands on the 23rd May, being informed that Rangers had lost the Scottish Cup final 4-1 against Aberdeen. I did not use that particular short wave radio again, clearly it didn't work properly. At the moment, I am in the south west coast of France, I listened to the culmination of the Test Match on BBC World service, whilst travelling from Galicia. Is there a better commentary on current affairs than Womens Hour? I like and feel comfort when listening to the Afternoon Play. It provides a lot of employment and remains well regarded as an objective source of news around the world. Here's the irony, BBC Radio Scotland is subjective in Sport and current affairs. I believe it is down to both Senior management at Pacific Quay allowing, even encouraging a group of Producers to sit comfortably with their preferred prejudice? It's a standard of life thing too, the same talking heads taking a good wedge(Cosgrove is obsessed with high earners at the BBC, he admits he receives £42,000 for On/Off the Ball. Then, there is his weekly media review, his numerous my life in five books, records, works of art, .... etc). The case of Richard Wilson highlights the scenario, he arrives and is off message. He upsets the usual suspects, he appears three times on Cosgrove's show, takes the ridicule and hands it back, then there's the deliberate isolation. How many of the usual suspects parroted, 'Rangers supporters don't listen to us anymore, unless it's a piece by Richard Wilson' line? We have to build a cross party political base to put pressure on both senior management and particularly the Producers at BBC Scotland, the club and supporters have to be most active in this regard. I do not know if I can sign the petition because of my earlier contribution, but that may be an age thing. Thank for stimulating more debate on the matter by posting the above.
  5. As usual, John Delaney will ride to their rescue, another paltry fine will be levied.
  6. OK, here's the precis : I, Keith Klaxon do solemnly swear to maintain my standard of life. For as long as my paper remains the subservient partner in a commercial relationship with ra Sellik, I will write what my BIG BOSS, Peter tells me to write.
  7. Ah but, Jum Spence has not spoken. Soon, Jum will be blowing the Ragman's trumpet in descant to Tom the Trumpet's trumpet.
  8. It takes us back to Saturday and Tom English on BBC Radio Scotland, "Peter Lawwell's robust language is the bugle rallying the troops". Now Tom, as a chap of some military experience, I admit it is sometimes most difficult to distinguish between the sound of a bugle and the sound of a trumpet. Here's an aide memoir, listen to yourself, the sound of a trumpet. You are Tom the trumpet of Trumpton.
  9. It looks like Peter is destined to walk between the winds. Imagine biggest, bestest Toady, Rod telling Peter to do one!
  10. Oh, here we go. The man that walked the backstreets of Baghdad barrels into the fray. We should begin a checklist of the usual interested parties : Ill Phil, Angela Haggerty, Mad Joe O'Rourke, Hugh Keevins, Hugh MacDonald, Glenn Gibbons(I know he's pan bread, but Doris Stokes can contact him for reaction), Gerry Hassan, Cardinal O'Brien, and Elaine C(furra Sellik)Smith. Tom English, Cosgrove, Michael Stewart, Richard Gordon, and Chris McLaughlin have already trapped. Peter will be telling Paul Quigley this is a three line whip, ensure all the compliant ones turn the Rangers hatred up to eleven. Who will be the first elected politician to bow to the wishes of Peter the Grate?
  11. I am abroad at the mo', thus difficult to keep abreast of everything. As often discussed on these means, BBC Scotland highlights do not play out with the country. I understand from print references that Broonaldo flicked a kick at the head of a prone Acas player on Friday night? Further, I believe BT highlighted the incident, discussed it, and concluded it was worthy of the attention of the Compliance Officer. Did BBC Scotland's Sportscene do likewise? After last season's Brown/Boyce affair at Dingwall, I have no confidence in the Compliance Officer. Given that most of the compliant media and Rogers himself in his immediate match interview, admitted Brown's side-on lunge, the flat of the boot striking the standing leg of Boyce, was a legitimate straight red. When it was realised he was out of both up coming old firm games, Brendan demanded his availability, and the Compliance Officer became the Compliant Officer. I note the newspaper that continues to have a commercial relationship with ra Sellik , has run interference with it's Bruno Alves, 'I expect to be sent off' story. Oh, and the game against Thistle; I expect Morelos to be scrutinised to the nth degree for CO action
  12. Apparently, Graham Spiers finds it most erotic!
  13. There was a poll last December of 129 MSPs, all asked their favourite band, colour, football team, film, ...... etc. Only one of 129 said Rangers, Tory MSP, Murdo Fraser. Thirteen MSPs claimed to support Partick Thistle.
  14. Anyone got links to yesterday's goals? Muchas Gracias in advance.
  15. Although, still in Galicia; I listened to BBC Radio Scotland yesterday and the above by Tom English is pretty much a precis of commentary from the usual suspects. Fair play to Tam Cowan, when Chris McLaughlin began, "this is not about Rangers .....". Cowan intervened and said, "it'a all about Rangers". Later Sportsnews began with Gollum starting with, "Scottish football governance .....". Cosgrove referenced the 70,000 supporters who have signed the petition and backed McLaughlin's, "this is not about Rangers". Why don't we begin another opposite petition and Cosgrove will support the supporters' voices? Cowan did not back down, he claimed none of his 'Well supporting mates are interested, let alone continually discuss the topic. Cosgrove sounded disgusted with this intervention, his mates discuss nothing other. At two O'Clock, Richard Gordon led a full thirty minute discussion involving Tom English, Michael Stewart, and Chris McLaughlin; a balanced panel I'm sure you will agree? There was full backing for Lawwell's robust language, Regan is incompetent(who appointed his old work mate from Coors), and the SPFL should go ahead and hold their own inquiry anyways. Tom English ended with, "Celtic are showing leadership and it's up to fan pressure to ensure other clubs follow that lead". McLaughlin then revealed there was NO appetite among any of the other clubs to revisit the topic, although he claimed they were all incandescent at Regan's usage "no desire to rake over old coals". Rangers and Rangers supporters sensitivities were not represented. Chick Young was covering yesterday's game at Ibrox(ie watching Rangers TV), he echoed Tam Cowan's earlier contributions and told Tom English that smaller clubs would want to know how much such an independent review would cost? Tom did not answer. Further, he asked English, "would this be an end to it"? Again, Tom was more interested in rallying the troops, a phrase he uttered.Once again, where is Richard Wilson? In the coming week, Rangers should respond to Lawwell's robust language by agreeing to a review when ra Sellik embark on their much hyped post season tour of Japan.
  16. I thought his Bhoy in Corduroy period was responsible for a couple of real lows, both his obituaries of Jock Wallace and Davie Cooper. Of course, his mitigation in those days was have Kevin McKenna as a Sports Editor. Now, living as the Laird of Dunlop and being the Big Cheese to be seen taking both his boys to ra Stydome, he is anxious to be noted continuing to flash his Rangers hating credentials. Graham will tell you of MON's first season and ra Sellik demanding a group of a dozen journos in both print and broadcast media strictly adhere to the party line. Those dozen were rewarded at the end of that treble winning season with a slap-up at One Devonshire Gardens, including Graham. I wonder if Graham received an invitation to last season's hoolie, or does the Royal Mail find difficulty delivering to the wilds of Ayrshire? We should be told.
  17. Whatever happened to the clown arrested in the wake of the Hibs game at ibrox? He threatened Lennon on social media, "something has to be done about that sectarian term", followed by a suggestion of shooting. He was lifted in Paisley and was due to appear in the Sheriff Court, but was rushed to the Royal Alexandra Hospital with stomach cramps, last heard he spent four days in the infirmary. He had the most unlikely name, 'Sean Collins Cowan'. I was wondering if his apprehension had turned out to awkward and inconvenient?
  18. I am out of the country until near the month's end, but willing to do the Acas game on Saturday 30th September?
  19. I am at the end of a week amid the coastal craggy majesty of Galicia. I have returned from a lunch of sardines, washed down by a bottle of the marvelous local Albarinho. I sit on a balcony with a glass of digestif(a coffee, brandy, botanical enthused affair). I am Zen like. Then, I clicked on to Gersnet, and read this pysh. I have sympathy with MOH, I do not think he has been given a fair crack. It seemed to me, we did not know where to start him. I don't mean his position in the starting team/formation; I mean in each phase of play, particularly at Ibrox. He should have been square/just behind the ball, starting his run into space when the telling pass was to be made. Warburton signed him on the back of an excellent performance for St Johnstone at the stadium, he is not the first Rangers boss to do so. It appeared he had no idea how or where to play him. On saying this, I feel MOH knows he is pushing at an open door and is working a, "constructive dismissal". BBC Scotland's Rangers-Hater-in-Chief, and big BIG Saintee, Stuart Cosgrove told the listenership last week that Pedro's comments were, "constructive dismissal". All this Rangers must meet the Hearts fair asking price for Jamie Walker will be quietly forgotten, along with MOH's lack of professionalism(remember, he refused to trap for an under 20s game). It's a case of kick the open door off it's frame and lever MOH out of Ibrox for a peppercorn fee. Now, it should be noted that Cosgrove has previous in utilising public broadcast time and money to promote both self and attached company interest. He did a twenty minute walk through/talk through with Channel 4 asset, Alex Thomson after his tweet of 'Rangers don't do walking away'; a cartoon of John Greig's Ibrox Disaster memorial statue leaping from it's plimth and striding down Edmiston Drive. Senior Channel 4 Executive, Stuart Cosgrove protected the companies share price and reputation by leading Thomson in a presentation of, 'ah didnae kno whit ah wis daing'. In that following week, Thomson did two articles on Rangers, where he described Rangers supporters as, "Daleks". Cosgrove is a shareholder, season ticket holder, and considerable sponsorship investor at St Johnstone. He has already broadcast twice on BBC Scotland that Caixinha is, "an expensively imported dud". He should not be allowed to advance his preferred prejudice without full disclosure. As for MOH, he should be reminded who pays his wages and his lack of professionalism whilst at Rangers. I should mention local favourites, la Coruna have been habitual languishers at the bottom of la Liga, these last few seasons. In conversation with a couple of locals last evening, I suggested they needed the world reknowned panacea, 'Brendan' to sort them out. The reply was, 'que'? I explained the definitive Brendan and was told they wanted no one from ra Sellik(too much like their main rivals, Celta Vigo) and their memory of Brendan was his failure at Liverpool despite spending gazillions. Another glass of digestif beckons.
  20. My grandfather swore Neilly Gibson was better than Baxter.
  21. I attended the last time we played AZ in the UEFA Cup, a lovely Dutch cheese town. Cobbled thoroughfares, canals, converted warehouses, ..... lots of character. The ground was a tip, although I believe they moved to a new purpose built affair soon after? Oh, it was early December and the typical Dutch Black Peter thing was being played out in the main square. Surprising, I thought the EU would have been draconian about anyone blacking up, a la black and white minstrels? Surreal, and we lost 1-zip.
  22. Michael O'Halloran was the thread running through BBC Scotland's coverage today. The usual suspects achieved the following consensus : 1. Michael was NEVER given a real chance at Rangers. Now, it was Richard Gordon and fellow Dandy Dons that proposed this, the Jambo contingent agreed. Maybe, Kenny McLean and Jamie Walker being mentioned as Rangers targets has stimulated such a conclusion? I have sympathy with O'Halloran's plight, but is it true he has not been provided opportunity? 2. Tom English cannot fathom why Pedro made the statement, there is no advantage to the club. I agree with Tom's conclusion; although, a bit of much needed balance would have ensued if Tom had mentioned O'Halloran's indiscipline in failing to trap for an under 20s match. This particular fact has disappeared from BBC Scotland's collective memory. 3. Stuart Cosgrove thinks Pedro's statement was, "constructive dismissal"! BBC Scotland hope to find a Rangers supporter soonest to lend some objectivity to debates. As soon as they find one good enough, he/she will be appointed.
  23. I believe being an American with an Australian accent, holding anti-semitic and misogynistic views, is the way to succeed in the Braveheart world? Oh, and lots of blue woad.
  24. Five, including the first ever European Super Cup between Rangers and Ajax(two legged), lost 3-6.
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