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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Problems with your electronic tag?
  2. Just asking, whatever became of Beerman? We are crying out for a left sided midfielder, could John/Wallace/Beerman be a short term answer?
  3. Currently, Billy is out of a job. He has reappeared on BBC Radio Scotland on half a dozen occasions these last few weeks. Now, Billy is a beneficiary of a perfectly legal EBT. His last 3-4 year stint on BBC Radio Scotland required Billy to utilise his then broadsheet column to spout pysh about Rangers and conclude, "I no longer consider myself to be a Rangers supporter". At PQ, you must be seen to be cleansed. Billy is taking the first steps back to regular exposure, and paying his dues in doing so. BBC Scotland requires their 'Rangers supporter' to wear clown shoes and Billy finds them a good fit. Richard Wilson was strident and he sits in a box with Looby Loo and Big Ted.
  4. 26th of foot


    I saw his only appearance at Fir Park in a reserve fixture. He was subbed just after half time, he was in a state of shock after Well's French trialist walked behind the advertising hoardings to have a pysh. Oh, we won 1-2.
  5. As well as Lawrence and Gillespie, the other two Directors in that period were John Paton and Alan Morton.
  6. Gazza, congrats on your parole being granted. Old Lags Loyal RSC.
  7. I did not see the game, but caught James Forrest's post match interview with Chris McLaughlin. It was art imitating life as top PQ Yahoo, Chris said, "a wonderful finish James, you found the corner"? I thought Chris was referring to Forrest's antics at Elliots in Prestwick some three years past. You may remember Forrest was the subject of two charges, Exposure and Sexual Assault. It was reported widely that James exited the toilets with his tumescent dismembered member exposed, placed his hand under a passing girl's dress, then continued to stand in the far corner. Of course, after 15 months both cases were dropped due to insufficient evidence! Similarly, three Yahoos arrested and charged after hanging two effigies from the ceiling of the North Stand at ra Stydome in August 2016, have already had their season tickets returned. Expect the echo of 'insufficient evidence' to be heard soonest. I suspect the seventh anniversary of the Referees' Strike this coming January.
  8. We have too many players hiding in the periphery of the second half. The front three of Herrera, Windass, and Candeias were marginally involved. Dundee found a confidence and stepped forward. The weight of the Rangers jersey is too much for a lot of our current players. We have won two league games at Ibrox, the bottom club, Dundee have won three at Dens.
  9. That is a first half I have seen before this season. Created a number of chances and have taken none. Think the 'Well semi-final, Acas last week, and Hearts at Ibrox. I feel we might need a slice of fortune in the second half against the bottom club? Herrera is on, the central midfield must get further forward.
  10. Looking at that picture, you can clearly see the dog-leg at the bottom, required to align those leaving with the exit aperture. What you cannot see are the ten feet high railway sleepers piled to the right as we look, to funnel those departing to the exit. Further, once out, you had to dog-leg again to funnel on to Harrison Drive.
  11. As the pylons rose around Scotland, Rangers problem was the proximity of Ibrox to Abbotsinch. Rangers had to find a solution that contained the floodlights under the sight lines of approaching aircraft. I remember Rangers playing in a floodlight strip in the early sixties, it was white satin with red and blue hoops.
  12. When dearest Craig first appeared, we were told he had a flat in Monaco, a Scottish castle, and a house in Costa Rica! Knowing, his auld Maw was working as a cleaner in a local primary school; I thought, Costa Rica? Apparently, Costa Rica is one of the very few countries in this planet, that has no treaty of extradition with the UK. Craig is up there with Phil McFournames, we should leave him doing what he does best ie throwing sh1te at the moon.
  13. There appears to be three rumours doing the rounds in the immediate wake of the Acas first league win at Ibrox in 91 years. 1. Monies to be scraped together to pay the necessary compensation, securing McInnes. 2. Big Eck to be appointed mid week. 3. Appeals from those close to the decision makers, to get down on bended knee and beg Walter to return for eighteen months. The large amount of dead wood at the club and out on loan has to be dealt with, and Wattie with pruners is the very man. Oh, and there's a Rights Issue to be promoted, better doing so under Walter inspired stability. Don't shoot the messenger.
  14. Hhmm, drawing a correlation between the rc church and child sex abuse? I wonder, currently we have two popes, we have a Scottish Cardinal who is NOT allowed to set foot in Scotland, confined to a house in Northumbria, and three official spokespersons who are NOT allowed to speak. Are we allowed to mention any of this during working hours?
  15. He may have worked in the NHS in a number of areas, but his bankrupt private practice was on Royal Terrace, just off the western end of Sauchiehall Street. He sent his kids to St Aloysius and had difficulty meeting the fees some 30-35 years past. I believe his wife taught at the school?
  16. Jim Craig is unique, a bankrupt Dentist. Morally bankrupt too, he left ra Sellik circa 1970 for a juicy contract in apartheid South Africa.
  17. Portugal have qualified for Russia 18. I suspect Alves will want to play a part in his international swansong? Thus, if Murty continues with Wilson/McCrorie, then Alves will want to move in January. Interesting times ahead.
  18. I would play Dorrans, Jack, and Holt against the Dandies. I find Windass 'frustrating'.
  19. Cue, full page column from BIG Bairn, Gordon Waddell in this week's Sunday Mail? Nah, ah don't think so either.
  20. It shows the level of detachment dearest Dermot has from real life, imagine asking Mark Daly such a question? I suspect BBC Scotland will organise a Chris McLaughlin exclusive interview with Desmond soonest. The other interesting part of the letter was those cc'ed ie Donalda McInnes and Tony Hall.
  21. Ian Black capped as a Rangers player at Easter Road, booed every time he touched the ball. Explained off as, "special circumstances". Lee Wallace capped against Malta in Valetta, and a group of Hibees carried a banner proclaiming, 'Lee Wallace is a grass'. It's reported on BBC Radio Scotland as a sniggerfest; banner first reported at Edinburgh airport receiving thumbs up from airport staff, then it's applauded in every bar prior to game, and then a wondering aloud as to it's disappearance at the match? Ryan Jack will be the next set of special circumstances.
  22. Travelling home from today's game, listening to BBC Radio Scotland. Stuart Cosgrove tells us the Pacific Quay scuttlebutt, it's accepted that Derek McInnes will be revealed as Rangers manager on Thursday. Scotland are playing Holland on Thursday evening at Pittodrie, and Aberdeen prefer the international running interference to the news. I am sure Gersnetters are aware Big Stu' talks pysh on matters politics and football. Of course, there is the law of averages?
  23. Does Robert Collins actually exist? Just another bit part Editor adopting a nomme de guerre with th 'rc' initials to add to the cacophony of stick it on the h_uns sniggerfest.
  24. I am in Mallorca at the moment, but last week driving home after the Killie game, BBC Radio Scotland's RichardGordon was venomous reference Ryan Jack, "three red cards in as many months, clearly a problem there". Well, tricky Dicky, two of those red cards have been rescinded, clearly a problem with officials. While we are at it, how is the police investigation going reference the engraving in two feet high letters on the Rangers team coach, "haha 66", in your beloved Aberdeen?
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