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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Fifteen years past, on another Bears' website, far, far away. The social media content of the brother of BBC Scotland commentator, Liam McLeod was exposed. I am not interested in visiting the sins of Rory upon Liam; however, the conditioning of both brothers must be up for debate. Both middle class, tertiary educated, and Aberdeen supporters. Rory had lots of vile references to the Ibrox Disaster on his social media. Liam is a long term employee of BBC Scotland. Last season, Rangers visited Pittodrie in September'16. The team coach was parked in the car park of the Hotel used by Rangers. On the morning of the game, there was a two foot high engraving on the side of the coach, mocking the deaths of 66 football supporters. The car park is well covered by CCTV cameras, there has been no arrests. Now, I am sure it was reported at the time, Rory was a serving Polis. It's like Justice Minister, Michael Matheson sitting in the North Stand at Sellik Park and two effigies are hanging by their necks for in excess of an hour, to his half right. Strange fruit twisting in the breeze. The Match Commander at that old firm game congratulated the crowd for their exceptionally good behaviour. Michael refused to comment, but three arrests ensued. Ra Sellik have already returned season tickets to two of those charged. Eighteen months on, do we believe the third will ever see the inside of a court? Michael continues to believe the Hokey-Cokey to be a sectarian song.
  2. Paul is confused. The threat was from his Maw, telling the forty-something to leave the parental home and get a job. Pray for Paul.
  3. Could Didier Agathe not allow Paul Larkin to borrow his main battle tank? Apparently, it's perfect for travelling around west central Scotland whilst under threat from Rangers fans.
  4. I wonder if Acas well publicised on-line theft has stimulated Rangers attempt to sign Docherty? Just last week, Acas took to the local newspaper to publicise their willingness to accept any funds/sponsorship.
  5. Yesterday, BBC Scotland advertised Jeff Webster's Sunday Sports programme as having Scott McDonald as a guest. He is a regular on the three hour show and since joining the Arabs, he takes numerous pops at all things Rangers. Further, he is part of the trio(including Tom English and Pat Bonnar) that host the big Sellik European nights. I tuned in today and surprisingly, McDonald was posted missing without explanation. Good, I hope the turmoil at Tannadice continues indefinitely.
  6. Following up on the piece above. The Didier Agathe interview was truly strange. The Journo credited with the piece, Steve Goodman has previous for playing fast and loose with facts. He has been accused of utilising a translation site that tells you what you want to hear. Apparently, big bad Rangers supporters ensured Didier traveled around west, central Scotland in a main battle tank, forced nine house changes in a calendar year, and sang a song about the player enjoying curry. It appears first in the Daily Record(they have a commercial arrangement with ra Sellik), and then spreads to all newspapers. The next day, Chris Sutton is claiming a Rangers supporter attempted to knock him down, switching lanes to do so. Yesterday, Tom English liked Jum Spence's blaming Rangers for the SFA's failure to secure O'Neill. He prattled on about the SFA's failure to tackle sectarianism, "ah mean we hear sectarian singing and chanting continually". As we know, Tom does not attend Ibrox in solidarity with fellow PQ CSCer, Chris McLaughlin; thus, where is Tom hearing such chanting? Piling in to pile it on after Sellik's failure to administer a deserving thrashing has got to have limits? Rangers supporters blamed for global warming, electing Trump, and Jack the Ripper being an Ibrox season ticket holder are stories waiting to be written. Coming to a media outlet near you, 'Rangers supporting Sinn Fein MP, Barry McElduff with Kingsmills loaf on his napper'.
  7. We like to think the community that populated the Rangers Tax Case Blog dissipated, they didn't. They came to detest the bright light shone in their sordid corner. Cosgrove and Spence resent the exposure. The craftier crew decided to fly under the radar and determined to stymie Rangers attempts to climb back to the top. Dembele's proposed multi-million pound move to Brighton allowed a coterie of Sellik minded Journos to call Hove and throw in caveats about the penurious nature of Rangers finances. It will continue until our club Board set up a banking facility that allows an over draft. There was a piece from Pacific Quay CSC member, Chris McLaughlin earlier this season, on the determination of Desmond/Lawwell never to suffer the after math of their Scottish Cup semi-final defeat two seasons past. Dermot did not want to witness strange people in brown brogues celebrating again. Brendan was his weapon of choice. Further, there was an understanding that any Rangers progress would be checked and minimised. Chris did not specify the nature of this operation and I think that's why BBC Scotland quickly pulled the article. Last week, we drew the old firm game at ra Stydome and immediately the usual suspects provided the heavy artillery. Neil Cameron told us that it was the worst old firm game he had ever seen(of course Neil will tell us the second worst one too, won't he), followed by the Referee was the man of the match, and Tom English was concerned the the degree of fatigue threatening Sellik players. Martin Williams then told us not one penny of owed tax had been paid by Rangers, Cosgrove broadcast yesterday on the dilapidation of Ibrox and it's cost of upkeep. Even Spence had the temerity to blame the SFA's failure to secure O'Neill as manager on the SFA acting like the Ibrox Board. If we ever beat ra Sellik, the reaction will be nuclear. Jamie Murphy is a good signing, he improves our team. Thus, lots of analogies reference ginger bottles.
  8. I liked the lad, good engine, likes a tackle, and has a dig on him. Good move, hope he plays regularly.
  9. Pete, Can I volunteer to do the Dandy Dons preview for the 24th January?
  10. Falkirk fans( I believe referred to as, 'Bairns'), are front page of the Daily Record. They spent ninety minutes of today's match against Dunfermline, abusing former Ger, Dean Shiels. Apparently, Dean's missing eye is a source of endless hilarity down Grangemouth way? Today's jolly jape was to carpet the pitch in fake eyeballs. This comes after Falkirk player, Kevin O'Hara was sited by the authorities for constantly taunting Shields for the same reason, in this season's earlier Derby. Now, we know long term Sunday Mail Columnist, Gordon Waddell is a BIG Bairn. He is a man grasping a big stick of a social conscience. It's only a fortnight since he last wielded said big stick in the direction of Rangers. He utilised his entire column to ridicule the club's pursuit of Derek McInnes. Fair enough, but surely he should have mentioned that his club was one of only three in the entire country that refuses to pay the minimum wage, and that fact was revealed in the same week as the Rangers/McInnes embarrassment. This Sunday, Gordon will leather Rangers and the club's supporters once again to run interference. Oh, and because the Blatt's Editor is no longer his brother, Bruce; and the company he works for has a cast iron commercial agreement with ra Sellik. See being Scottish football's Jiminey Cricket, see being Gordon Waddell.
  11. Immediately after the game yesterday, Tom the Trumpet's first utterances on BBC Radio Scotland were, "Sellik look very, very tired, ah mean, really tired". Clearly, Tom was struggling to find a degree of comfort in the result. Over at Herald Towers, the massive depressive that is Neil Cameron clung to the other end of ra Sellik spectrum, "easily the worst old firm game I have seen". Saturday's Herald had Neil proclaiming a score of four zip to ra Sellik, "or whatever Sellik want it to be". Fellow Gersnetters, both Tom and Neil need help. The New Year beckons, Tom cannot be allowed to blow that trumpet alone, and Neil needs our prayers.
  12. Jason Cumming on loan until the end of the season? Barrie McKay's future?
  13. Mark Walter's debut at ra Piggery on the 2nd January'88 was truly despictable, the kick-off held up for six minutes to allow ra Sellik ground staff time to clear the carpet of bananas from the area immediately to the front of the Jungle. Similarly, the second half was held up for the same period for the same reason. His second game for Rangers at Tynecastle is more remembered for similar racism exhibited by the home support. The events at ra Piggery were suppressed by the usual suspects because it was awkward and inconvenient to the perceived narrative. The worst exhibition of naked racism against a single football player in the history of British football.
  14. I have time for MOH as a player, Warburton did not utilise him properly. However, as a man; his refusal to trap for a development game was unprofessional.
  15. Festive felicitations to all, wishing you lots of pudding and pie.
  16. It's official, referee Kevin Clancy is a cheating h-u-n bas-tard. Beeb Scotland, the Daily Record, and Pie and Bovril all say so.
  17. Oh joy of jots, a down cast Peter Martin(McGuire) asks Lennon, "how did your team not get something from that game"? Neil runs his fingers through his ginger barnet and replies, "the referee never gave us a penalty". On Beeb Scotland, Chris McLaughlin opens with, "you must be feeling a sense of injustice"? Neil claims, "I'm staggered". All's good then?
  18. After the hour mark, that was hard viewing. Well done Murty. The last time I saw Rangers defend that deep for a continuous 35 minute period was against Juve in Turin circa '78.
  19. Red, white, and blue efficiency. Two shots on target, two goals.
  20. I suspect we may go long tonight. The midfield's job will be win it and ping it.
  21. Returning from St Andrews yesterday, I tuned into BBC Radio Scotland for the One O'Clock news. As the newsreader handed back to former rugby international, John Beattie; he linked the Sports Bulletin with, "you cannot imagine the levels of excitement in here, with the Europa Cup draw going on in the background". Well, it's his show between noon and 13.30 hrs and if he decides to shine a light on the dark corners of PQ, we should all be grateful. You see PQ's official take on Scottish fitba is, 'Only an Excuse'; Phil Differ pens a thirty year old pastiche, focusing on the octogenarian, Archie McPherson and recently retired, Chick Young. The audience must be presented with Rangers supporters being in control, reinforcing the hate comforts those actually in control. We know Chris McLaughlin, Richard Gordon, Tom English, Cosgrove, ..... etc will not feature. Imagine the levels of excitement in PQ if they did? No, better pen a sketch about Ian Durrant in a kebab shop. Levels of excitement are not extended to license fee Rangers supporters, we are rewarded with a starvation diet. We are not allowed to feast on Richard Gordon laughing his way a fellow Dandy Don assaulting Andy Cameron on the pitch at Ibrox, we are denied the sustenance of Liam McLeod's brother, Rory having a social media full of Ibrox Disaster references, or allowed to snack on Cosgrove referring to Rangers supporters as, "h-u-ns and orange wankers". The nutrition of careful hate is meagre fare, even when Jum Spence and Big Dick serve up the big hate, they know they are safe. Consider, has Big Dick even apologised for, "Edinburgh Zoo have accepted the transfer of Rangers player, Filip Sebo, they plan to exhibit him"? Dehumanisation can be accepted and forgiven, but only if it's leveled against Rangers. Careful John, they'll be hanging an effigy of you in the atrium of PQ.
  22. Just watched Sportscene's highlights and, no mention of Ross County's, "stonewall penalty". Owen Coyle claimed grievance on the PQ Bat Phone, Big Dick empathised, and Mikey, Jonathon, and Steven have failed to provide the necessary evidence. I suspect Owen knew he was pushing at an open door?
  23. BBC Scotland's coverage of Rangers and their fortnightly opponents these last three years has been the proverbial Curate's Egg. Yesterday, the frequency crackled with the word, 'concomitant'. Apparently, it's hilarious and Stuart Cosgrove wanted to both eulogise and lionise the author of the Dandy Dons' banner on display at Dens. Admittedly, I have no knowledge of the word and a rush to the Dictionary did not help. My vocabulary is deficient. I suspect Rangers supporters and Rangers haters are increasingly separated by the same language? Craig Paterson began this season's unique coverage of Ibrox from PQ, then Steven Thomson , and the last few games has seen Chic Young watch RTV on the telly. We are given the teams, goals updates, the result. Yesterday, Chico confirmed the strong whiff of the Emperor has no clothes by using the word, 'concomitant' for his first time, whilst Big Dick sneered. We are blessed with an addendum under Chic's charge, the opposition manager is invited to provide a post-match interview with the AmDram Quine. The Acas Martin Canning was first after his team's much deserved victory. Next up was Derek McInnes; however, we were informed Derek was unavailable due to berating his players after succumbing three zip. Owen Coyle did not disappoint, Big Dick was still forming his first question when Coyle intervened with, "we feel aggrieved". Apparently, in the final seconds Ross County were denied a stonewall penalty. Big Dick offered empathy. Next Saturday, Tommy Wright will have access to the PQ Bat Phone. You see, it's Rangers fault. Whatever Rangers say or do, it's Rangers fault. Now, Traynor's statement during midweek was Rangers fault. The Board signed off on it, and responsibility for it's glaring contradictions should be accepted. Traynor's contract should be scrapped and our Director of Football should be made aware of his parameters. Our Board should look in the mirror and reflect on what they see. Are they strong enough to carry the Rangers torch? There are quite a number of issues over the last two decades that are not Rangers fault. Chris McLaughlin started the current spat, he began his match report after Rangers thumping 2-6 victory at Easter Road in the Petrofac Cup with, "Four Rangers supporters are subject to police reports for alleged sectarian chanting ....". Chris was engaged by a number of Bears on social media, he explained he always contacts the Match Commander for comment before reporting. Several weeks later at Pittodrie, the usual IRA songfest ensues but Chric concentrated on a comfortable win for his favourites. He was engaged again and reminded of his post match conversations with the Match Commander. Chris acknowledged, "I have spoken to the Match Commander and there are no issues". The next morning, the Press and Journal quoted the Match Commander on the six Sellik supporters arrested for alleged sectarian chanting. Chris had his press credentials withdrawn because of naked subjectivity. He can still attend Ibrox but has to pay to enter. This is the principle that Beeb Scotland choose to base their self imposed exiles. BBC Scotland travels with all the contaminant hatred of Rangers.
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