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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. I do not think County will come out to play, space in behind will be hard to find. We need to score first and second, before County venture forth. I suspect a hard grind with Owen Coyle providing the broadcast media with the necessary.
  2. The Pacific Quay clique work a few flankers to benefit the clubs they support and ensure fees are retained within the clique. Two weeks ago, there is no Premiership fixtures because of the winter shutdown. They cover the Championship and Wullie Miller suddenly appears reporting from Dumbarton FC. Of course, the Sons were playing St Mirren that day, and St Boo were due at Pittodrie the following Saturday on Scottish Cup duty. You see Wullie who has played, captained, managed, and been Director of Football at the Dons, gets to do a wee spying mission and pick up his BBC Scotland fee. All clubs accommodate opposition spying teams by issuing complimentary tickets. As Rangers supporters, we became quite used to the above practice during our two seasons in the Championship. Any away game before we played Hearts, Hibs, Falkirk, etc; BBC Scotland would invite Robbie Neilson, Alan Stubbs, Peter Houston, ... etc to sit atop their gantry, pay them a fee whilst they took notes. Do we think Fraserburgh's boss, Mark Cowie will be a surprise guest at Dingwall on Sunday? Mark would probably appreciate the cash more than others mentioned.
  3. Again, written as a License Fee Paying Rangers supporter. Last evening, the entire AberTic team were at Dens Park, providing commentary on the Dundee-Hibs game. Thus Richard Gordon, Liam McLeod, Wullie Miller, and Chris McLaughlin indulged in faux excitement at Neil Lennon's approach to total football. The game of the night at Ibrox was covered by Rob McLean in front of a TV inside PQ. Martin Dowden(proclaimed a good Sellik man by Annie McGuire) was at New Douglas Park, promising an interview with Acas Chairman, Ronnie McDonald. Listening whilst driving, Rangers were mentioned after ten minutes when Big Dick introduced Martin Dowden and spoke matters Acas. We were told speculation reference Docherty should be resolved at 19.30hrs with Martin's interview. Crystal Palace had inquired that morning and may provide a twist? Wishful thinking was dismissed a few minutes later when Big Dick informed the listenership that Rangers have signed Greg Docherty for a fee believed to be in the region of 600k. However, according to their sources, nowhere near that figure has been handed over at the moment. Perhaps more will emerge in the next few days? The next tool to be used by Big Dick was Derek Ferguson, "you've raved about Greg Docherty for the last few seasons". The former Ranger eulogises the player and Big Dick springs, "ah know Acas staff have been amazed at his lack of recognition from those selecting Scotland's under 21s, maybe that will change now"? Derek takes the barb and laments that how it was in his day, and it's probably the same now. Big Dick ends with, "we'll see". I was attending the game, thus cannot report on their coverage. I heard the half-time report on my radio and it was a few lines from Rob McLean, obviously events at Ibrox could not compete with excitement at Dens. After the game, both walking back to my vehicle and driving back to deepest, darkest Lanarkshire, I listened intently for the opposition's manager's post-match interview with Big Dick. These last several weeks, BBC Radio Scotland has improved their coverage of games at Ibrox by calling the opposition manager for thoughts on the game, or to reinforce Big Dick's whims. I have heard both Martin Canning and Tommy Wright deliver deserved praise to their sides, and Owen Coyle complain bitterly about a refused last minute penalty. I sat in my drive way for the last few minutes of the show waiting on Derek McInnes. It was a no show, thus I must wonder if this new facet of coverage is on;y for victorious managers or those with a grievance? Big Dick's main concern post-match, was the well being of Dons Keeper, Joe Lewis. Several updates on his leg injury, although no mention on whether he should have been yellow/red carded. Remember, this from a genial host reduced to broadcasting a list of incidents involving Rangers players(well, mainly Ryan Jack) that might interest the Compliance Officer. At the game, those Dandy Dons remaining in attendance saw their Keeper injured and a penalty awarded, then immediately sang, 'nice one Simmie'. Reminds me of Big Dick several years past, "people forget, there were two victims of that tackle". I suspect Big Dick is as confused as his fellow Dandies at the Loving Cup ceremony? Booing Broxy Bear is one thing, but chorusing ridicule on an eighty-odd year ceremony commemorating a colliery disaster! At least they are consistent, something Pacific Quay are not.
  4. The Northern Lights of Old Aberdeen mean ......................... false memory syndrome. I schooled with a lad named Peter, we played football for the same Boys' Clubs and indeed our school. He had the sweetest left foot and reveled in our three years at Fir Park Boys Club. He loved the claret and amber, the mighty 'Well, to the extent he believed Jumbo Muir was the future football, in the same way Bruce Springsteen was the future rock'n'roll. We were beneficiaries of being coached by Northern Irish internationalist, Billy Campbell and future manager of Falkirk, Alloa, Partick Thistle, .. etc, Billy Lamont. We watched the sublime Bobby Graham doing extra training, all ball work, and received complimentary tickets for the Enclosure when 'Well took on a succession of top flight English clubs in the Texaco Cup. We are all badly advised at seventeen, tertiary education demanded I study Economics; Peter determined upon unfettered parental control by heading 160 miles north to Aberdeen. English Literature was his poison. Academia paled in our first year, season '74/'75 was seminal for Bears, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. We were sustaining a league challenge, and for the first time in a decade, would culminate in Colin Stein's equalising bullet header at Easter Road. Pomagne corks were popping. Motherwell was bathed in sunshine too, Wullie Pettigrew prompted by Bobby Graham sustained a top four place, and bettered us in the cups. We had an opportunity to meet up with Peter at the end of January'75, the Scottish Cup third round draw paired us with the Dandy Dons. Three of us traveled on the Tannochside RSC Bus, had the purvey at Stonehaven, met the 'Well man at Aberdeen Uni Union. Like all other trips then to Aberdeen, a relaxed affair. The weather was foul, standing atop the open terrace at Pittodrie in those days was an exercise in endurance. Our entertainment arrived in the then manager of Arbroath, Albert Henderson and his brother. They clung to a stanchion for dear life whilst cheering the Rangers. Ally Scott scored the opener after the hour mark, The Dons new wonder kid at Centre forward, Wullie Miller equalised with two minutes remaining on the clock. The replay on the Monday night, saw Rangers run out at the floodlit Ibrox in an all white strip, in front of 55,000. They scored in the first minute, we drew level through Bobby McKean, and the game went into extra-time. Another late goal from Davidson saw the Dons progress. The quarter-finals took the 'Well to Pittodrie and Peter's Dad offered two of us a lift. We sat in sunshine in the Main Stand, and watched Motherwell control the game for a deserved 0-1 victory. We retired to the Uni Union and it began. Peter's auld man, Peter senior was assumed to have a Glaswegian accent, and received a number of faux concerned inquiries as to life in a Glasgow slum? Peter senior spent several minutes confirming their prejudice and then parried with, "what was it like to live in a quarantined city"? A decade before, Aberdeen had suffered an outbreak of Typhoid, in excess of 500 hospitalised because of a rogue tin of Fray Bentos corned beef. The retorts were angry, tinged with denial, and lot's of assertions of being Europe's oil capital. Peter junior being more literate, quoted Lewis Grassic Gibbon's(Aberdeenshire born author of a Scots Quair) comparison of both cities women. A glaswegian women was beyond personification whereas an Aberdonian was a thin lipped peasant who had borne eleven and buried nine, leaving a pinched demeanor. We left the Union to a chorus of, 'in your Glasgow slums'. It was the first time I was aware of their anger and the next season saw their newly appointed manager, Ally McLeod tap into it. It was February and the Rangers treble bandwagon was rolling. The fourth round of the Scottish Cup had paired us with Aberdeen. It was a double header, because the Dandies were due at Ibrox on league business the week before. McLeod had left Ayr United and was determined to install a sense of superiority into the dull Dons left by departing Jimmy Bonthrone. Ally mainlined, the league game would be business as usual, but the Cup would see the Reds represent Europe's oil capital, they would fly first class to Glasgow and new tactics would derail the treble bandwagon. The 7th of the month arrived, 35,000 attended, Rangers quickly notched a couple through Martin Henderson and wee Doddie. Aberdeen scored a late consolation. Valentine's Day was going to be a massacre, ten thousand Dandies were descending, some of the oil oligarchs were accompanying the team on the flight, replete in sheepskins and stetsons. Sixty thousand trapped, and half ra Sellik end was covered in red and white. Ally's new tactics were evident at Kick-off, they took centre and eight of the team crowded the left side of the centre line, poised to sprint forward, ready to crowd the punt. The ball drifted out for a throw-in. Much like their performance, one big drift. Rangers battered them, DJ scored in the fifth minute, Doddie added just after half time, they scored late on, stimulating Rangers to add another couple through Parlane and Henderson. Aberdeen drifted off to catch their flight home. Later, that summer we did what under graduates did in those days, we headed to Greece. A group approaching a dozen agreed to meet up in Paxos for a few days. the conversation came around to angry Dons, and Peter having spent two years among the heavenly dancers contributed most. The Union had banned both halves of the old firm supporters buses from Glasgow Uni'. Apparently, due to our separated brethren wrecking it on a previous visit. The City Police were determined to not allow supporters buses overnight stays. A newly found confidence was abroad. McLeod tapped into it and SAF gave it a particular focus. Numerous incidents down the years on both sides have exacerbated the situation, but my memory is clear when things began to change. Back to the Northern Lights, the lyrics to the song were penned by Mary Webb, born in Leamington Spa, she had never visited Aberdeen. The melody emanates from James S Kerr, a Glaswegian from Berkeley Street, born 1870. Since one of our dreaming four lads, Peter Campbell came from the same street, I like to think James S Kerr was heavily influence by Peter's whistling? Thus, thos Northern Lights mean false memory syndrome. Tomorrow evening, we will be light in the midfield, I suspect Holt and Goss to be the central two. Windass, Murphy, and Candias in front of those two, and behind Morelos. The back four will be Tav', Wilson, Bates, and John. Fod' between the sticks. They have a lot of pace and drive in the wide areas, and I suspect McInnes will play the full width of the pitch. The first goal will be everything, I take us to get it and go on to secure a 2-1 victory.
  5. Tom English is of the opinion that negotiations were carried out on behalf of the SFA by the Rangers Board. Lot's of hilarity ensued.
  6. Here is my information on the proposed deal, no more or less valid than anyone else's information. McInnes spent the entire Tuesday at Mar Hall, and a deal had been agreed. The evening was to be used to draw up the contract, he would sign next morning, then do the media in the afternoon. McInnes attended the next morning and read through the proposed contract, there was an additional paragraph NOT agreed to during the previous day's negotiations. The inserted addendum stipulated all transfers were the responsibility of Rangers Director of Football, Mark Allen. McInnes decided he could not live with such intrusion, and walked away.
  7. Ershur awaits. Anyone else ever wondered about those tethered goats in Ershur Pub toilets? It's another world.
  8. Lennon's post match interview! Particularly, since Hearts goal just crept over the line. Fulminate, and it'll be alright.
  9. Too much effort! Do what the local southern Germans do, invade Poland. Are other countries available to invade? Are Panzers widely available? Can you pass muster by driving an Audi, whilst wearing a Hugo Boss suit(with red flashings)?
  10. Cardinal O'Brien has a long running three hander with a couple of Swiss Guards. Well, something has kept him out of Scotland these last three years.
  11. Can BBC not give Ally his gig back on Question of Sport? Recreate all that sexual tension with Sue, be a purveyor of jolly japery, and talk unmitigated pysh. Leave the important stuff to the adults Ally.
  12. Ally has a First Class Honours Degree in Natural Philosophy(Physics to mere mortals). Thus, at least Ally knew the why and where for of his mass, movement, velocity, ....etc on a friction compensated plane. I argued that Michael's troubles were as a result of a false starting position in each phase of play; however, in light of his unprofessional refusal to attend a development game, I would be happy for Ally to propel Michael across a friction compensated plane. Ally attended a Rugby playing school and should have stuck with egg chasing.
  13. You are correct. I believe the derivation of Pittodrie is, 'shit heap'?
  14. Pittodrie should not be considered for international matches. It's a SHITHOLE(literally). Rusting and corroded seats bolted on to a decaying concrete terrace nearly forty years past. The worst sight lines in the Premiership/Championship. A Portaloo for six thousand visiting fans. A main stand that should have been condemned two decades past. A quarter of those seated have no cover, another quarter have inadequate cover. What authority gives Pittodrie a license? Oh, and why? There are six big, BIG Dandy Dons on BBC Scotland, the Sports Editor at the Daily Record is a Don, the P and J employs only Dandies, ............................. and yet, no one talks about how big a shithole it is!
  15. We are all products of our conditioning. I was away for twenty years, four years at University, sixteen in the Parachute Regiment. You get around the world and see a few things; however, I came back to the wee village in deepest, darkest Lanarkshire, that I promised I would never return to, when I left as a seventeen year old.
  16. I assume Phil was patrolling the square mile as a team leader of Donegal Mountain Rescue?
  17. Here's one from Cosgrove on BBC Radio Scotland five years past : "Rangers supporters will drift away. Their loyalty is dependent upon success, it's part of their sense of entitlement. They will be back playing in front of 8,000 die-hards, their crowds will increase as they come up through the leagues, but will settle around the 16-18,000 level". BigStu' was in a state of delirium and events of the last six years has seen him, mostly maintain his heightened plane. The continued commitment from the Rangers support has surprised most of us; however, with the exception of Tam Cowan, it is NEVER acknowledged on BBC Scotland. Cosgrove's outbursts on Saturday evening might be the first signs of weakness in his beliefs. A Saturday evening comeback from Rangers, the third best side in Scotland cuffing the Brazilian champions would normally elicit praise from BBC Scotland. Cosgrove labeled the Florida Cup, "a Mickey Mouse tournament", then he went on a rant about a certain club's bloated squad. It's coming back Stu', those Sunday afternoons when you sit in Queen Street station with your fellow Saintees, after a routine four zip pumping from the Bears. It got too much when the British Transport Police had to intervene as you led a chorus of, "can you spot a handsome H-u-n". Two decades ago, seems like yesterday when you appeared on the front page of the Sun.
  18. A wonderful player. I think it was 77/78, WBA came to Ibrox to play in the pre-season Tennent Caledomian Cup. We lost in the Suday final to a WBA side including Regis, Cunningham, Batson, and Bud Johnston. We could not live with their quick passing and movement style of play.
  19. Thanks for the above. A mixture of Yahoos, Dandy Dons, Hibees, and Dundee Hibs supporters. Oh, and Bill Leckie. I remember some information from my professional life. I was enduring a six week Escape and Evasion course in November/December in the Welsh/English border country. We were instructed by Directing Staff on flora and fauna, and informed both nutmeg/mace in sufficient quantities were hallucinogenic and as such, should be treated with caution. Does this provide Big Stu' with mitigation?
  20. I like the signing of Cummings; however, can Morelos and Cummings play together?
  21. Thank you. The reason I ask is thus, I was driving home last evening listening to Cosgrove and Cowan on BBC Radio Scotland. There was general football chat among both hosts and guests, Tam McManus and Journo, John McGarry. Suddenly, Cosgrove broke in with, "this winter break Rangers are taking in Florida, can I congratulate your paper Tam for highlighting Jimmy Nichol at Disneyland, proving the competition is Mickey Mouse". He then posed two questions to John McGarry, will Rangers sign Acas Docherty and do they have the cash to sign him? If not, why not"? Cosgrove had spent both halves of the show(4 hours) advertising the Scottish football mag', 'Nutmeg'. At one point, his Producer had told him to reveal his Editorial role at the blatt. I wonder if Rangers occasional success is awkward and inconvenient to the accepted narrative?Cosgrove was a big player on the RTC Blog; again, I wonder if Nutmeg is a continuum in the same sense of the Scottish Football Monitor?
  22. What time(British time) did this game take place?
  23. The Herald are running with this story. The Journo involved is their Online Editor, Stacey Mullen. Readers comments have been disabled on the article after the usual Yahoos lost their individual and collective discipline, posting the usual vile comments. Surely, the Herald know Mullen's background? A dozen years past, she style herself as, 'Showbiz Stacey' and invited fellow Tims to keep her updated on Sellik supporting celebs. Her social media pages were full of images and homages to the IRA. Her common currency on Rangers and Rangers supporters was a constant H term reference. Stacey is bestest friends with Jane Hamilton. Similarly, Jane refers to Bears by the H term and publishes stories of Rangers supporters throwing their children in front of Police vehicles to deny them responding to incidents at Hampden after the Rangers/Hibs Scottish Cup final. Why does the Herald allow Stacey Mullen to handle such a sensitive story reference Ibrox and Rangers supporters?
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