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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. I heard BBC Radio Scotland's full commentary today and was perplexed by some of Rob McLean, Derek Ferguson, and Billy Dodds contributions. We expect nonsense from McLean, and Derek's boy was in the Acas midfield. However, Billy Dodds is trying too hard to please his paymasters. Three points I had to check out on the highlights : 1. Windass scores his first goal but Billy doesn't want to credit him, it's an own goal from the Acas keeper. 2. The other two are undecided on the merits of Acas penalty; not Billy, it's a penalty and Martin deserves a caution because, "he makes a habit of leaving his arm in the air". 3. Only one of Rangers goals is deserving, as the other four were direct from Acas errors. Billy, I know you utilised your Sunday broadsheet column to inform the readership, "I no longer consider myself to be a Rangers supporter". I know you are a recipient of an EBT and at PQ, that makes you a moral leper. They are NOT going to love or respect you, climbing into Spiers clothes to be the latest useful idiot demeans both yourself and what's left of the listenership.
  2. During Big Eck's tenure as Rangers manager, downsizing was continuous. Pre-season tours were held in Germany and Austria. A number of players were invited on to these ten day tours to see how they performed and some were offered contracts by the club. Michael Stewart was such a trialist and I remember he provided a number of interviews looking forward to picking up his career at Rangers. Big Eck decided NOT to offer Stewart a contract. Stewart was most angry at that point, he let it be known the exercise was a waste of his time. We have learned that Michael does not like to be bettered and he holds grudges. However, Michael should be used to both personal and career disappointments. His football aspirations died at Hibs after accusations he led a player revolt. His political aspirations died at Edinburgh South, he lost out on SNP selection to Michelle Thompson(she was a success), and his career as a pundit will crumble too as Stuart Cosgrove continues to champion him as the best pundit out there. You sound bitter Michael, are you bitter?
  3. Now I understand why Hugh MacDonald of the National was on BBC Scotland spouting on about cronyism and the old boys club. Still, at least we know what Peter Lawwell thinks.
  4. I would take Steve Davis back in a heartbeat. He is a heads-up player.
  5. The clown that held the position of Radio Snyde's objective host of ra show, Gerry McCulloch; he is Chief of ra Sellik's media accounts.
  6. I am happy to leave the mechanics of payment to those in contact with Rangers Lotto. Wouldn't it be most gratifying if Gersnet could have a £100 per week collective stake in the Lotto? All monies won ploughed back in .... etc. Anyways, if this can be organised, I am in for a fiver a week.
  7. I signed up this week, a fiver to support the sterling work being carried out in youth development. Further, I would love to be part of a Gersnet collective.
  8. Latest RAJAR figures popped into my in-box this afternoon. BBC Radio Scotland's latest figures are 100,000 down from last year's. Pacific Quay will ignore such a calamitous loss of listeners in a calendar year. They are correct and we are wrong. It's like the Herald. In the year 2000, after a dozen years of Harry Reid's Editorship, the blatt's daily circulation was just over 115,000. Then, we had five years of Mark Douglas Home as Editor, and two Deputy Editors, Joan McAlpine(now a SNP MSP) and former Sellik View Editor, Kevin Mckenna. That particular triumvirate took just five years to reduce daily circulation to under 45,000.
  9. In the spirit of exuberance, you understand? 'Macca is a Grass'.
  10. Hugh Keevins wants Malky McKay. Tom English promoted Michael O'Neill, now he prefers Neil Lennon, but he will settle for Daniel O'Donnell. As long as he/she is Irish. Gerry Hassan is a Hibee who hates Rangers. All those complaining about Walter citing his Rangers connections, do not acknowledge the irony of their own promotions.
  11. Due to the lack of coverage last evening, plus Rangers TV regular malfunctions; I listened to BBC Radio Scotland's commentary for over an hour. Liam McLeod was the commentator, just like those linked highlights. Quite a difference in both commentaries, I suspect the TV highlights version was completed sometime this morning? I am sure last night's radio commentary had Rangers losing.
  12. Apparently, our away form is the best in the league' Our home form is truly appalling. Taking responsibility for the game at Ibrox does not suit us, more space in behind for the opposition to exploit. Overall, I am encouraged we are six points better off, and scoring more goals.
  13. Frankie, The lad's name is Carl McGee, he is always referred to on radio as, 'Macca'.
  14. The lad does attend football. I suspect he has been heavily influenced by Phil McFournames modus operandi, tell a big fib involving your child crying to illicit sympathy? After the 2016 Scottish Cup final, he was most anxious to tell all about his levels of exuberance. He is becoming a well utilised tool.
  15. These last 15 years, there is a blind Hibs/Sunderland supporter who regularly calls radio phone-ins. He has NEVER had a good experience at Ibrox.
  16. Tom is privately educated, attended a rugby playing school. His family own the local Limerick newspaper, I believe his brother is/was the Editor?
  17. Born in the city, and indeed died in the city. Jonathan Swift observed the Yahoos all his life. At the age of seven, my perfect attendance at the Band of Hope(I signed the pledge) was rewarded with a copy of Swift's, 'Gulliver's Travels', still a favourite. The Tufty Club, my time as a Wolf Cub Sixer, and the Band of Hope have combined to produce the man I am today. A gin soaked squirrel slayer.
  18. I prefer the Swiftian term, 'Yahoo'.
  19. You are correct, Murphy often penetrated 30-40 yards. A constant 10-15 seconds of holding the ball, whilst waiting for a pass/cross to present itself. It didn't happen, instead Murphy traversed 30-40 yards across the Hibs eighteen yard line, to eventually pass the ball to Tav'. I want Windass, demand Windass provides the necessary 10-15 yard diagonals into the opposition box creating the angles. Murphy is shining, the team should be making hay.
  20. I have intimated previously that BBC Scotland are now in the habit of telephoning the opposition manager post match. We must welcome this, as license fee paying Rangers supporters, we receive greater coverage of events unfolding at Ibrox. Further, why should supporters of the opposition be denied coverage also, just because that Saturday's fixture list pairs them with BBC Scotland's least favourite team. Thus, since the end of November, we are the beneficiaries of post match interviews with Tommy Wright, Martin Canning, and Owen Coyle. The first two rightfully lionised their teams for deserved wins at Ibrox. Owen utilised the opportunity to complain about a non penalty than only he witnessed. Richard Gordon allowed him full vent. Then, Big Dick's Dandy Dons were battered again, and there was NO post match interview with Derek McInnes. A shame, I would have liked to hear Derek's take on his third consecutive failure this season. However, today the first post match managerial interview on BBC Radio Scotland today(apart from the 12.30 kick-off) was Neil Lennon. A smug Richard allowed Neil to state today's Hibs victory was up there with ra Sellik's CL defeat of Barca in his managerial feats. Sure, it was a sniggerfest for Big Dick and he enjoyed it enormously. It's such a shame he could NOT bring Derek to the phone. There you have it, at best BBC Scotland's post match managerial interviews are triumphalistic, and at least a grievance line. When it gets personally tough, Richard doesn't bother.
  21. Spiers never forgets, particularly where and when he is bested. Back in the day, Jim Traynor spanked him from pillar to post, sans lubrication. Graham is anxious, too anxious to suggest the story is a Traynor invention. Now, Traynor left BBC Scotland because of it's constant need for Rangers bating(remember, when Chief Football Writer for the Herald, Souness banned Traynor for six weeks). Spiers has not appeared on BBC Scotland these last three months because they will not renew his golf show. The Laird of Dunlop is reduced to attending ra Stydome with his two sons. The big cheese is confined to wander between the winds. Graham, you may be windswept, but you are NOT interesting.
  22. Back in the day of Spiers Sports Diary in Scotland on Sunday, his Sports Editor, Kevin McKenna demanded Graham's worst fantasies appear in print. Who can forget Graham's insistence that the Enclosure was belting out, "Klinsmanns a Klansman"? Then, there was the denial that the Dandy Dons sang, "nice one Simmy", and his demand we see the better nature of a child molester playing right back for Hearts.
  23. I was in attendance at that game. I entered the ground early and stood with a few mates track side. We watched Kheredine and Chris McLaughlin walk around the track and they stopped several yards away to talk to another BBC Scotland employee(Producer), and all three were replete in said polo shirts. They were asked if their shirts were appropriate to that evening's game? No reply.
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