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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Deliberately, I eased off on matters PQ; knowing that it would run interference on the previews and reactions to the old firm match. As stated earlier, BBC Radio Scotland promised live commentary coverage of the then upcoming Falkirk and ra Sellik games at Ibrox. The Scottish Cup tie against the Bairns saw Rob McLean commentate from a studio inside PQ, whilst viewing Sky's broadcast. I thought it an interesting stat, that Hartley has brought three different clubs to Ibrox on Scottish Cup duty in the last five years and lost 7-0(Alloa), 4-0(Dundee), and 4-1(Falkirk). The type of thing Big Dick might offer up on the post match phone call to the opposition manager? Paul did not come to the phone. The week leading to the Yahoo's match was utilised to inform all of the impending live football commentary awaiting on Sunday. The Glasgow Derby has replaced the phrase, 'old firm' at the PQ gang hut. Sunday arrived, and live commentary was replaced during Big Dick's introduction, "we will be reporting events". He explained they were situated around a table inside a PQ studio, the dynamics being Big Dick, Wullie Miller, Pat Bonner, and Steven Thompson. The far end of the table had Liam McLeod as the commentator, watching Sky; accompanied by Chick Young on dug-out duty, notionally standing at the end of the tunnel. In reality, Chick was sitting next to Liam watching the same monitor. The broadcast itself highlighted a number of folks around the PQ table cheering ra Sellik scoring. In contrast, Liam's voice lowered when Rangers notched. St Mirren fan, Thommo dragging his EBT was slow to defend the Rangers corner, his fellow St Boo fan, Chiko was thrown under a bus on several occasions by Big Dick, reminding him of his real favourite's plight. The high pitched scream amid the studio cacophony at ra Sellik'd third goal belong's to the show's Producer, Clare. Big Dick informed us, she was just joining in on the excitement. Talking of which, Brendan(no surname) was happy to come to the phone and bat away Big Dick's dollies. Apparently, in PQ gang hut mentality, Rangers had made all the pre-match noise, are they still cheering? The describing of events concluded with Bid Dick telling us that Aberdeen's draw at Firhill had seen them go another point closer to Rangers.
  2. I wanted Goss replaced at half-time, we needed Holt's energy in midfield because we were outnumbered. The irony arrived when the red card was issued, we needed Goss because he is a heads-up player and can pick a pass.
  3. I saw another report last evening of a internecine Yahoo scrap in Dumbarton, that involved hospitalisation of a stab victim. Again, it does NOT report it was Yahoo on Yahoo, the emphasis on another Sellik supporter being knifed. I conclude that the usual suspects have written the vast majority of supporter peripheral issues before the game kicks-off. When events unfurl with Russell Martin, the Govan Arms again, the Saltmarket green on green affray, ...... etc, we are already behind the curve, the momentum is heading elsewhere. I have cited no one charged or convicted of assault of Rangers players/staff at the Scottish Cup final 2016, no one convicted of effigies being hung by the neck from the roof of the North Stand at ra Stydome(three charged, two have already had their season tickets returned), no one convicted in the fraudulent take-over of our club, .... etc. The Offensive Behaviour at Football Act was the wrong tool, it illuminated two sides of the problem, and that is both awkward and inconvenient. The stats quoted for the three incidences above(and there are many more), prove they did NOT occur.
  4. It looks like the Saltmarket is the location of the altercation?
  5. BBC Scotland Newspeak, Rangers do not exist.
  6. The last time I met Sir Duped, he told me Sean Connery was going to be a Board member. I did not believe him then, I do not believe him now.
  7. The RTC Blog provided the mood music for events surrounding our club. The PQ Gang Hut members were all main contributors and readers. Cosgrove utilised the name of his Donegal born maternal grand mother as his nomme de guerre. What the RTC Blog did, was put all of them on the same page. The language being used on the blog became the language employed to discuss matters Rangers. (eg cheating on an industrial scale). They did so knowingly, because if you accept the language of your opponent, then you have lost the debate. Cosgrove has been honed, fashioned by the RTC Blog, Scottish football monitor, and even Pie and Bovril; he has always been a hater, he has learned to be a careful hater. Whereas, Jum Spence's hate became over emotional. Cosgroves actions on Scottish Cup final day 2016 should have been the end of his broadcasting career, but he apologised on air, late in that day's coverage. He knew he could come back every week and continue the hate by doing so, he has never disappointed in that regard. I keep saying this over the years, the RTC Blog won the Orwell Prize in 2013/14. It's a prestigious award, who's mantle piece does it sit on? Do you think Cosgrove would tell us?
  8. It's a good point. I have stated before, I am a license fee payer. My professional life was sixteen years in the Parachute Regiment. I relied on the BBC World Service to provide news, current affairs, sports, ..... etc. If I continue to pay my license fee, why should BBC Scotland get away with NOT providing a service? There are disabled Bears, sick Bears, Bears living in remote areas, Bears around the world working, ...... etc. Again, they deserve a service. The PQ gang hut mentality deserves to be exposed and ridiculed, at every turn.
  9. All change yesterday, Big Dick promised full live coverage of today's game against Falkirk, and next week's old firm encounter. So, are the PQ Emerald sitting inside a studio watching the telly, and commentating? Or, are they to be welcomed back on to the Main Stand gantry? We should be told. Oh, and Jum Spence was doing the gig between the dug outs during live commentary at Pittodrie. No one uttered the words, 'Dundee United'. Finally, Dig Dick relayed attendance figures for both yesterday's Scottish Cup quarter-finals. Ra Stydome had just in excess of 18,000 present, whereas the Hill'o'Dung attracted just under 8,000.
  10. The entire Scottish league fixture list is postponed today. There are two Scottish Cup quarter-final ties to fill six hours of BBC Scotland coverage. Perhaps, Jum Spence will use the opportunity to explain the demise of Dundee United? Remember, Jum spent several months as a club consultant at Tannadice. Or, they can continue to bash the H-u-ns.
  11. What are the odds that the guy who first expressed the wish to strip Rangers of titles ending up as the SPFL's in-house legal counsel?
  12. Otis Blue is my all time favourite album.
  13. This has passed me by, but I note that Rod McKenzie has retired from Harper MacLeod. Now, I am sure there would be any number of Quangos available to Rod, where he could do less than fcuk all and continue to top up his pensions. However, Rod has decided to take up an option provided by SPFL Chief Executive, Neil Doncaster. He is the SPFL's legal counsel. He is part-time and in-house, co-ordinating a panel of external legal advisers. I wonder if Peter told Rod to take the job?
  14. He has been heavily involved for more than a decade in local politics in South West Lanarkshire. It's a single issue on the siting of an incinerator, he Chaired/Chairs an organisation of those opposed to the specific siting. The last time I saw Dawson play was at the end of Souness's first season. He Captained Rangers victory at ra Piggery in the Glasgow Cup final.
  15. As long as Lustig is fit furra post season tour of Japan.
  16. 1967, we won 2-0, it was the quarter-finals of the ECWC.
  17. Look at those lights, I am attracted like the moth to the flame. Moody brilliance amid the grey.
  18. At half time last night, the mood was mournful on BBC Radio PQ. The future must promise better; however, the light ahead appeared baleful. Big Dick had repeated the phrase, "Rangers are cruising this", but sparked a soupcon of optimism by following up with, "Rangers contain a number of loanees, a lot of work is required to maintain their current situation". Steven Thompson thinks we are currently favourite for second place, but there's no title race. Wullie Miller concluded, "if Rangers don't finish second, it's failure". Big Dick waded into the familiar, warm waters of budgets. Wullie tested the chlorine by letting go a long stream of pysh reference the Saints defensive frailties, "even the second goal, who's picking up Docherty, who stops Morelos picking him out, where are defensive midfielders matching Windass's run"? Thommo hampered by an EBT around his neck murmurs, "it was a cracking goal". Big Dick finishes with, "Rangers have had three shots on target, three goals". Thus, Rangers are not that good, St Johnstone are truly awful. Some club should give the bankrupt Wullie a job in management. Big Dick did NOT repeat his Sunday claim of bring full live coverage across all Scottish Cup quarter-finals this coming weekend. See, the future light is being dulled already.
  19. Those that participated on the Rangers Tax Case Blog most voraciously, have not disappeared into the ether like the blog. There is a seam to be mined, and their produce is packaged and handed over to Martin Williams' He has published their intent these last eighteen months. The usual pattern will emerge, Williams will be hail hailed for his courage in penning these epistles, he will tell of a threatening experience to him/his wife/his family; hugely publicised, and another senior journo will be found to carry the torch. It has become carefully choreographed theater.
  20. Thank you. Well done Craig Levein. Again, why no Derek McInnes? Big Dick should explain.
  21. There is a caveat, Broonie wants to be considered for international selection if an away fixture in Denmark is on the card. Those Danish plastic blocks are a masticating joy.
  22. Firstly, I had two guests at Bar'72 on Saturday, and thus heard next to nothing of BBC Scotland's coverage. I have a question to any Gersnetter that did tune in, did Richard Gordon interview Craig Levein post-match? As stated at the top of this thread, BBC Radio Scotland improved their coverage of games at Ibrox by telephoning the opposition managers for post match reaction. We heard the triumphalism in the voices of Tommy Wright, Martin Canning, and Neil Lennon. Owen Coyle utilised the opportunity to spout grievance. We did not hear Derek McInnes, was he contacted? If Levein was NOT interviewed, then there appears to be a correlation between opposition defeat and lack of interest at PQ. Did Craig trap? Secondly, I heard most of yesterday's coverage of events at the Hill'o'Dung. I heard Richard Gordon state twice, "we will have full live coverage of all four Scottish Cup quarter-finals next weekend, from Saturday's lunchtime until Sunday afternoon". Now, full live coverage suggests they intend to provide commentary from Ibrox? He said it twice, half-an-hour apart. Oh, and Dundee United are now forth in the Championship, and still no sign of Jum Spence. Finally, the PQ line on Neil Lennon appears to be, "Neil is a passionate man". Sportscene failed to show Lennon getting most profane in the face of referee, Kevin Clancy. Further, Chick Young claimed Lennon sarcastically clapped his hands in the face of the referee too, not shown either. I heard Richard Gordon, Pat Bonner, Chris McLaughlin, and Stephen Thomson all use the line, 'Neil is a passionate guy'. Tell that to the two women he has threatened in well documented cases.
  23. Haw Jum, Did you see Ryan Hardie's screamer? Work it up your arse!
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