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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Stevie G might get a game out of Rossiter? I believe they speak the same language.
  2. As stated above by Frankie, Thunder Stealer extraordinaire. We must remember both Billy and Thommo are trailing heavy EBTs behind them, it's a hard gig? Billy's insight from the PQ studio was hilarious, Cummings is not a striker, he doesn't know where to play him, at the age of 26, can he be coached to play in the right areas? Big Dick wonders aloud, can Rangers afford him, before announcing he has only turned 22. Big Stu' made an even bigger cnut of himself on both halves of his show. Apparently, the SPFL computer is programmed to ensure Rangers and Rangers supporters avoid humiliation. We have such influence that ensured the scheduling of the last old firm game of the season. Tam intervened with, if such influence was at work, why didn't the computer schedule the match for the fifth match day? No answer from Big Stu', but it did not prevent him ranting the same pysh for a couple of minutes post results. Still, Soulful Saintee knows three Rangers supporters who were all season ticket holders, but no longer attend because Rangers are not the same club. See us Rangers supporters, see the influence we exert? The final word on the weekend goes to Hugh MacDonald, asked by Jeff Webster what he had focused on this last sporting week? Pensioner Hugh announced, "oh just the usual pantomime, farce, and drama that is Rangers".
  3. I suppose AJ had to say something, nature hates a vacuum and all that. Pointless really, I've looked at the Scottish Premiership table and cannot find a team entitled, 'the Curve'. I will be more comfortable if we are able to finish ahead of both Hibs and Aberdeen. Constant optimism is proving to be poor sustenance.
  4. Interesting? During 1987, two Celtic supporters, Tom Campbell and Pat Woods penned a tremendous read, 'the Glory and the Dream' is an unofficial biography of Sellik FC. They found the evidence that Sellik began in St Mary's Halls during November 1887. The tome was both well researched and written, but remained a quiet sell. In 1988, Sellik commissioned the soon to be club Director, Brian Wilson MP to pen the official centenary publication, 'A Century with Honour'(nae kiddin'). The book was poorly researched and written, and Brian stayed with the lazy option of the club being founded in 1888. Brian has a double garage somewhere, filled to the brim with his awful offering; however, ra Sellik being a strict hierarchical structure and Brian about to take his seat of Directorship, 1888 won out. Reference Campbell and Woods research, they brought to light the true story of Jimmy McGrory. In the early thirties, the then manager of Sellik, Willie Maley was accompanied by McGrory on his annual pilgrimage to Lourdes. They stopped in London and dined with then Arsenal manager, Herbert Chapman. McGrory took a comfort break and Chapman offered Maley £40,000 for his star striker, and an assurance that the center forward wood double his wages. Maley told Chapman he could count on the transfer going through and on his return in a few weeks hence, another meal would seal the deal. McGrory was both hurt and upset that the club would so easily sell him on, he played for the club he supported. Maley was incensed at McGrory's loyalty and promptly reduced his wages by £1 per week. McGrory was paid £1 less than his Sellik team mates for the remaining several years of his Sellik career. As Annie McGuire says, "Celtic is a lovely club, full of ethics".
  5. Five minutes have passed and a fulminating Tom is now demanding justice for a wholly innocent structure.
  6. Ah, but if said athlete was a known Bear, Tom would pen the accompanying line, 'vile Rangers supporter deliberately damages public property by forcing his head into the structure'.
  7. Saturday on Beeb Scotland was one long Yahoo-fest. Angela Haggerty made her third appearance on Shereen's show, and her moment of the week was not about ra Sellik, or was it? The new News Editor at Herald Towers flagged up the race for the Deputy Leadership of the SNP. Praise for James Dornan MSP for opting out of the race, to fight the very real problem of sectarianism. Angela can empathise, her troll was arrested, charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced. Let's hope James Dornan's tormentor(s) in organising, 'Smash a F-e-nian Day' are similarly dispatched. We do not want it to end as it has for the ten year old Rangers supporter with a broken jaw, the nine year old Bear with over a dozen head stitches, or the three Yahoos arrested for displaying two hanging effigies at Sellik Park - the Police have suspended their investigations because of a lack of evidence. Angela feels the dynamic of Indyref 2 has evaporated and one of the candidates, SNP Councillor, Chris McEleny is the very man to put it back on track. Maybe, Angela was heavily influenced by McEleny's filmed puff piece broadcast on BBC Scotland on Friday evening? Chris standing in a smart suit, watching a dozen 8-9 year olds playing football. Most of the lads were replete in a mixture of green'n'grey and all green Sellik strips. Further, it could be that Chris has a social media history of referring to Rangers supporters as, 'H-u-ns'. Actually, Chris has outspoken views on matters Irish republicanism, Trident, Rangers, and has a fashionable affliction, depression! Chris is rawkin' the, 'we are all Neil Lennon' big time. It's the comfortable common currency thing, Angela having edited Phil McFournames book, Chris ticks all her boxes. Tam Cowan heads off to watch the mighty claret and amber hammer Aberdeen, and BBC Scotland invite Annie McGuire to co-host with BigStu'. Four hours of broadcasting ensues and Annie is the gift that keeps on giving. The first half of Off the Ball has Annie proclaiming, "Celtic is a lovely club, full of ethics". She adds, "Tommy Burns epitomises Celtic, ooooh that red hair". Remember, BigStu' tells us regularly what keeps him awake in his bed at night, is the burning injustice of lack of objectivity. I know my fellow Gersnetters, you will be wanting to be told why BigStu' failed to mention the events of twenty-odd years past? Fergus McCann sacked Lou Macari and was on the look out for a new club boss. The then Killie manager and his deputy(Tommy Burns and Billy Stark) were on family holidays in the Canary Isles. Both interrupted their annual breaks to fly to Manchester Airport and hung around for several hours, until Fergus McCann appeared. They all enjoyed a meal together, and did not talk about being offered managerial positions at ra Sellik by McCann. We know this because all three swore this was case before the official inquiry on allegations of 'tapping up'. All those ethics impinged the ambiance before Tommy and Billy flew back to Tenerife. Ra Sellik were fined £100,000 for tapping-up the red haired Tommy and £50,000 for persuading the curly haired Billy. Anyways, Annie was swimming in the warm comfortable waters of vicTIMhood and during a discussion on winning prizes she announce, "I won the Herald Forum prize, effectively a job at the newspaper, and me a catholic". Further, she opined, "whatever the minimum wage was then, I was paid way less". Earlier in the show, Annie revealed she was forty. Doing the arithmetic, some twenty years past the Herald had Kevin McKenna, Joan McAlpine, Hugh MacDonald, Ian Paul, Tom Shields, Kate Grant, ......... etc, I suspect Annie has succumbed to False Memory Syndrome? Now, last close season, Annie revealed she was lecturing at the University of the West of Scotland. The then departing News Editor at Beeb Scotland, Diarmid O'Hara asked her to accompany him in this new venture. I wonder if Annies faith featured in that invitation? My concern is with those undergraduates subjected to Annie's memory; well, apart from those blessed with red hair. Finally, BigStu' asked Annie whether she was prejudiced more as a St Mirren fan, or as a Sellik supporter? No hesitation, as Annie answered, "without doubt as a Celtic supporter, I've been kettled". The second half of the show saw Annie kettled with David Farrell, Hugh MacDonald, and BigStu'. The main topic of conversation was the post split fixtures and the positioning of the remaining old firm match. Farrell wanted his beloved Celts to draw with Hibs, so they could clinch the title against Rangers. Annie was up for that, but Hugh took it further, pointing out the sequence of results that could see Rangers finish fourth or fifth. Murmurs of approval alleviated the kettling experience. I will leave with the quote of the day and the wonderment of the degree of comfort they all comfortably sat. Obviously, the events of May'99 at Sellik Park surfaced momentarily, David Farrell said, I was at that game, it was a strange thing". Maybe when Tam returns, he can tell them of the assaults on the house and family of fellow Well fan, Hugh Dallas that night?
  8. I was listening to Jeff Webster's show on BBC Radio Scotland on Sunday noon, the old firm build-up was beginning. Dandy Don, Jeff began with the immediate aftermath of the Commonwealth Games, Hugh MacDonald and athlete, Lee McConnell joined him for the thirty minute wash up on Gold Coast events. Both John Beattie and Kheredine Idessane joined in from Australia, with the closing ceremony going on in the background. Obviously, the welfare of Scots marathon runner, Callum Hawkins was uppermost. I am sure many Gersnetters are aware that Hawkins was two minutes ahead of the field with a mile to go, when he collapsed from heat exhaustion. He picked himself up, staggered forward another few dozen steps before collapsing again, this time hitting his head off the crush barrier, on the way down. It was in excess of seven minutes before appropriate medical attention was delivered. There's an interlude at this point in the narrative, we can see from the above posts that Tom English attempted to bully a Scots athlete, Lynsey Sharp for an indifferent performance, or because she blanked Tom's questions? Let me take you back four years to Glasgow, and Lynsey Sharp has just secured silver for Scotland in the 800 metres. She gushed on her achievement, dedicated it to her father, fellow Commonwealth and Olympian athlete, Cameron who has been in a dreadful state of health since a car crash quarter of a century before. Lynsey added her desire to take her medal to Ibrox and share it with her fellow Rangers supporters. Tom quipped on BBC Radio Scotland that at least Rangers supporters will see some silverware this season. The usual suspects indulged in a few jibes and sniggers, read out a few e-mails based on Lynsey's desire. One of those contributions emanated from a female from Biggar, attending Ibrox for the Rugby Sevens. She thought Ibrox was a wonderful venue for family gatherings, everyone cheering both sides' efforts, and it's capacity was perfect for rugby fans in the west. As rugger types could fill the stadium, and create such a wonderful atmosphere, it should become a rugby venue. Lot's of murmuring approval from the studio. Subsequently, we found out that the e-mailing female was SNP MSP, Humza Yousaf's office manager. BBC Scotland realised it had gone too far again, and read out another contribution before the show's conclusion, that the current Ibrox was constructed as a memorial to those that had perished on the 2nd January'71. It is like Tom English's contribution on twitter, after painting a target on the back of Lynsey Sharp, He was correctly embarrassed at the vile sectarian abuse being doled out to a Scot's athlete by cyber yahoos. Tom's motivation for getting after Lynsey stems from four years past. Back to Jeff Webster, Lee McConnell provided the timings of Sharp's qualifier and winning finalist; further, she reminded the listeners that April was the very start of northern hemisphere season and it was a big ask for our athletes. Hugh MacDonald murmured that Sharp's big let down was blanking the media. McConnell felt everyone had the right to deal with disappointment the way they saw it, but added she would not have avoided questions after a disappointing race. Hugh felt firmer ground and related back to Glasgow and swimmer, Michael Jamieson. Similarly, he failed in the Commonwealth Games and paraded his Olympic silver medal around Sellik Park. He was out in front of the media explaining his failure, immediately. Hugh provided an appropriate, or maybe approved role model for Lynsey, but did not mention the horrific abuse suffered by Sharp because the Hector Tom had been bested by her on Twitter. This is where it got most interesting, both Beattie and Idessane(remember, in Australia) both chimed in with Sharp's actions reference Callum Hawkins. She ran over a kilometer in hot, humid conditions with bottles of water, and was the first to administrate any aid to the collapsed athlete, nearly two minutes before medical attention. Twenty years past, when MacDonald was the Herald's Literary Editor, he had a column in the Saturday Sports supplement. Often, he returned to Journalists taking a line on a story. This was a bad thing, information was lost because half-a-dozen journos ion attendance at a sporting event would naturally see things differently, and such a compromise deprived the readership of the full facts. I have read Gordon Waddell's piece on Hawkins collapse in the Record, read the Scottish Daily Mail's John Greechan's piece too, ......... etc and all have written Lynsey Sharp's actions out of their reports. I wonder if a line has been taken to ensure bullying Tom's vanity remains intact? We should be told. Well done John Beattie and Kheredine Idessane.
  9. He won the League Championship in '63/64 season, pipping Hearts at Tynecastle(0-2) on goal average on the last day of the season. Interestingly, Killie would have lost out on today's preference for goal difference. Reference his time at the Scottish Daily Express, it was a broadsheet in those days and many men bought the blatt particularly because of it's football coverage. My old man bought the Glasgow Herald for news/current affairs, but detested their main football writer, Cyril Horne. The Express accompanied the Herald and was read from the back page first, namely John Fairgrieve's contribution. Waddell mined the seam of the Rangers manager's job, his constant criticism of then boss, Davie Whyte bordered on unseemly. Apparently, Wullie felt overlooked when Scot Symon was dismissed. I think it was after defeat in the Fairs Cup semi-final to Newcastle, Waddell christened Whyte, 'the Boy David'. He did not recover.
  10. Reference Lee Wallace, Hearts supporters appear quietly confident that he is heading back to Tynecastle this coming close season. A coaching role is involved. I believe Lee has a year left on his contract, Hearts should make a bid. I am sure the usual suspects in the media will encourage such behaviour?
  11. Murty has gone from being overseer of our under 21s/youth set up to temporary manager of Rangers twice. He has been in charge during some awful performances and results, particularly at Ibrox. Rangers should not be succumbing to Accies, St Johnstone, Killie, ........ etc at home in the same season. Overall, I think we should thank Murty for providing a dozen weeks of hope. However, the old firm game at Ibrox was an open goal he failed to convert. Almost forty second half minutes against ten men, and he took off the one player that can get his head up and play a pass, Goss. Now, the QPR loanee might have had an indifferent game up to that point; circumstances change, more space available, and we have no one who can play the necessary pass. We played for forty minutes in front of ten men, without attempting to get in behind. Graeme Murty should realise his time has come and gone as Rangers manager. If he doesn't, then those in the Rangers Boardroom should tell him soonest. They should thank Murty for twelve weeks breathing space, but short term solutions are not the answer. Fiddling with tactics when over arching strategy is what is required is damning. A largely absentee landlord of a Chair, Park in to firefight as Vice-Chair(we are told he pressed heavily for Pedro's appointment), and issues such as a Rights Issue meandering off into the ether. The last five games of the season are mega important as to the club's financial plan. Securing second place is a must because it is integral to competing in Europe, where the Chair has identified the necessary monies can be raised. The current laissez-faire attitude at Board level is not acceptable. The spat involving the temporary manager and two senior players is a symptom of a lack of hands-on Board management.
  12. Both Angela Haggerty and Annie McGuire were on air at BBC Scotland for several hours yesterday. They would have known of Tom's blatant swerve towards misogyny, his painting a target on the back of a girl wearing a Team Scotland jersey, and what ensued. They said nothing. You see, Lynsey is not part of the sisterhood, she's a H-u-n!
  13. Oh Tom, you know BBC Scotland's policy towards all things Rangers is careful hate. You have over stepped and Donalda will have you in for an interview without coffee and chair.
  14. It's most probably in Derek's BBC contract, he must say he is a Rangers man twice in every piece, suggesting BBC Scotland employ a degree of balance. In actual fact, he is BBC Scotland's only Rangers man, deliberately so. I am afraid Derek is, 'the token', there will be a wooden Indian hidden away in some PQ cupboard.
  15. BBC Scotland provides a broadcasting service. I pay my license fee, I am deserving of said service.
  16. I remember when Jim Traynor was still broadcasting at BBC Scotland, it was a Saturday evening and Chris McLaughlin had defended a Neil Lennon indefensible. Traynor let him say his piece, then countered, "we should be aware that Chris McLaughlin is a shill for Celtic football club".
  17. Yesterday, the winds of change whipped up off the river, and blew through the PQ gang hut. No, not the actual football coverage, the usual AberTic mob congregated at Tynecastle for the Jambos against the Dandy Dons. Big AmDram Dick, Wullie Miller, Liam McLeod, and Chris McLaughlin spent twenty minutes before the game discussing Aberdeen securing second position for the fourth year in a row. A possible Manager of the Year for dearest Derek, should he achieve runners-up status in the league and win the Scottish Cup. A most comfortable discussion. Rob McLean gave Rangers supporters the team news, a half time bullet point report, and a list of scorers at the end. Neil McCann was not contacted, or decided not to come to the phone post match. Somber times prevail at PQ, Jum Spence is inconsolable. The breeze that did penetrate was Off the Ball. Big Stu' and Tam were off on their holibags, and Chic Young and Pat the Biro Nevin filled in, with Billy Sloan and Erchie MacPherson as guests. The former Heidmaister was on plugging his new tome on Scotland's attendance at World Cup Finals. Billy provided numerous tales of excess amid the music industry. Chic and Pat continually flagged up their daring references to things English and London. They knew their content would upset Big Stu's sensitivities. Surprising, given Big Stu's University time at Hull, and the majority of his working life based south of the border? However, as we know, Big Stu' is obsessed with the accents of Anglo-Scots, it's a Warren Cummings thing. The show was entertaining, tales of Wembley weekends, Ray Wilkins stories, London memories, best goal ever witnessed, ...... etc; all done without the habitual Big Stu' agenda driven obsession. I wonder if MacPherson's appearance was timed for Cosgrove's absence? His last two appearances have seen him relate a story on how BBC Scotland has changed in his fifty plus years of commentating. He told of the BBC Scotland canteen, where everyone would gather to watch Scot's sides involved in Euro fixtures. The unwritten rule was everyone supported the Scot's team, whoever they were playing. This changed when Rangers competed in the UEFA cup final in 2008. He related a tense atmosphere in a most crowded canteen as the game began. When St Petersburg scored, there was an enormous eruption, dozens of folks on tables punching the air, lots of hugging, gesticulations towards the screen, ....... etc. You can imagine, Big Stu' was unhappy and immediately changed the subject. The second occasion saw Big Stu' attempting to stymie Erchie from telling it again. We have endured every fart and wheeze of Cosgrove for 23 years on this show, a man in his 67th year should be encouraged to utilise his pensioners ticket more.
  18. I have not seen a Scouser this happy over one leg since Paul McCartney met Heather Mills.
  19. I do not know how many tickets are available(on average) reference this particular category; is it too hard to have a single window open at our modular build facility of a ticket office, pre-game for a few hours to facilitate the matter?
  20. My God, Eysenck mentioned in a match preview! Seriously, only on Gersnet. I have not heard of Eysenck for forty odd years, it was at University where young thrusting Lecturers were fond of referencing his personality tests. I seem to remember each of his personality tests had a couple of 'control questions'? Anybody want to squeeze in Tanenbaum and Hoxie?
  21. Our southern neighbours are heavens, I treasure Easter Monday and am determined to observe the Easter Bunny's birthday. Elwood P Dowd Loyal RSC.
  22. I have great sympathy with those that state the Tory party fell out with each other, and we all face the Brexit bill. Increasingly, we all pay the price of some politicians' egos. James Dornan's receipt of an e-mail emanating from Finland, is the fault of Stewart Hosie's libido. The Dundee MP began an affair with Shona Robison MSP, both were already married. Stewart and Shona left their partners and got hitched, had a daughter. Then Stewart shagged an English Journo on the Westminster beat. and found the reality of cheating on Nicola's biggest, bestest pal was harsh. Stewart was Deputy Leader of the SNP. Of course, he resigned, cast from the House of Sturgeon. Now, we have a Deputy Leadership poll coming up fast. The candidates are James Dornan MSP, Julie Hepburn, and Chris McEleny. Over the last dozen years, Dornan has had a haphazard route into public office. Owing tens of thousands, he benefited from his local constituency party loaning him the amounts owed until he was in a position to return said monies. You see, he was contravening candidature rules. Such a scenario, it's easy to see why a man in his 50s continues to reside with his maw. James likes the gravy train and knows election as Deputy Leader opens numerous opportunities. A move to Nicola's granny flat in the House of Sturgeon sees the leader, deputy leader, and Chief Executive(Peter Murrell) of the SNP, all under one roof. Apparently, devolving power and authority is a bad thing? In preparation, James knows he must immerse himself in the warm, comforting waters of vicTIMhood. It would be most convenient if James was to be threatened by an unquantifiable heinous force. There's a seam that fellow nationalist politicians appear to be successfully mining, Rangers supporters. Only one MSP of 129 admits to supporting Rangers, Murdo Fraser, they are without defence. Most of the main stream media enjoy kicking this grouping too, they will run with it, even if they don't believe it, a win win. If in doubt, blame Rangers. Of course, 'smashing a Fen-ian' is snappy and it will outrage the usual suspects, and they will vent their opprobrium in fashioning another stick to strike the vile H-uns. There is a wee inconvenient and awkward problem, those being smashed in Dornan's constituency these last two years, are Rangers supporting children. A reconstructed jaw and a dozen stitches from two bottles thrown by jolly craicsters replete in green'n'grey. And, James said ............................................... you are looking at the centre of a doughnut. I am sure James will be more mindful of constituency matters when elected Deputy Leader?
  23. You are correct, no retraction, only an apology because IPSO upheld Rangers complaint.
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