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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. I remember when Jim Traynor was still broadcasting at BBC Scotland, it was a Saturday evening and Chris McLaughlin had defended a Neil Lennon indefensible. Traynor let him say his piece, then countered, "we should be aware that Chris McLaughlin is a shill for Celtic football club".
  2. Yesterday, the winds of change whipped up off the river, and blew through the PQ gang hut. No, not the actual football coverage, the usual AberTic mob congregated at Tynecastle for the Jambos against the Dandy Dons. Big AmDram Dick, Wullie Miller, Liam McLeod, and Chris McLaughlin spent twenty minutes before the game discussing Aberdeen securing second position for the fourth year in a row. A possible Manager of the Year for dearest Derek, should he achieve runners-up status in the league and win the Scottish Cup. A most comfortable discussion. Rob McLean gave Rangers supporters the team news, a half time bullet point report, and a list of scorers at the end. Neil McCann was not contacted, or decided not to come to the phone post match. Somber times prevail at PQ, Jum Spence is inconsolable. The breeze that did penetrate was Off the Ball. Big Stu' and Tam were off on their holibags, and Chic Young and Pat the Biro Nevin filled in, with Billy Sloan and Erchie MacPherson as guests. The former Heidmaister was on plugging his new tome on Scotland's attendance at World Cup Finals. Billy provided numerous tales of excess amid the music industry. Chic and Pat continually flagged up their daring references to things English and London. They knew their content would upset Big Stu's sensitivities. Surprising, given Big Stu's University time at Hull, and the majority of his working life based south of the border? However, as we know, Big Stu' is obsessed with the accents of Anglo-Scots, it's a Warren Cummings thing. The show was entertaining, tales of Wembley weekends, Ray Wilkins stories, London memories, best goal ever witnessed, ...... etc; all done without the habitual Big Stu' agenda driven obsession. I wonder if MacPherson's appearance was timed for Cosgrove's absence? His last two appearances have seen him relate a story on how BBC Scotland has changed in his fifty plus years of commentating. He told of the BBC Scotland canteen, where everyone would gather to watch Scot's sides involved in Euro fixtures. The unwritten rule was everyone supported the Scot's team, whoever they were playing. This changed when Rangers competed in the UEFA cup final in 2008. He related a tense atmosphere in a most crowded canteen as the game began. When St Petersburg scored, there was an enormous eruption, dozens of folks on tables punching the air, lots of hugging, gesticulations towards the screen, ....... etc. You can imagine, Big Stu' was unhappy and immediately changed the subject. The second occasion saw Big Stu' attempting to stymie Erchie from telling it again. We have endured every fart and wheeze of Cosgrove for 23 years on this show, a man in his 67th year should be encouraged to utilise his pensioners ticket more.
  3. I have not seen a Scouser this happy over one leg since Paul McCartney met Heather Mills.
  4. I do not know how many tickets are available(on average) reference this particular category; is it too hard to have a single window open at our modular build facility of a ticket office, pre-game for a few hours to facilitate the matter?
  5. My God, Eysenck mentioned in a match preview! Seriously, only on Gersnet. I have not heard of Eysenck for forty odd years, it was at University where young thrusting Lecturers were fond of referencing his personality tests. I seem to remember each of his personality tests had a couple of 'control questions'? Anybody want to squeeze in Tanenbaum and Hoxie?
  6. Our southern neighbours are heavens, I treasure Easter Monday and am determined to observe the Easter Bunny's birthday. Elwood P Dowd Loyal RSC.
  7. I have great sympathy with those that state the Tory party fell out with each other, and we all face the Brexit bill. Increasingly, we all pay the price of some politicians' egos. James Dornan's receipt of an e-mail emanating from Finland, is the fault of Stewart Hosie's libido. The Dundee MP began an affair with Shona Robison MSP, both were already married. Stewart and Shona left their partners and got hitched, had a daughter. Then Stewart shagged an English Journo on the Westminster beat. and found the reality of cheating on Nicola's biggest, bestest pal was harsh. Stewart was Deputy Leader of the SNP. Of course, he resigned, cast from the House of Sturgeon. Now, we have a Deputy Leadership poll coming up fast. The candidates are James Dornan MSP, Julie Hepburn, and Chris McEleny. Over the last dozen years, Dornan has had a haphazard route into public office. Owing tens of thousands, he benefited from his local constituency party loaning him the amounts owed until he was in a position to return said monies. You see, he was contravening candidature rules. Such a scenario, it's easy to see why a man in his 50s continues to reside with his maw. James likes the gravy train and knows election as Deputy Leader opens numerous opportunities. A move to Nicola's granny flat in the House of Sturgeon sees the leader, deputy leader, and Chief Executive(Peter Murrell) of the SNP, all under one roof. Apparently, devolving power and authority is a bad thing? In preparation, James knows he must immerse himself in the warm, comforting waters of vicTIMhood. It would be most convenient if James was to be threatened by an unquantifiable heinous force. There's a seam that fellow nationalist politicians appear to be successfully mining, Rangers supporters. Only one MSP of 129 admits to supporting Rangers, Murdo Fraser, they are without defence. Most of the main stream media enjoy kicking this grouping too, they will run with it, even if they don't believe it, a win win. If in doubt, blame Rangers. Of course, 'smashing a Fen-ian' is snappy and it will outrage the usual suspects, and they will vent their opprobrium in fashioning another stick to strike the vile H-uns. There is a wee inconvenient and awkward problem, those being smashed in Dornan's constituency these last two years, are Rangers supporting children. A reconstructed jaw and a dozen stitches from two bottles thrown by jolly craicsters replete in green'n'grey. And, James said ............................................... you are looking at the centre of a doughnut. I am sure James will be more mindful of constituency matters when elected Deputy Leader?
  8. You are correct, no retraction, only an apology because IPSO upheld Rangers complaint.
  9. We are a far better side away from home, simply there is more room to play, particularly in behind. Ra Sellik down to ten men saw Broonaldo defend from the point, and continually shuttle into the full back positions. Mulumbu did the same for Killie. We will create opportunities, we must take a few.
  10. Today's Evening Times has the aforementioned, Stacey Mullen on the front page, highlighting the increase in assaults on Police Officers. Her main source is Police Scotland union represenititive, Paul Connolly. This is well rehearsed, her mucker Jane Hamilton did it with polis rep', Callum Steele in the aftermath of the Scottish Cup final 2016. He labeled events conjured out the ether by Hamilton as, "disgraceful", despite not being anywhere near Hampden. Rangers supporters throwing their children in front of responding polis wagons was fake news and the Daily Record, and it's Editor had to apologise after IPSO upheld Rangers complaint. However, go back over two decades and another Rangers hater, then the Daily Record's Chief Reporter, Anna Smith struck up a relationship with then Chief Inspector, Kevin Smith(no relation). Anna had front page after front page with the constantly promoted Kevin backing her with reinforcing quotes. Kevin's father had founded the Scottish Police Officers Catholic Guild, and Kevin made it all the way to Chief Constable of Central Region. Anna resides in coastal Donegal, yep that same village as ill Phil. I suspect Stacey and Paul will be back on the front pages promoting fake news about Rangers supporters soonest?
  11. As stated earlier on this thread, the Herald's Martin Williams is once again at the forefront of highlighting this piece of fake news. He has plenty of form. He began fifteen plus years back as a cub reporter in the sports department, now he is the Senior News Reporter. He is a one way traffic merchant, one side is to blame and only one side. The comments below the article are accusing and vile. Interestingly, these last eighteen months, the Herald's on line/digital Editor has been, Stacey Mullen. I suspect she feeds said content to Martin Williams. She was outed some 15 years past on FF. Her moniker in those days was, 'Showbiz Stacey', and she was actively trolling for negative stories on H-u-ns and orange bas-tards. Her bigest, bestest mate is the Record's Jane Hamilton. Remember the aftermath of the 2016 Scottish Cup final? Hamilton ran interference by claiming Rangers supporters had adopted NI orange order tactics of throwing their children in front of responding police vans at Hampden. Stacey and Jane have co-located season tickets at ra Stydome. The News Editor at the Sunday Herald is Angela Haggerty, ................................. etc
  12. In the week of Cardinal O'Brien's funeral, surely 'smashing a Fen-ian' is passe? More appropriately, 'Punch a Pape' should be promoted. Now James, let's all join in a chorus of the Horst Wessel song.
  13. It lasted in excess of two decades, a Cosgrove lament that sounded something like this; all those buses leaving Perth, Motherwell, Dumbarton, ............. etc heading to old firm venues, why don't they support their local teams? Now, Big Stu' has been a denizen of the Dennistoun Drives these last twenty years, his(and his boay's) local team are half a mile away, Sellik Park. All those guests not allowed to leave the studio until they succumbed to Stu's establishment view? Gersnetters should occasionally tune in on Thursday afternoons, to hear Dr Stuart Cosgrove and Dr Eamonn O'Neill discuss matters media. Audible contortions are the norm' for a man who conducted his entire tertiary education in Hull. The quest for purity takes strange roads, ah mean, Adolf was an Austrian who enjoyed waving a flag.
  14. Let's see if we can keep the thread on track, whilst embracing the Scots accent theme. BBC Scotland has taken the Andy Murray phenomenon very seriously, right from the off they designated an Andy Murray correspondent. Firstly, it was Annie McGuire, she trailed Andy around Flushing Meadows, Melbourne Park, Roland Garros, ....... etc. We suspect Annie missed her beloved Sellik so much, she opted to unhitch her wagon from Train Murray. However, events since have shown Annie was much keener to have her wagon shunted back on to Train O'Hara. Diarmid O'Hara(brother of Brendan O'Hara SNP MP) was BBC Scotland's News Editor and was soon to leave to take over the newly created West of Scotland University. Annie is a Senior Lecturer in Journalism at said Uni, and fills in beside Cosgrove during the close season months. Another BIG Sellik supporter, the privately educated Kheredine Idessane took over Annie's gig, and remains there to this day. I think we can all agree that Andy has a Scot's accent? He is Dunblane born and bred. Dunblane is a Perthshire town and normally that would ensure an easy ride from Cosgrove. I mean Andy's football affiliations are well documented, he is a Hibby for family reasons. Thus, why did Cosgrove distance himself from Andy, why did he put so much effort into distancing Andy from Scotland? His line for several years, was that Scotland could take no credit for Andy Murray. He was a product of both Catalan and Floridean conditioning. He had headed off to sunnier climes as an early teenager, and was the beneficiary of expensive coaching. Then, the referendum intervened, the curmudgeon Scot revealed that if he had a vote(lives in Hampshire), he would probably vote 'Yes' in the upcoming poll. It was Volte Face time for Big Stu', Andy went from being a cosmopolitan Brit' to being, "easily the best athlete ever produced by Scotland". Now, I think Andy is up there, three grand slams, two Olympic Golds, and captaining GB to a Davis Cup win for the first time in decades; it's impressive stuff. Cosgrove threw open his latest conclusion, he involved both sides of his face in courting the reflections of both his media review and Off the Ball audiences. Unsurprisingly, both audiences agreed, well those parts of the audience that his Producers allowed to voice. I would have gone for Eric Liddell, yep the guy from that film, 'Chariots of Fire'. He attended the 1924 Paris Olympics intending to run the 100 metres. He discovered the heats were held on a Sunday, the Sabbath was sacred to his well being. Immediately, he switched to the 400 meters, the race known as, 'the Manbreaker'. He ran it, won the Gold medal with little to no training, and added it to the caps won playing rugby union for Scotland. Liddell's record in the Manbreaker stood for a dozen years. Eric's name never surfaced over the weeks Andy's case was being promoted; again, maybe it's just me, but Liddell was a member at Rangers. Of course, Big Stu' has an out, Liddell was born in China, his Scots parents being Presbyterian missionaries. Liddell died in China too, as a prisoner of the Japanese. Do we know Liddell's accent, was it the same as Warren Cummings? Big Stu' should know. Accents, where folks are born, where they are conditioned/trained, .... etc; it's a minefield, and watching the pensioner, Big Stu' stumble his way through? Some times the comedy and the ridicule writes itself.
  15. The accent thing is interesting, it stymied Cosgrove last weekend. As stated, Cosgrove regularly returns to the theme of his desire for greater purity in the national team. He had James McFadden on as a guest, doing the promo for the new era of Big Eck. The craggy font of Caledonian knowledge was off on one reference, 'purity' being essential in the national side. He decided to further illuminate his point by citing a one cap wonder of a player during the Bertie Vogts days, Warren Cummings. He brought nothing to the side, a Londoner exploiting the granny rule to receive a cap from the Jocks. What was Scotland to him? James McFadden pipes up, he remembers Warren Cummings, was in a few squads with the player, "ah don't know what your talking about, Warren spoke with a Scots accent, he was born in Aberdeen". Tam Cowan changed the subject to save Cosgrove's blushes. I do hope Big Stu' is consuming more shortbread to bolster his national zeal, and maybe he will refrain from pitchforking hapless names from his failing memory, into the bad fire? I doubt it.
  16. The national team produced a less than inspiring performance, and a poor result on Friday night. The PQ gang hut talked all around the current national team situation and arrived at the conclusion, it could be all right when the spine of the team reverts to Sellik players. Further, it doesn't reflect well on the Scottish Leagues, that only one starting player currently plays in the Scottish Premiership. 'Anglos' are a grouping that we have always had problems in accepting. There is a belief that always finds oxygen, that Anglos are some what under-motivated, are condemned anyway for taking English silver, and are detached from national fervour. It's forty-five years since eligibility rules allowed those born outside Scotland but have Scottish parents, to pull on the cobalt blue. It's thirty-odd years since, 'the Granny rule' arrived and allowed those with a grandparent born in Scotland to be enthused by the Hampden Roar. There is a prominent member of the PQ gang hut, Stuart Cosgrove who always blames an Anglo for Scotland's misfortune. Surprising, given that Cosgrove has spent the majority of his professional life based in Engerland. Big Stu' is an uber nationalist, waves the Saltire with gusto. He believes utilising the granny rule shows desperation. He never misses an oportunity to rattle into such a player. The last campaign, it was Chris Martin; yesterday, it was Oli McBurnie. It was an audible vomit, a purge as Big Stu' informed us this was the guy that's scored six goals for Barnsley, he lead the line in the under 21s campaign last year and he was rank, and he is preventing those in the Scottish game having a go. I suspect Big Stu' wants a cleansing? Big Stu' as Kenneth Brannagh in, 'Conspiracy'? Surely, someone in the PQ gang hut should take him aside and tell him his time has past? Oh, and I am sure in the week where Oli McBurnie promoted his desire to maybe become a Rangers player one day, has not influenced Big Stu's latest rant.
  17. Auld Sodjers 1 PQ Gang Hut 0.
  18. You are correct. East End Park, we defeated the Pars 1-6 and Parlane notched five. DJ scored our other goal that Autumnal Saturday. Interestingly, the Dunfermline scorer that day was, Ken Mackie. Two seasons previously, we had bid £100,000 for him. The Pars accepted the bid, but Mackie turned down the move.
  19. I have a distinct memory of the, 'Parlane is the King of Ibrox Park' song. It was Christmas week(I think the day before Christmas Eve) during the 72/73 season, and we were due at Bayview. East Fife were stuffy, played the offside trap continually, marshaled by former Ancell Babe starlet, Pat Quinn. We were beginning to put a title run together, and the momentum of defeating the Fifers before facing Ayr United(home), Thistle(away) and then the Yahoos at Ibrox was most necessary. A crowd of over 10,000 crammed into the ground as the snow began to fall, the flakes blocked our view of a slate grey sea. We battered them in the first half, running up a 0-4 lead. Parlane scored the fourth just before half time, and the seasonal melody erupted, 'Parlane, Parlane, born is the King of Ibrox Park'. We finished the festive period with another new song to add to the canon, we defeated the Yahoos at Ibrox with an injury time winner, a back stick header from a ghosting Alfie Conn. Even after Alfie left the club to go to Spurs, 'who put the ball in the Sellik net' was celebrated.
  20. I suspect some of those balaclava clad chaps are members of the West Regent Street Residents Association? It must be terribly confusing, all those different membership cards.
  21. Killie deserved their victory. I thought like last week after ra Sellik were reduced to ten men, we played in front and around the opposition. Brown was the apex of their defence, shuttling left and right to the full backs' areas; yesterday, it was Mulumbu replicating those shuttles. Mulumbu was my man of the match.
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