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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Souness's first three fixtures in a calendar week in '86/87 were : Hibs away lost 2-1, Falkirk home won 1-0, and Dundee United away lost 3-2.
  2. As yet, I am not convinced by this appointment. However, to see so many of my fellow Bears happy; well, I hope the sun continues to shine. Reference our separated brethren, I don't think I have seen them so agitated since Mark Walters ran on to ra Piggery on 2nd January'88?
  3. I thought accountants were capable of concurrent activity? Which activity are you remiss upon, counting or grinding the bean?
  4. I wonder as to the Screaming Shill's diary today? You have to hand it to Edvard Munch, having the foresight a century past to capture Chris beside PQ's riverside location. Anyways, will the Screaming Shill attend a press conference at Ibrox today on behalf of the national broadcaster, or will he blow Brenda's cheese as usual? We should be told.
  5. Can I suggest that a regular forum user, or a collection thereof, take control of political parties and their comments reference Rangers and Rangers supporters. It would be most useful to have it all collated in one place, ready for appropriate reference. I have mentioned this before, a poll of 129 MSPs at Holyrood, all asked the same two dozen questions including what team they supported? Only one MSP, Murdo Fraser stated he supported Rangers. A collation of the above would lend greater purchase to claims of under representation. Further, it would prove to be a valuable resource to the declining band of journos that support the club.
  6. Reference James Dornan MSP being subjected to a circular(by e-mail) calling for, 'Smash a Fe-n-ian Day', the Herald online is carrying the story that he admits he was the only one to receive the circular, and it was probably a prank. We await the Transport Minister, Humza Yousaf's take on his comments that it was both shocking and vile. What was both shocking and vile was James Dornan admitting he was in Finland for a couple of days and the e-mail emanating from that very country. Could James have sent said circular to himself, since he was exiting the SNP Deputy-Leadership contest and entering the battle against sectarianism?. We should be told.
  7. Ra Bhoy in Corduroy regularly attends Sellik park with his two Sellik supporting boys. I would have thought those delightful balaclava clad effigy hangers might have been a morality concern for his own personal Jiminey Cricket?
  8. A moment of light relief provided by John Beattie during the lunchtime news on BBC Radio Scotland. The shill for Celtic football club, Chris McLaughlin both sympathised and empathised with Graeme Murty, whilst sneering at all things Rangers. It went on forever, at least a minute. The Sports Anchor, Phil Goodlad intervened with, "we've been here before Chris"? The Shill replied, "it's Rangers, it's messy". Phil continues, "we've had this conversation a hundred times"; Chis confidently states, "Rangers are used to messy". John Beattie shouts, "what a signing"? The Shill murmurs, "what"? Beattie offers the punchline, "Rangers sign Messi, what a signing". Silence ensues because the Shill is confused.
  9. Since Sunday's five zip thrashing, Rangers have said nothing. Nature hates a vacuum, step forward the Blessed Brendan and his belief Rangers have thrown Murty in the garbage. Amazing foresight and penetrative thought by ra Sellik manager, or was there a quick call from inside Ibrox yesterday, allowing Brendan to make the accusation? It's Rangers, and it's another clusterfcuk. Do the lines of communication between the Board and other parts of the club work? Are the lines of communication within the Board open, and working? We must achieve second place, and the Board have charged a Chinese Parliament of Pedro, Graeme, and A N Other to achieve said aim. We appear to have nobody willing to grip the situation.
  10. Tonight's commentator was Alex O'Henley. I believe he is from Barra, was the football correspondent on the West Highland Free Press for a dozen years. Of course, the WHFP was owned for quarter of a century by former Labour Party MP and official biographer of ra Sellik, Brian Wilson. Further, he has been on the football Board at the club for a dozen years or more. We wondered for a decade who was the FARE Observer that penned the damning report on Bears behaviour in Villarreal, leading to a UEFA fine and sanctions. It was Sellik supporter, Alex O'Henley.
  11. DrStu' doesn't go Dutch. Under his nomme de guerre, 'Soulful Saint' he decreed a chap called William from the Netherlands as, "a h-u-n and orange wan-ker". As an aside, I am watching BBC lunchtime news. There's a report on a caravan of both central and south Americans arriving at the Mexico/USA border. It's quite a long report being presented by the BBC's North American correspondent, James Cook. It is infuriating that Dundee United supporter, James Cook was the recipient of such a promotion from BBC Scotland. Remember, he admitted and apologised for deliberately editing an interview he conducted with then Rangers manager, Ally McCoist. On questions put to McCoist on sectarianism, he edited the film to show McCoist laughing and appearing flippant on the subject. It makes you wonder if sticking it on our club and support is a PQ rite of passage?
  12. I have taken a leaf out of DrStu's book, I have a principle. I refuse to hand over a penny to any of the clubs who allowed their supporters to vote us down. Yesterday, I was a beneficiary twice over, I was not in attendance at the homage to breezeblock, and thus missed an afternoon of absolute misery. I did not even see the unfolding misery live on the box, a family do intervened. I managed to nip out to the car at half time and with hope in my heart, I switched on the radio. An enthused and garrulous Liam McLeod was in a state of audio tumescence, proclaiming three zip to ra Hoops. He handed over to fellow Dandy, Big Dick who collated all his considerable AmDram experience in expressing, "WOW, just outstanding"! After both Paddy and Tom had eulogised and lionised their green'n'grey hooped heroes, Big Dick employed his most sonorous tone, "and Rangers"? Tom cleared his throat for delivery of a well rehearsed line, "I wonder what Stevie Gerrard is thinking now, if he looks up his Dictionary for the word the meaning of the word, gamble; he'll see the Rangers crest and his own photograph". Paddy tittered, but Big Dick laughed like the proverbial drain(well rehearsed too, I suspect). I switched off, and went back to the comfort of family tales. It was only three minutes, but I think I caught the gist?
  13. How big are the studios at PQ? On Saturday evening, we had Tam Cowan and Michael Grant taking up space, then the Beeb techies managed to cram Billy("I no longer consider myself to be a Rangers Supporter")Dodds, his EBT, and DrStu' and all his principles. We must wonder how one studio can accommodate such a crush? Stevie G was the common currency, why would he consider joining Rangers? DrStu' was of the opinion that Rangers had season tickets to sell. Both Tam and Michael Grant were quick to point out that Rangers have had no problem in selling season tickets these last several years. DrStu' changed tact, mumbling about silent protests and his concern over Rangers supporters being taken for fools by the Board. Further, Rangers might be about to hit a wall on selling tickets. Dandy Don, Michael Grant reminded DrStu' that Rangers shifted 43,000 season tickets for this season. At least DrStu' is consistent, remember he knows three Rangers supporters who were season ticket holders, never missed a game, who don't attend anymore because Rangers are not the same club. Further, DrStu's predicted five years past that Rangers would be playing in front of an average crowd of 8,000 supporters at Ibrox when they eventually reach the Premiership. DrStu's sits extremely comfortably with a full range of preferred prejudice. His uber nationalism is another weight that drags him down, which is awkward because he continually wants to be seen standing up for Scotland. It's a relief to Beeb techies, they can alleviate space concerns in the studio by removing DrStu's chair. Tam is caught in a wave of nostalgia, he used to have a show on TV and tells a warming story of former England and Liverpool skipper, Emlyn Hughes. Apparently, Emlyn was a wonderful guest and walked out of Beeb Scotland into a waiting cab, taking him home to Sheffield. After a four hour journey late at night, his concern for the cabbie extended to putting the driver up for the night at his home. DrStu' hoped the driver tanned Emlyn's house, before leaving next morning. Tam inquired why DrStu' dislikes guys like Emlyn? DrStu' says, "Ah felt he betrayed Wales". Hughes was born in Barrow, he played for Blackpool, Liverpool, Wolves, and England. He managed Rotherham. All, in a period where international rules were quite clear, you played for the ntry where you were born. Joe Baker was an outstanding forward for Hibs and Torino. His several international caps for England occurred because he was born in England due to his father serving as a soldier. I know DrStu' takes a keen interest in the Warren Cummings test. Thus, Emlyn Hughes had an English accent and Joe Baker a Scot's one. Betrayal is such a strong word. DrStu' enjoys researching facts for his trilogy of soul tomes. His writings on Northern Soul included a line, 'the scene was focused on northern English seaside towns including Scarborough, Southport, Blackpool, Prestatyn, and Rhyl'. He picked up a prize for his writings last week in south Wales. I wonder if anyone informed DrStu' that Prestatyn and Rhyl are located in north Wales? Sounds like a betrayal; however, I am sure DrStu will be researching the accents of folks in both these towns?
  14. The baw is oan ra slates, so says Humza Yousef, "spoiler alert, Gerrard will not be manager at Rangers". In among lots of tweets about motorways, railways, and ferry links, Humza takes time to deflate the Rangers balloon. Given that Humza spends his time in Irish republican slop houses down Govan way, and talks nothing other than Rangers all day; it is an informed opinion. Tomorrow, Humza will search for his car insurance without his former wife's help.
  15. Since both nominees are dead, we need Doris Stokes to convey their thoughts. Oh, wait a mo', she's dead too. Managing Rangers is getting way too complicated.
  16. Remember Charlie Mann? Go back fifteen to twenty years and Charlie was one of Auntie Beeb's main attack dogs. As a St Johnstone fan, his target was always almost Rangers and Rangers supporters. Then, he left BBC Scotland and pitched up as Vladimir Romanov's PR Guru. Whenever the former Soviet submariner raised his periscope, Charlie was already in situ', polluting the waters. Defending the indefensible on Vladimir's behalf was Charlie's forte, even riding the torpedoes launched by his boss, aimed at footballing authorities and former journalistic colleagues. Right up to the last penny of Hearts reported £26 million of debt, Charlie loved his remuneration more than the truth. Romanov remains hidden from view in the Mariana Trench, wanted by a host of authorities; but Charlie doesn't talk about his time at Hearts. These last three seasons, Charlie is confined to the Angus/Fife beat, reporting from Glebe Park, Starks Park, and East End Park. It's a bit like Jum Spence, does a season's worth of consultancy on behalf of Arab Chairman, Stephen Thompson and returns to Auntie Beeb at Donalda MacKinnon's insistence and hides at Station Park. He doesn't talk about Dundee United; well, no one asks him? I imagine both Charlie and Jum are protected by fag packet shaped disclaimers? Of course, signed by both for further remuneration. Why were BBC Scotland so anxious and so quick to bring those two back? Anyways, it appears Charlie is Joe the Toff again; he is the Scottish Labour Party's newly appointed Head of Communications. I wonder if Donalda would have Jim Traynor back?
  17. No, no, and thrice no. Phil has four names : 1. Phil White. 2. Phil Gillivan. 3. Phil McGillivan. 4. Phil MadeupIrishgaelic.
  18. Different times, different circumstances; however, the end of season awards thing has spectacularly gone against Rangers twice in the modern game. Jock Wallace won the treble in 77/78 season, Aberdeen's Billy McNeil won Manager of the Year. Alec McLeish won the treble in 02/03 season and ra Sellik's MON won Manager of the Year.
  19. Seen a few players return over the decades, Colin Stein, Jim Baxter, Bud, DJ, ....... ETC. I don't think any of them really worked, Trevor Steven was maybe an exception. Is Shagger still with the same bird, she into holistic medicine, crystal gazing, and pastel shaded tracksuits? She was entertaining.
  20. Is he going loco? I hear the magic down there is so strong.
  21. That's an Ershur thing, decades past I was in the Co-op in Beith and the wumin in front asked for two Fray Benitez pies? Apparently, meat encased in pastry is an Ershur obsession? Since a sense of ridiculous is alive, I would offer Danny Lennon. Two promotions with Cowdenbeath, a League Cup victor with St Boo, and has coached Clyde into the play-offs. Further, to my knowledge, he has never gone ten rounds with any Fray Bentos product.
  22. As oft' stated on this thread, I have not visited any of the grounds of fellow Scots supporters who voted us down. I will NEVER be back. Politely, I ask my fellow Bears to do likewise. Any available income should go to our club, not supporting those bastards that attempted to put us under. I understand the effect such action has on RSCs and on those that administer the buses. It's another area where the club must enter into discussions and find an overarching strategy that all Bears find comfortable.
  23. I was young, it was Springtime, and we were in love.
  24. The official Biographer of Dundee United, Mike Watson was correctly jailed for attempted arson at Prestonfield House. It beggars belief that Corbyn appointed him as Labour's Education spokesperson in the House of Lords.
  25. I wondered what forum would be appropriate for the topic of James Dornan MSP? Initially, the Bluenose Lounge would be favourite, but I suspect James might be about to influence our lives as Rangers supporters. Last week, James dropped out of the race to be the SNP's Deputy Leader, he wants to concentrate his efforts on fighting sectarianism. He received congratulations and encouragement from the usual suspects. The repeal of the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act has created a vacuum, and who better to fashion a tool to frame the real perpetrators of vile sectarianism than hapless James. He opposed the repeal of said Act but is very much on message as a vicTIM. A narrative was construed where James suffered horrendous trolling from a sinister, vague force of Rangers supporters, promising a specific, 'Smash a Feni-a-n Day'. James is resonsible and correctly reported the matter to the police. So far, no news but inquiries are continuing. If James has succumbed to Fake News, I hope the police serve society by saying so. James also announced he was exasperated by his experience of social media and was considering withdrawing from the medium. It's fair to say, James was informed that he had been quite an enthusiastic protagonist of the means and captured photo-shots of current/past correspondence with both the General Secretary of the Celtic Supporters Association, Joe O'Rourke and Phil McFournames. We know James has decided to forego his desire to withdraw by yesterday's appearance on twitter, "I utterly despise being part of the UK, uncaring, xenophobic, and fantasist exceptionalism is all I see". James claims this is a reaction to the ongoing Windrush/citizenship scandal. I wonder if the, 'fantasist exceptionalism' part is a homage to the number of tweets he issued thanking Phil for another, "on the nail" article? Further, we should be grateful that no Harland and Wolfe workers sailed on the Windrush, as Joe O'Rourke would opining pity again. You see James, you appear cast adrift on the boiling briney of sectarianism. Take my advice and grasp for next passing lifebelt. Vigourous participation followed immediately with sudden withdrawal is the norm' for James. He was selected by the SNP as prospective parliamentary candidate for the Glasgow North East(Springburn) seat in 2004. He was hoping to replace the then Speaker, Michael Martin. He withdrew his candidacy five short days later, admitting three years of insolvency. The future for James could be as one half of a double act with Joe O'Rourke, 'James and Joe - the Men in the Know'. The fiorty years of ra Sellik's existence saw manager, Wullie Maley's brother, Tom report all matches for the Scottish Catholic Observer. Objectivity was never a strong suit for Tom, he described an early 1920s Sellik old firm victory in the following terms, 'Sinn Fein 1 the Black and Tans 0'. Tom's nomme de guerre was, 'the man in the know'. You can see the attraction for James, and indeed, Joe? The future for James should be the Cathcart branch of the SNP deselect this clown.
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