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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. The sale of the unadvertised land to ra Sellik is at the behest of the Contracts and Planning Committee. It has fifteen members, eight SNP, five Labour, one Green, and one Tory. The Convener of said Committee is Ruairi Kelly, Vice-Convener is Norman McLeod. The other thirteen members are as follows : Frank Docherty, Greg Hepburn, Cecilia O'Lone, Hanif Raja, Ken Andrew, Christina Cannon, Mandy Morgan, Robert Connelly, Maureen Burke, Stephen Curran, Russell Robertson, James Scanlon, and Jon Molyneux. The fore mentioned Convener, Ruiari Kelly believes he is in a fantastic position to help his boyhood heroes. A quarter of a century after another Committee, the Planning Committee of the then, Glasgow District Council decided to sell three streets,(Janefield Street, Kinloch Street, and Dalriada Street) to their beloved Sellik for a penny. We should note, this was after the Council incurred the costs of rehabilitation grants to all families, demolition, and land clearance.
  2. Sir, That is an outrage, my Father, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather were all Commissioned Officers in the Cameronians. The proudest regiment to ever don the Douglas Tartan. The minor disagreement in West Germany concerned a number of surly barge owners. I have it on good authority, these bargees were intent upon high sea piracy. It required considerable foresight and penetrative thought on behalf of the jaked-up(Light Infantry term)Cams that decided to sink half-a-dozen of the barges. We cannot have Germans buckling their swash with impunity.
  3. Is it too much to hope Herr Stieler's grandfather suffered the horrors of the cauldron in Stalingrad during the winter of '42/43? Surely, he must carry a grievance that ensures he penalises the Russians for constant foul-throws? Sending one or two of them off, in the tunnel would be a nice help too. We can only hope.
  4. There are a number of problems for PQ providing live commentary at Rangers away Europa Cup matches, all of their own making. They failed to provide live commentary in Macedonia and Croatia because the only flight in, was the team flight. Similarly, with UFA, they will not subject their staff to possible interaction with Rangers folk on a nine hour flight. The Beeb has put considerable effort into fifteen years of marginalisation, demonisation, and dehumanisation of all things Rangers. Why jeopardise all that hate? A Producer, or a Techie might return and think those he/she shared the flight with, were reasonable and rational people. PQ's real problem is articulating this particular reason for non-coverage, it's a hard one to explain sharing a flight with other Journos, Rangers staff, and team. They would appear petty doing so, thus ignore it altogether. They prefer to find refuge in the euphemism, 'we'll be across events in .....". Of course, there is an alternative in that they could send the commentary team and crew on scheduled air, very expensive including accommodation. There will be a bean counter denying that option, whilst smiling taking license fees from Rangers supporters. They are NOT interested in providing a service to a specific percentage of the population. I should add, remember ra Sellik are carrying the standard for Scotland in Europe. Two Irishmen and an Australian are at pains to tell us so frequently, on the BBC Scotland airwaves.
  5. Chris McLaughlin has ears like Jodrell Bank.
  6. Saturday morning began with Angela Haggerty as a guest on Shereen Nanjiani's show. In the several short months that Haggerty has appeared on this programme, she has been introduced as, Editor of the Common Weal, Sunday Herald columnist, Sunday Herald News Editor, and now Herald Columnist. Her designations may change but usually her 'moment of the week' remains constant, something ra Sellik related. It changed too this week, she attended a funeral on her home island of Bute, where she informed us that she had never laughed so much at a funeral. Further, she announced the deceased was a Rangers supporter. Of course, as in all Angela's tales, it will conclude she is the victim. It's a haunting refrain. The Hags first tottering steps towards humanity ignored a real opportunity for insight. A few weeks past, her 'moment of the week' was fulsome praise for St Cadoc's Youth FC winning a tournament in Holland. It appears to be de rigueur for those with the knowledge to give a nod to St Cadoc's. There is a powerful pull from Newton Mortgage, a parish with associated primary school, and a Youth football attachment lasting thirty years. Influential backers too over the decades, Tommy Burns, Pat Bonner, Liam O'Donnell, .................... etc. Currently, the Chair of St Cadoc's Parent Council is Simon Whyte. The husband of the recently appointed SFA Compliance Officer, Clare Whyte who referenced her involvement in youth football on application. I suspect Angela could have told us so much? Faith issues were to the fore with DrStu' too. During the early afternoon show, he lapsed into a warm nostalgia, telling us of Jum Spence and himself adopting regular rye smiles as certain elements of the footballing community assumed their catholicism meant Sellik supporting. He admitted to both teasing the unsuspecting on social media, flashing their altar boy credentials. DrStu' finished with, "I'm not particularly religious, I don't think Jum is either"? Can you say that on live radio whilst your son is enrolled in denominational education? These last couple of years, DrStu' has been anxious to defuse the results of past adventures. The RTC Blog has disappeared and on several occasions DrStu' has appealed to let it go, "it's in the past, let's move on". There has been instances of expression of regret, he wished he had not penned a piece referring to Rangers supporters as, "typical H-u-ns and Orange wa-nk-ers". Like Angela, he wants to establish a new relationship moving on. Given this, it's surprising that he chose Saturday to extrapolate once again and specifically state, "during Rangers financial meltdown, emerging as a new club". It brought a rye smile to my face Stu', because you cannot help yourself.
  7. Yeah, it was a two legged cup tie. I rationalised it, our aim was to progress, we did. It's not the last minute goal didn't count, it was more the overall circumstance. Losing two goals in two away fixtures on the last kicks have seen us drop four points. Most frustrating.
  8. Seriously, how many balls were thrown in to our box in the second half? Easily two dozen, it's the law of averages. Further, that's the second time in three league games we have conceded in the last kick of the ball.
  9. Their representative at Rangers visit to Villarreal was Alex O'Henley. Barra born and bred, Alex was the football correspondent for the West Highland Free Press and commentated in Gaelic for BBC Alba. The owner of the WHFP in those days was Brian Wilson MP(Junior Cabinet Minister), the same Wilson that sits on ra Sellik Board to this day. Alex presented a most unflattering report that led to Rangers being fined. We were told at the time that Rangers supporters did not need to know the identity of our accuser. lots of the usual suspects testified to his good character. If FARE do decide to report on Sellik, Alex can simply utilise his season ticket.
  10. Driving to the game, listening to BBC Radio Scotland's live commentary of ra Sellik in Lithuania. It's the usual team taking their slices of the Beeb economic pie. Dandy Dons Big Dick presenting and Liam McLeod commentating. Tom English, Pat Bonner, Scott McDonald, and Chris McLaughlin all screaming, 'Hail Hail'! Assurances regularly offered by Big Dick that PQ will provide live commentary of all ra Sellik's Europa League matches, should they qualify. It's a nice little earner, qualification guarantees at least fourteen matches. Yahoos and Rangers haters need only apply for the gig, flashing the necessary credentials will be required. Of course, the Beeb mantra remains, 'Sellik are carrying the standard for Scotland in Europe'. Two Irishmen and an Australian telling us so, lends the mantra a different degree of authenticity. License fee paying Rangers supporters are confined to occasional coverage of events at Ibrox. I have a tiny digital radio, and on the stroke of half-time, I switched it on. Big Dick gave me the half-time score and named the scorer of our goal, then said, "and now we go over to that promised interview with Johnny Russell, currently playing in the MLS". An inane, turgid fifteen minutes conducted by Chick Young and an inarticulate Russell. Leaving the game, the occasional coverage of Ibrox events gig starred Steven Thompson and his EBT. Three-four minutes later, we were on to the more comfortable ground of Big Dick, Chick Young, Tom English, and Steven Thompson talking to Ayr United manager, Ian McCall. He thinks Lawrence Shankland could easily fit into Gerrard's Rangers system, there were no takers to extrapolate on that thought. Big Dick wanted to know his preparations for Saturday's game against the Pars? The final minute was spent summarising events in Lithuania and our score and scorer was repeated, then Big Dick handed over to the Quay Sessions. You know, I suspect if ra Sellik failed to make the group stages(highly unlikely) and Rangers succeeded, PQ would deem the Scottish standard too heavy for Bears. Still, being across events at Ibrox will provide opportunities for exposure to the managers of Edinburgh City and the Spartans. Nothing to hear here for license fee paying Rangers supporters.
  11. Ian, thanks for that. Highlight for me is the start of the tunnel, 'the Wall of Fame' is caught on camera for a few seconds. Brings back bright memories of a dark period. Myself a few mates walked from deepest, darkest Lanarkshire to Ibrox that Sunday morning, then did the mile around the Stadium. We raised a few grand to throw into the pot being utilised to pay club debts. I headed off to Washington DC later that afternoon, feeling we still had a club.
  12. It is a most aesthetically pleasing medal. I would hope the club, or a Bear could purchase the item for future display.
  13. Let's see if we can put Tom on to his back foot? At the weekend, a garrulous Tom arrived back at PQ. He had been on the Emerald Isle for a period cheering on his home town/county, Limerick in the All Ireland Hurling final. He exuded tremendous good cheer, gregariously telling all of Limerick's first victory in forty-five years. Now, Tom's moral compass is always functioning; he knows the difference amid Polar North, True North, and Magnetic North; he would not plot a course trailing Sean South, would he? After the game, the presentation, and celebratory trip around Croke Park; Limerick retired to the dressing room, gathered together, and sang a homage to another Limerick lad, Sean South. We know because they filmed it in full technicolour. Sean South is an interesting choice, he lead an IRA active service unit/flying column on New Year's Day 1957, across the border to Brookeborough, County Fermanagh. Fourteen armed men attacked a RUC station, killing a young RC RUC Constable, John Scalley. Subsequently, both Sean South and Fergal O'Hanlon died of wounds sustained. The song, 'Sean South of Garryowen' was penned and published within a week of South's death. Of course, the sensitivities of John Scalley's surviving relatives are ignored. However, why does South receive such lionisation in the immediate wake of of a sporting victory? Sean South founded the Limerick branch of the 'Maria Duce', an anti-trade union, anti-communist, and anti-semitic organisation. Further, he was a member of the Fascist party, 'Aitiri na hAiseirghe'. Maybe Tom, can provide local Limerick colour and explain such triumphalism? Sean South sounds like a former day Phil McFournames; maybe we should construct a worthy 'limerick' celebrating Tom, Phil, and Sean?
  14. I think it was McCann's third share issue of the four, that was Preferential Shares? It brought in the real dosh, the heavy hitters waded in because it was by their perception, a Klondyke. These shares pay a Dividend every year, it's lucrative. When MON left the club, due to his wife's ongoing 'illness', he was the recipient of a tranche of said shares. It's a nice pension, MON receiving monies in perpetuity.
  15. There's a book published a decade past by Irish Times journo, Fintan O'Toole; it is entitled, 'After the Ball'. Simply, it tells the story of Ireland's recovery after the collapse of the Celtic Tiger. The UK loaned the Republic of Ireland some £33 billion, then established a line of credit for a further £11 billion. Concurrently, the Irish Government adopted a policy of uber austerity. An example of the cuts is given in the book, the Irish equivalent of the NHS went from in excess of 14,000 beds to just over 3,400. A picture is painted of numerous new build housing estates lying in a state of part build, all over the country. Funding was pulled that fast. O'Toole has a chapter on the men at the top of the Irish entrepreneurial pyramid, and the alacrity they moved their finances to both the Baltic states and a couple of Atlantic islands. Dermot Desmond's names features, as does his significant connection to ra Sellik. O'Toole is damning on their abdicating of responsibility. Now, Tom English's family have been owners of the local newspaper in Limerick(I believe his brother has edited said blat), I have heard Tom lionise the Irish Times, and I am positive he respects Fintan O'Toole. Despite being well placed, why has Tom NEVER raised concerns over Desmond's involvement at his beloved Sellik?
  16. ............. and Tom witters, "I'm not ready for triple helpings of humble pie yet". He added, "the picture will become clearer on the second of September". Well, it's tentative praise from the Limerick. On Brenda's spat with Peter, Tom is most decisive. He sees both points, blames Boyata, "he's at it". He did not mention John McGinn, settled on, "there's a word, complacency". Tom wants to be seen to being amenable to full throated consummation of both chaps' dismembered members, concurrently. In terms of whipped cheese, Tom is the Prince of Edam and the Ayatollah of Gorgonzola, simultaneously.
  17. Reinforcing the Message. Yesterday, thirty minutes after the end of the Hibs/Ross County tie, BBC Radio Scotland summarised the day's footballing events. Big Dick repeated the score from Rugby Park and noted Alfredo's hat-trick; in fact, mentioned he had indeed scored four. He offers Billy Dodds an opportunity to speculate on Rangers need for a further forward player, "where will Lafferty fit in"? In the closing minute of the broadcast, unsurprisingly, Billy echoes the thoughts of Michael Stewart, Thommo, and Big Dick from the day before. Billy was struck by the hypocrisy of Gerrard demanding big bucks for Morelos, whilst offering a derisory amount for Lafferty, "£200,000 is not enough". Billy is firm in his opinion, "Hearts are in the box seat, the deal must suit Hearts". Big Dick finishes with an affirming, "absolutely". This story is two weeks old, it has advanced through fees of up to £400,000 plus various players eg Wallace and Hodson thrown in, and PQ have steadfastly refused to report the progress. It suits their agenda to work with the opening bid. As referred to in an earlier post, Aberdeen have bid £100,000 for Lewis Ferguson, Acas want £1 million. Big Dick is adamant the panel will demand his beloved Dons pay no more than £250,000. Last January, Big Dick led the charge for Rangers to cough-up whatever the financially desperate Acas demanded for Docherty, adding, "if they have the money"? As for Billy, he is trying too hard. He was on Friday night Sportsound with Mark(a Sellik supporting Scots Hammer-Thrower, nae kiddin'). Mark accused Billy of a being a Rangers man. Billy spluttered in reply, "the Rangers supporters give me absolute pelters". I wonder why Billy?
  18. I am sure Peter the Grate will see UFA alright. All players will have Irish passports by Tuesday morning.
  19. Kenny has left Livi' because he wants to spend more time talking about Rangers.
  20. Such good fortune is ONLY reserved for Yahoos.
  21. I wonder if Nolan Partners were involved, again?
  22. Probably? However, that is inconvenient when Big Dick is aiming another kick at Rangers.
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