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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Brown, Griffiths, and Tierney - the trio of enfants terrible. It was that very three who led the march of triumph around the Stydome in the immediate wake of their victory. I hope some Journo has the cahones to ask them if they were mindful of their actions reference the effects to Rangers wheelchair supporters? It won't be Chris to ask such a question, he is in thrall to the trio.
  2. I suspect The Donald will have instructed his lawyers to take out super-injunctions on all the folks he doesn't know, suspicious bastards!
  3. Last night in Trouville sur Mer, I persuaded a bar man in a cafe tabac to switch the TV, to allow me the opportunity to watch Scotland/Albania. The tabac had two customers and my opposition was a member of the local glee club, agreed with my suggestion as I stood him une verre de vin rose. Further, he agreed that Naismith played well. I say to King Zog, Rudi Vata, Enver Hoxha, ......................... Norman Wisdom; your team took a helluva beating.
  4. Balloons o Walloons 4. Our worst home defeat since the 1973 SFA Centenary match against England. I was there and we had the excuse of a frozen pitch.
  5. DrStu' says he's a socialist, but always plays the nationalist. Is DrStu' a National Socialist, or just a Bute House Sook? We should be told.
  6. Zebedee said, "time for bed children". ......... and surly Big Ears thought he was the only one ............... Shifty was well sprung.
  7. I remember being around ten and football cards with bubblegum being all the rage, you tossed the gum for the card. I was waiting on West Brom's Bobby Hope for weeks, and then a lad returned from visiting his Aunt in Basildon, he had half-a-dozen Bobby Hope doublers. Often, I wondered what became of those much sought after cards?
  8. Over twenty years past, the then Glasgow District Council sold three streets, Janefield Street, Kinloch Street, and Dalriada Street to ra Sellik for a PENNY. This was after the GDC had incurred the costs of resettlement grants, demolition, and land clearance. Ourselves, Partick Thistle, and Queens Park should receive similar deals. I am happy to provide the penny.
  9. Currently, I am in France. I start my day reading through Scottish/British newspapers on line. Today's Glasgow Evening Times has the headline, 'Labour Trio deny Stoking Bigotry in Rangers fan zone row'. The political correspondent, Stewart Paterson relates Glasgow City Council leader, Susan Aitken has accused Pauline MacNeill, Frank McAveety, and Anas Sarwar of, "knowingly exploiting sectarian division on this issue". The trio of Labour politicians mentioned have denied the accusation. The means utilised by Susan Aitken to make her accusations is again social media, to be precise, Twitter. The SNP Councilor criticised Rangers staff for using the same means in their allegation of bias. The Convener's Deputy, Councilor David McDonald(also Chair of Glasgow Life) was subjected to abuse and threats on Twitter, with sectarian abuse and threats of violence directed towards him. Of course, Councilor McDonald's own social media feeds had long standing items of ridicule being directed at Rangers eighty year old act of remembrance for those lost in a colliery disaster, the Loving Cup ceremony. As yet, there is no criticism from Susan for David's Twitter actions. Thus, lurid language, accusations of stoking bigotry fired off in a number of directions, denials, the right to Twitter usage, and further attestation from Susan Aitken that she has no objection in principle to Rangers hosting a fan zone. The Comments section contains a suggestion that Rangers should be required to purchase the ground to host said fan zone. I wonder if the Councilors involved in necessary Committee would allow the club to do so, on the same grounds that they demand of Celtic? We could crowd fund it, appears to be the way to go these days.
  10. I remember thirty years later in 1978, Scotland had qualified for the World Cup in Argentina. An entrepreneur(chancer) advertised trips to Buenos Aries for £100 per head by U Boat. He claimed(the Chancer) to be in advanced state of discussions with the then Waverley skipper to captain the boat.
  11. Traveled all day Sunday by car and Ferry, arrived on a small French island late yesterday morning. Deliberately listened to the cricket on long wave, then switched to BBC Radio Scotland medium wave just after two O'Clock. I was cresting a hill on the A34 in Oxfordshire and thought it was the best chance of catching the score? There's a fair amount of surf, I can make out the Yahoos singing(obviously the walk of triumph), my heart sinks. The reception begins to improve and the meandering delivery of Tom English is recognisable as we top the hill; then booming through comes the comforting hatred of Big Dick, "Surely McGregor should have been off, Michael Stewart confirms it"? As I drove into a dip and lost the frequency, the consolation was immense, knowing Big Dick, the new Compliant Officer remained on full hate flow.
  12. I think Mulumbu will allow Brenda to spell Broonaldo in the lesser games.
  13. Well, Mark Guidi is a pretty serious Yahoo, and last season he valued Moussa at between £25-£35 million.
  14. Donalda is married to Seumas MacInnes, he owns Cafe Gandolfi in Albion Street, Glasgow. He hail hails from Barra.
  15. When we played Villarreal in the CL, some fourteen years ago, the wife and I went over for five days. We stayed in Peniscola, a wonderful coastal town. The coast is called the Orange Blossom Coast and is most dramatic. It was pretty much undiscovered back then, and ridiculously inexpensive.
  16. I suspect the lads are hinting at her time as Chair of the St Aloysius College PTA. Her three sons were educated at the Jesuit bastion.
  17. I wonder if Alex O'Henley will be returning to Villarreal on another FARE mission? We should be told.
  18. We are in Group G with Villarreal, Spartak Moscow, and Rapid Vienna.
  19. Last evening, the Daily Record were running a photograph of a removal van in Dembele's driveway. I hope Moussa enjoys leaving a wino region(ra Stydome) to take up a new residence in Lyon, a nice wine region.
  20. Yesterday, PQ's coverage of Rangers in Russia was made up of David Currie presenting, Rob McLean meant to be commentating from a link to Rangers TV, and both Steven Thomson and Billy Dodds squeezed into the studio too. It must have been a tight fit as Thommo' and Doddsy brought their EBTs with them. Overall, it was mostly complimentary; a record of four ties, eight games in Euro qualification, and never being behind at any point, is undeniable. I suspect some PQ Producer will be on it, there's clear need for another Rangers supporter like Graham Spiers to contribute. Remember, Graham observed a clearly nervous Steven Gerrard on the day of his appointment? We need that type of insight. Move it on an hour or so, and gravy train rolled into station Stydome. The doors opened and the usual cast alighted on to the platform. Big Dick, Chris McLaughlin, Tom English, Liam McLeod, Scott McDonald, and Pat Bonner. Three and a half hours of snouts in the trough ensued. It will be the same on Sunday, maybe Billy and his EBT will be invited to ride in the Guard's Van? Thommo and Michael Stewart will in the PQ studio ready to condemn any Rangers transgressions. This gravy train will not suffer derailment, and is guaranteed to hit the buffers at ra Sellik's new Fanzone in Janefield Street, courtesy of GCC. All aboard, cho-choing the money. Often, I have wondered aloud as to the continuing longevity of DrStu's presence on the PQ express? He has hung around PQ(and Hamilton Drive before) like the proverbial bad smell. Twenty-four years with 'On/Off the Ball', several years on the 'Media Review' with Dr Eamonn O'Neill, all those other shows he presents such as, 'My Life in Five Books', ...... etc. Currently, he is in his sixty-seventh year, he admitted he earned £47,000 last year from solely 'On/Off the Ball'. Remember, for fifteen years or so, he was also being highly remunerated by Channel Four as their Director of Nations and Regions? DrStu' has donned Casey Jones stripped dungarees and has his hand firmly on the throttle. Just prior to One O'Clock, DrStu and Eamonn stepped down from the plate, to conduct the weekly media review. This week's, and for some weeks to come, the impediment on the line was former First Minister, Alex Salmond's recent conduct. Both Doctors rarely veer off strict nationalist rails. O'Neill painted a picture of a dank tunnel, DrStu' came bursting out. "in all of this, the First Minister has played a blinder". Nicola spent a most successful week at the Edinburgh Festival hosting seminars on female empowerment, presented a talk on feminist books, and he finished with, "she's played a blinder". In a minute long rant, he repeated the blinder line again, then thought and said, "I don't want to come across as a Bute House sook". It's real insight in how DrStu' retains his place at Court. Similarly, on the same show a couple of years past, the host, John Beattie on a discussion on the newly appointed Director of BBC Scotland, Donalda MacKinnon, inquired, "has anyone met her"? DrStu' pipes in, "I have met her on a half-a-dozen occasions, I like her, I like her a lot". What a Toady! Soulful Saintee driving the Midnight Train to Georgia. He would rather be seen iiving in Donald's world, Nicola's world, insert any other establishment figure's name, .....etc and taking the dosh, than live without them(and their dosh) in his.
  21. I watched half of today's game in a Glasgow pub, they surfed on a You Tube Russian link. I left at half time. Morelos was selfish, he lost his individual discipline because the collective discipline meant nothing to him. His team mates saved him from further humiliation. They appear to know the value of collective discipline(I understand Flannagan was also red carded, I cannot comment as I did not view the second half). Morelos should save the apologies, instead he must focus on a simple recurring behavioural trait. Today's game provided access to monies that have not been available to Rangers in eight seasons. The concept of the BIG picture does not register with Alfredo. I should be on an incredible high because my Club has been remorselessly kicked these last several years, and today's result is a real achievement. My anger will not subside because a continuance of such behaviour will highlight a weakness of leadership, that will be exploited. In my professional life, we parroted a mantra, 'no plan survives first contact'. I do not know how any objective appreciation can conclude a plan that includes the Columbian's current behaviour. Well done Rangers, a significant achievement was reached and should be applauded.
  22. As a Principled Rangers supporter, I would refuse to attend MURRAYfield.
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