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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. "we want to hear from Rangers supporters". Since the turn of the year, it has become a constant refrain from Tam Cowan. I suspect those inside the PQ gang hut have realised they no longer speak to or for the Rangers support? Of course, it's important that they are seen to have some communication, the BBC are the biggest broadcasters in the world. They have tried VoxPops with Bears, introduced guests with the most tenuous Rangers links, and regularly claim that some regulars on their shows are Rangers supporters, when they are clearly not ie Wullie Miller. The BBC charter promises to broadcast to all, it's a pledge to license fee payers. The bait laid by Tam Cowan was the ridiculous red card awarded to Daniel Candeias. He wanted to hear Rangers supporters' views? The means is social media, e-mails, tweets, facebook,.... etc. The show's Producer decides what is broadcast. There is no telephone communication anymore because it's a loss of control, and well how many Beeb Scotland Producers are still willing to call up, pretending to be Bears? Anyways, a few contributions were read out, a Bear claiming inside knowledge, and a couple of St Mirren fans; but hey, they have satisfied the license demands by claiming to want to hear from Rangers supporters. It also fails on a more important level. These last four weeks, the name Kenny McIntyre has featured. He is reckoned to be the last Rangers supporting staffer involved with football at PQ. DrStu' has attempted to paint a target on his back on a couple of occasions. We know DrStu' is attracted by purity, and loves the idea of a cleansing. It's all very rational to his mindset, Rangers supporters, "are H-u-ns and typical orange wankers". To be fair to DrStu', he doesn't want to hear from Rangers supporters. On Saturday, Cowan re-introduced his favourite comedy sketch idea, he advocated the BBC Scotland 1979 Ricki Fulton/Gerard Kelly skit of Rangers supposedly signing their first high profile catholic. They pulled it from discussion two weeks back because they heard from Rangers supporters, the sketch was based on a false memory. Tam did not want to hear that Rangers had signed dozens of catholics in their first fifty years, "aye from you Kenny"; he re-framed the sketch as Rangers signing their first prominent catholic. Really, it's all small potatoes because the bait was not intended for Rangers supporters, it was an attempt to draw out Jim Traynor. DrStu' suspected Jim had penned Rangers statement on the St Mirren match and was particularly interested in comments reference Willie Collum which included, "underlying issues". The PQ speculation was sectarianism is at play. The second half of the show had a guest that supported the underlying issue with Collum is his habit of running thirty yards with the red card already in hand ie not taking enough time to arrive at the correct decision. What is it with PQ and their constant need/desire to attack a former colleague? It has become a most unedifying habit. Perhaps, some transparency from Beeb Scotland is required, they want to speak to Jim Traynor. On Sunday, the A Team was assembled in Livingston. Big Dick, Liam McLeod, Wullie Miller, Pat Bonner, and Scott McDonald spun a nil-nil draw into a really good game. The pitch took pelters, ra Sellik's exertions against Champions League level opposition on Thursday night was to the fore, and Dolly Menga MUST be cited by the Compliance Officer. At quarter to three, Rob McLean read out both teams and substitutes involved in the three O'Clock kick-off at Ibrox. The show finished at 3 O'Clock, another Dandy Don, Jeff Webster took over to talk Rugby until Five O'Clock. Rob McLean remained on the PQ naughty step to cover events at Ibrox. There was a few goal updates, and a half-time report; it was hilarious listening as Rob tripped his way through, seriously attempting to avoid mentioning he was watching RTV in the studio. Even Jeff Webster could be heard laughing in the background. BBC Scotland's five O'Clock news and sports headlines told us all where they are at, we received a match report from Livingston, all the English football results, and the newscaster offered, "you can read the match report from Ibrox on BBC Scotland's website". Seven goals from the good guys was just too much of a choker. "we want to hear from Rangers supporters"?
  2. Michael needs more rope. The SNP members of Edinburgh West must be congratulated for their foresight and penetrative thought, picking Michelle Thomson over Stewart as their Prospective Parliamentary Candidate.
  3. Isn't Andy Capp a two dimensional misogynistic, wife beating layabout?
  4. Last night's coverage of our match was depressingly routine. PQ had three Aberdeen supporters in the studio, Big Dick, Wullie Miller, and Liam McLeod commentating from a TV screen. Buddie Thommo and his EBT joined the down beat, low brow discussion for fifteen minutes pre-match. Al Lamont(like Villarreal) was in situ' in Moscow to provide a few lines. The atmosphere was a grouping of four or five guys standing a half mile down a food queue in cold war Moscow, knowing there was nothing in the store that was likely to provoke interest. That's it, the whole disinterested production. They don't want to be covering our games, they have no enthusiasm for Rangers games, but they'll take the remuneration. The pounding bass and flashing disco lights signaled a considerable increase in pace and enthusiasm, the A team surrounded the microphones. Pat Bonner, Tom English, and Scott McDonald joined the Dandies, and everyone chorused, 'you'll never walk alone' and agreed this was akin to a Champions League night, "simply stunning" purred McDonald. No doubt, the improved ambiance will be carried into tonight's coverage of Aberdeen versus Hibs? If these guys don't want to do it, and they don't; why can't the responsible Producer bring in a couple of guys that do want to cover Rangers on behalf of license fee paying Rangers supporters? Is there any elected representative(s) in this country willing to highlight this continuing anomaly, and demand we receive the same service provided to others?
  5. So, who put the kit in the Pawn? What is the price of recovery? We can crowd fund?
  6. The above is the reason why Celtic will not apologise to those that have suffered the horrors of abuse at Celtic Boys' Club. If Celtic apologise or in some way offer empathy and sympathy for the plight of the victims; they are taking and admitting responsibility. Celtic chose a strategy three years past. They set about distancing the club from the Boys Club, waiting for it to whither. The disconnect achieved, a re-branded youth club under the name, 'St Patricks' was established. Concurrently, Gerry McCulloch was dispatched around the media outlets to conduct off the record briefings. Hence, phrases like 'Barrowfield Park' and emphasis on, 'East End locations', ................ etc. This week has seen a major fracturing of that particular PR line. They will have to establish something their supporters can get behind in terms of defence; however, they will not apologise or admit liability.
  7. Reference the fourteen BBC Scotland Staffers that tweeted support for Neil Lennon's claim he was the victim of both sectarianism and anti-Irish racism. The last name is BBC Scotland's Political Correspondent, Nick Eardley. He is the diminutive, thin faced guy that has been on our screens these last eighteen months. I know nothing about him ie where he's from, football allegiances, utterances on our club/support, ................... etc? I am NOT inviting political discussion when I say I have read on a number of occasions that Nick is the First Minister's favourite Journo, she is fond of hugging him for selfies. Does any Gersnetter know anything about Nick Eardley?
  8. Consuming confectionery(part two). Dolly grazed at Rugby Park on Sunday, the PQ flock descended upon the wilds of Ershur. Big Dick, Liam McLeod, and Wullie Miller chorused, 'we hate Rangers more than you' to the established PQ CSC. Gary Holt brought a hint of balance, whilst on-message Scott McDonald stood pitch side. Pre-match, both Big Dick and Liam made excuses for the paucity of Dandies in the away end ie Early kick-off time, another typhoid quarantine in the Granite City, and an aversion to mutton in the Killie Pie. Post match, Saturday's games were discussed, well not all games. In fact every match was discussed apart from Rangers visit to Paisley. PQ had decreed the dismissal of Candeias was for aggressive behaviour and Morelos being struck by a coin was awkward. What's to add? In the last few minutes of the broadcast, Big Dick ran through the Premiership league table. The Dandies move up to seventh, St Johnstone were tucked in, one point behind both Kilmarncock and Rangers, Hearts remain top after being thrashed by second top, Celtic. The bottom three are cast adrift after Motherwell's two victories ........ Wullie Miller asks, "where are Rangers in the table"? Big Dick offers, if Killie had secured a point today, they would have remained ahead of Rangers. See what I mean about cake and eating it? Hands up, if you believe us license fee payers will receive live coverage from Moscow on Thursday evening.
  9. At PQ, it's always cake and eat it time. The PQ gang hut was alive with excitement, ripe opportunity must be exploited. Success must be reinforced. Neil had gesticulated overtly and concluded by falling to the ground clutching the side of his face. Neil had trumped his Equity Card by then playing the victim card. A supporting cast of PQ high heid-yins had moved to center stage, they wanted to be seen to be backing Neil. Tom, Chris, Jum, ................ et al had charged on to social media. The Producers proposed strict liability was the added stimulus to maintain momentum. Anything running interference, you know Neil's propensity for domestic bullying, his addictions, his repetitive action, reaction, victimhood personality, his depression, his land deal with Slab Murphy, .......... etc will all be steamrollered and ignored. Pantomime enthusiasm won out, the required word to dismiss any caution is, "Whataboutery"! DrStu' confidently stepped forward and boomed, "anything contrary should be deemed whataboutery and whataboutery is banned". It's interesting, coin throwing is universally condemned, but awaiting the grinding gears of the Scottish Justice System to resolve each and every incident, is not to be trusted. Neil Lennon has become a prop to the likes of DrStu' and the PQ lynch mob. Regularly, DrStu' weaponises Lennon's behaviour, he has proposed and supported Lennon to be the next national team boss, the next Rangers manager, and highlights his experiences as a lever to impact his preferred prejudices upon Scottish society. All reasonable if you accept Neil operates in a vacuum? Of course, nature hates a vacuum and concurrently in Paisley, events were making an arse of DrStu' and the PQ mindset again. Rangers striker, Alfredo Morelos had been struck by a launched coin. DrStu' and Cowan had no where to go, it was more grist to their mill in supporting strict liability. However, the enthusiasm was waning and the PQ high heid-yins' social media action mirrored the petty and ill-informed. Over a dozen supported Neil in adversity, only Jane Lewis continued succour to Morelos. Off the Ball in the second half saw DrStu' and Tam effect a we have what we hold action. Oh no, they were not for marching back down the hill. They settled on asking fans to clype and grass on those launching coins. In a matter of a couple of hours, assisting the Police was deemed a better course of action than railroading the Scottish Government into another vague and undefined piece of legislation to assuage Neil Lennon's vanity. Here's the cake and eat it bit, the culmination of the 2016 Scottish Cup final saw dreadful scenes. The Rangers Skipper, Lee Wallace provided a statement to the Police after being spat on and assaulted. A group of Hibees taunted Wallace, carrying a banner proclaiming, 'Lee Wallace is a Grass'. They took it to Malta to support the national team and the PQ Gang Hut reported it being paraded through airports, bars, and arriving at the ground, all the time being cheered to the echo. DrStu' tells us often of injustice keeping him awake at night. We should be concerned and pray for DrStu's insomnia to be resolved. I suspect his nocturnal dyspepsia is the result of wanting and eating too much cake?
  10. Last week, ra Sellik revealed their wage bill to be several hundred thousand pounds short of £60 million. Going across both broadcast and print media today, the number of feelgood articles involving ra Sellik and articles of moral concern running interference of the Torbett verdict, is quite remarkable. BBC Scotland's newly appointed Sports News Correspondent, Chris McLaughlin has presented a piece on gambling sponsorship in Scottish football. Stacey Mullen headlines in the Evening Times on the proposed Mass at St Mary's in the Calton, to mark the 131st anniversary of the founding of ra Sellik. Chris Doyle contacts Kieran Maguire to put a wonderful spin on ra Sellik's financial strength. Ewing Grahame wheels out David Low in the Scottish Sun. The man who advised Fergus McCann warns Rangers, 'careful now'! Apparently, our obsession with preventing Sellik's ten-in-a-row, will see us going burst, AGAIN!
  11. The name, George Adam struck a chord, but could not remember the significance. Several years past, I had been a Board member of a charity raising funds for Yorkhill kids hospital. We received an e-mail appeal for funds to support the reversal of the proposed closure of the Kids Ward at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley. We liked the idea of supporting and part funding such a local cause. Being part of a raft of supportive opinion was a necessary insurance, We were astounded to find the local Mp, George Adam was refusing to add his name to supporting this particular cause. What's not to like about retaining a Kids Ward in your constituency? George Adam ignored our correspondence. A few weeks later, the Paisley Express newspaper revealed George Adam's rage at McDonald's decision to close a restaurant franchise on Paisley High Street. George Adam is an idiot.
  12. My Grandfather, born in 1894 used to talk about, 'the old Bovril Stand'. Further, he lamented the passing of, 'Hellfire Corner' ie the original Derry at the junction of the Copland and Sandy Jardine. When he caught the maudlin bug, he would break into a traditional Rangers song, 'the Bonnie Wells o'Deary'. Maybe, there's a correlation between Bovril and sentimental dirge?
  13. On the basis of anecdotal evidence ie Steven Thomson speaking to St Mirren Keeper, Craig Samson post match.
  14. It looks like anti-catholic, anti-Portuguese racism to me. Oh, wait a minute, the Ref', Wullie Collum is a RE teacher at a denominational school. I think we must ask Neil for a decision, he is now the Grand Poobah of the brown Fadouk on all such maters?
  15. George McLean, aka Big Dandy, aka Brain of Britain, ................ I remember liking McLean, he scored regularly. I was a Primary schoolboy, my elders ridiculed Big Dandy; apparently, he missed twice as many chances as he scored. Another player who was sacrificed in the wake of Scottish Cup defeat at Berwick.
  16. Neil must be awarded his Equity Card soonest. Of course, he has previous. Whilst playing for ra Sellik against ICT at Pittodrie in Caley's first season in the top flight. The Spanish winger who previously played for Hearts, kicked Lennon on the calf, he fell immediately to ground holding his face. Lat night he was struck on the chest by a coin, he falls to ground, after a second's thought, holding his face. The narrative is already written, the accusations will be inflated, Lennon will be awarded Scottish football Hall of Fame status. We need more pathos Neil?
  17. Tonight's Ref' was Nick Walsh, was he not in charge during our League Cup visit to Rugby Park earlier in the season? He missed Morelos knocking the ball almost a yard over the Killie goal line.
  18. You are correct. It was an Aberdeen supporters blog. Earlier, it had been a Yahoos blog. The Jambo, Alan Preston summarised dolefully and signed off with, "good luck Richard". It was a repeat of when Rangers faced Dundee United twice in the Scottish Cup in two seasons, Big Dick going out of his way to offer congratulations to Jum Spence because he knew how much he had been throw and how much those particular games meant to him. Those broadcasting hate our club and our support, it is the Producers of the various shows that facilitate the hatred. They are delighted to continue to take our license fees.
  19. On Saturday, Off the Ball had, 'Adam Old Firm Facts' on as a guest after the completion of the day's play. He has been the show's guest before, the Producer allows folks with dodgy monikors on, only if they are specifically on message. It reminds Rangers supporters of DrStu' interviewing, 'Gordon the Jambo from Glasgow' after a Championship fixture which Hearts won 2-0. Gordon the Jambo from Glasgow or the show's Producer who could not be trusted to do an Edinburgh accent, telephoned the studio to provide insight into that day's game. Well, he talked about songs sung and the hypocrisy of Super Sally. DrStu' is a graduate in Drama, and Gordon's contribution sounded well scripted. Adam Miller or, 'Adam Old Firm Facts' had read the approved script too. In a discussion about mispronunciation, DrStu' stuck it on Gordon Ramsay for the umteenth time, McCoist got it for variations on Morelos, and Adam delivered the well rehearsed coup de grace, "on social media most people pronounce Rangers as Sevco". In the week where PQ apologises for presenting a picture of Aberdeen supporters holding a banner depicting Graham Shinnie holding aloft the decapitated head of Ryan Jack, Adam Old Firm Facts provides the depth of sincerity to the apology. Sunday was partizan. The Murrayfield game had Pat Bonner, Tom English, and Peter Houston in ra green'n'grey corner. Alan Preston was marooned on an ocean of Sellik sentiment. Al Lamont provided commentary. At Hampden, it was Big Dick, Wullie Miller, and Liam McLeod pushing against the open door that is Billy (I no longer consider myself to be a Rangers supporter)Dodds and his EBT.Big Dick was cockahoop over the Dandies victory, and citing McGregor's throwing an elbow at Gary McKay-Steven for Compliance Officer consideration was just an added bonus. It was a good few hours for PQ, but we knew that when Big Dick began, "from an Aberdeen point of view ........".
  20. Does this mean we progress to the League Cup final, 3-1 on aggregate?
  21. We won comfortably at Rugby Park. We created numerous opportunities, took four of them, the officials awarded three. However, I imagine most Gersnetters are aware of the calendar year statistic, Killie have secured more League points than every other team. Their last Ibrox appearance was a hard fought, deserved 1-0 victory for the good guys. I think it was a late goal by David Bates. Further, they have gained a reputation as the comeback kings. If we score first, the effort must endure until we secure a second and third. A victory and three points takes us above Killie. There has got to be give in Edinburgh too. Let's grab the chance presented to improve our League position, the immediate games should allow us to secure that improvement too.
  22. Rangers Reserves traveled to Cove Rangers new ground this afternoon and defeated Aberdeen Reserves, 0-3. Our scorers were Dallas(a double) and OG(I suspect a relative of Angus)? We are the People.
  23. I heard a bit on BBC Radio Scotland last night, congratulating Glasgow City for winning their twelfth consecutive league title. Saturday evening's preview on the same means, told us Glasgow City had to draw with Spartans to secure the title. The only fly in the ointment, was a Glasgow City defeat and Hibs defeating Rangers Ladies by a considerable score. It would appear Scott Booth's side spared our blushes by over coming Spartans 4-2, because Hibs thrashed us 7-1. I await the highlights?
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