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26th of foot

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Everything posted by 26th of foot

  1. Just a couple of jottings from memory of Higher History in the early seventies. I. Paul Larkin's tripe about Free Masons banning RCs is nonsense. I remember doing Higher History circa 1973, in the study of early trade unions/tramping artisans, the first banning order emanates from the the Vatican. An Edict issued in 1738 bans RCs from becoming members of the Masonic Order. It's mind numbing paranoia to turn this around to state the Masonic Order bans RCs. 2. Sellik allowing Larkin access to peddle such tripe, is up there with ra Sellik allowing access to the Wolfe Tones thirty years past, to film an official video. You couldn't make it up, you don't need to; the Wolfe Tones are there in colour inside ra Piggery shouting the refrain, "ooh aah, up the Ra". Sellik and Paul Larkin, keeping it classy, always?
  2. You know, for a couple of decades at BBC Scotland; I would have said both DrStu' and Big Dick were front runners for Chief Rangers Hater. Of course, there have been dozens of notable contributions across the organisation over the same period. The steady hateful steam constantly generated by the two mentioned see them comfortably ahead. However, Tom English has came on strong these last few years, tucking himself in behind Chris McLaughlin as the main challenger. Well done Tom, stimulating your fellow Yahoos to force a referee into hiding. I advise you to check out the facts of Hugh Dallas twenty years past, particularly, 'Kristallnacht'.
  3. You mean the John Hartson that deliberately booted a kneeling Eyal Berkovic in the face? Or, is it the John Hartson that stood on the stage at the Clanree Hotel, Donegal with Stephen Pearson, belting out the IRA kari-oki? It won't stop him.
  4. "A friend of mine called on Thursday afternoon ......................... etc". Bitter, twisted, invented, ie Phil McFournames sent me his proforma. I suspect Chris has been sucking on Angela Haggerty's cock?
  5. The feelgood factor is just too strong here, I feel we need a reality check courtesy of a current Sellik season ticket holder : "Steven Gerrard looks quietly terrified of the size of the job facing him in trying to mould Rangers into a force again in Scotland, let alone Europe". Le grand fromage de Dunlop proves once again, he has his finger on his organ.
  6. Ah, that borders on no man being an island, but I think we may have unearthed a treasure in Jermain?
  7. BBC Scotland have NOT hosted a football phone-in for the last two seasons. All feedback(very limited) is by social media ie text and e-mail, and must be approved for broadcast by the particular show's Producer.
  8. Anthony Ralston's comments on today's announcement reference Alfredo might be : 'I feel Morelos has been allowed to walk all over me'.
  9. I agree reference Clarke. PQ will give him the opportunity.
  10. BBC Scotland interviewed the then St Mirren boss, Alan Stubbs and he spat considerable venom at Morelos and Gerrard. I expect Stevie Clarke to be given the same opportunity, Killie are our next league opponents. Beeb Scotland's Killie fan is John Barnes.
  11. I expect there will be an immediate convening of the PQ CSC, Tom English in the Chair? The first motion will be discussion reference Peter promising a Compliant Officer. Legitimate concerns by affiliated members(Big Dick, Wullie, Jonathon Sutherland, Jeff Webster, Liam McLeod, .....etc) that a Compliance Officer, Clare Whyte is the last thing Scottish football needs. Alfredo Morelos generates considerable fear inside PQ.
  12. Tom thinks bashing the H-u-ns is a wheeze, Shows no inclination to appease, A Sellik shill, Does Peter's will, Whilst blowing Dermot's cheese.
  13. Let's pay homage to BBC Scotland's Chief Sports Writer and honest mistakes. I believe the privately educated Tom comes from Limerick? The Chief Sports Writer at PQ, Hates Rangers through and through, Aspires to be a Hack, Can't identify a fact, Hopefully soon, he'll be on the Bur-roo?
  14. Today, on the BBC Scotland website, Tom English has an A to Z of Scottish football in 2018. Under R, which stands for racism; Tom accuses Rangers supporters of racially abusing Aberdeen's Shay Logan? There has been a well documented spat between Shay Logan and elements of ra Sellik support, including multiple accusations of racism. I am not aware of Rangers supporters being abusive in this manner to this player? Revisionism or or is Tom suffering from false memory syndrome?
  15. There's a distinct discomfort with ra Yahoos over constant, humiliating defeats in Europe. Positive spin must be found. Last week, the Herald's Neil Cameron(depressed Yahoo of ra Parish) interviewed Anthony Ralston. The youngster argued that being part of ra Sellik's defence, whilst being trounced 7-1 against PSG, "made me a far better defender". Watching Anthony playing right back on Saturday for the entire half, I was struck by a few observations : 1. A modern full back is a sinewy, lithe, and wiry specimen. Ralston looks fairly heavy set. 2. Ralston does not possess the height required by modern day central defenders. 3. Next season, Jum Spence will be conducting his welcoming interview to Tannadice.
  16. Deflection(i). These last fifteen years, BBC Scotland has led two angles of attack on Rangers. The first was songs being sung by Rangers supporters. An opening league fixture in Inverness saw the Bears notch a 0-3 victory and Beeb Scotland commentator, John Barnes reassured the listening audience that sectarian chanting was unacceptable. A further reassurance was supplied with the promise that track side reporter, Chic Young had been sent to find the official SPL Observer, to ensure the chanting was included in his report. We have all endured Scottish Government intervention, resultant charges of aggravated breach of the peace, and calamitous court cases. The collated stats proved supporters of ra Sellik were disproportionately responsible, almost a fifth of the population accrued over a third of convictions. The ongoing lack of service provided to license fee paying Rangers supporters emanates from Chris McLaughlin beginning a match report at Easter Road with, "four Rangers supporters have been arrested for alleged sectarian chanting". Further, a BBC Alba colleague of McLaughlin, was the FARE representative that reported Rangers to UEFA after a Champions League fixture in Villarreal. James Kelly MSP led the charge to repeal the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act and inadvertently removed a stick from BBC Scotland's armory. Sportscene is PQ's flag ship football show. It has secured highlights packages these last several years. Mostly, it's five minutes of goals and incidents. When the O'Hara brothers were Beeb staffers, it was weaponised to attack referees and linesmen. Ra Sellik were constant vicTIMS of outrageous, unexplainable decisions. The clips were repeatedly broadcast over both sports and news, it was leading debate. The officials took exception and embarked on industrial action, we experienced a referee strike. Amazingly, no one references that period, accepted now that ra Sellik overplayed a hand. The officials were the victims, and well, Sellik wanted to move on to being above that type of thing. It's been quietly put to bed, no one wants to talk about it. The more recent angle of attack is an adjustment to the highlights packages. Added to a reinforced, coordinated element ie incidents first flagged up by live radio commentary; in short, get after ra Sellik's opponents. The scrutiny is mostly on Rangers. This season, it's Morelos and to a lesser extent, McGregor. Last season, it was Ryan Jack. Big Dick has a mantra, 'the Compliance Officer might well be interested'. It's well practised, live radio commentary asks the question, 'will Hearts be aggrieved'? Big Dick picks up that cue at half/full time, checks with that day's nominated VAR correspondent inside PQ, and if it has legs, then Big Dick confirms, 'Michael Stewart has seen the incident and it should have been red'. They have created an awareness and appetite; further, a demand is ready and waiting for Sportscene's five minute highlights package, to deliver. The debate has been created and led, further discussions reinforce. Clare Whyte is the SFA's fourth Compliance Officer, all Sellik supporters. Increasingly, Beeb Scotland name her, as opposed to referral by designation. They expect her to deliver on evidence selected and provided by them. It's a neat strategy by proxy, Sellik turned officials into victims, it's the complaining actions by Rangers and Rangers supporters that ensure they remain victims. PQ regularly taunt the club by sneering, 'we await another statement from the club'. Deflection(ii). Half time on Saturday had commentator in the PQ studio, Liam McLeod bemoaning Rangers good fortune, "Ryan Jack got lucky, his strike deflected off Brown". Pat Bonner found it easy to live with that, "yes, yes, very lucky". Big Dick, mindful of symbiotic matters agreed, "Craig Gordon had that covered, a fortunate deflection took it into the net". Well done Thommo, he lowered his EBT on to the naughty step for a second and spat back, "the level of Rangers dominance meant they created their own luck, it's the least Rangers deserved". A heavy silence ensued. Deflection(iii). Before Saturday's game, Tom English launched into a three-four minute rant on the effectiveness of Steven Gerrard. He got the awkward caveats of Europa Cup football out of the way right from the off, "they've played a few extra European games, they didn't have that last season". Actually, fourteen European games, and you forgot to mention the nearly £9 million revenue banked; we didn't have that last season either. Tom's main thrust was, "domestically". Apparently, we are a point better off, we've only won four away league games, and the recent defeat to Aberdeen and draw with Hibs has tarnished our decent home record. Further, we have not defeated any of the main challengers, have not won a game that mattered. Here's me thinking winning handsomely against Hearts at Ibrox when they were top of the league, counted as defeating a challenger. Further, again defeating the Jambos at Tynecastle(first win there since returning to the Premiership) with ten men, to go top of the league for the first time in seven- eight years, also counted? The thing is, all the other contributors to the live broadcast agreed with BBC Scotland's Chief Sports Writer's rant, unequivocally. After the game, Tom sang both Gerrard's and Rangers' praises. Obviously, he had forgotten the venomous rant, and none of the contributors saw fit to remind him; thus confronting him with a quite ridiculous volte-face.
  17. Any comment as yet from current Sellik season ticket holder, Graham Spiers? Of course, the Spiers logic will dictate he was present in the Rangers end yesterday, wearing his Sellik scarf.
  18. Remind me, what did former Sellik View Editor, Andrew H Smith have to say about hanging effigies?
  19. Accuracy and Objectivity. Just a couple of PQ musings on the above. After our visit to Perth, the grudging nature of PQ continued. Monday morning and early afternoon sports reports began with, 'Rangers win at Perth was only their fourth in the league this season'. It was a true statement, but a quick look at the then league table, proved only three teams had secured four away wins this season, Rangers, Aberdeen, and St Johnstone. PQ's favourites, ra Sellik had only achieved three away wins in the league at that point. Now, to get through several Sports reports, two or three Editors have read it, and approved it for broadcast. Let's move to Sportscene after the Hibs game. Michael Stewart informs the dwindling audience that since Hibs have been promoted, Neil Lennon's Hibs have not lost to Rangers. Here's me thinking we beat them at Easter Road last December, 1-2? The record is played six, won one, drawn three, lost two. How do PQ find so many negatives? They present not what it actually is, they present what they desperately want it to be. We pay our license fee for such continuing inaccuracy and subjectivity?
  20. Outside the Underground is good, you have the confluence of those alighting from both the subway and supporters' buses. I see several being held up most games.
  21. Grudging, sneering, and unprofessional. Beeb Scotland's coverage on Sunday was a shambles. Track side duties were handed to Brian McLaughlin, well he is based in Edinburgh and his prepared excuse didn't matter, the rest had already bailed and he was het. He gave the Rangers team with fifteen minutes to go, it included Ryan Jack. To be fair to the hapless Brian, he was probably just reading it off the BBC Scotland website? A discussion ensued on how Rangers were set up; only for Big Dick to intervene and provide the line-up, which did NOT include Jack. The former Aberdeen player did NOT even feature on the bench. The game itself had both a sneering and grudging tone. Matt Kennedy is a decent player, a combination of lithe agility and pace. We were dreadful in the first half and Kennedy's loan shift up front exposed failings. He scored a good goal, looking to shoot then cutting in, before putting the ball into the roof of the net with his left. Both Rob McLean and Big Dick described it as, "thunderous"? As the second half wore on, we edged back into it; but the focus remained on tireless Mattie Kennedy. When he was subbed, he was eulogised, man of the match. Oh, rather inconveniently we equalised before Kennedy retired. "It's a decent cross" , Alan Preston offers and a further awkward observation ensues from the same source, "Morelos is unmarked". Our winner is unwelcome, Rob McLean groans and Biscuits Preston reprises, "it's a decent delivery" then offers, Morelos has run across his man, that's a good finish". The final whistle has Big Dick with adverb lexicon in hand, in thirty seconds he describes the game as, "deeply disappointing" to the Saints, then, "bitterly disappointing", and culminates in, "frustratingly disappointing". Apparently, Rangers won and moved into second place in the Premiership table. BBC Scotland's website had a match report, Matt Kennedy was man of the match, he scored a ranking of 8.7. Double goal scorer and match winner, Alfredo Morelos scored 6.7. In fact, Saints players were on average 1.5 to 2.0 points above their opposite numbers. Sunday evening's Sportscene began with Johnathon Sutherland lamenting Rangers supporters pitch invasion in the wake of Morelos notching the winner. A nice piece of symmetry, it bookended Big Dick apologising for the slightly delayed kick-off because of a flare thrown from the Rangers section of the crowd. Of the course, the Saints fan burning a Rangers scarf was not mentioned, because it's only games at Ibrox that Big Dick promises, "to be right across events".
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